Nädal, mis toob nii Föderaalreservi istungi kui ka valimised Hollandis, algas väga vaikselt, päädides S&P 500 indeksi vähem kui 0,1% tõusuga. Euroopas aitasid metalli- ja kaevandusettevõtted vedada Stoxx 600 indeksi 0,4% võiduni.
Väikeste muutuste ning erisuunaliste liikumistega möödus öösel sessioon ka Aasia börsidel. Hiina aasta alguse konjunktuur viitab tugevamale majanduskasvule, kui tööstustoodangu kasv kiirenes detsembrikuu 6,0% pealt perioodil jaanuar-veebruar 6,3%le (oodati 6,2%) ning investeeringud fikseeritud varadesse suurenesid kahe kuu lõikes aastaga 8,9%, mis oli samuti kiirem tempo kui detsembris saavutatud 8,1% ning analüütikute oodatud 8,3%. Kuigi riigile kuuluvate firmade investeeringute kasv aeglustus 18,7% pealt 14,4%le, siis positiivse asjaoluna on erasektori investeeringute kasv pärast aastatepikkust aeglustumist taas hoogustumas, kasvades esimesel kahel kuul 6,7% vs 3,2% detsembris (Hiinas vaadatakse jaanuari ja veebruari statistikat koos, vähendamaks uue aasta püha mõju andmete võrdlemisel).
Hiina jaemüük kasvas jaanuar-veebruar perioodil 9,5% võrreldes mullu sama ajaga. Kuigi tegemist oli aeglasema tempoga kui 10,4% detsembris ning analüütikute oodatud 10,6%, siis ühe faktorina avaldas mõju osade maksusoodustuste lõppemise tõttu nõrgenenud automüük. Autosid arvestamata hindas Morgan Stanley jaemüügi kasvuks jaan-veeb 10,9% (10,4% detsembris). Bloombergi mudeli järgi viitab täna avaldatud konjunktuur Hiina majanduskasvu kiirenemisele jaanuarikuu 6,8% pealt veebruaris 7,0%le.
Bloombergi Hiina SKP kasvu kuine hinnang
Majandusuudistest on täna fookuses Saksamaa finantsekspertide kindlustunde indeksid, mis võisid pärast veebruari langust liikuda märtsis taas ülespoole ning samuti selgub, kas USA presidendivalimiste järgne optimism aitas hoida väikefirmade kindlustunnet kõrgel tasemel ka veebruaris.
12.00 USA väikefirmade kindlustunde indeks (veebruar)
12.00 Saksamaa investorite ja analüütikute kindlustunde indeks (märts)
12.00 Eurotsooni tööstustoodang (jaanuar)
14.30 USA tootjahinnaindeks (veebruar)
Hispaania veebruari inflatsioon kinnitati 3,0% peal, kuid stabiilne alusinflatsioon näitab, et kasvu taga on peamiselt energia

Kui globaalselt on makro jätkuvalt konsensuse ootusi ületamas, siis eurotsoonis on uudised viimasel ajal pisut negatiivsemad olnud, tuues Citi makroindikaatorite üllatusindeksi allapoole (joonisel tähistatud valgega). Küsimus on selles, kas järgnevatel kuudel näeme tavapärast tsüklit, kus majanduse momentum mõnevõrra raugeb pärast tugevamat aasta algust. Oranžiga on tähistatud Stoxx 600 indeks.

USA väikefirmade kindlustunde indeks taandus veebruaris 0,6 punkti võrra 105,3 punktile, kuid peegeldab pärast detsembri hüpet endiselt ettevõtete suhteliselt kõrget ootust Trumpi andministratsiooni ning majanduskasvu osas.
“Small businesses will begin to turn optimism into action when their two biggest priorities, healthcare and small business taxes, are addressed,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “To small business, these are both taxes that need reform. It is money out the door that strangles economic growth.”
“Small businesses will begin to turn optimism into action when their two biggest priorities, healthcare and small business taxes, are addressed,” said NFIB Chief Economist Bill Dunkelberg. “To small business, these are both taxes that need reform. It is money out the door that strangles economic growth.”

