Dow Jones ja S&P 500 veetsid suurema osa päevast plussis, ent pullid pidid ülemüüdud turgudel pöördepunkti otsingul taaskord pettuma, kui päeva lõpp viis indeksid rohkem kui kolme kuu põhjade juurde. Abiks polnud isegi FEDi Janet Yelleni kommentaar, et keskpank ei peaks lõtva rahapoliitikat siduma kindla perioodi, vaid pigem majandusindikaatoritega. Tema sõnul peaksid intressid madalaks jääma kuni 2016.a. S&P 500 sulgus -0,4% madalamal, Stoxx 600 kerkis 0,4%. Suuremas plussis lõpetasid Euroopa perifeeriariikide indeksid, kui Hispaania IBEX tõusis 1,7% ja Itaalia FTSE MIB 1,4%.
Investorite meeleolu on taas äärmiselt kergesti mõjutatav sellest, mida poliitikud räägivad. Olgugi, et troika raporti kohaselt jääb praeguste sammude juures Kreeka võlakoorma ja SKP suhe aastaks 2020 144% juurde ning kreeditorid vaidlevad nüüd avalikult selle üle, milline tee on õige, siis Saksamaa rahandusminister avaldas lootust, et nendes keerulistes küsimustes leitakse järgnevatel päevadel siiski kõiki osapooli rahuldav lahendus. Hetkel tundub see olevat rohkem kallutatud Kreekale antavate laenude intresside alandamise suunas, arvestades eeskätt just sakslaste vastuseisu võlga järjekordselt restruktureerida. Schäuble’i sõnul oleks teiste Euroopa riikide ja muude institutsioonide poolt väljastatud laenude restruktureerimine vastuolus Euroopa Liidu seadustega.
Kreeka rahavarud on sisuliselt otsakorral, kuid eile suudeti võlakirjaturult korjata ühe ja kolme kuu võlakirjasid müües 4,06 miljardit eurot, mis aitab neil reedel aeguvat suuremat võlakohustust üle rullida ja nõnda maksejõuetust vältida.
Makro poolel avaldati Saksamaa investorite ja analüütikute igakuised küsitlused, mis peegeldasid oktoobriga võrreldes suuremat pessimismi nii hetkeolukorra kui ka tuleviku väljavaadete hindamisel. Tõenäoliselt on viimasel ajal ootustele alla jäänud makro peamiseks põhjuseks. Jooksva olukorra ZEW indeks langes 10,0 punkti pealt 5,4 punktile (oodati 8,0 punkti) ja ootuste indeks -11,5 punkti pealt -15,7 punktile (oodati -10,0 punkti).
Vaadates tänast päeva, siis tähelepanu all saab olema Suurbritannia tööturu statistika ja Inglise keskpanga inflatsiooniraport, eurotsooni septembri tööstustoodangu muutus, USA oktoobri jaemüügi muutus ning FOMC eelmise kohtumise protokoll.
11.30 Suurbritannia tööturu statistika
12.00 Eurotsooni tööstustoodang (september)
12.30 Inglise keskpanga inflatsiooniraport
15.30 USA jaemüük (oktoober)
17.00 USA ettevõtete varude muutus (september)
21.00 FOMC protokoll
USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel 0,4% kuni 0,7% kõrgemal, Euroopa on avanemas poole protsendi jagu madalamal.
AMD lükkas eile levinud uudise ümber, nentides et firmal pole plaani end või osa oma varadest ära müüa
“AMD’s board and management believe that the strategy the company is currently pursuing to drive long-term growth by leveraging AMD’s highly differentiated technology assets is the right approach to enhance shareholder value,” Drew Prairie, a spokesman for AMD, said in an e-mailed statement.
“AMD’s board and management believe that the strategy the company is currently pursuing to drive long-term growth by leveraging AMD’s highly differentiated technology assets is the right approach to enhance shareholder value,” Drew Prairie, a spokesman for AMD, said in an e-mailed statement.

Kui viimastel kuudel tekkis Hiina tööstustoodangu kasvu ja tarbitava elektri vahel kummaline divergents, siis tänane statistika aitab kinnitada positiivset makrot. Hiina elektri tarbimine kasvas oktoobris 6,1% YoY, mis on märkimsiväärne kiirenemine võrreldes septembri 2,9%ga. Tööstussektoris kasutatava elektri tarbimine kasvas aasta baasil 5,9% vs 0,9% septembris.
UK töötuabiraha taotlused kasvasid oktoobris 10,1K võrra vs oodatud 0,0K kasvu.

Kuigi suuremad Euroopa riigid teatavad oma kolmanda kvartali SKP numbrid homme, siis Portugal ja Kreeka avaldasid oma numbrid täna. Kreeka majanduslanguseks registreeriti -7,2% (vs -6,3% teises kvartalis) ja Portugali omaks -2,5% vs oodatud -3,2% (teine kvartal -3,2%).
