Börsipäev 12. august

Gapping Up

TGT +4.1% (beats by a penny), WMT +1.3% (beats by $0.02), MICU +21% (announces positive Phase III results), KMRT +3% (to join Nasdaq-100 Index), ATEA +16% (reports Q2), PARS +12% (receives FDA orphan drug designation), GERN +5% (announces publication showing in vivo efficacy), IPIX +4.3% (announces reseller agreements), AMCC +4.1% (announces $200 mln buyback), MAMA +1.6% (reports small profit).

Gapping Down

HPQ -11% (misses by $0.07, guides OctQ below consensus), CYBX -45% (says FDA ignores panel, determines Expedited Review Depression PMA-Supplement Not Approvable; reports in-line, light on revs; guides OctQ lower), DIGE -28% (misses by a penny; guides SepQ below consensus), SONSE -20% (to be delisted from Nasdaq), IDNX -15% (misses by a penny; guides SepQ below consensus), BOBE -12% (misses by $0.04; guides below Y05 consensus), KYPH -11% (cut to Sell at BofA Sec; analysts see stock under n-t pressure), TIF -10.4% (misses by $0.04, guides Y04 below consensus), ASML -5% (removed from Deutsche’s Pan European Focus List), GLW -5% (cut to Neutral from Buy at UBS), SAP -4.1% (overall tech weakness), DELL -1.3% (in sympathy with HPQ; DELL reports tonight).

Rev Shark:

I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.

-- Benjamin Disraeli

Yesterday morning the market looked particularly grim following the Cisco (CSCO:Nasdaq) earnings report. Things improved a bit as the day progressed but there were signs that some bulls were finally throwing in the towel. Breadth was poor all day and volume picked up quite a bit.

The bulls were hopeful that maybe things have gotten so bad that they can't get any worse. They were wrong. Hewlett-Packard (HPQ:NYSE) issued a disappointing report and cut guidance this morning. Wal-Mart (WMT:NYSE) also had slightly disappointing sales in its most recent quarter. The Saudi move yesterday to increase oil production is having little impact on crude prices, as it continues to hover around the $45 area.

For the suffering bulls, it is probably a positive that the news is so relentlessly negative. There is no way that the market can turn until the worst is priced in. Unfortunately, the worst has a tendency to be worse than most folks think.

Yesterday was the first day in which there appeared to be some real panic. As I mentioned, that is a good start to the bottoming process but by no means an indication that we should start to act. The natural inclination of most market participants is to try to anticipate a bottom, but we almost always fail to fully appreciate the power of momentum in the market once it is running. The downward momentum in this market is very powerful right now, and although we are showing signs of being washed out, there are still enough marginal holders that the downward pressure remains intense.

I know it is a bit tiresome to keep reading the same advice, but I offer nothing better than the advice to not be overly anticipatory. If and when the market makes a meaningful turn, you will have plenty of time to load up on your favorites. So what if you don't buy the bottom tick? It is far more important that you protect your capital than hit a homerun.

The market is acting very poorly to the Hewlett-Packard news in the early going, but Dell (DELL:Nasdaq) is reporting tonight and there will be hope that it will issue its usual stellar quarter. So that may help stem the losses to some degree.

Oil is going to continue to be a primary focus, and if we see any relief from that pressure, the bulls are likely to do some buying. If we do see some upward bounces, make sure you stay skeptical about how meaningful they are. The trend is down and it is going to take some substantial work to shift it.

Things could be worse, you could be sitting right in the middle of the projected path of Hurricane Charlie like I am. If I disappear in the next day or so, you'll know why.

G. B. Smith:

kas keegi teab mitu kuud pärast IPO-t võivad insiderid oma aktsiad müüma hakata. Jutt käib SNDA-st.
kumb kumba tüürib - dow või õlinäod?
(tulgem chatti)
Pärast turgude sulgemist siis Dell tulemustega

Analysts expect Dell (DELL) to turn in a solid set of second-quarter results and consider it unlikely the company would report weakness similar to H-P. "Dell is going to come out fine," said Morningstar analyst Rod Bare. "They came out last month and said that things are looking pretty strong and stable for them."

14:29 DELL Dell Computer: hearing upped to Buy from Hold at Smith Barney ahead of earnings (33.34 -0.24)

Kummaline - vahetult enne tulemusi.

Kuid Dell (DELL) on küll suurepärane teostaja, kui keegi tehnoloogiast võiks häid tulemusi näidata, siis Dell.
Vicuron (MICU) on minu jaoks üpris suureks üllatajaks. Aktsia avanes 25% plussis, kukkus veidi ning on roninud uuesti päeva kõrgemate tasemete juurde. Huvitav, kas see näitab sentimenti kohta midagi? Biotechis ja turgudel üldiselt.

*just wondering*

Nagu näha, siis ollakse enne tulemusi suhteliselt positiivselt meelestatud. Delli (DELL) jaoks oleks ilmselt vastupidine variant soodsam ... nüüd aga on küllatki raske üllatada ning in-line tulemused tõenäoliselt turuosalisi ei rahulda. Iseasi muidugi, mis tuleviku kohta räägitakse.
16:01 DELL sees Q3 EPS of $0.33 vs $0.32 Reuters consensus; sees revs of $12.5 bln vs $12.47 bln consensus

16:01 DELL prelim $0.31 in-line; revs $11.7 bln vs $11.716 bln consensus

Turu reaktsioon pigem positiivne ...
Dell tuli esimese reaktsioonina allapoole (turuosaliste kätteõpitud liigutus?), kuid praeguseks on kosunud ja ca. 2% plusspoolel.

Tundub, et Dell on puutumata jäänud nõrkusest II kv. lõpus ja lisaks tõsteti kergelt järgmise kv. prognoose.