Pärast reedest tõusu tekkis USA aktsiaturgudel taas raskusi katalüsaatorite leidmisega, mis viiks börsi edasi uutele tippudele, eriti kuna polnud ka olulisi majandusuudiseid, millest kinni haarata. Kivina rippusid kaelas USA valitsuste võlakirjad, mille tulusus võttis pärast kahepäevast langust taas suuna ülespoole (10a võlakirja tulusus kerkis 2,15% pealt 2,28%le ehk kõrgeimale tasemele alates detsembrist). Ootused võlakirjade edasise hinnalanguse osas on siiski madalad, arvestades FEDi lubadust tõsta intressimäära tulevikus väga aeglaselt ning samuti potentsiaalset tagasilööki kinnisvaraturule, kus aktiivsus pole veel soovitud kujul taastunud. S&P 500 sulgus -0,5% madalamal.
Euroopas lõppes eurogrupi istung nii nagu ametnikud olid eelnevates kommentaarides mõista andnud – läbirääkimistes Kreekaga on küll astutud samme edasi, kuid progress pole siiski veel piisav, et riigile viimane ettenähtud rahaeraldis anda. Sellest hoolimata jätkatakse mängimist mõttega, et Kreeka võib ühel päeval euroalast välja astuda, kui rahvusvahelisest finantsabi programmist osavõtt pannakse rahvahääletusele ning tulemus oleks negatiivne.
Saksamaa rahandusministri Wolfgang Schäuble’i sõnul võib see olla isegi õige tee küsimaks kreeklaste käest, kas nad on nõus aktsepteerima kärpemeetmeid või soovivad alternatiivi. Kreeka rahandusministri Yanis Varoufakise sõnul pole neil hetkel referendum plaanidesse sisse kirjutatud, kuid temagi ei lükanud mõtet tagasi juhul kui plaanile on vaja demokraatilist poolehoidu leida. Ehkki kolm neljandikku kreeklastest soovib küsitlustes eurot edasi kasutada, on väiksem nende toetus, kes pooldavad rahvusvahelist päästeprogrammi ja täiendavaid kärpemeetmeid. Aprilli lõpus korraldatud küsitluse kohaselt hääletaks programmi kasuks 54% vastanutest, samas 37% paneks käe ette.
Tänane börsipäev toob Euroopas Suurbritannia märtsikuu tööstustoodangu ning Ühendriikides väikefirmade aprilli kindlustunde indeksi ja JOLTS küsitluse, mis heidab tööturu praegusele seisule täiendavat valgust.
10.30 Rootsi inflatsioon (aprill)
11.30 Suurbritannia tööstustoodang (märts)
16.00 USA väikefirmade kindlustunde indeks (aprill)
16.15 NY FEDi Dudley esineb kõnega
17.00 USA JOLTS tööturu küsitlus (märts)
19.45 FEDi Williams esineb kõnega
21.00 USA valitsuse eelarve tasakaal (aprill)
Taani ehetetootja Pandora (-2,5% @ 687,5 DKK) tõstis 2015. aasta majandusaasta käibeprognoosi 15 mld DKK peale varasema 14 mld pealt (tingituna soodsatest valuutakurssidest) ning teatas oodatust parematest kvartalitulemustest. Majandusaasta kapitalikulutuste prognoos tõsteti 900 mln kroonini varasema 800 mln pealt ning oodatav maksumäär 30% peale varasema 20% pealt. Lisaks plaanitakse aasta jooksul avada 325 uut poodi varasema 300 asemel. Esimeses kvartalis kasvas Pandora käive 37% Y/Y ehk 3,55 mld kroonini (vs oodatud 3,44 mld krooni), ärikasumi marginaal 34,9% peale aastataguse 34,2% pealt ning ärikasum 40% Y/Y ehk 1,24 mld kroonini (vs oodatud 1,22 mld krooni). Kasvu toetas nii valuutakursside soodne liikumine kui ka müügimahu suurenemine. Samal ajal Pandora puhaskasum vähenes kvartalis 46% Y/Y ehk 383 mln kroonini, selle põhjuseks oli maksumäära tõus (jõuti kokkuleppele Taani maksuametiga seotud vaidlusega, hõlmab maksusid perioodil 2009-2014).
Viimase aasta jooksul on Pandora aktsia rallinud 91% (DKK).
Viimase aasta jooksul on Pandora aktsia rallinud 91% (DKK).

Suurbritannia tööstustoodang kasvas märtsis tänu nafta ja gaasi tootmisele oodatust rohkem, suurenedes MoM 0,5% (prog 0,0%). Töötleva tööstuse toodang kujunes üsna ootuspäraseks, näidates MoM 0,4% kasvu (oodati 0,3%) ja mullusega võrreldes 1,1% tõusu (oodati 1,0%).
