USA aktsiaindeksid liikusid eile erisuunaliselt, kui S&P 500 tõusis 0,2% ning Nasdaq langes 0,2%. Tehnoloogiaindeksi nõrkuse taga oli Apple, kelle aktsia lõpetas 3,2% miinuses tulenevalt Credit Suisse analüüsiraportist, mis väitis, et Apple on iPhone 6s komponentide tellimusi vähendanud. Apple nõrkus tõmbas endaga kaasa kogu tehnoloogiasektori, mis kukkus 0,7%.
Euroopa aktsiaturud püsisid eile suhteliselt muutumatul tasemel, kui Europe Stoxx 600 indeks kerkis 0,1%. Portugalis kukutati ametlikult pea kuu aega võimul püsinud konservatiivne vähemusvalitsus ning valitsema hakkab vasakparteide liit. Viimased on üsna teravad kasinusmeetmete vastased ning on väidetavalt valmis keerama ka selja eurole ning NATOle. Portugali PSI 20 indeks langes 0,3%, olles käesoleval nädalal 4% miinuses. Ühtlasi levisid Euroopa kauplemissessioonil kuulujutud, et Euroopa Keskpanga juhtide seas on tekkimas konsensus, et detsembri kohtumisel tuleks kindlasti juba niigi negatiivset deposiidi määra veelgi suuremasse miinusesse viia.
Hiina tööstustoodang tõusis oktoobris võrreldes aastatagusega 5,6%. Tegu on väikseima kasvuga alates 2008. aastast. Rasketööstuses langes terase toodang 3,1%, tsemendi toodang 3,5% ning kivisöe toodang 1,2%. Investeeringud tõusid kõige aeglasemas tempos alates 2000. aastast, kui käesoleva aastal on investeeringute mahud kasvanud 10,2%. Positiivse poole pealt üllatas Hiina jaemüük, mis oktoobris näitas 11% tõusu. Jaemüügi kasvu vedas autode müük.
Makrouudistest avaldatakse täna Suurbritannia septembrikuu töötuse määr ning päeva jooksul esinevad kõnedega Inglismaa Keskpanga juht Mark Carney ning Euroopa Keskpanga president Mario Draghi. USA võlakirjaturg on täna veteranide päeva puhul suletud.
11:30 UK töötuse määr (september)
12:30 Inglismaa Keskpanga presidendi Mark Carney kõne
15:15 Euroopa Keskpanga presidendi Mario Draghi kõne
Taani õlletootja, Carlsberg, langes varade mahakandmise tõttu septembris lõppenud kvartalis 4,5 mld DKK suurusesse kahjumisse aastataguse 2,1 mld suuruse kasumi pealt. Võrdlusena, konsensus ootas 1,85 mld krooni suurust puhaskasumit. Varasid kanti maha 7,7 mld krooni ulatuses ning seda peamiselt seoses Venemaa ning Hiina äridega. Ettevõte teatas, et plaanib perioodil 2015-2017 parandada kasumlikkust läbi 10 mld krooni suuruse restruktureerimisprogrammi, mis muuhulgas näeb ette töötajate arvu 15% vähendamist (märkusena, kogumahust jääb 2015. aastasse kulusid 8,5 mld krooni eest). Selle tulemusel peaksid ettevõtte kulud 2018. aastaks vähenema 1,5-2 mld krooni võrra. Õlletootja käive kasvas kolmandas kvartalis +1% Y/Y ehk 18,3 mld kroonini ning korrigeeritud ärikasumi marginaal kasvas 18,9% peale aastataguse 18,7% pealt. Ettevõtte aktsia reageeris tulemustele +8,2% ralliga (@ 600 DKK).

UK septembriga lõppenud kvartali töötuse määr oli 5,3%, mis osutus paremaks kui analüütikute oodatud 5,4%. Tegu on madalaima näitajaga alates 2008. aastast. Antud perioodil töötas 73,7% 16-64 aastastest inimestest, mis on kõrgeim osakaal alates 1971. aastast, mil seda statistikat hakati koguma. Võrreldes aastataguse perioodiga kasvas töötajate palk koos boonustega 3%, ilma boonusteta 2,5%.