Eurotsooni tööstustoodangu languseks kujunes septembris -2,3%, mis oli oodatud -2,2%st veidi enam, kuid nagu näha, siis töötleva tööstuse PMIga võrreldes on tööstustoodagnu YoY langus püsinud alates aasta algusest märksa stabiilsemana.

Inglise keskpank võtab inflatsiooniraporti raames varasemast negatiivsema hoiaku majanduse osas
BoE cuts UK outlook, says crisis impact is bigger than thought, sees inflation slowing to 2% over the forecast period.
BoE says the Euro are remains the biggest risk to the UK economy, says UK GDP may post a small decline in Q4.
BoE says Pound strength is undermining UK competitiveness
BoE's King says Q3 GDP was boosted by one time factors
BoE cuts UK outlook, says crisis impact is bigger than thought, sees inflation slowing to 2% over the forecast period.
BoE says the Euro are remains the biggest risk to the UK economy, says UK GDP may post a small decline in Q4.
BoE says Pound strength is undermining UK competitiveness
BoE's King says Q3 GDP was boosted by one time factors
Gapping up:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: ANF +26.9%, TCX +19.6% (also announces plan to commence dutch auction tender offer to repurchase 6.5 mln shares for $1.35 - $1.50), VIPS +8.9%, CSCO +7.2%, (upgraded to Outperform from Sector Perform at Pacific Crest), SPLS +5.8%, HMIN +5.6%, (light volume), WWD +3.2%.
M&A related: HXL +3.8% (strength attributed to M&A speculation).
A few teen and higher-end retail names trading up following ANF results/guidance: ARO +6.1%, DECK +2.6%, AEO +2.2%, KORS +2.0% (Michael Kors tgt to $58 from $54 at Nomura). BKE +1.5%, URBN +1.5%, GES +1.2%
Other news: CEDC +11.8% (announces restatement of second quarter 2012 results), FRO +10.2% (still checking, may be related to OSG bankruptcy reports), ROYL +8.9% (ConocoPhillips Acquires Adjoining Acreage for $171.93/Acre), SD +6.8% (ticking higher, TPG-Axon Management discloses 4.7% stake and sends letter dated Nov 8), RPRX +4.2% (presents Androxal and Proellex clinical updates at Lazard conference), NOK +3% (may be attributed to CEO positive comments on early Lumia response), DVAX +2.4% (continued strength on FDA news), MT +2.2% (POSCO is considering purchasing $1 bln stake in ArcelorMittal Canada mine, according to reports), JNPR +2% and BRCM +1.8% (following CSCO results), INCY +1% (Incyte and Eli Lilly announce additional Phase 2b baricitinib data; advancing into Phase 3 trials for rheumatoid arthritis ).
Analyst comments: WFT +2.2% (upgraded to Hold from Underperform at Jefferies, upgraded to Hold at Societe Generale)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: ANF +26.9%, TCX +19.6% (also announces plan to commence dutch auction tender offer to repurchase 6.5 mln shares for $1.35 - $1.50), VIPS +8.9%, CSCO +7.2%, (upgraded to Outperform from Sector Perform at Pacific Crest), SPLS +5.8%, HMIN +5.6%, (light volume), WWD +3.2%.
M&A related: HXL +3.8% (strength attributed to M&A speculation).
A few teen and higher-end retail names trading up following ANF results/guidance: ARO +6.1%, DECK +2.6%, AEO +2.2%, KORS +2.0% (Michael Kors tgt to $58 from $54 at Nomura). BKE +1.5%, URBN +1.5%, GES +1.2%
Other news: CEDC +11.8% (announces restatement of second quarter 2012 results), FRO +10.2% (still checking, may be related to OSG bankruptcy reports), ROYL +8.9% (ConocoPhillips Acquires Adjoining Acreage for $171.93/Acre), SD +6.8% (ticking higher, TPG-Axon Management discloses 4.7% stake and sends letter dated Nov 8), RPRX +4.2% (presents Androxal and Proellex clinical updates at Lazard conference), NOK +3% (may be attributed to CEO positive comments on early Lumia response), DVAX +2.4% (continued strength on FDA news), MT +2.2% (POSCO is considering purchasing $1 bln stake in ArcelorMittal Canada mine, according to reports), JNPR +2% and BRCM +1.8% (following CSCO results), INCY +1% (Incyte and Eli Lilly announce additional Phase 2b baricitinib data; advancing into Phase 3 trials for rheumatoid arthritis ).
