Kui Euroopas jätkus korralik müügisurve, kukutades Stoxx 600 indeksi -2,5%ga nüüdseks juba madalaimale tasemel alates 2009.a juulist, siis USAs suutis S&P 500 pöörata -1,5%lise kaotuse 0,7%liseks tõusuks tänu FT uudisele, et Itaalia on palunud Hiinal osta märkimisväärsetes kogustes võlga.
Stoxx 600
Itaalia soovib täna müüa 2016, 2018 ja 2020 aasta aegumisega võlakirju ja seega pöördumine Hiina poole pole kuigi üllatav. Eks oksjoni tulemused näita, kas sealt peegeldub suurenenud nõudlus. Väidetavalt kuulub hetkel Hiinale 4% Itaalia 1,9 triljoni euro suurusest võlakoormast.
Tänane makrokalender jääb samuti väga õhukeseks, kui mitmel pool Euroopas avalikustatakse augustikuu inflatsioonistatistikat.
USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad nulli lähedal, Euroopa on aga avanemas ca 1,8% kõrgemal.
USA futuurid on praeguseks vajunud ligi protsendi jagu miinusesse ja Euroopagi on andnud ära oma tõusu, kui väidevalt ei ole Hiina ja Itaalia võla ostmises siiski kokkuleppele jõudnud. EUR/USD -0,68% @ 1,3585 USD
A senior Chinese officials is being quoted as saying that China cannot keep buying EMU debt and the region should help itself.
A senior Chinese officials is being quoted as saying that China cannot keep buying EMU debt and the region should help itself.
UK augustikuu lõplik inflatsiooninäit kujunes ootuspäraseks, näidates juuliga võrreldes 0,6%list kasvu ja aastaga 4,5%-list hüpet. Üsna keeruline olukord keskpanga jaoks, ühest küljest tuleb rahandusministrile põhjendada, miks inflatsioon on üle 2 protsendipunkti kõrgem seatud eesmärgist, teisest küljest vajaks aga stagneeruv majandus täiendavat stimuleerimist.

James Bullard ei ole küll FOMC hääletav liige, kuid tema eilsete kommentaaride kohaselt on rahapoliitika praeguses majandusolukorras sobiv ning uue languse oht jääb väikeseks. Võttes arvesse, seda kuidas turg on janunemas uute meetmete järgi, siis 21. septembril äraootavale seisukohale jäämise korral FOMC otsust ilmselt väga rõõmsalt vastu ei võetaks.
Erko Rebane
USA futuurid on praeguseks vajunud ligi protsendi jagu miinusesse ja Euroopagi on andnud ära oma tõusu, kui väidevalt ei ole Hiina ja Itaalia võla ostmises siiski kokkuleppele jõudnud. EUR/USD -0,68% @ 1,3585 USD
A senior Chinese officials is being quoted as saying that China cannot keep buying EMU debt and the region should help itself.
milleks head kraami hiinlastele jätta, las aitavad end ise :)
Erinevalt perifeeriariikidest, muutub laenamine Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa jaoks iga päevaga odavamaks. Saksamaa näiteks müüs hiljuti 6 kuu pikkuseid võlakirju 0,18%lise yieldiga, samas kui nõutav intressitase oli veel kuus nädalat tagasi olnud 0,7%. Lisaks tänasele Itaalia võlakirjaoksjonile jälgitaks pingsalt ka Hispaania neljapäevast oksjonit, mil müüa üritatakse 3-4 miljardi väärtuses võlakirju. Viimane kord oli investorite isu suhteliselt leige ja 10 aastase yield jõudnud tagasi üle 5%.
Saksama 6 kuu võlakirja yield
Saksama 6 kuu võlakirja yield

Itaalia 5-aastase võlakirja oksjonil tuli keskmiseks tulususeks 5,6% vs 4,93% juulis.
Ja see on : highest yield since Euro launch in 1999
Täna on WSJ artikkel Prantsusmaa pankadest, kus anonüümseks jääda sooviv BNP Parbibase üks juhtivtöötaja ütleb järgmist:
'We can no longer borrow dollars. U.S. money-market funds are not lending to us anymore," a bank executive for BNP Paribas, who declines to be named, told me last week. "Since we don't have access to dollars anymore, we're creating a market in euros. This is a first. . . . We hope it will work, otherwise the downward spiral will be hell. We will no longer be trusted at all and no one will lend to us anymore."
Mitmed analüütikud ütlevad, et Prantsumaa valitsus tegeleb ettevalmistusega pankade riigistamiseks, aga valitsus ise eitab seda ja pangad antud teemal vaikivad. Artiklis kirjutatakse, et viimane kord, kui enamus panku kuulus Pranstusmaal riigile (1980ndatel) lõppes see paraja katastroofiga, kuna kümme aastat hiljem oli kogu pangandussektor sisuliselt pankroti äärel.
