Ühendriikide aktsiaturud pakkusid viimastel tundidel veidi draamat, kuid kokkuvõttes kujunesid indeksite liikumised marginaalseks (S&P +0,1%). Oma roll oli mängida energiatööstusel, kui sessiooni alguses üle -3% languses olnud nafta hinna väike taastumine viis sektori ettevõtted päeva lõpuks plussi.
Euroopas ronis Stoxx 600 indeks tänu pärastlõunasele ostuhuvile välja hommikusest miinusest ning lõpetas 0,1% kõrgemal. Parimat minekut näitasid Akzo Nobel +13.0%, Lagardere +10.2%, Aviva +6.5%, Cobham +5.4%, Capita +4.7%. Suurima langusega sulgusid eile Domino’s Pizza Group -13.2%, Tullow Oil -7.4%, Wm Morrison Supermarkets -6.6%, BHP Billiton -5.8%, Anglo American -4.6%.
Euroopa Keskpank otsustas jätta intressimäärad senistele tasemetele ning jäi kindlaks detsembri plaanile vähendada aprillist võlakirjade ostumahtu kuus 80 miljardilt eurolt 60 miljardile, jätkates programmiga vähemalt detsembrini ning vajadusel kauemgi. Mario Draghi sõnul on keskpank majanduskasvu osas optimistlikum võrreldes varasemaga, kuid endiselt puuduvad märgid, et inflatsioon oleks energiat arvestamata jätkusuutlikult ülespoole liikumas ja seetõttu on vara rääkida lõdva rahapoliitika lõpetamisest.
USA esmased töötu abiraha taotlused kerkisid läinud nädalal 20 tuhande võrra 243 tuhandele, ületades konsensuse 238 tuhande suurust ootust. Vaatamata põrkele pärast pühadega lühendatud nädalat jäävad taotlused üle 40 aasta madalaima taseme lähedale.
USA veebruarikuu tööturu raport on täna peamise tähelepanu all, kuid kuna latt on suhteliselt madal (Yelleni sõnul võiks tööturu pikaajaline kasv tähendada 75-125 tuhande töökohta loomist kuus), siis ei too veebruari statistika tõenäoliselt kaasa olulist muutust ootuses, et intressimäära võidakse järgmisel nädalal 25 baaspunkti võrra kergitada.
09.00 Saksamaa kaubavahetuse statistika (jaanuar)
09.45 Prantsusmaa tööstustoodang (jaanuar)
10.00 Hispaania jaemüük (jaanuar)
11.30 Suurbritannia tööstustoodang (jaanuar)
15.30 USA tööturu raport (veebruar)
15.30 Kanada tööturu raport (veebruar)
20.00 USA Baker Hughes aktiivsete nafta puurtornide arv (10. märts)
21.00 USA valitsuse eelarve (veebruar)
Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse toodang oli jaanuaris nõrgem kui võiks PMI järgi arvata. Näitaja alanes jaanuaris MoM -1,0% oodatud +0,5% kasvu asemel ning lisaks korrigeeriti detsembri -0,8% langus -1,0% peale. Mullusega võrreldes kahanes toodang -1,3% (oodati 0,3%).

Sel nädalal toob BofAML välja huvitava statistika kui palju rohkem on alates 2009.a raha liikunud võlakirjade fondidesse võrreldes aktsiafondidega
* Equity funds globally see $11.8b inflows in the week to March 8, marking a 10th straight week of inflows, BofAML strategists write in note, citing EPFR Global data.
* U.S. equity funds see $7.2b inflows, with positive flows during five of the last six weeks; European equity funds see $1b inflows, positive flows in six of the last seven weeks
* Emerging markets equity funds see $0.7b inflows, positive eight of the last nine weeks; Japanese equity
funds see $1.2b inflows, with 9 straight weeks of positive flows
* By sector: financials see brisk inflows; largest inflows to REITs in eight weeks; first outflows from materials in eight weeks
* In fixed income: bond funds see $4.6b inflows overall, an 11th straight week of inflows
* $4.3b inflows to IG bond funds, $2.7b outflows from HY bond funds, $2.1b inflows to EM debt funds
* YTD, equity inflows totaled $82b, slightly outpacing bond inflows of $80b
* Since March 2009, bond funds have recorded $1.5t inflows vs just $256 billion inflows for equity funds: BofAML
* Equity funds globally see $11.8b inflows in the week to March 8, marking a 10th straight week of inflows, BofAML strategists write in note, citing EPFR Global data.