UK töötleva tööstuse YoY kasv
UK töötleva tööstuse YoY kasv

Müügisurve euroaala võlakirjaturul on täna tekitamas aktsiaturul pahandust. Saksamaa valitsuse 10a võlakirja tulusus on liikunud üle 10 baaspunkti kõrgemale 0,71% peale, DAX aga kaupleb -2,4% madalamal.
Saksamaa valitsuse 10a võlakirja tulusus
Saksamaa valitsuse 10a võlakirja tulusus

Verizon ostab AOLi $4,4 mld eest:
Verizon Communications Inc. is buying AOL Inc. in a $4.4 billion deal aimed at advancing the telecom giant’s growth ambitions in mobile video and advertising. The all-cash deal values AOL at $50 a share, a 17% premium to company’s Monday's closing price.
AOL kauplemas eelturul +18,6% kõrgemal @ $50,50
Verizon Communications Inc. is buying AOL Inc. in a $4.4 billion deal aimed at advancing the telecom giant’s growth ambitions in mobile video and advertising. The all-cash deal values AOL at $50 a share, a 17% premium to company’s Monday's closing price.
AOL kauplemas eelturul +18,6% kõrgemal @ $50,50
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: PRSC +22.1%, CALL +14.9%, REN +14.6%, CVSL +11.8%, WYY +11.8%, VRTU +9.1%, ORIG +7.8%, RGSE +7%, PLAB +6.2%, PNX +5.4%, XON +5%, NSPH +4.9%, CHRS +4.4%, PRKR +4.4%, NCMI +4.4%, SCLN +4.3%, VBLT +3.7%, ARNA +3.6%, CPRX +3.5%, PFSW +3%, USAT +2.8%, DTSI +2.7%, OPHT +2.5%, SYN +2.4%, RICK +2.3%, OVAS +2.1%, CYTX +2%, RDY +1.8%, FF +1.6%, PRTS +1.5%, LBMH +1.4%, INUV +1.4%, TCRD +1.3%, ARCO +1.3%, ELTK +1%, PFIN +1%, SCAI +0.8%, OTIV +0.7%
M&A news: PLL +20.8% (WSJ reporting that Danaher (DHR) and Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO) may consider possible takeover of PLL), AOL +17.9% (to be acquired by Verizon (VZ) for $50 per share, or ~$4.4 bln), PRE +2.2% (Exor confirms it has increased its all-cash binding offer to acquire PartnerRe to $137.50 per Share), VZ +-0.7% (acquired by AOL for $50 per share, or ~$4.4 bln)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: MT +2.1%, ABX +1.6%, GOLD +1.5%, GG +1.2%, GDX +1.1%, NEM +0.9%, BHP +0.8%, SLV +0.7%, .
Other news: THLD +15.4% (Threshold Pharma and Partner Merck KGaA (MKGAY.PK) receive FDA fast track designation for Evofosfamide, to treat advanced pancreatic cancer), EOX +10.1% (entered into definitive agreement to acquire core Delaware Basin acreage in Lea and Eddy Counties, New Mexico for $75.2 mln; increases FY15 production and CapEx guidance), SPPI +8.9% (Armistice Capital discloses 5.4% stake in 13D filing, sends letter to the company requesting it initiate a complete or partial sale), OCN +7.2% (filed 2014 Form 10-K without a qualification about its ability to operate as a going concern; expects to file its first quarter Form 10-Q on or before May 18), STM +5.3% (provides investor update in Analyst Day presentations; says back to y/y revenue growth starting from 2H 2015), NAVB +4.6% secured $60 Million loan with CRG; funding to support Lymphoseek commercialization and advancement of development pipeline), ARNA +3.6% (co and Roivant Sciences enter into collaboration for nelotanserin, a novel inverse agonist of the 5-HT2A receptor; co also reported earnings), HK +3.1% (Franklin Resources disclosed 13.5% passive stake in 13G filing), CDK +2.5% (Elliott Associates disclosed 7.6% active stake in 13D filing), ZIXI +2.2% (announces share repurchase program of up to $15 mln)
Analyst comments: ANTH +2.5% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Citigroup), SYT +2.2% (upgraded to Mkt Perform from Underperform at Bernstein), DEG +1.6% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Jefferies; also confirmed talks with AHONY ), EW +1.3% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), JNPR +1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: RARE -19.7%, LPSN -15.1%, RAX -14.5%, ATHX -13.7%, DEPO -10.7%, CLNE -9.5%, MTZ -7.6%, YY -7.5%, IPXL -7%, UNIS -6.6%, PAH -5.4%, AKAO -5.2%, ARWR -4.5%, LDR -3.9%, PBYI -3.5%, OME -3.4%, GPS -3.4%, JOBS -3.3%, CDTI -3.3%, JGW -2.9%, PVA -2.9%, OPK -2.9%, CRCM -2.8%, XONE -2.7%, PME -2.7%, HALO -2.4%, EGRX -2.3%, ZGNX -2.2%, KMDA -2%, UNXL -1.7%, DRNA -1.6%, MR -1.1%, MBI -1.1%, TWER -1.1%, TEP -1%, GBDC -0.9%, FXEN -0.9%, ACM -0.8%, STRI -0.8%, IMOS -0.7%, APP -0.5%
M&A news: VZ -0.9% (acquired by AOL for $50 per share, or ~$4.4 bln)
Select Airline related names showing weakness: DAL -1.3%, ALK -4.3%, TAL -1.9%, UAL -1.5%, LUV -1.1%.
