Soome biotehnoloogiafirma Biotie Therapies teatas, et on sõlminud litsentsilepingu Somaxon Pharmaceuticalsiga, mis saab Biotie nalmefeeni Põhja Ameerika turundusõigused. Nalmefeen on haiglase mängukire ravimiseks mõeldud ühend. Biotie võib kokku saada kuni 13,2 miljonit dollarit litsentsi ja milestone maksudena ja kui ravim turule jõuab, siis lisaks rojaliteete.
Biotie aktsia hetkel 24% plussis.
11-Nov-04 10:21 ET In Play Six Flags finding interest as a Real Estate play; co's land holdings seen as potentially worth well north of current stock price (PKS) 5.25 +0.30
Minu nägemust mööda vajab PKS ühte head hooaega, et hind $10 kanti või üle selle viia. Ja need uued suurinvestorid (Snyder & Co)..nad on rumalad? Synder on päris rikas mees.
Tulemused olid väga võimsad, kuid nii võimsaid tulemusi ka oodati (vt. aktsiahinna tõus viimastel kuudel). Kõrge short interest võib aktsiaid siiski edasi pressida.
Cody Willard:
The newsflow coming along this morning -- as it was yesterday and for the last week or so -- is tepid and, frankly, not exactly trade-inspiring. I mean, we could get all excited about Dell's strong results -- shocker there! And Agilent is having problems with profitability and growth in their semiconductor supplier business -- newsflash!
However, an analyst downgrade here (of Agilent, for example, and of Tekelec, which I mentioned on K&C last night that I like but am not chasing) and an upgrade there (of Dell, for example) will have some impact on stocks today. Likewise, the bureaucrats from our government-reporting offices say that retail sales were better than the gut-feel guesstimate of the economists and sellsiders, and that's helped get the futures pointing upward.
A further note on the Dell subject: InfoWorld today cites Dell President Kevin (don't call me Henry) Rollins as saying that he'd guess Dell is going to start using some AMD chips at some point in the future. If that ever came to fruition, it'd be a very big deal for AMD indeed. Regardless, even that acknowledgement from Rollins is another indication of Intel's competitive problems.
This market just won't quit, despite (or because of) everyone's best guess that it should pull back. The bullish sentiment indicators are all moving higher, the shorts have been squeezed and squeezed again, and there's a lot of money that's been put to work recently that's already got some quick profits, and those owners won't be wanting to give back those gains if prices start to crack. The underexposed money manager is really the primary driver for rallies from here, and it's been a loser's game to fight that dynamic thus far in November ("I'll be gone til November, I'll be gone til November" -- Wyclef Jean).
I did very little trading yesterday, adding a little bit to some short hedges. That's pretty much my game plan again today. Let's go get 'em.
Gary B. Smith:
GLGS +50% (favorable ruling in the arbitration proceedings), CDSS +10.5% (Kaufman initiation), KONG +9.9% (results come in above preannounced level), DAL +8.9% (pilots take big pay cut), PIXR +6.5% (solid qtr, raises guidance), SEMI +6.4% (strong yr/yr results for micro-cap stock), DELL +4.8% (upgraded post-earnings), HLYW +4% (Bear Stearns upgrade), SIRI +3.6% (CIBC starts with $6.50 tgt), AMD +3.1% (Dell considering AMD chips for servers), PSPT +2.1% (recent IPO gets another initiation), MU +2% (DELL takes chip stocks higher), MSFT +1% (trades up ahead of dividend)
Gapping Down
GOAM -23% (momentum traders not impressed by 56% decline in revs), TMTA -10% (prices offering well below current price), A -8.5% (multiple downgrades after disappointing qtr/guidance), MATK -7.5% (adverse court ruling), EXPD -5.3% (broker reduces estimates following 8-K release), LVLT -5% (plans convertible offering), FLSH -4.8% (broker comments on inventory accounting policies), CVTX -4.4% (First Albany downgrade), KSS -2.8% (multiple downgrades post-earnings), TASR -1.5% (news story shakes out another round of weak hands).,uu[l,a]daclyyay[dd][pb50!b200!f][vc60][iLb14!Lc20]&pref=G
Samas optsioonikauplemine võtab ikka täisaja ära, et saada aktsepteeritavaid tulemusi. Nii, et seekord jäi maksimum saamata aga kes teab milleks see veel hea oli. Tõus oli muidugi muljetavaldav ja kasumid oleks olnud jalustrabavad (eriti kui ainult callid käes olid :D ) kena nädalavahetust kõigile ja väärtustagem oma vaba aega sõprade ja pere seltsis. Ma tean, et väärtustasin seda ca 10.000 krooni ulatuses reedel :D
Aga perele ja sõpradele kulutatav aeg pole mingi ühikuga mõõdetav, seega ärge seda kindlasti unarusse jätke.
Mis Pixarisse (PIXR) puuutub, siis tundub, et The Incredibles müüb oodatust veidi paremini.
09:07 PIXR Pixar Animation: Second Weekend Holds Up Well -- JP Morgan (86.54 )
JP Morgan out on Pixar saying that after an opening weekend that generated $70.5 mln at the box office, Pixar's latest release The Incredibles followed up with a $51.0 mln second weekend. According to the firm, this represents a drop-off of 28% from its first weekend, better than the avg 36% decline from first to second weekend for Pixar's six films. This is better than Finding Nemo's 34% fall-off, but worse than Monster Inc.'s 27% drop. Cumulative box office after the second weekend for Pixar's previous films represented an average 43% of total US box office. Applying this ratio to The Incredibles would indicate total US box office of $337 mln. While this would be 5% ahead of firm's $321 mln estimate, the firm maintains their Underweight rating on Pixar due to valuation.
Hind hetkel $91,5...