Vaatamata sellele, kas turu suurimad kartused saavad reaaluseks või mitte, on selge, et USA Prantsumaa pangandussüsteemi enam ei usalda, kuna valitsusel on endiselt pankadele suur mõju.
Whether the market's worst fears are realized or not, French banks certainly maintain an all-too-close relationship to the state. This opaque system doesn't offer outsiders much visibility, save for the knowledge that indebted banks and an indebted French state intend to continue to cover each other, no matter the cost and on taxpayers' backs if they must. If U.S. money-market managers no longer trust the French system, this is a glaring reason why. The fastest way to regain their trust would be to end this system.
'We can no longer borrow dollars. U.S. money-market funds are not lending to us anymore," a bank executive for BNP Paribas, who declines to be named, told me last week. "Since we don't have access to dollars anymore, we're creating a market in euros. This is a first. . . . We hope it will work, otherwise the downward spiral will be hell. We will no longer be trusted at all and no one will lend to us anymore."
Mitmed analüütikud ütlevad, et Prantsumaa valitsus tegeleb ettevalmistusega pankade riigistamiseks, aga valitsus ise eitab seda ja pangad antud teemal vaikivad. Artiklis kirjutatakse, et viimane kord, kui enamus panku kuulus Pranstusmaal riigile (1980ndatel) lõppes see paraja katastroofiga, kuna kümme aastat hiljem oli kogu pangandussektor sisuliselt pankroti äärel.
Vaatamata sellele, kas turu suurimad kartused saavad reaaluseks või mitte, on selge, et USA Prantsumaa pangandussüsteemi enam ei usalda, kuna valitsusel on endiselt pankadele suur mõju.
Whether the market's worst fears are realized or not, French banks certainly maintain an all-too-close relationship to the state. This opaque system doesn't offer outsiders much visibility, save for the knowledge that indebted banks and an indebted French state intend to continue to cover each other, no matter the cost and on taxpayers' backs if they must. If U.S. money-market managers no longer trust the French system, this is a glaring reason why. The fastest way to regain their trust would be to end this system.
WSJ kirjutab täna ka sellest, et kommertspankade üleöö hoitavad hoiused Euroopa Keskpangas tõusid eile käesoleva aasta kõrgeimale tasemele, mis viitab järjest suurenevale finantssektori ebakindlusele.
Bank deposits reached €197.75 billion ($270.5 billion) Monday, ECB data showed Tuesday, surpassing the prior year high for 2011 of €181.788 billion, recorded Friday.
Money market traders say deposit levels of above €100 billion are a sign that banks are turning to the ECB as a safe haven because they are wary of lending to one another.
Further reflecting market concern Monday, European bank shares fell steeply on worries about possible credit downgrades for French banks exposed to Greek debt and broader worries that Greece could face a default.
Aside from market tensions, overnight deposits tend to rise toward the end of the ECB's reserve period, which ends Tuesday, as banks store excess liquidity in the facility after meeting their own reserve requirements for the month.
The ECB's all-time overnight deposit high of €384.3 billion was reached in June 2010, driven by uncertainty about the then nascent debt crisis and an abundance of liquidity in the market as banks prepared to repay a 12-month ECB refinancing operation. Overnight deposits reached €297.4 billion in November 2008, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
Also Monday, lending through the ECB's overnight facility reached €82 million, far above the €20 million borrowed from the facility last Friday but much lower than the multibillion-euro sums borrowed overnight during acute periods of market distress.
ES jõudis üle protsendisest miinusest käia hetkeks plussis, kui levisid jutud, et Merkel ja Sarkozy räägivad omavahel täna Kreeka teemal. Siis aga lükati need spekulatsioonid ümber ja ilm kiskus kohe taas pilviseks

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: BBY +2.6%, ISIL +1.8%.
A few financial related names are trading higher: NBG +4.1%, UBS +2.8%, DB +2.4%.
Select metals stocks modesty higher: SVM +2.0%, GFI +1.6%, HMY +1.4%, EGO +1.1%, GOLD +1.0%.