Other news: NOR -23% ( announces a 22.84 mln share, secondary common stock offering, by selling stockholders affiliated with Apollo Global Management ), NLNK -20.5% ( IMPRESS Phase 3 pancreatic cancer trial with Algenpantucel-L to continue following second interim analysis ), MTZ -7.6% (discloses a delay in filing its Form 10-Q), IPXL -7% ( FDA performs GMP and pre-approval inspections of co's Hayward Facility), CBPX -6% (announces a secondary offering of 4.6 mln common stock shares by selling stockholders, which the co intends to purchase for ~$20 mln), XONE -2.7% (reported a delay in filing its form 10-Q for Quarter ending March, 2015), LL -2.6% (CNBC details news some Lumber Liquiditors (LL) insurers do not want to defend company in lawsuits), PUK -2.3% (announces that Pierre-Olivier Bouée is to step down as Group Chief Risk Officer), UAL -1.5% (still checking), NBG -1.4% (EU mkts lower today, cont uncertainty with Greece default)
Analyst comments: SFUN -3.7% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank), I -2.4% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), POR -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan), MELI -1.1% (downgraded to Hold at Stifel)
Allikas: Briefing.com
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: PRSC +22.1%, CALL +14.9%, REN +14.6%, CVSL +11.8%, WYY +11.8%, VRTU +9.1%, ORIG +7.8%, RGSE +7%, PLAB +6.2%, PNX +5.4%, XON +5%, NSPH +4.9%, CHRS +4.4%, PRKR +4.4%, NCMI +4.4%, SCLN +4.3%, VBLT +3.7%, ARNA +3.6%, CPRX +3.5%, PFSW +3%, USAT +2.8%, DTSI +2.7%, OPHT +2.5%, SYN +2.4%, RICK +2.3%, OVAS +2.1%, CYTX +2%, RDY +1.8%, FF +1.6%, PRTS +1.5%, LBMH +1.4%, INUV +1.4%, TCRD +1.3%, ARCO +1.3%, ELTK +1%, PFIN +1%, SCAI +0.8%, OTIV +0.7%
M&A news: PLL +20.8% (WSJ reporting that Danaher (DHR) and Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO) may consider possible takeover of PLL), AOL +17.9% (to be acquired by Verizon (VZ) for $50 per share, or ~$4.4 bln), PRE +2.2% (Exor confirms it has increased its all-cash binding offer to acquire PartnerRe to $137.50 per Share), VZ +-0.7% (acquired by AOL for $50 per share, or ~$4.4 bln)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: MT +2.1%, ABX +1.6%, GOLD +1.5%, GG +1.2%, GDX +1.1%, NEM +0.9%, BHP +0.8%, SLV +0.7%, .
