Reutersi andmetel ei suutnud augustikuus tervelt 57% hüpoteeklaenude vahendajate klientidest oma ARM-laene refinantseerida. Kuna kukkuvate kinnisvarahindade juures on mitmed laenutooted välja surnud, siis on laenuvõtjate kuumaksete tõus paratamatu.
Lehman Brothersi andmetel lõppevad järgmise 18 kuu jooksul 5 miljoni laenuvõtja algusperioodi madalad intressid, mis tähendab neile olulist kulude kasvu. Kui nüüd paljud neist ei suuda laenu refinantseerida, satub nii mõnigi elamu sundmüüki. Midagi rõõmustavat selles ei ole ja kinnisvarasektor jääb endiselt surve alla. Eks seda oli ka ette näha, kuid Bushi pakutud meetmed probleemi lahendamiseks ainult leevendavad olukorda.
Morgan Keegan initiates Motorola (MOT 17.31) with a Market Perform, as they believe the co's handset market share has bottomed, but a more multimedia/smartphone-focused product lineup will be needed to improve market share longer term...
Venemaa peaminister astus tagasi
Indoneesias 8 palline maavärin
Palju uudiseid ühes päevas.
Karta on et järeltõukeid on tulemas. Tsunamihoiatus on igatahes antud.
Etioopia jõudis täna kolmandasse aastatuhandesse .
By Rev Shark Contributor
9/12/2007 7:28 AM EDT
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in an argument.
-- William G. McAdoo
One of the toughest ways to make money is to argue with the stock market. The market will always be bigger, stronger and more powerful than we are and will do what it wants to regardless of what we may think, say or do. It can be absolutely infuriating when what seems like common sense to us is completely ignored by the market beast.
Investors, however, do have one extremely powerful tool when it comes to dealing with the market. That tool is patience. We can simply refuse to act. If the market isn't making sense to us, we can simply stand aside and ignore it until we feel are in a better position to deal with it.
We are in one of those situations right now, where the logic of the market can seem quite confusing, if not downright ignorant. Yesterday, we rallied strongly as market players anticipated an interest rate cut because of growing economic problems.
There has been no shortage of negative headlines lately about real estate and debt issues, and we now have some evidence, from the jobs report, that the economy is cooling. These problems are apparently severe enough that the market is predicting that there is nearly a 100% chance that the Fed will cut interest rates by at least a quarter point next Tuesday.
Despite the fact that we have sufficient negatives to induce the Fed to act, not only do we have a big rally like yesterday, but we are not that far off the highs we hit in July. The Nasdaq 100 in particularly is just 3.5% down from its highs. The small-caps have done much worse, but this is not a market that has undergone a massive correction as it priced in major housing, credit and economic issues.
Is the market just ignorant, or is there something out there that we are missing? I don't know the answer to that, but I certainly don't want to argue with the market. If it wants to rally despite the seemingly logical reasons why it shouldn't, nothing is going to stop it.
What I can do is be patient and skeptical. I'm not going to fight a market that is acting well, but I'm not going to fully embrace it. I'll play the trading game and try to produce some profits, although I don't believe in the rationality of the action. At some point, greater clarity will come to me, and that will make it easier to move with certainty, but that time is not now.
After the big move yesterday, the market is flat this morning. Overseas markets are slightly negative, oil is holding its gains and gold has turned down after a big move. The Fed's impending interest rate decisions remains the primary focus of the market and will determine our short-term direction.
Ülespoole avanevad;
Gapping up on strong earnings/guidance: JOSB +3.0%... Other news: CRDC +12.5% (receives European CE Mark for C-Port Flex A System for use in coronary artery bypass surgery), HEPH +9.3% (reports on anti-inflammatory activity with HE3286 in models of diseases of inflammation), NPSP +9.0% (initiated with a Buy and $12 tgt at Oppenheimer), UTSI +9.3% (announced a multi-year, multi-mln dollar contract with Bell & Tell in Pakistan), TAYD +6.9% (trading higher following earthquake in Indonesia's Sumatra region, tsunami warning issued), BRLC +5.9% (Q4 earnings rescheduled to after the close today), DIVX +3.3% (announces agreement with Qualcomm), FSLR +2.9% (initiated with a Buy at a tier-1 firm).
Allapoole avanevad:
On weak earnings/guidance: NUE -2.9% (other steel stocks AKS and X are gapping -2% in sympathy)... Other news: ACH -10.5% (AA selling entire stake in ACH for up to $2 bln according to Reuters), HRB -3.7% (co announced additional job cuts after the close yesterday), CRZO -3.6% (prices registered direct offering below share price), AEO -3.2% (downgraded to Sell at Merrill), PKX -3% (scrapped a plan to buy a stake in China's Lonemy), ENT -2.9% (announces proposed divestiture of non-core properties)
Nafta on oma ajalooliste tippude lähedal, nisuhind tegi täna uued tipud (inflatsioon pole kuhugi kadunud) ning tundub, et koos Venemaa ja Jaapani peaministri tagasiastumisega, astuvad sammu tagasi täna ka USA aktsiaturud. Päeva alustatakse ca-0.2%lise miinusega.
Saksamaa DAX -0.33%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -0.07%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 -0.49%
Hispaania IBEX -0.73%
Venemaa RTS -0.51%
Poola WIG +0.49%
Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 -0.50%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng +1.49%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +1.15%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +0.65%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -1.24%
Tai Set +0.02%
India Sensex -0.24%
Warren Buffett sold about $140 mln of PetroChina (PTR) shares (this was his second sale in two months after calls for U.S. investors to reduce holdings in China's biggest oil producer because of its links to Sudan); PTR has been developing oil fields in Sudan since 1996 (this latest sale bring's Buffett's personal stake in PTR to 9.7% from 10.2%).
Nafta hinna tõus rekordite juurde võib turule pidurid peale panna.
Kui nafta raporti peale lennati veelgi kõrgemale ja käidi ära $79.3 peal, siis nüüdseks on allapoole tuldud $78.6 peale.
Tegelik Ootus
CRUDE - 7011K -2700K
GAS -666K -500K