Other news: SPWRB +10.7% (announces proposal to reclassify Class A and Class B common stock into a single class of common stock), LXRX +9.4% (reported positive data from a recently completed clinical trial and mechanistic study of LX4211), SWFT +6% (ticking higher after co held its mid-qtr conference call update yesterday after the close), INO +5.3% (PENNVAX-G Global HIV vaccine plus MVA boost achieves 100% antigen-specific T-Cell immune responses in interim Phase I data), WLT +3.3% (Names Walt Scheller Chief Executive Officer; effective immediately), EK +3% (following spike at the close), TASR +2.8% (light volume, announced an order for TASER X26 electronic control devices and related accessories from Aardvark Tactical for use by an unnamed U.S. federal government agency), BQI +1.8% (Oilsands Quest cancels $60 mln rights offering), EGHT +1.1% (acquires Contactual, Inc. in an all stock transaction that will not exceed 6.7 million shares of common stock of 8x8), VVUS +0.6% (reports results from Avanafil Phase 3 study in diabetics presented at EASD Meeting - Diabetic patients treated with avanafil experience significant improvement in erectile function).
Analyst comments: SODA +1.5% (initiated with a Buy at Janney Montgomery Scott), MGM +1.2% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Brean Murray), JPM +0.7% (upgraded to Buy at Stifel Nicolaus).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: BBY +2.6%, ISIL +1.8%.
A few financial related names are trading higher: NBG +4.1%, UBS +2.8%, DB +2.4%.
Select metals stocks modesty higher: SVM +2.0%, GFI +1.6%, HMY +1.4%, EGO +1.1%, GOLD +1.0%.
Other news: SPWRB +10.7% (announces proposal to reclassify Class A and Class B common stock into a single class of common stock), LXRX +9.4% (reported positive data from a recently completed clinical trial and mechanistic study of LX4211), SWFT +6% (ticking higher after co held its mid-qtr conference call update yesterday after the close), INO +5.3% (PENNVAX-G Global HIV vaccine plus MVA boost achieves 100% antigen-specific T-Cell immune responses in interim Phase I data), WLT +3.3% (Names Walt Scheller Chief Executive Officer; effective immediately), EK +3% (following spike at the close), TASR +2.8% (light volume, announced an order for TASER X26 electronic control devices and related accessories from Aardvark Tactical for use by an unnamed U.S. federal government agency), BQI +1.8% (Oilsands Quest cancels $60 mln rights offering), EGHT +1.1% (acquires Contactual, Inc. in an all stock transaction that will not exceed 6.7 million shares of common stock of 8x8), VVUS +0.6% (reports results from Avanafil Phase 3 study in diabetics presented at EASD Meeting - Diabetic patients treated with avanafil experience significant improvement in erectile function).
Analyst comments: SODA +1.5% (initiated with a Buy at Janney Montgomery Scott), MGM +1.2% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Brean Murray), JPM +0.7% (upgraded to Buy at Stifel Nicolaus).
Morgan Stanley lisab Oracle Corporation (ORCL) täna oma Research Tactical Idea (RTI) nimekirja.
Morgan Stanely usub, et järgmise 60 päeva jooksul ORCL aktsia hind tõuseb.
This is because the stock has traded off recently, making short term valuation much more compelling. The company is in front of several catalysts including earnings next week and Oracle OpenWorld at the beginning of October.
We believe a weak Q1 and forward estimate revision is already baked into expectations, particularly for the hardware business and that earnings are much more defensible than most software companies, with >75% of op. income from recurring revenue and the company having strong valuation support from this large installed based.
Additionally, the stock has outperformed the S&P in October for ten straight years and new releases and data points at OpenWorld related to Fusion Apps, Exadata/Exalogic and other areas should help sustain that dynamic again this year.
Kuna aktsiat ootavad ees mitmesugused katalüsaatorid lähiajal, siis hiljutine aktsiahinna langus loob analüütikute arvates suurepärase ostukoha. Morgan Stanley usub, et nõrk esimene kvartal ning prognoos on nüüdseks juba aktsiahinda sisse arvestatud ja seda just eriti riistvara äri osas ning kasum on märksa rohkem kaitstud kui enamusel tarkvara firmadel.
Lisaks eelnevale on ORCL aktsia oktoobris esinenud viimase kümne aasta jooksul paremini kui S&P 500 ning eelpoolmainitud toetavad sündmused ning näitajad peaks sama traditsiooni lubama jätkata ka käesoleval aastal.
Eile lisas Goldman Sachs ORCL aktsia oma Conviction Buy nimekirja ja täna on Morgan Stanley omakorda väljas positiivsete kommentaaridega. Kui turg täna vähegi võimaluse annab, siis peaks ORCL samuti väikese põrke pakkuma.Kuna turg on heitlik ja tegemist pole ka reitingumuutusega, siis konservatiivne lähenemine on täna omal kohal.
Eelturul kaupleb aktsia oma eilse sulgumishinna kandis ehk $ 26,75 juures.