Other news: THLD +15.4% (Threshold Pharma and Partner Merck KGaA (MKGAY.PK) receive FDA fast track designation for Evofosfamide, to treat advanced pancreatic cancer), EOX +10.1% (entered into definitive agreement to acquire core Delaware Basin acreage in Lea and Eddy Counties, New Mexico for $75.2 mln; increases FY15 production and CapEx guidance), SPPI +8.9% (Armistice Capital discloses 5.4% stake in 13D filing, sends letter to the company requesting it initiate a complete or partial sale), OCN +7.2% (filed 2014 Form 10-K without a qualification about its ability to operate as a going concern; expects to file its first quarter Form 10-Q on or before May 18), STM +5.3% (provides investor update in Analyst Day presentations; says back to y/y revenue growth starting from 2H 2015), NAVB +4.6% secured $60 Million loan with CRG; funding to support Lymphoseek commercialization and advancement of development pipeline), ARNA +3.6% (co and Roivant Sciences enter into collaboration for nelotanserin, a novel inverse agonist of the 5-HT2A receptor; co also reported earnings), HK +3.1% (Franklin Resources disclosed 13.5% passive stake in 13G filing), CDK +2.5% (Elliott Associates disclosed 7.6% active stake in 13D filing), ZIXI +2.2% (announces share repurchase program of up to $15 mln)
Analyst comments: ANTH +2.5% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Citigroup), SYT +2.2% (upgraded to Mkt Perform from Underperform at Bernstein), DEG +1.6% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Jefferies; also confirmed talks with AHONY ), EW +1.3% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan), JNPR +1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: RARE -19.7%, LPSN -15.1%, RAX -14.5%, ATHX -13.7%, DEPO -10.7%, CLNE -9.5%, MTZ -7.6%, YY -7.5%, IPXL -7%, UNIS -6.6%, PAH -5.4%, AKAO -5.2%, ARWR -4.5%, LDR -3.9%, PBYI -3.5%, OME -3.4%, GPS -3.4%, JOBS -3.3%, CDTI -3.3%, JGW -2.9%, PVA -2.9%, OPK -2.9%, CRCM -2.8%, XONE -2.7%, PME -2.7%, HALO -2.4%, EGRX -2.3%, ZGNX -2.2%, KMDA -2%, UNXL -1.7%, DRNA -1.6%, MR -1.1%, MBI -1.1%, TWER -1.1%, TEP -1%, GBDC -0.9%, FXEN -0.9%, ACM -0.8%, STRI -0.8%, IMOS -0.7%, APP -0.5%
M&A news: VZ -0.9% (acquired by AOL for $50 per share, or ~$4.4 bln)
Select Airline related names showing weakness: DAL -1.3%, ALK -4.3%, TAL -1.9%, UAL -1.5%, LUV -1.1%.
Other news: NOR -23% ( announces a 22.84 mln share, secondary common stock offering, by selling stockholders affiliated with Apollo Global Management ), NLNK -20.5% ( IMPRESS Phase 3 pancreatic cancer trial with Algenpantucel-L to continue following second interim analysis ), MTZ -7.6% (discloses a delay in filing its Form 10-Q), IPXL -7% ( FDA performs GMP and pre-approval inspections of co's Hayward Facility), CBPX -6% (announces a secondary offering of 4.6 mln common stock shares by selling stockholders, which the co intends to purchase for ~$20 mln), XONE -2.7% (reported a delay in filing its form 10-Q for Quarter ending March, 2015), LL -2.6% (CNBC details news some Lumber Liquiditors (LL) insurers do not want to defend company in lawsuits), PUK -2.3% (announces that Pierre-Olivier Bouée is to step down as Group Chief Risk Officer), UAL -1.5% (still checking), NBG -1.4% (EU mkts lower today, cont uncertainty with Greece default)
Analyst comments: SFUN -3.7% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank), I -2.4% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), POR -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan), MELI -1.1% (downgraded to Hold at Stifel)
Allikas: Briefing.com
0,2% inflatsioon pöördus Rootsis taas -0,2% deflatsiooniks, valmistades analüütikutele selge üllatuse, kuna viimased ootasid hinnatõusu püsimist 0,2% peal. Seejuures kukkus tuuminflatsioon 70 baaspunkti võrra -0,6% peale

Kuna nüüd on tekkinud oht, et keskpanga pikemad prognoosid satuvad ohtu, arvab Morgan Stanley, et Rootsi keskpank paneb oma kahurid esmaspäeval veel võimsamalt paukuma
First, we expect them to cut the repo rate by another 10bp to -35bp. A more pronounced cut seems unlikely, due to uncertainty about the effective lower bound of the repo rate and the direct negative effect on mortgage interest costs that would increase downward pressure on inflation even more. Second, we expect them to announce a loan program to corporates via the banks of up to SEK 100 bn. The Riksbank has stressed this option multiple times in the recent past and given that their current QE program still runs until September, this provides an opportunity to expand their balance sheet further without buying more government bonds in a very small market. Finally, we expect them to remain very dovish and think the chances for direct FX intervention are increasing.

Kuna nüüd on tekkinud oht, et keskpanga pikemad prognoosid satuvad ohtu, arvab Morgan Stanley, et Rootsi keskpank paneb oma kahurid esmaspäeval veel võimsamalt paukuma
First, we expect them to cut the repo rate by another 10bp to -35bp. A more pronounced cut seems unlikely, due to uncertainty about the effective lower bound of the repo rate and the direct negative effect on mortgage interest costs that would increase downward pressure on inflation even more. Second, we expect them to announce a loan program to corporates via the banks of up to SEK 100 bn. The Riksbank has stressed this option multiple times in the recent past and given that their current QE program still runs until September, this provides an opportunity to expand their balance sheet further without buying more government bonds in a very small market. Finally, we expect them to remain very dovish and think the chances for direct FX intervention are increasing.
Euroopa Keskpank pikendab abikätt
Fed's Williams (Widely considered a swing vote) says he believes it is safer to raise rates earlier and gradually; sees strong dollar and cheap oil as transitory impacts; sees more wage growth ahead