Uut nädalat alustati aktsiaturgudel ettevaatlikult, mis jättis S&P 500 indeksi -0,1% punasesse ning tingis Stoxx 600 indeksi puhul -0,5% kasumivõtu pärast eelmise nädala rohkem kui kahe aasta suurimat tõusu.
Aasias kauplesid aktsiaturud teisipäeval valdavalt plusspoolel, saades tuge Hiina majandusnäitajatest, mis viitasid stabiilse majanduskasvu jätkumisele. Tööstustoodangu aastane kasv kiirenes novembris 0,1pp võrra 6,2%le (oodati 6,1%), jaemüügi kasv 0,8pp võrra 10,8%le (oodati 10,2%) ning fikseeritud varadesse tehtud investeeringute maht suurenes 11 kuu lõikes 8,3% võrreldes mullu sama ajaga (sama, mis 10 kuu lõikes ning vastates ka analüütikute ootusele). Erinevaid majandusnäitajaid arvestades hindab Bloombergi mudel Hiina SKP kasvuks novembris 7,04%, mis on mõnevõrra kiirem kui oktoobris registreeritud 6,95% ning mahub valitsuse poolt käesoleva aasta sihiks seatud 6,5-7,0% vahemikku.
Hiina kuine SKP indikaator
Börsipäev jätkub Euroopas ja Ameerikas tagasihoidliku majandusuudiste valikuga, kui avaldamisele tulevad Saksamaa ZEW indeksid ning USA väikefirmade novembrikuu kindlustunde indeks.
11.00 itaalia tööstustoodang (oktoober)
11.30 Suurbritannia inflatsioon (november)
12.00 Saksamaa investorite ja analüütikute kindlustunde indeksid (detsember)
13.00 USA väikefirmade kindlustunde indeks (november)
13.00 Brasiilia jaemüük (oktoober)
Itaalia tööstustoodang püsis pärast septembri -0,8% langust oktoobris muutumatuna (oodati 0,2% kasvu), mis jättis taseme mullusest siiski 1,3% võrra kõrgemaks (oodati 1,5%).

Suurbritannia inflatsioon kiirenes kütust, toitu, tubakat ja alkoholi arvestamata novembris 0,2pp võrra 1,4% peale, püsides suhteliselt kitsas vahemikus terve käesoleva aasta

Saksama investorite ja analüütikute kindlustunde indeks paranes jooksva majandusseisu osas 4,7 punkti võrra 63,5 punktile, ületades konsensuse prognoositud 59,0punktist ootust. Järgneva kuue kuu väljavaade püsis aga muutumatuna 13,8 punktil (oodati 14,0).

Sarnaselt tarbijatele tundsid ka USA väikeettevõtted pärast valimisi kindlustunde olulist paranemist (+3,5 punkti 98,4 punktile) peamiselt tänu ootusele, et aktiivsem majanduskeskkond toob kaasa müügitingimuste paranemise ja käibe suurenemise, mis annab alust laienemise plaane ja töötajate palkamist kaaluda
Plans to hire jumped five points from the previous month. Expected higher sales rose from a net one percent in October to net 11 percent in November. But the blockbuster was expected better business conditions, which shot from a net -7 percent to 12.

Plans to hire jumped five points from the previous month. Expected higher sales rose from a net one percent in October to net 11 percent in November. But the blockbuster was expected better business conditions, which shot from a net -7 percent to 12.