Saksa investorite ja analüütikute kindlustunde indeks paranes märtsis 0,9 punkti võrra 77,3 punktile (oodati 78,0) ning järgmise kuue kuu ootust peegeldav indeks 2,4 punkti võrra 12,8 punktile, mis jäi samuti konsensuse prognoositud 13,0 punktist veidi tagasihoidlikumaks.

Eurotsooni tööstustoodang kasvas jaanuaris 0,9% võrreldes detsembriga, vähem kui oodatud 1,3% aga allajäämine tuli positiivsema baasi pealt (detsembri langus korrigeeriti -1,6% pealt -1,2%le). Mullusega võrreldes aeglustus tööstustoodangu kasv 2,5% pealt 0,6%le (oodati 0,9%).

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
WAC +9.3%, EARS +7.1%, YY +4.5%, ALBO +4%, EGY +3.8%, DSW +3.3%, REN +3%, SCYX +2.3%
PUK +2.2%, ATRS +1.2%, GRBK +1.2%, ENOC +0.9%, VALU +0.8%, TRHC +0.6%
M&A news:
MGI +23.5% (Euronet Worldwide (EEFT) has made competing proposal to acquire MGI for $15.20/share)
CBR +10.2% (confirms receipt of non-binding letter of interest from Ameri Holdings to acquire co for $0.75 per share)
LCUT +5.8% (receives takeover offer for $20.00 per share from Mill Road Capital)
Other news:
DRWI +34.8% (Signs new Master Sales and Services Agreement with Ingram Micro Australia)
TDW +27.4% (Receives additional limited waiver extensions from its lenders and noteholders)
ETRM +21.5% (Announced that its vBloc Neurometabolic Therapy for the treatment of obesity will be featured on the March 14 episode of the Emmy Award-winning syndicated daytime talk show The Doctors)
SBOT +17% (Enters into a technology transfer and purchase agreement with Matrivax Inc related to Stellar's proprietary Clostridium difficile technology)
TNXP +7.8% (announces that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a Notice of Allowance for U.S. Patent Application covering composition and manufacture of tnx-102 sl)
RTTR +4.7% (Discloses holding a a Type C informational meeting with the FDA)
COKE +3.5% (To join the S&P SmallCap 600)
Analyst comments:
ARRS +5.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman)
OPK +1.3% (initiated with a Buy at Guggenheim; tgt $25)
LADR +0.9% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo)
WMT +0.6% (added to US 1 List at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
CIE -14.4%, TLYS -12.5%, PN -12.3%, AMPH -10.1%, RYI -8.4%, PETX -6.5%, APRI -6.4%
GBT -4.5%, PPHM -3.1%, TPVG -2%, COUP -1.9%, HDS -1.7%, BLCM -0.6%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness:
RBS -4.5%, LYG -3.5%, BCS -2%, PSO -1.4%, DB -1.6%, HSBC -1.4%, SAN -0.9%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower:
MT -1.6%, RIO -1.4%, VALE -1.3%, BHP -1%, HMY -0.9%, FCX -0.9%, AU -0.8%, AUY -0.8%, GFI -0.6%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness:
WLL -1.9%, SWN -1.7%, ESV -1.4%, MRO -1.3%, TOT -1.2%, RDS.A -1.1%, DVN -1.1%
Other news:
ANTH -32.3% (To offer and sell shares of its common stock and warrants to purchase shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering)
AUPH -23.3% (Commences common stock offering)
ADPT -20.3% (Amends credit agreement, hires chief restructuring officer and financial advisor to advise the Board and management as they explore various strategic alternatives)
CBIO -16.4% (Files for $12 mln offering of Class A Units consisting of common stock and warrants and Class B Units consisting of shares of Series A Preferred Stock and warrants)
VRX -11% (Ackman's Pershing Square sells its stake)
KNDI -10.3% (Determines that some previously issued financial statements should no longer be relied upon)
LNTH -9.6% (To sell 3 mln shares of its common stock to be offered by certain of its existing stockholders)