* U.S. equity funds see $7.2b inflows, with positive flows during five of the last six weeks; European equity funds see $1b inflows, positive flows in six of the last seven weeks
* Emerging markets equity funds see $0.7b inflows, positive eight of the last nine weeks; Japanese equity
funds see $1.2b inflows, with 9 straight weeks of positive flows
* By sector: financials see brisk inflows; largest inflows to REITs in eight weeks; first outflows from materials in eight weeks
* In fixed income: bond funds see $4.6b inflows overall, an 11th straight week of inflows
* $4.3b inflows to IG bond funds, $2.7b outflows from HY bond funds, $2.1b inflows to EM debt funds
* YTD, equity inflows totaled $82b, slightly outpacing bond inflows of $80b
* Since March 2009, bond funds have recorded $1.5t inflows vs just $256 billion inflows for equity funds: BofAML
Hispaania tarbimine on viimastel kuudel aeglustunud, kui jaemüügi kasv oli jaanuaris vaid 0,1% võrreldes mullu sama ajaga (oodati 2,5%).

Suurbirtannia töötleva tööstuse toodang oli jaanuaris üsna ootuste lähedane: MoM -0,9% vs prog -0,7% ning YoY 2,7% vs prog 2,9%)

Draghi positiivsemad kommentaarid majanduse osas tõstsid veidi turu intressimäära ootust, kuid kahe aasta perspektiivis 10 baaspunkti pole väga drastiline muutus. Huvitav on see, et mikroskoopilist tõstmist oodatakse juba kuue kuu pärast.

Erko Rebane
Huvitav on see, et mikroskoopilist tõstmist oodatakse juba kuue kuu pärast.
Kas see "mikroskoopiline" konsensuse ootuse muutus ei või tuleneda sellest, et 99 analüütikut ootab 0 muutust ning 1 analüütik ootab kuue kuu pärast 10bp tõstmist?
mrkErko Rebane
Huvitav on see, et mikroskoopilist tõstmist oodatakse juba kuue kuu pärast.
Kas see "mikroskoopiline" konsensuse ootuse muutus ei või tuleneda sellest, et 99 analüütikut ootab 0 muutust ning 1 analüütik ootab kuue kuu pärast 10bp tõstmist?
Minu poolt kasutu tähelepanek, sest vahe on 0,02 baaspunkti ning kuna ootus põhineb forwarditel või futuuridel, siis ei pruugigi sammud olla 10 või 25bp täpsusega nagu oleme harjunud intressimäära muutmistel nägema
Oodatust tugevam raport...tööjõus osalemise määra tõusust hoolimata töötuse määr alanes

Üks VIXi loojatest arvab, et indeks ei tööta enam hästi, sest sellel on puudu täiendav dimensioon
Wall Street’s Volatility Pioneer Searches for Latest Fear Trade
“The VIX is low because it doesn’t measure ambiguity. The uncertainty is much bigger than that,” Mr. Brenner said. “I believe that’s what ambiguity is going to capture.”
Ambiguity is a measure of the degree of confidence investors have in the probabilities they use to make decisions. The concept has been around for ages, but Mr. Brenner and Yehuda Izhakian, a professor at Baruch College, are quantifying what has historically been an abstract theory, hoping to better explain the world’s complexities. They intend for it to become a trading tool, like the VIX
When describing ambiguity, Mr. Brenner borrows a line from Donald Rumsfeld, the former Defense Secretary: Volatility measures the “known unknowns,” or the uncertainties about which one can measure probability. Ambiguity reflects the “unknown unknowns,” where the probabilities themselves are a mystery..
Wall Street’s Volatility Pioneer Searches for Latest Fear Trade
“The VIX is low because it doesn’t measure ambiguity. The uncertainty is much bigger than that,” Mr. Brenner said. “I believe that’s what ambiguity is going to capture.”
