Börsipäev 14. oktoober - NFLX straddle +290%

USA futuurid on miinuses ning USA pankade head majandustulemused ei suutnud kehva majandusstatistikat negatiivset mõju ära katta.

USA kaubavahetusdefitsiit laienes augustis veel 6,9% 54 miljardi dollarini, mis on ajalooliselt suuruselt teine defitsiit ning ületas ka pessimistlikku 51,6 miljardi dollari suurust prognoosi. Negatiivne oli ka USA töötu abiraha taotluste arvu tõus 15 000 võrra 352 000 taotlusele.

Nokia (NOK) tulemused olid tugevad, kuid aastaga kukkus kasum 20% ehk aktsia kohta teeniti 14 senti, mis siiski oli varasemate prognooside ülemine vahemik. Mobiiltelefonide müük langes 13% 4,4 miljardi euroni ning siin on peamiseks süüdlaseks telefonide kiire hinnalangus. Positiivne on neljanda kvartali müügiprognoosi tõstmine 8,4-8,6 miljardi euroni, analüütikud ootasid 8,2 miljardi euro suurust müüki.

General Motors (GM) avaldas plaani kaotada Euroopas 12 000 töökohta, mille peamiseks põhjuseks on Euroopa väike nõudlus.

Pankadest avaldasid tulemused nii Banc of america (BAC) kui ka Citigroup (C), mõlema panga kasumid ületasid ootusi, käive jäi ootuste alumisse vahemikku.

Rev Shark:

I have had many troubles, but the worst of them never came."

-- James Garfield

It was very clear yesterday that this market has some genuine troubles to worry about. The price of crude oil is the most visible and quantifiable, but the major earnings reports we have seen so far are another reason for concern. With the exception of Apple Computer (AAPL:Nasdaq), which is a unique situation and probably not indicative of any broader trend, earnings reports have been mediocre and the market reaction mixed at best.

The bulls hoped that expectations for third quarter earnings were low enough that average reports might attract buyers. We saw some of that, but not aggressively enough to make a big difference.

In addition to worries about crude oil and earnings, we saw a major technical breakdown yesterday in defensive stocks such as mining, steel and oil that have been recent market leaders. Perhaps the market is undergoing a rotation into a new group of leaders, but there were no clear signs of what group that might be yesterday.

There is no question that there are plenty of troubles to contemplate at the moment, but talk about a coming recession and economic calamity serves no useful purpose at this time. There certainly are some difficulties to contend with right now, and we need to do so aggressively, but contemplation of some future disaster is the best way to miss out on upside opportunity when it does occur, and I can assure you it will occur again before the end of this year.

Long-term prediction of our economic fortunes is interesting and provocative, but it does little to help us deal with the problems we face today. The arguments of the long-term bears always sound quite compelling, but they never quite seem to come to fruition. Doom and gloom can make for interesting press, but it generally is useless as a way to make money.

Let's stay focused on what is happening now and worry about the future as it unfolds. Over-anticipation of a gloomy future can blind us to money-making opportunities that exist today.

Early indications are very slightly positive, led by a strong gain from Apple Computer, some upbeat chatter from Nokia (NOK:NYSE) and better-than-expected earnings from a couple of big banks. With the exception of Apple, technology stocks reported mostly lackluster earnings.

Overseas markets were mostly lower, and crude oil is flirting with the $54 mark once again. We have some economic stats to consider today, but the big flood of earnings doesn't pick up again until next week.

Gary B. Smith:

Gapping Up

AAPL +8.8% (reports strong qtr; iPods well above consensus; 2 upgrades from JP Morgan and Bear Stearns)... Beneficiaries from Alcon's Retaane's troubles: QLTI +13.3% (also, Morgan Stanley inits with $22 tgt), EYET +11.5%, GENR +9.4%.... Other News: RNVS +11% (Phase 3 tests on its stroke drug Cerovive will continue as planned), ENDP +10.6% (beats by $0.11), FHCC +21% (to be acquired by CVH), SBYN +9.3% (annual customer conference sells out), CBMX +6.8% (co and SAIC to jointly develop biothreat ID microarrays; ADSX +5.3%), IDNX +5.6% (receives $900K order), IDBE +4.1%, NOK +1.7% (guidance stronger than expected)... Airlines are strong: ATAH +8% (WSJ says AWA may acquire the co), DAL +7.6% (amends, extends Exchange Offer).

Gapping Down

SNDK -22% (reports Q3 below consensus, down in sympathy: LEXR -16%, FLSH -8%, OVTI -3%), ACL -21% (eye drug fails to meet trial goal), DFIB -11% (guides revs below consensus), QLGC -6.7% (Merrill downgrade after reporting SepQ), NVLS -5.1% (reports Q3 in-line, but disappointing Q4 order guidance, down in sympathy: AMAT -2.4%, LRCX -1.4% also lowers guidance), SNDA -5.1% (announces $150 mln convertible notes offering), GM -4.2% (misses by $0.17), FLEX -2.9% (Nortel delays transfer to Flextronics).
Päevauudised TV3-s:

a) purjus mees sõitis teelt välja, otsa käruga tee ääres seisnud naisele. Naine hukkus kohapeal, laps teel haiglasse


b) mees põgenes politsei eest kiirusega kuni 220 kilomeetrit tunnis, autos olid ka naine ja laps.

Kust sellised idioodid tulevad?
Eestist, nii kurb kui see ka pole.
Samal teemal meenub, et eile öösel pidi politsei veel Tallinna kesklinnas auto peatamiseks hoiatuslasu tegema, :(
nii nad oleks...
Mis spetsialistid arvavad, kas "verine oktoober" on ajalooliselt USA bõrsil teoks saamas? ;)
NFLX halted, ilmselt hea uudis selle straddle võtjatele, kuna halditakse aktsia enamjaolt ikkagi siis, kui midagi üsna ootustest erinevat on öelda.

Jim jõudis ette :)
16:27 NFLX prelim $0.35 ex-items vs $0.32; revs of $141.6 mln vs $139.9 mln consensus

üle ootuste, iseasi kuidas turg reageerib.
NFLX kauplemise taasalustamise kohta pole praegu infot, kell 00.00 algab conference-call.

Praegu nagu nii oluilisi uudiseid ei paista miks aktsia peaks olema halditud, ehk tuleb veel midagi.
lihtsalt huvi pärast, kas aktsiat võidakse tõesti halt'ida ka erakordselt positiivsete tulemuste eel.
Jah, kui ettevõte ise seda soovib.
Haltimise (kauplemise peatamise) eesmärk on vältida liiga närvilist kauplemist suuremate uudiste puhul.

Antakse kauplejatele rahus uudist seedida ja seejärel avatakse kauplemine. Siiani ei paista ühtegi põhjust halt'iks, seega oodame uusi uudiseid rindelt.

Kuid 90% juhtudest tähendab halt suurt liikumist.
Kuulan praegu conf. calli, endiselt ei midagi.
NFLX alandab hindu $22 pealt $18 peale (turuvõitlus), lükkab edasi UK-sse minemise.
17:09 NFLX Netflix: on call, co says reducing price to $18 from $22 on Nov 1... says postponing UK launch; says Amazon coming into market

Kõlab päris negatiivselt
Amazon plaanib NFLXi turule tulla, ühest küljest konkurents, teisalt näitab NFLXi mudeli perspektiivi.
2005 paistab ülikole, väga halb aktsiale.