BMW müüs oktoobris rekordilised 191 651 sõidukit, mida on 4% rohkem kui aasta tagasi samal ajal. Käesoleva aasta 10 kuuga on müüdud 1 836 464 sõidukit ehk 7,1% enam kui 2014. aasta sama ajaga. Kiire kasv jätkub Euroopas, kus käesoleval aastal on müüdud 10% rohkem autosid, kusjuures kiiret kasvu on näidanud Suurbritannia (+14,5%) ning kahekohalist kasvu võib kohata ka mitmel Lõuna-Euroopa turul. USAs on BMW sõidukite müük käesoleval aastal kasvanud 5,4%, Hiinas 2,3% ning Aasias tervikuna 4,4%.

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: GURE +15.4%, ALRM +11.5%, HCKT +9.9%, OPXA +9.2%, (also announces 'supportive' preclinical study results for its Neuromyelitis Optica program), OPWR +5.9%, LITE +5.4%, (also files to delay Form 10-Q ), ARNA +5.3%, JNP +4.3%, UQM +3.4%, WGBS +2.5%, TSEM +2%, LXFT +1.9%, HTHT +1.5%, JOBS +1.5%, GIB +1.4%, OXGN +0.9%
M&A news: MEG +3.3% (Media General is near a decision to support Nexstar's (NXST) pending bid to acquire MEG, according to Bloomberg)
Select Brazil related names showing strength: VIV +3.7%, TSU +3.4%, SBS +3%, ABEV +2.6%, VALE +1.7%, PBR +1.4%
Other news: ANFI +30% (announces the completion of the Independent Third Party Forensic Investigation, BDO has independently concluded that these allegations are 'unsubstantiated and/or unfounded' ), AMDA +20% (submitted 24-month clinical data outcomes from its CASCADE study to the FDA), MNKD +8.3% (rebounding following yesterday's declines), JCP +6.7% (announces Q3 SSS +6.4%, and that gross margins and earnings exceeded their expectationsreaches agreement to settle a false advertising class action lawsuit in California), LITE +5.4% (filed to delay Form 10-Q in connection with separation from JDS Uniphase), JMEI +3% (may attributed to Singles Day in China), AVXL +2.9% (confirms the positive safety and cognitive efficacy data from its Phase 2a Alzheimer's trial of ANAVEX 2-73; no change to science, data or fundamentals of the company), RDY +2.9% (rebounding pre-mkt after yday's declines), EDU +2.7% (may attributed to Singles Day in China), SUNE +2.3% (rebounding pre-mkt after yday's declines), QIHU +1.8% (still checking), DEO +1.4% (may be in sympathy with M&A deals in spirit space), NGG +1.3% (appoints Deloitte as its new auditor, replacing PricewaterhouseCoopers), BABA +1.2% (reports that $10 bln of GMV settled through Alipay on 'Singles Day'; exceeds 2014 levels after 14 hrs), WX +1% (WuXi PharmaTech and Eli Lilly (LLY) announce strategic collaboration to develop, manufacture and commercialize a novel small molecule in China)
Analyst comments: AEGR +0.6% (upgraded to Neutral from Underperform at BofA/Merrill), AMZN +0.6% (target raised to $800 from $750 at Morgan Stanley)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: EVDY -27%, WPRT -15.5%, M -8.5%, MNGA -5.9%, JUNO -5.4%, XENE -4.5%, EXEL -3.6%, DOX -3%, FENG -2%, TLF -2%, MIDD -1.1%, BC -0.8%
Other news: HZNP -16.9% (responds to Express Scripts (ESRX) lawsuit and recent allegations; believe claims are without merit), INSY -11.5% (Express Scripts (ESRX) terminates relationship with specialty pharma Linden Care, sues Horizon Pharma (HZNP)), NEOS -9.6% (received Complete Response Letter from the FDA regarding the NDA for Cotempla XR-ODT), NBG -6.2% (cont weakness), MNGA -5.9% filed for $50 mln mixed securities shelf offering),), AFSI -5.4% (commences an underwritten public offering of 5 mln of its common stock), VWR -3.7% ( files for a 9 mln share offering of common stock by selling stockholder), STAY -1.8% (Extended Stay America and Extended Stay America commence 15 mln paired share offering on behalf of selling shareholders), PINC -1.8% (prices offering of 4,033,198 shares of common stock at $34.50 per share on behalf of certain selling member-owner stockholders), SMCI -1.7% (filed to delay Form 10-Q), LOXO -0.9% (announces a proposed offering of 2 mln shares of common stock)