Ambiguity is a measure of the degree of confidence investors have in the probabilities they use to make decisions. The concept has been around for ages, but Mr. Brenner and Yehuda Izhakian, a professor at Baruch College, are quantifying what has historically been an abstract theory, hoping to better explain the world’s complexities. They intend for it to become a trading tool, like the VIX
When describing ambiguity, Mr. Brenner borrows a line from Donald Rumsfeld, the former Defense Secretary: Volatility measures the “known unknowns,” or the uncertainties about which one can measure probability. Ambiguity reflects the “unknown unknowns,” where the probabilities themselves are a mystery..
USAs võib pärast märtsi tõstmist järgmine intressimäära kergitamine tulla juba juunis, kui 0,75-1,00% taseme puhul on tõenäosus tulnud pärast tänast NFPd 48,2% pealt 43,7% peale (1,0-1,25% tõenäosus nüüd 50,9%)

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
INTT +30.6%, (very thinly traded), COGT +16.4%, ESES +12.7%, CVGI +6.7%, CDXS +5.4%, (light volume)
ZGNX +5.2%, ABTL +5.2%, VCEL +5.2%, MYRG +5.1%, PVG +4.3%
TEAR +4%, (also confirms plans to explore strategic alternatives), WLDN +4%, GST +3.5%
MTN +1.7%, OCUL +1.6%, ZFGN +1.3%, ACTG +0.9%
M&A news:
BT +3.6% (BT Group plc and OFCOM reach agreement on future governance of Openreach; to be a legally separate company within BT with its own Board)
BP +2.1% (The UK's Evening Standard reports on market rumors that Exxon Mobil (XOM) has reached out to large BP shareholders regarding a potential acquisition)
Select financial related names showing strength:
DB +2.7%, ING +2.5%, SAN +1.6%, CS +1.6%, BAC +1.1%, C +0.9%, LYG +0.9%
Other news:
SPWR +7.2% (puts 100MW Chilean solar plant up for sale, according to Reuters)
CRIS +5.5% (continued strength)
PRKR +3.3% (completes sale of approx. 4.1 mln of its common stock at $2.46/shareg)
SKLN +2.8% (light volume, schedules call to provide business update and discuss recent/upcoming milestones for March 15 at 4:30pm ET)
CLF +2.2% (announces increase in maximum payment amount with respect to tender offers for certain of its unsecured notes)
VRX +1.6% (prices notes offering)
BCRX +1.3% (prices offering of 5,294,118 shares of its common stock at $8.50 per share)
ACOR +1% (announces the PTAB has upheld four Ampyra patents)
Analyst comments:
SRRA +8.4% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at SunTrust)
INAP +5.3% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Stifel)
TTPH +3.6% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at BMO Capital)
VIP +3% (initiated with a Buy at ING Group)
ASML +2.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS)
HIMX +2.1% (upgraded to Equal-Weight from Underweight at Morgan Stanley)
ABBV +1% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman)
YUM +0.8% (upgraded to Outperform from In-line at Evercore ISI)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
SMSI -23.6%, (very thinly traded), FNSR -16.3%, ZUMZ -16.2%, XTNT -14.8%, SGRY -14.1%
RGSE -11.8%, CARA -9.7%, BVX -7.9%, (very thinly traded), MED -7.8%, FRPT -6.1%, EYES -5.2%
ULTA -4.5%, LOCO -4.4%, ROKA -2.5%, WMK -2.5%, TGTX -2%, FNHC -1.7%, AQXP -1%
TSM -0.9%, (reported Feb revs), ATHX -0.8%, TRIL -0.8%, PAY -0.5%
Select FNSR peers/related names showing weakness:
FN -4%, LITE -3.5%, AXTA -2.7%, OCLR -2.5%, AAOI -2.2%, ACIA -1.7%, IIVI -0.7%, ADTN -0.5%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower:
SBGL -3.6%, MTL -3.4%, GFI -3.4%, AU -1.4%, SAND -1.3%, GOLD -1.3%, ABX -0.5%, GG -0.5%