Morgan Stanely usub, et järgmise 60 päeva jooksul ORCL aktsia hind tõuseb.
This is because the stock has traded off recently, making short term valuation much more compelling. The company is in front of several catalysts including earnings next week and Oracle OpenWorld at the beginning of October.
We believe a weak Q1 and forward estimate revision is already baked into expectations, particularly for the hardware business and that earnings are much more defensible than most software companies, with >75% of op. income from recurring revenue and the company having strong valuation support from this large installed based.
Additionally, the stock has outperformed the S&P in October for ten straight years and new releases and data points at OpenWorld related to Fusion Apps, Exadata/Exalogic and other areas should help sustain that dynamic again this year.
Kuna aktsiat ootavad ees mitmesugused katalüsaatorid lähiajal, siis hiljutine aktsiahinna langus loob analüütikute arvates suurepärase ostukoha. Morgan Stanley usub, et nõrk esimene kvartal ning prognoos on nüüdseks juba aktsiahinda sisse arvestatud ja seda just eriti riistvara äri osas ning kasum on märksa rohkem kaitstud kui enamusel tarkvara firmadel.
Lisaks eelnevale on ORCL aktsia oktoobris esinenud viimase kümne aasta jooksul paremini kui S&P 500 ning eelpoolmainitud toetavad sündmused ning näitajad peaks sama traditsiooni lubama jätkata ka käesoleval aastal.
Eile lisas Goldman Sachs ORCL aktsia oma Conviction Buy nimekirja ja täna on Morgan Stanley omakorda väljas positiivsete kommentaaridega. Kui turg täna vähegi võimaluse annab, siis peaks ORCL samuti väikese põrke pakkuma.Kuna turg on heitlik ja tegemist pole ka reitingumuutusega, siis konservatiivne lähenemine on täna omal kohal.
Eelturul kaupleb aktsia oma eilse sulgumishinna kandis ehk $ 26,75 juures.

A123 System Inc, (AONE) DB väljas positiivse noodiga, kinnitab OSTA soovitust ja hinnasiht $12.
Craig-Hallum samuti kinnitamas OTSA soovitust ja $11 hinnasihti.
Wunderlich aga kinnitamas MÜÜ soovitust ja $3.5 hinnasihti.
Craig-Hallum samuti kinnitamas OTSA soovitust ja $11 hinnasihti.
Wunderlich aga kinnitamas MÜÜ soovitust ja $3.5 hinnasihti.
Lähiajal võib leida ostuhuvi Goodyear Tire (GT).
U.S. light vehicle replacement tire shipments increased by 4.2% in August - Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank notes U.S. light vehicle replacement tire shipments increased by 4.2% in August, breaking a dramatic 4 month consecutive decline that many industry participants attributed in large part to inventory de-stocking by wholesalers. Firm says while they e are cautious about calling this an inflection point for the industry, this development is nonetheless encouraging. Firm says their Q3 North American replacement shipment forecast for Goodyear (GT) and Cooper Tire (CTB) appear to be reasonable.
U.S. light vehicle replacement tire shipments increased by 4.2% in August - Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank notes U.S. light vehicle replacement tire shipments increased by 4.2% in August, breaking a dramatic 4 month consecutive decline that many industry participants attributed in large part to inventory de-stocking by wholesalers. Firm says while they e are cautious about calling this an inflection point for the industry, this development is nonetheless encouraging. Firm says their Q3 North American replacement shipment forecast for Goodyear (GT) and Cooper Tire (CTB) appear to be reasonable.
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CODE -6.4% (ticking lower), STLD -2.2%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: E -3.9%, RIG -2.9%, TOT -2.45, SDRL -1.7%, BP -1.5%.
A few drug names are under pressure: SNY -2.1%, AZN -1.9%, TEVA -1.6%.
Other news: ITMN -7% (files mixed securities shelf offering), ARMH -1.5% (still checking on anything specific).
Analyst comments: SHO -5.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan), NGG -2.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS), FDX -1% (downgraded to Sector Perform from Outperform at RBC Capital).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CODE -6.4% (ticking lower), STLD -2.2%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: E -3.9%, RIG -2.9%, TOT -2.45, SDRL -1.7%, BP -1.5%.
A few drug names are under pressure: SNY -2.1%, AZN -1.9%, TEVA -1.6%.
Other news: ITMN -7% (files mixed securities shelf offering), ARMH -1.5% (still checking on anything specific).
Analyst comments: SHO -5.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan), NGG -2.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS), FDX -1% (downgraded to Sector Perform from Outperform at RBC Capital).