Analyst comments: WFT +2.2% (upgraded to Hold from Underperform at Jefferies, upgraded to Hold at Societe Generale)
Gapping down:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: ENVI -18.1%, BIOF -8.2%, IAG -5.8% (also downgraded to Neutral at Macquarie), MOS -4.4%.
A few MOS peers showing weakness: POT -1.4%, AGU -1.4%, CF -1.4%.
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: AU -2.8%, GFI -1.9%, SVM -1.2%, .
Other news: OSG -64.6% (files to delay its 10-Q; reports out that the co filed for bankruptcy), LODE -7.5% (announces public offering of common stock, size not disclosed), SEP -4.5% (announces commencement of public offering of 4.75 mln common units), SNE -4.4% (to issue stock acquisition rights for the purpose of granting stock options), UBNT -3.3% (disclosed that John Ritchie, its CFO announced that he plans to leave UBTI to pursue other opportunities), AKS -2.2% (continued weakness), SEE -1.7% (announces secondary offering by selling stockholder), TM -1.3% (to recall 2.8 million cars due to sterring issues, according to reports), FB -0.8% (today's FB lockup expiration of ~ 804 mln shares), MAKO -0.5% (announces public offering of common stock, size not disclosed), MWE -0.4% (announces pricing of public offering of 8.5 mln common units at $46.50 per common unit), .
Analyst comments: SI -0.6% (Siemens downgraded to Sector Perform from Outperform at RBC Capital), HD -0.2% (Home Depot downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Raymond James)
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: ENVI -18.1%, BIOF -8.2%, IAG -5.8% (also downgraded to Neutral at Macquarie), MOS -4.4%.
A few MOS peers showing weakness: POT -1.4%, AGU -1.4%, CF -1.4%.
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: AU -2.8%, GFI -1.9%, SVM -1.2%, .
Other news: OSG -64.6% (files to delay its 10-Q; reports out that the co filed for bankruptcy), LODE -7.5% (announces public offering of common stock, size not disclosed), SEP -4.5% (announces commencement of public offering of 4.75 mln common units), SNE -4.4% (to issue stock acquisition rights for the purpose of granting stock options), UBNT -3.3% (disclosed that John Ritchie, its CFO announced that he plans to leave UBTI to pursue other opportunities), AKS -2.2% (continued weakness), SEE -1.7% (announces secondary offering by selling stockholder), TM -1.3% (to recall 2.8 million cars due to sterring issues, according to reports), FB -0.8% (today's FB lockup expiration of ~ 804 mln shares), MAKO -0.5% (announces public offering of common stock, size not disclosed), MWE -0.4% (announces pricing of public offering of 8.5 mln common units at $46.50 per common unit), .
Analyst comments: SI -0.6% (Siemens downgraded to Sector Perform from Outperform at RBC Capital), HD -0.2% (Home Depot downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Raymond James)
October Core PPI -0.2% vs +0.1% consensus
October Headline PPI -0.2% vs +0.1% consensus
October Retails Sales ex-auto 0.0% vs +0.1% consensus; Prior revised to +1.2% from +1.1%
October Retail Sales -0.3% vs -0.2% consensus; Prior revised to +1.3% from +1.1%
October Headline PPI -0.2% vs +0.1% consensus
October Retails Sales ex-auto 0.0% vs +0.1% consensus; Prior revised to +1.2% from +1.1%
October Retail Sales -0.3% vs -0.2% consensus; Prior revised to +1.3% from +1.1%
September Business Inventories +0.7% vs +0.6% consensus
TEA aktsiad rallisid päevasiseselt ligi 30% kõrgemale, kuna väidetavalt on SBUX ettevõttet üle võtmas.
TEA aktsiatega hetkel kauplemine peatatud- news pending:
Teavana: Spike attributed to story that SBUX will acquire the co
TEA aktsiatega hetkel kauplemine peatatud- news pending:
Teavana: Spike attributed to story that SBUX will acquire the co
Nelli Janson
TEA aktsiad rallisid päevasiseselt ligi 30% kõrgemale, kuna väidetavalt on SBUX ettevõttet üle võtmas.
TEA aktsiatega hetkel kauplemine peatatud- news pending:
Teavana: Spike attributed to story that SBUX will acquire the co
Starbucks confirms agreement to acquire Teavana (TEA) for $15.50 per share in cash (~$620 mln), expected to be accretive to EPS by $0.01 in fiscal 2013
NetApp prelim $0.51 vs $0.48 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $1.54 bln vs $1.54 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate
NTAP oodatust paremate tulemuste peale kauplemas üle 11% plusspoolel. ($ 29,25)
NTAP oodatust paremate tulemuste peale kauplemas üle 11% plusspoolel. ($ 29,25)
TEA aktsiate ülevõtmise uudise avaldamise kroonika: Notable Calls Network - Teavana Holdings