Other news:
MEET -8.1% (commences common stock offering)
ALR -5.2% (attributed to unfavorable court hearing)
ARE -4.8% (commences an underwritten public offering of 6,100,000 shares of common stock; updates guidance in connection with the just announced public offering)
LUV -2.9% (reported Feb traffic)
NVGN -2.6% (Chief Scientific Officer Dr. David Brown will leave the co to pursue new opportunities)
Analyst comments:
IONS -5.2% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
LOXO -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup)
DG -0.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Buckingham Research)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
INTT +30.6%, (very thinly traded), COGT +16.4%, ESES +12.7%, CVGI +6.7%, CDXS +5.4%, (light volume)
ZGNX +5.2%, ABTL +5.2%, VCEL +5.2%, MYRG +5.1%, PVG +4.3%
TEAR +4%, (also confirms plans to explore strategic alternatives), WLDN +4%, GST +3.5%
MTN +1.7%, OCUL +1.6%, ZFGN +1.3%, ACTG +0.9%
M&A news:
BT +3.6% (BT Group plc and OFCOM reach agreement on future governance of Openreach; to be a legally separate company within BT with its own Board)
BP +2.1% (The UK's Evening Standard reports on market rumors that Exxon Mobil (XOM) has reached out to large BP shareholders regarding a potential acquisition)
Select financial related names showing strength:
DB +2.7%, ING +2.5%, SAN +1.6%, CS +1.6%, BAC +1.1%, C +0.9%, LYG +0.9%
Other news:
SPWR +7.2% (puts 100MW Chilean solar plant up for sale, according to Reuters)
CRIS +5.5% (continued strength)
PRKR +3.3% (completes sale of approx. 4.1 mln of its common stock at $2.46/shareg)
SKLN +2.8% (light volume, schedules call to provide business update and discuss recent/upcoming milestones for March 15 at 4:30pm ET)
CLF +2.2% (announces increase in maximum payment amount with respect to tender offers for certain of its unsecured notes)
VRX +1.6% (prices notes offering)
BCRX +1.3% (prices offering of 5,294,118 shares of its common stock at $8.50 per share)
ACOR +1% (announces the PTAB has upheld four Ampyra patents)
Analyst comments:
SRRA +8.4% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at SunTrust)
INAP +5.3% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Stifel)
TTPH +3.6% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at BMO Capital)
VIP +3% (initiated with a Buy at ING Group)
ASML +2.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS)
HIMX +2.1% (upgraded to Equal-Weight from Underweight at Morgan Stanley)
ABBV +1% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman)
YUM +0.8% (upgraded to Outperform from In-line at Evercore ISI)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
SMSI -23.6%, (very thinly traded), FNSR -16.3%, ZUMZ -16.2%, XTNT -14.8%, SGRY -14.1%
RGSE -11.8%, CARA -9.7%, BVX -7.9%, (very thinly traded), MED -7.8%, FRPT -6.1%, EYES -5.2%
ULTA -4.5%, LOCO -4.4%, ROKA -2.5%, WMK -2.5%, TGTX -2%, FNHC -1.7%, AQXP -1%
TSM -0.9%, (reported Feb revs), ATHX -0.8%, TRIL -0.8%, PAY -0.5%
Select FNSR peers/related names showing weakness:
FN -4%, LITE -3.5%, AXTA -2.7%, OCLR -2.5%, AAOI -2.2%, ACIA -1.7%, IIVI -0.7%, ADTN -0.5%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower:
SBGL -3.6%, MTL -3.4%, GFI -3.4%, AU -1.4%, SAND -1.3%, GOLD -1.3%, ABX -0.5%, GG -0.5%
Other news:
MEET -8.1% (commences common stock offering)
ALR -5.2% (attributed to unfavorable court hearing)
ARE -4.8% (commences an underwritten public offering of 6,100,000 shares of common stock; updates guidance in connection with the just announced public offering)