Tihtipeale arvatakse ekslikult, et volatiilne turg on kaupleja jaoks parim. Zerohedge`i blogis näeb illustreerivat lõiku insitutsionaalse kaupleja päevakavast, mis näitab ilmekalt, et tegelikkuses on asi hoopis teisiti.
JPMorgan Chase Barclay's Financial Conference Call Slides: Markets revenue will be down 30% +/- based on current run-rate from 2Q11
Note: Stiffel uppis täna JPM-i ja hinnasiht $40
Note: Stiffel uppis täna JPM-i ja hinnasiht $40
Business Insideri veebilehel on ära toodud neli võimalikku Doug Kassi poolt loodud stsenaariumit, milleni antud olukord majanduses meid viia võib.
Scenario No. 1 (probability 15%): The pace of U.S. economic recovery reaccelerates to above-consensus forecasts based on pro-growth fiscal policies geared toward generating job growth), still low inflation, subdued interest rates and the adoption of aggressive plans by the government to deplete the excess inventory of unsold homes. Corporate profits meet consensus for 2011, and 2012 earnings estimates are raised (modestly). Europe stabilizes, and China has a soft landing. Stocks have 25% to 30% upside over the next 12 months. S&P 500 target is 1500.
Scenario No. 2 (probability 15%): The U.S. enters a deep recession precipitated by a more pronounced negative feedback loop, a series of European bank failures and likely sovereign debt defaults in the eurozone. While 2011 corporate profits and margins disappoint somewhat (we are already well into full-year results), 2012 earnings estimates are materially slashed. China has a hard landing. Stocks have a 20% to 30% downside risk over the next 12 months. S&P target is 885.
Scenario No. 3 (probability 30%): The U.S. and Europe economies experience a shallow recession. Earnings for 2011 are slightly below expectations, but 2012 corporate profits are cut back to slightly below this year's levels. Stocks have 10% to 15% downside risk over the next 12 months. S&P target is 1030.
Scenario No. 4 (probability 40%): The U.S. and European economies "muddle through" in a modest expansion mode (hat tip for the term to John Mauldin). Profits for 2011 meet consensus expectations, but slippage in margins brings down 2012 corporate profit growth projections somewhat. Stocks have 10% to 20% upside over the next 12 months. S&P target is 1355
Nagu näha, siis kõige tõenäolisemaks peab Kass võimalust, et nii USA kui ka Euroopa majandus närivad ennast raskustest siiski läbi ja 2011. aasta ettevõtete tulemused vastavad laias plaanis ootustele, aga marginaalide vähenemine toob 2012. ootused taaskord natuke allapoole. Aktsiatel on järgmise 12 kuu jooksul ca 10-20% tõusuruumi.
Scenario No. 1 (probability 15%): The pace of U.S. economic recovery reaccelerates to above-consensus forecasts based on pro-growth fiscal policies geared toward generating job growth), still low inflation, subdued interest rates and the adoption of aggressive plans by the government to deplete the excess inventory of unsold homes. Corporate profits meet consensus for 2011, and 2012 earnings estimates are raised (modestly). Europe stabilizes, and China has a soft landing. Stocks have 25% to 30% upside over the next 12 months. S&P 500 target is 1500.
Scenario No. 2 (probability 15%): The U.S. enters a deep recession precipitated by a more pronounced negative feedback loop, a series of European bank failures and likely sovereign debt defaults in the eurozone. While 2011 corporate profits and margins disappoint somewhat (we are already well into full-year results), 2012 earnings estimates are materially slashed. China has a hard landing. Stocks have a 20% to 30% downside risk over the next 12 months. S&P target is 885.
Scenario No. 3 (probability 30%): The U.S. and Europe economies experience a shallow recession. Earnings for 2011 are slightly below expectations, but 2012 corporate profits are cut back to slightly below this year's levels. Stocks have 10% to 15% downside risk over the next 12 months. S&P target is 1030.
Scenario No. 4 (probability 40%): The U.S. and European economies "muddle through" in a modest expansion mode (hat tip for the term to John Mauldin). Profits for 2011 meet consensus expectations, but slippage in margins brings down 2012 corporate profit growth projections somewhat. Stocks have 10% to 20% upside over the next 12 months. S&P target is 1355
Nagu näha, siis kõige tõenäolisemaks peab Kass võimalust, et nii USA kui ka Euroopa majandus närivad ennast raskustest siiski läbi ja 2011. aasta ettevõtete tulemused vastavad laias plaanis ootustele, aga marginaalide vähenemine toob 2012. ootused taaskord natuke allapoole. Aktsiatel on järgmise 12 kuu jooksul ca 10-20% tõusuruumi.
LinkedIn (LNKD) jumps to HoD on renewed rumor related to Facebook collaboration