DOC -3.8% (prices offering of 15 mln shares of common stock at $18.20 per share)
CORT -3.6% (Files for $200 mln mixed securities shelf offering, as well as 349k share offering by selling stockholders)
Analyst comments:
GLW -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
WAC +9.3%, EARS +7.1%, YY +4.5%, ALBO +4%, EGY +3.8%, DSW +3.3%, REN +3%, SCYX +2.3%
PUK +2.2%, ATRS +1.2%, GRBK +1.2%, ENOC +0.9%, VALU +0.8%, TRHC +0.6%
M&A news:
MGI +23.5% (Euronet Worldwide (EEFT) has made competing proposal to acquire MGI for $15.20/share)
CBR +10.2% (confirms receipt of non-binding letter of interest from Ameri Holdings to acquire co for $0.75 per share)
LCUT +5.8% (receives takeover offer for $20.00 per share from Mill Road Capital)
Other news:
DRWI +34.8% (Signs new Master Sales and Services Agreement with Ingram Micro Australia)
TDW +27.4% (Receives additional limited waiver extensions from its lenders and noteholders)
ETRM +21.5% (Announced that its vBloc Neurometabolic Therapy for the treatment of obesity will be featured on the March 14 episode of the Emmy Award-winning syndicated daytime talk show The Doctors)
SBOT +17% (Enters into a technology transfer and purchase agreement with Matrivax Inc related to Stellar's proprietary Clostridium difficile technology)
TNXP +7.8% (announces that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a Notice of Allowance for U.S. Patent Application covering composition and manufacture of tnx-102 sl)
RTTR +4.7% (Discloses holding a a Type C informational meeting with the FDA)
COKE +3.5% (To join the S&P SmallCap 600)
Analyst comments:
ARRS +5.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman)
OPK +1.3% (initiated with a Buy at Guggenheim; tgt $25)
LADR +0.9% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo)
WMT +0.6% (added to US 1 List at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
CIE -14.4%, TLYS -12.5%, PN -12.3%, AMPH -10.1%, RYI -8.4%, PETX -6.5%, APRI -6.4%
GBT -4.5%, PPHM -3.1%, TPVG -2%, COUP -1.9%, HDS -1.7%, BLCM -0.6%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness:
RBS -4.5%, LYG -3.5%, BCS -2%, PSO -1.4%, DB -1.6%, HSBC -1.4%, SAN -0.9%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower:
MT -1.6%, RIO -1.4%, VALE -1.3%, BHP -1%, HMY -0.9%, FCX -0.9%, AU -0.8%, AUY -0.8%, GFI -0.6%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness:
WLL -1.9%, SWN -1.7%, ESV -1.4%, MRO -1.3%, TOT -1.2%, RDS.A -1.1%, DVN -1.1%
Other news:
ANTH -32.3% (To offer and sell shares of its common stock and warrants to purchase shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering)
AUPH -23.3% (Commences common stock offering)
ADPT -20.3% (Amends credit agreement, hires chief restructuring officer and financial advisor to advise the Board and management as they explore various strategic alternatives)
CBIO -16.4% (Files for $12 mln offering of Class A Units consisting of common stock and warrants and Class B Units consisting of shares of Series A Preferred Stock and warrants)
VRX -11% (Ackman's Pershing Square sells its stake)
KNDI -10.3% (Determines that some previously issued financial statements should no longer be relied upon)
LNTH -9.6% (To sell 3 mln shares of its common stock to be offered by certain of its existing stockholders)
DOC -3.8% (prices offering of 15 mln shares of common stock at $18.20 per share)
CORT -3.6% (Files for $200 mln mixed securities shelf offering, as well as 349k share offering by selling stockholders)
Analyst comments:
GLW -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)