LUV -2.9% (reported Feb traffic)
NVGN -2.6% (Chief Scientific Officer Dr. David Brown will leave the co to pursue new opportunities)
Analyst comments:
IONS -5.2% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
LOXO -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup)
DG -0.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Buckingham Research)
* Camden Property (CPT) raised to buy at Goldman, PT $94
* Consolidated Comms (CNSL) raised to outperform at Raymond James
* Ensco (ESV) raised to buy at Swedbank, PT $12
* Fairmount Santrol (FMSA) raised to buy at Jefferies, PT $10
* Internap (INAP) raised to buy at Stifel, PT $5.50
* LHC Group (LHCG) raised to outperform at RBC, PT $58
* Marathon Oil (MRO) raised to positive at Susquehanna
* Petrus Resources (PRQ CN) raised to outperform at RBC, PTC$3.50
* Sierra Oncology (SRRA) raised to buy at SunTrust, PT $4
* Tetraphase (TTPH) raised to outperform at BMO, PT $10
* Yum (YUM) raised to outperform at Evercore ISI
* Advisory Board (ABCO) cut to hold at SunTrust, PT $45
* Cherokee (CHKE) cut to neutral at B Riley, PT $9.50
* Guess (GES) cut to neutral at B Riley, PT $13.50
* IBI Group (IBG CN) cut to market perform at Raymond James, PT C$6.50
* Ionis Pharma (IONS) cut to sell at Goldman, PT $25
* Kimberly-Clark (KMB) cut to hold at SocGen, PT $144
* Lumenpulse (LMP CN) cut to market perform at Raymond James, PT C$14
* Mednax (MD) cut to neutral at JPMorgan, PT $69
* Sierra Wireless (SW CN) cut to underperform at Macquarie, PT $22
* VeriFone (PAY) cut to neutral at BTIG
* Winnebago Industries (WGO) cut to market perform at BMO, PT $29
* ZCL Composites (ZCL CN) cut to hold at Paradigm Capital, PT C$13
* Ares Management (ARES) reinstated neutral at Goldman
* Arizona Mining (AZ CN) rated new speculative buy at Canaccord, PT C$4
* Bill Barrett (BBG) rated new market perform at FBR, PT $6
* EnLink Midstream (ENLC) rated new neutral at Janney, PT $21
* EnLink Midstream Partners (ENLK) rated new neutral at Janney, PT $20
* Foundation Building (FBM) rated new market perform at William Blair
* HCP (HCP) rated new neutral at Baird, PT $32
* Marathon Oil (MRO) rated new outperform at FBR, PT $22
* Medical Properties (MPW) rated new outperform at Baird, PT $14
* PennantPark Floating (PFLT) rated new buy at SunTrust, PT $15
* Physicians Realty (DOC) rated new outperform at Baird, PT $21
* Senior Housing Properties (SNH) rated new neutral at Baird, PT $20
* Unique Fabricating (UFAB) rated new buy at B Riley, PT $13.75
* VimpelCom (VIP) rated new buy at ING
* Camden Property (CPT) raised to buy at Goldman, PT $94
* Consolidated Comms (CNSL) raised to outperform at Raymond James
* Ensco (ESV) raised to buy at Swedbank, PT $12
* Fairmount Santrol (FMSA) raised to buy at Jefferies, PT $10
* Internap (INAP) raised to buy at Stifel, PT $5.50
* LHC Group (LHCG) raised to outperform at RBC, PT $58
* Marathon Oil (MRO) raised to positive at Susquehanna
* Petrus Resources (PRQ CN) raised to outperform at RBC, PTC$3.50
* Sierra Oncology (SRRA) raised to buy at SunTrust, PT $4
* Tetraphase (TTPH) raised to outperform at BMO, PT $10
* Yum (YUM) raised to outperform at Evercore ISI
* Advisory Board (ABCO) cut to hold at SunTrust, PT $45
* Cherokee (CHKE) cut to neutral at B Riley, PT $9.50
* Guess (GES) cut to neutral at B Riley, PT $13.50
* IBI Group (IBG CN) cut to market perform at Raymond James, PT C$6.50
* Ionis Pharma (IONS) cut to sell at Goldman, PT $25
* Kimberly-Clark (KMB) cut to hold at SocGen, PT $144
* Lumenpulse (LMP CN) cut to market perform at Raymond James, PT C$14
* Mednax (MD) cut to neutral at JPMorgan, PT $69
* Sierra Wireless (SW CN) cut to underperform at Macquarie, PT $22
* VeriFone (PAY) cut to neutral at BTIG
* Winnebago Industries (WGO) cut to market perform at BMO, PT $29
* ZCL Composites (ZCL CN) cut to hold at Paradigm Capital, PT C$13
* Ares Management (ARES) reinstated neutral at Goldman
* Arizona Mining (AZ CN) rated new speculative buy at Canaccord, PT C$4
* Bill Barrett (BBG) rated new market perform at FBR, PT $6
* EnLink Midstream (ENLC) rated new neutral at Janney, PT $21
* EnLink Midstream Partners (ENLK) rated new neutral at Janney, PT $20
* Foundation Building (FBM) rated new market perform at William Blair
* HCP (HCP) rated new neutral at Baird, PT $32
* Marathon Oil (MRO) rated new outperform at FBR, PT $22
* Medical Properties (MPW) rated new outperform at Baird, PT $14
* PennantPark Floating (PFLT) rated new buy at SunTrust, PT $15
* Physicians Realty (DOC) rated new outperform at Baird, PT $21
* Senior Housing Properties (SNH) rated new neutral at Baird, PT $20
* Unique Fabricating (UFAB) rated new buy at B Riley, PT $13.75
* VimpelCom (VIP) rated new buy at ING
Erko Rebane
Üks VIXi loojatest arvab, et indeks ei tööta enam hästi, sest sellel on puudu täiendav dimensioon
Wall Street’s Volatility Pioneer Searches for Latest Fear Trade
“The VIX is low because it doesn’t measure ambiguity. The uncertainty is much bigger than that,” Mr. Brenner said. “I believe that’s what ambiguity is going to capture.”
Ambiguity is a measure of the degree of confidence investors have in the probabilities they use to make decisions. The concept has been around for ages, but Mr. Brenner and Yehuda Izhakian, a professor at Baruch College, are quantifying what has historically been an abstract theory, hoping to better explain the world’s complexities. They intend for it to become a trading tool, like the VIX
When describing ambiguity, Mr. Brenner borrows a line from Donald Rumsfeld, the former Defense Secretary: Volatility measures the “known unknowns,” or the uncertainties about which one can measure probability. Ambiguity reflects the “unknown unknowns,” where the probabilities themselves are a mystery..
Juba reede õhtu ja võib püstitada teesi: kui vastupidiselt nende meeste soovile võiksid nad just teha sellise volatiivsusindeksi millel volatiivsus on väike, siis saaksime indeksaktsia nagu XIV, mis sellisel juhul vaid kasvab.
Ja oleksime leiutanud igiliikuri.
Disclaimer: ei ole täpselt aru saanud XIV toimemudelist, et kuidas selle väärtus kasvab kui VIX-i indeks on stabiilne.
Ei ole XIV sisse ka vaadanud, aga pakun = contango ilmselt, ehk erinevate kuude VIX fut.
Ei ole XIV sisse ka vaadanud, aga pakun = contango ilmselt, ehk erinevate kuude VIX fut.
Oot-oot, kas see on just see mida Etaloni mehed teevad - panustavad volatiivuse kasvule futuuride näol?
Ja siis on see indeks, mis panustab vastupidiselt ehk ostavad need panused üles?
Väga utreeritult: XIV kasv tuleb tänu etalonisugustele meestele?
Ei ole XIV sisse ka vaadanud, aga pakun = contango ilmselt, ehk erinevate kuude VIX fut.
Oot-oot, kas see on just see mida Etaloni mehed teevad - panustavad volatiivuse kasvule futuuride näol?
Ja siis on see indeks, mis panustab vastupidiselt ehk ostavad need panused üles?
Väga utreeritult: XIV kasv tuleb tänu etalonisugustele meestele?
Ei te üldse toimemehhanisme, aga tundub, et lahkelt jagatud detsembri lõpus volli preemiat ei taha juba kaks kuud kasumit uua. Iga volli ülesvise läheb sama rada: vollit tuleb müüa.