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: UEC +3.6%, LFVN +1%
M&A news: BUD +1.5% (to divest SABMiller's Central and Eastern European Business to Asahi (ASBRF) for EUR7.3 bln)
Select EU financial related names showing strength: DB +2.7%, BBVA +1.9%, SAN +1.8%, CS +1.3%, BCS +1.1%, HSBC +1%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: KEY +3.7%, WTI +2.7%, CEO +2.6%, NE +2.5%, CHK +2%, ESV +2%, RIG +1.7%, WLL +0.7%, XOM +0.7%
Other news:
IDXG +32.2% (launches a multi-site study to provide further evidence of the Clinical Utility of the ThyGenX/ThyramiR tests)
AKAO +13% (following ~150% move higher; commences 5.75 mln common stock offering)
APRI +11.7% (following ~50% move higher)
SCYX +7.6% (has identified an IV formulation and dose regimen that, pending discussions with the FDA, co plans to test in the upcoming clinical trials of SCY-078)
ATNM +7.2% (submits an application w/ the EMA seeking Orphan Designation for Actimab-A)
AUPH +6.2% (receives the final End of Phase II meeting minutes from the FDA)
RVNC +5.3% (announces positive interim results from its U.S. Phase 2 open-label, dose-escalating clinical study of DaxibotulinumtoxinA Injectable (RT002) to treat moderate-to-severe isolated cervical dystonia in adults)
LIFE +2.7% (clinical results from exploratory trials assessing the safety and potential activity of Resolaris)
LVS +2.1% (Japan upper house approves gambling bill)
MGM +1.9% (Japan upper house approves gambling bill)
NVCR +1.7% (will present data from its phase 2 pilot PANOVA clinical trial at its R&D day on Dec. 12 suggesting that TTFields plus first-line chemotherapies nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine may be tolerable and safe in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer)
BA +1.5% (increases quarterly dividend to $1.42/share from $1.09/share; replaces existing share repurchase program with a new $14 billion authorization )
Analyst comments:
UN +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Jefferies )
O +0.8% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
FDX +0.6% (initiated with a Overweight at JP Morgan)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
INOV -37.4%, ( lowers FY16 guidance due to inability to enter into expected collaboration agreement as a result of unforeseen circumstances impacting counter-party)
PPHM -5.4%, PAY -3.1%, WWE -3%, (raised the low end of its projected range of average paid WWE Network subs for Q4 and reaffirmed its 2016 adj. OIBDA and Operating income guidance; to offer $175 mln convertible senior notes due 2023 in a private placement )
Other news:
PRTO -70.8% (Phase 3 clinical trial with investigational vonapanitase did not meet its primary endpoint)
BDSI -19.8% (announces that its Phase 2b clinical study assessing the efficacy and safety of Clonidine Topical Gel for the management of painful diabetic neuropathy failed to show a statistically significant difference in pain relief)
ELGX -10% (receives notice from its Notified Body in the EU that the Company would be receiving a suspension of the CE Mark for the AFX system within a few days)
ARI -4.7% (offering of 10.5 mln shares of common stock for gross proceeds of about $180 mln )
NSA -3.6% (prices 4.5 mln shares of common stock for gross proceeds of $94.5 mln)
HBHC -3.4% (announces an underwritten public offering of 5 mln shares of its common stock)
STAY -3% (prices secondary offering of 12.5 mln Paired Shares by selling shareholders)
UNVR -2.2% (prices 12,500,000 shares of Univar's common stock at $25.25/share by selling shareholders)
RPRX -2% (announces it has requested a meeting to discuss Phase 3 requirements for the development of Proellex for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids; anticipates meeting in 1H of 2017 )
MIK -1.8% (Michaels Stores announces secondary offering of 12 mln shares of common stock by selling stockholders and repurchase by the company of a portion of such common stock)
ABUS -1.7% ( reports new results from the ongoing Phase II study of ARB-1467 in chronically infected HBV patients on stable nucleos(t)ide therapy )
Analyst comments:
GNC -2.9% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal Weight at Barclays)
CERN -2.7% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
DDR -1.7% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal Weight at Morgan Stanley)
VIAB -1% (downgraded to Underperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
ALXN -0.8% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley)
