Börsipäev 13. oktoober

Teisipäevane langus oli USA aktsiaturgudel piisavalt järsk, et ehmatada ostjad ära, kes jäid eilegi turu edasise suuna osas ebakindlaks ning seetõttu kujunes sessioon suhteliselt vaikseks. S&P 500 indeks sulgus 0,1% plussis, Euroopas lõpetas Stoxx 600 -0,5%ga päeva põhjade juures.

Kui FOMC septembri istungi järgselt oli teada, et intressimäära eelistas samaks jätta 10st liikmest seitse, siis eilse protokolli järgi kaldusid mitmed neist antud otsuse kasuks väga väikese ülekaaluga, mis tähendab seda, et kasvamas on konsensus intressimäära edasiseks kergitamiseks. See on kooskõlas turuosaliste nägemusega, kelle arvates võidakse rahapoliitika normaliseerimist jätkata detsembris pärast USA presidendivalimisi.

Öösel avaldatud Hiina kaubandusstatistika osutus oodatust nõrgemaks, murdes senise positiivse trendi. Dollarites mõõdetud eksport langes septembris -10,0% võrreldes mullu sama ajaga (prognoositi -3,3% ning augustis oli langus -2,8%) ja import alanes -1,9% (oodati 0,6% kasvu) pärast 1,5% tõusu augustis. Kuine kaubandusstatistika võib olla küllaltki volatiilne, sõltudes võrdlusbaasist ning pühade efektist.

Majandusuudiseid tänasesse päeva väga palju ei mahu, kui ainsana võiks sentimendile mõju avaldada USA möödunud nädala esmased töötu abiraha taotlused.

15.30 USA esmased töötu abiraha taotlused
18.00 USA toornafta varude raport (7. oktoober)

EKP on väidetavalt kaalumas QE programmi paindlikumaks muutmist. ECB may review QE options but decision could be put off until December
vallandamiste tase püsib USAs töötu abiraha taotluste järgi üle 40a madalaimal tasemel

US Initial Jobless Claims (WoW) 8-Oct: 246K (est 253K; rev prev 246K)
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
LNN +8.2%, ULTA +4.2%, NEPT +3.4%, SAR +3.3%, TSM +1.7%, CSX +0.8%

Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: SBGL +3.6%, GFI +2%, HMY +1.7%, AG +1%, GG +1%, ABX +0.6%, GOLD +0.6%, GDX +0.6%, SLW +0.6%

Other news: CTRV +29.5% (reports interim data for CMX157 from its ongoing Phase 2a multiple ascending dose clinical studyg), OCUL +27.6% (Ocular Therapeutix & Regeneron (REGN) enter into a collaboration to develop sustained release formulation of Aflibercept for the treatment of Wet AMD and other serious retinal diseases), CI +2.5% (CIGNA responds to CMS's 2017 Medicare Stars Quality Ratings; no financial impact in 2016 or 2017 because these ratings apply to plans for the 2018 payment year), FCN +2.4% (its Strategic Communications segment has launched a new and enhanced Affiliate Network), ERJ +2.2% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman), STM +1.9% (in sympathy with TSM (earnings)), EBAY +1.2% (MercadoLibre commences a 5.5 mln share underwritten public offering of common stock by selling stockholders eBay & certain subsidiaries; eBay says sale will enable it to realize a significant gain on its investment), AAMC +1% (after 30%+ move higher), WFC +0.9% (Wells Fargo Chairman, CEO John Stumpf retires; Board of Directors elects Tim Sloan CEO, Director; appoints Lead Director Stephen Sanger Chairman)

Analyst comments: ERJ +2.2% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman), VIAB +1.5% (upgraded to Buy from Underperform at BofA/Merrill), GRUB +1.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merril), MRK +0.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill), ALK +0.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Buckingham Research)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
FLDM -20.6%, (issues Q3 prelim revenue numbers of ~$22.2 mln vs. $29.3 mln Capital IQ Consensus Est; as a result of its Q3 prelim numbers, co is suspending its full year 2016 guidance), VAC -6.4%, INSY -5.2%, UN -2.7%, DRWI -2.6%, MYCC -1.2%, APU -1%, DAL -0.9%, WGO -0.7%

Select financial related names showing weakness: SAN -3.4%, RBS -3.2%, DB -2.8%, BBVA -2.2%, CS -2.1%, HSBC -1.8%

Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: BBL -4.4%, RIO -4.4%, FCX -4%, BHP -4%, X -3.9%, VALE -3.6%

Other news: APTO -18.4% (receives a response from the FDA regarding the clinical hold of its Phase 1b clinical trial of APTO-253; the hold would not be removed at this time), FLKS -17% (provides a nocturnal leg cramp regulatory and clinical update for FLX-787; Exploratory NLC study 'did not demonstrate a statistically significant difference versus placebo), TGTX -15.2% (files with FDA an amended protocol for the GENUINE Phase 3 trial, FDA agrees that Overall Response Rate data from revised GENUINE study can be used to request pre-BLA meeting ), MELI -6.1% (MercadoLibre commences a 5.5 mln share underwritten public offering of common stock by selling stockholders eBay & certain subsidiaries; MercadoLibre offers prelim Q3 results in conjunction with today's proposed secondary offering, sees revs of $220-290 mln vs $222.13 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate ), VOXX -5.3% (light volume in after hours -- was up nearly 50% today on earnings), HTGM -3.2% (after jumping 35% on broad companion diagnostics master agreement w/ Merck KGaA news), BABA -1.6% (Chairman Jack Ma letter to shareholders)

Analyst comments:
MT -2.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman), BEAV -2.9% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman), HDP -3.5% (downgraded to Sell from Buy at Goldman), GPRO -3.8% (Piper Jaffray noted co is not selling on Amazon (12-14% of sales) right now but should be back on that channel around Halloween), DECK -5.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Positive at Susquehanna)