Analyst comments: BCRX -2.9% (downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill), ORCL -1.7% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley), MET -1.5% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley), EMC -0.6% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Wells Fargo)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: GURE +15.4%, ALRM +11.5%, HCKT +9.9%, OPXA +9.2%, (also announces 'supportive' preclinical study results for its Neuromyelitis Optica program), OPWR +5.9%, LITE +5.4%, (also files to delay Form 10-Q ), ARNA +5.3%, JNP +4.3%, UQM +3.4%, WGBS +2.5%, TSEM +2%, LXFT +1.9%, HTHT +1.5%, JOBS +1.5%, GIB +1.4%, OXGN +0.9%
M&A news: MEG +3.3% (Media General is near a decision to support Nexstar's (NXST) pending bid to acquire MEG, according to Bloomberg)
Select Brazil related names showing strength: VIV +3.7%, TSU +3.4%, SBS +3%, ABEV +2.6%, VALE +1.7%, PBR +1.4%
Other news: ANFI +30% (announces the completion of the Independent Third Party Forensic Investigation, BDO has independently concluded that these allegations are 'unsubstantiated and/or unfounded' ), AMDA +20% (submitted 24-month clinical data outcomes from its CASCADE study to the FDA), MNKD +8.3% (rebounding following yesterday's declines), JCP +6.7% (announces Q3 SSS +6.4%, and that gross margins and earnings exceeded their expectationsreaches agreement to settle a false advertising class action lawsuit in California), LITE +5.4% (filed to delay Form 10-Q in connection with separation from JDS Uniphase), JMEI +3% (may attributed to Singles Day in China), AVXL +2.9% (confirms the positive safety and cognitive efficacy data from its Phase 2a Alzheimer's trial of ANAVEX 2-73; no change to science, data or fundamentals of the company), RDY +2.9% (rebounding pre-mkt after yday's declines), EDU +2.7% (may attributed to Singles Day in China), SUNE +2.3% (rebounding pre-mkt after yday's declines), QIHU +1.8% (still checking), DEO +1.4% (may be in sympathy with M&A deals in spirit space), NGG +1.3% (appoints Deloitte as its new auditor, replacing PricewaterhouseCoopers), BABA +1.2% (reports that $10 bln of GMV settled through Alipay on 'Singles Day'; exceeds 2014 levels after 14 hrs), WX +1% (WuXi PharmaTech and Eli Lilly (LLY) announce strategic collaboration to develop, manufacture and commercialize a novel small molecule in China)
Analyst comments: AEGR +0.6% (upgraded to Neutral from Underperform at BofA/Merrill), AMZN +0.6% (target raised to $800 from $750 at Morgan Stanley)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: EVDY -27%, WPRT -15.5%, M -8.5%, MNGA -5.9%, JUNO -5.4%, XENE -4.5%, EXEL -3.6%, DOX -3%, FENG -2%, TLF -2%, MIDD -1.1%, BC -0.8%
Other news: HZNP -16.9% (responds to Express Scripts (ESRX) lawsuit and recent allegations; believe claims are without merit), INSY -11.5% (Express Scripts (ESRX) terminates relationship with specialty pharma Linden Care, sues Horizon Pharma (HZNP)), NEOS -9.6% (received Complete Response Letter from the FDA regarding the NDA for Cotempla XR-ODT), NBG -6.2% (cont weakness), MNGA -5.9% filed for $50 mln mixed securities shelf offering),), AFSI -5.4% (commences an underwritten public offering of 5 mln of its common stock), VWR -3.7% ( files for a 9 mln share offering of common stock by selling stockholder), STAY -1.8% (Extended Stay America and Extended Stay America commence 15 mln paired share offering on behalf of selling shareholders), PINC -1.8% (prices offering of 4,033,198 shares of common stock at $34.50 per share on behalf of certain selling member-owner stockholders), SMCI -1.7% (filed to delay Form 10-Q), LOXO -0.9% (announces a proposed offering of 2 mln shares of common stock)
Analyst comments: BCRX -2.9% (downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill), ORCL -1.7% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley), MET -1.5% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley), EMC -0.6% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Wells Fargo)