KO -0.7% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: UEC +3.6%, LFVN +1%
M&A news: BUD +1.5% (to divest SABMiller's Central and Eastern European Business to Asahi (ASBRF) for EUR7.3 bln)
Select EU financial related names showing strength: DB +2.7%, BBVA +1.9%, SAN +1.8%, CS +1.3%, BCS +1.1%, HSBC +1%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: KEY +3.7%, WTI +2.7%, CEO +2.6%, NE +2.5%, CHK +2%, ESV +2%, RIG +1.7%, WLL +0.7%, XOM +0.7%
Other news:
IDXG +32.2% (launches a multi-site study to provide further evidence of the Clinical Utility of the ThyGenX/ThyramiR tests)
AKAO +13% (following ~150% move higher; commences 5.75 mln common stock offering)
APRI +11.7% (following ~50% move higher)
SCYX +7.6% (has identified an IV formulation and dose regimen that, pending discussions with the FDA, co plans to test in the upcoming clinical trials of SCY-078)
ATNM +7.2% (submits an application w/ the EMA seeking Orphan Designation for Actimab-A)
AUPH +6.2% (receives the final End of Phase II meeting minutes from the FDA)
RVNC +5.3% (announces positive interim results from its U.S. Phase 2 open-label, dose-escalating clinical study of DaxibotulinumtoxinA Injectable (RT002) to treat moderate-to-severe isolated cervical dystonia in adults)
LIFE +2.7% (clinical results from exploratory trials assessing the safety and potential activity of Resolaris)
LVS +2.1% (Japan upper house approves gambling bill)
MGM +1.9% (Japan upper house approves gambling bill)
NVCR +1.7% (will present data from its phase 2 pilot PANOVA clinical trial at its R&D day on Dec. 12 suggesting that TTFields plus first-line chemotherapies nab-paclitaxel and gemcitabine may be tolerable and safe in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer)
BA +1.5% (increases quarterly dividend to $1.42/share from $1.09/share; replaces existing share repurchase program with a new $14 billion authorization )
Analyst comments:
UN +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Jefferies )
O +0.8% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
FDX +0.6% (initiated with a Overweight at JP Morgan)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
INOV -37.4%, ( lowers FY16 guidance due to inability to enter into expected collaboration agreement as a result of unforeseen circumstances impacting counter-party)
PPHM -5.4%, PAY -3.1%, WWE -3%, (raised the low end of its projected range of average paid WWE Network subs for Q4 and reaffirmed its 2016 adj. OIBDA and Operating income guidance; to offer $175 mln convertible senior notes due 2023 in a private placement )
Other news:
PRTO -70.8% (Phase 3 clinical trial with investigational vonapanitase did not meet its primary endpoint)
BDSI -19.8% (announces that its Phase 2b clinical study assessing the efficacy and safety of Clonidine Topical Gel for the management of painful diabetic neuropathy failed to show a statistically significant difference in pain relief)
ELGX -10% (receives notice from its Notified Body in the EU that the Company would be receiving a suspension of the CE Mark for the AFX system within a few days)
ARI -4.7% (offering of 10.5 mln shares of common stock for gross proceeds of about $180 mln )
NSA -3.6% (prices 4.5 mln shares of common stock for gross proceeds of $94.5 mln)
HBHC -3.4% (announces an underwritten public offering of 5 mln shares of its common stock)
STAY -3% (prices secondary offering of 12.5 mln Paired Shares by selling shareholders)
UNVR -2.2% (prices 12,500,000 shares of Univar's common stock at $25.25/share by selling shareholders)
RPRX -2% (announces it has requested a meeting to discuss Phase 3 requirements for the development of Proellex for the treatment of symptomatic uterine fibroids; anticipates meeting in 1H of 2017 )
MIK -1.8% (Michaels Stores announces secondary offering of 12 mln shares of common stock by selling stockholders and repurchase by the company of a portion of such common stock)
ABUS -1.7% ( reports new results from the ongoing Phase II study of ARB-1467 in chronically infected HBV patients on stable nucleos(t)ide therapy )
Analyst comments:
GNC -2.9% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal Weight at Barclays)
CERN -2.7% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
DDR -1.7% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal Weight at Morgan Stanley)
VIAB -1% (downgraded to Underperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
ALXN -0.8% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley)
KO -0.7% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank)