Majandusuudiste valik oli eile väike, mis andis pullidele võimaluse lakkuda pärast reedest langust haavu ning võita veidi maad tagasi. S&P 500 liikus üsna unises meeleolus 0,4% kõrgemale, Euroopas avanes Stoxx 600 -0,9% punases, kuid Wall Streeti positiivsem sentiment aitas päeva peale vähendada kaotust -0,25%ni.
Kreeditoride jätkuvat kärsitust Kreeka suhtes võttis eile eurogrupi istungi järel kokku Jeroen Dijsselbloem, kelle sõnul saab järgmise laenueraldise välja anda üksnes siis, kui tervikliku paketi üle on saavutatud täielik kokkulepe ning Kreeka hakkab seda ellu viima. Ta lisas, et esialgsest kokkuleppest jagada Kreekale raha on kaks nädalat möödas, ent siiani pole midagi juhtunud. Euroala rahandusministrid leppisid kokku, et arutelu tehniliste küsimuste üle algab kolmapäeval.
Aasia aktsiaturud kauplesid öösel valdavalt miinuses (Hiina -0,3%, Jaapan -0,7%, Hongkong -0,8%, India 0,0%, Austraalia +0,05%). Hiina inflatsioon kiirenes veebruaris 0,8% pealt 1,4%ni (oodati 1,0%), sealhulgas ka väljaspool toidukorvi (0,6% pealt 0,9% peale). Uue aasta püha tõttu oli baas eelmisel aastal madal, mistõttu oleks liialt ennatlik hakata välja lugema jätkusuutlikke märke tugevamast tarbijast ning nõudluse kasvust. Sellele viitab ka tootjate tasandil süvenenud deflatsioon, kui tootjahinnaindeksi langus kiirenes veebruaris -4,8%ni (jaanuaris -4,3%).
Makromajanduse tasandil toob tänane börsipäev Soome, Prantsusmaa ja Itaalia jaanuari tööstustoodangu näitajad ning Hispaania jaemüügi statistika. Ühendriikides on vaatluse all tööturu täiendavad indikaatorid JOLTS küsitluse näol, mis muuhulgas näitab kui palju oli jaanuaris täitmata töökohti ning milline oli lahkujate määr.
09.00 Soome tööstustoodang (jaanuar)
09.45 Prantsusmaa tööstustoodang (jaanuar)
10.00 Hispaania jaemüük (jaanuar)
11.00 Itaalia tööstustoodang (jaanuar)
15.00 USA väikeettevõtete kindlustunde indeks (veebruar)
16.00 USA JOLTS tööturu küsitlus (jaanuar)
Euroopa aktsiaturud on avanemas eilsete sulgumistasemete juurest, USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel -0,2% punases.
Soome tööstustoodang kahanes jaanuaris MoM -2,3%, vastupidiselt oodatud 0,0% muutusele. Detsembri -0,1% langus korrigeeriti küll 0,3% kasvuks, kuid nõnda suurt jaanuari kukkumist see ei kompenseeri. Hooajaliselt korrigeerimata tööstustoodang langes aastatagusega võrreldes -3,9% (oodati +1,0%)

Prantsusmaa tööstustoodang kasvas jaanuaris MoM 0,4% (oodati -0,3%) kui tugevama tõusu tegid kaevandus ja elektri ning gaasi tootmine. Töötleva tööstuse toodang aga kahanes MoM -0,1% (oodati 0,1%) pärast 1,1% kasvu detsembris. Aastatagusega võrreldes kahanes töötleva tööstuse toodang -0,5% (oodati -0,1%), mis on kooskõlas sellega, mida räägib PMI küsitlus.
Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse toodangu muutus YoY (%)
Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse toodangu muutus YoY (%)

Hispaania jaemüük kasvas jaanuaris mulluse baasil 4,1% (detsembris 6,5%)

Saksamaa energiaettevõte RWE (-0,2% @ €24,375) jõudis 2014. aastal tagasi kasumisse - ettevõtte puhaskasum ulatus lõppenud majandusaastal €1,7 mld peale vs aastatagune varade mahakandmisest tulenenud €2,8 mld suurune kahjum. Kasum äritegevusest vähenes samal ajal 45% Y/Y ehk €1,3 mld peale, kuid tulemus vastas konsensuse ootusele. RWE käive vähenes majandusaastal 7,5% Y/Y ehk €48,5 mld peale vs konsensuse €51,5 mld suurune ootus. Ühtlasi plaanib ettevõte maksta 2014. aasta eest dividendi €1 aktsia kohta ehk sama palju kui aasta varem. 2015. aasta EBITDAks ootab ettevõte €6,1-6,4 mld (vs €7,1 mld aasta varem) ning kasumiks äritegevusest €1,1-1,3 mld. Lisaks plaanib RWE kärpida järgmise paari aasta jooksul kulusid veel €500 mln võrra.
Viimase 12-kuu jooksul on ettevõtte aktsia odavnenud 10%.
Viimase 12-kuu jooksul on ettevõtte aktsia odavnenud 10%.

Saksamaa valitsuse 10a võlakirja tulusus teeb tänu QE-le uusi põhjasid

Itaalia tööstustoodang kahanes jaanuaris -0,7% võrreldes detsembriga, osutudes analüütikute 0,2% kasvuootusest nõrgemaks. Mullusega võrreldes kahanes toodang -2,2% (oodati 0,1%).

Venema autoturg kukkus veebruaris YoY -38% vs oodatud -28%

Maailma suurim mobiiltelefonides kasutatavate kiipide tootja, Qualcomm, teatas eile järelkauplemise ajal, et plaanib järgmise 12-kuu jooksul tagasi osta $10 mld eest aktsiaid (ehk 8% turuväärtusest) ning tõsta dividendi 14% (ehk $1,92 peale aktsia kohta aasta baasil, dividendimäär 2,6%). Qualcomm on viimastel aastatel hädas olnud nutitelefonide müügi kasvu aeglustumisest tingitud käibe kasvu aeglustumisega - pärast 7% käibe kasvu 2014. aastal ootab konsensus sellel aastal ettevõtte käibe kasvult aeglustumist 3% peale. Kiibitootja aktsia kaupleb eelturul +2,1% kõrgemal @ $74,20.
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: TITN -14.2%, WPRT -13.6%, BIOC -10.1%, KFY -8.8%, UNFI -8%, EGT -7.6%, RM -7.2%, VNET -5.8%, MR -4.8%, FENG -3.7%, LMNR -3.3%, ACRX -2.9%, PUK -2.3%, MUX -2%, AMCN -0.9%, PEB -0.9%, MVIS -0.8%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: BHP -3.1%, FCX -2.1%, VALE -2.1%, MT -1.8%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: STO -4.1%, SDRL -3.1%, TOT -2.9%, RDS.A -2.2%, HAL -2%, BP -1.9%, RIG -1.6%
Other news: ANV -41.5% (files voluntary, 'pre-arranged' chapter 11 cases; restructuring supported by majority of creditors and includes a cash injection of $78 million), CLMT -6.6% ( announces public offering of 6 mln common units), CPE -5.5% (prices 9,000,000 shares of its common stock for total estimated gross proceeds of ~$59 mln), CTIC -5% (pulling back following yday's strength), NDLS -4.9% (disclosed that on March 9, 2015, Dan Fogarty announced he has resigned as Executive Vice President of Marketing for personal reasons), ROSE -4.5% ( announces public offering of 12 mln common stock shares), EEP -4.2% (commenced an underwritten public offering of 8 mln of its Class A Common Units representing limited partner interests), ADHD -4.1% (announces its Phase II safety and tolerability study of a single administration of MDX in adolescent patients with ADHD achieved its primary endpoint), CNHI -4% (following TITN's guidance; TITN is largest distributor), MAIN -3.7% (announced plans to make a public offering of shares of common stock), MERU -3.1% (disclosed that on March 4, 2015, it entered into an Annual Meeting Agreement with Vertex Special Opportunities Fund), TTPH -2.8% (announced it intends to offer and sell up to 3.5 mln shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering), CSIQ -2.8% (releases comments on European Commission Letter which raised potential issues concerning compliance with its undertaking agreement; co says any decision would not significantly impact FY15 guidance), BUD -2.4% (still checking), KYTH -2% (commenced an underwritten public offering of $125 million of shares of its common stock), MGM -2% (in sympathy with MPEL), TSEM -1.8% (will offer an acceleration mechanism to its existing Series F convertible bonds, available to all such holders, targeting a conversion of ~33% of its outstanding bonds), GAIN -1.7% (announces common stock offering of 3 mln shares of common stock), IMPV -1.3% (announces a proposed follow-on offering of 3 mln shares of its common stock)
Analyst comments: ZIOP -6% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Mizuho), XON -4.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Mizuho), MPEL -3.2% (downgraded to Sell from Buy at Deutsche Bank), EA -2.9% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Needham), LECO -2.4% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at BB&T Capital Mkts).
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: WATT +19.1%, MM +6.9%, URBN +6.8%, XOXO +5.1%, QIHU +4.1%, VSTM +0.9%, RDUS +0.6%
M&A news: BBNK +14.2% (to be acquired by Western Alliance Bancorporation (WAL))
Other news: BONE +11.6% (signed a national distribution agreement with Spartan Medical), DARA +10.5% (announces the acquisition of exclusive North American rights to Oravig from Onxeo S.A.), RESN +9.3% (engaged with a second customer for the design of an RF filter utilizing its Infinite Synthesized Networks, or ISN technology), CS +6.3% (Brady Dougan to leave Credit Suisse as CEO; current Prudential (PUK) CEO Tidjane Thiam to become Chief Executive Officer of CS), MPO +5.2% (executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Pintail Oil and Gas for the sale of its Dequincy assets located in Beauregard and Calcasieu Parishes, Louisiana for total consideration of $44 mln), LL +4.2% (announced agenda for its business update conference call to be held on March 12, 2015 at 10am ET), RJET +4.1% (to replace MMS in the S&P SmallCap 600), RMGN +3.4% (cont strength), ORAN +3.1% (still checking), QCOM +2.3% ( announced increases in its capital return program), SWKS +1.9% (to replace PETM in the S&P 500), MRGE +1.7% (Guggenheim Capital disclosed a 10.9% active stake in 13D filing), MMS +1.5% (to replace SWKS in the S&P MidCap 400), NBG +1.5% (still checking), SGYP +1.3% (OrbiMedCapital discloses 13.57% passive stake in 13G filing)
Analyst comments:SVU +2.1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank), RDN +2% (initiated with a Buy at BTIG Research), ARRS +1% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays ), GG +0.8% (upgraded to Hold from Underperform at Jefferies), NVDA +0.6% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill)
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: TITN -14.2%, WPRT -13.6%, BIOC -10.1%, KFY -8.8%, UNFI -8%, EGT -7.6%, RM -7.2%, VNET -5.8%, MR -4.8%, FENG -3.7%, LMNR -3.3%, ACRX -2.9%, PUK -2.3%, MUX -2%, AMCN -0.9%, PEB -0.9%, MVIS -0.8%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: BHP -3.1%, FCX -2.1%, VALE -2.1%, MT -1.8%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: STO -4.1%, SDRL -3.1%, TOT -2.9%, RDS.A -2.2%, HAL -2%, BP -1.9%, RIG -1.6%
Other news: ANV -41.5% (files voluntary, 'pre-arranged' chapter 11 cases; restructuring supported by majority of creditors and includes a cash injection of $78 million), CLMT -6.6% ( announces public offering of 6 mln common units), CPE -5.5% (prices 9,000,000 shares of its common stock for total estimated gross proceeds of ~$59 mln), CTIC -5% (pulling back following yday's strength), NDLS -4.9% (disclosed that on March 9, 2015, Dan Fogarty announced he has resigned as Executive Vice President of Marketing for personal reasons), ROSE -4.5% ( announces public offering of 12 mln common stock shares), EEP -4.2% (commenced an underwritten public offering of 8 mln of its Class A Common Units representing limited partner interests), ADHD -4.1% (announces its Phase II safety and tolerability study of a single administration of MDX in adolescent patients with ADHD achieved its primary endpoint), CNHI -4% (following TITN's guidance; TITN is largest distributor), MAIN -3.7% (announced plans to make a public offering of shares of common stock), MERU -3.1% (disclosed that on March 4, 2015, it entered into an Annual Meeting Agreement with Vertex Special Opportunities Fund), TTPH -2.8% (announced it intends to offer and sell up to 3.5 mln shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering), CSIQ -2.8% (releases comments on European Commission Letter which raised potential issues concerning compliance with its undertaking agreement; co says any decision would not significantly impact FY15 guidance), BUD -2.4% (still checking), KYTH -2% (commenced an underwritten public offering of $125 million of shares of its common stock), MGM -2% (in sympathy with MPEL), TSEM -1.8% (will offer an acceleration mechanism to its existing Series F convertible bonds, available to all such holders, targeting a conversion of ~33% of its outstanding bonds), GAIN -1.7% (announces common stock offering of 3 mln shares of common stock), IMPV -1.3% (announces a proposed follow-on offering of 3 mln shares of its common stock)
Analyst comments: ZIOP -6% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Mizuho), XON -4.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Mizuho), MPEL -3.2% (downgraded to Sell from Buy at Deutsche Bank), EA -2.9% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Needham), LECO -2.4% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at BB&T Capital Mkts).
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: WATT +19.1%, MM +6.9%, URBN +6.8%, XOXO +5.1%, QIHU +4.1%, VSTM +0.9%, RDUS +0.6%
M&A news: BBNK +14.2% (to be acquired by Western Alliance Bancorporation (WAL))
Other news: BONE +11.6% (signed a national distribution agreement with Spartan Medical), DARA +10.5% (announces the acquisition of exclusive North American rights to Oravig from Onxeo S.A.), RESN +9.3% (engaged with a second customer for the design of an RF filter utilizing its Infinite Synthesized Networks, or ISN technology), CS +6.3% (Brady Dougan to leave Credit Suisse as CEO; current Prudential (PUK) CEO Tidjane Thiam to become Chief Executive Officer of CS), MPO +5.2% (executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Pintail Oil and Gas for the sale of its Dequincy assets located in Beauregard and Calcasieu Parishes, Louisiana for total consideration of $44 mln), LL +4.2% (announced agenda for its business update conference call to be held on March 12, 2015 at 10am ET), RJET +4.1% (to replace MMS in the S&P SmallCap 600), RMGN +3.4% (cont strength), ORAN +3.1% (still checking), QCOM +2.3% ( announced increases in its capital return program), SWKS +1.9% (to replace PETM in the S&P 500), MRGE +1.7% (Guggenheim Capital disclosed a 10.9% active stake in 13D filing), MMS +1.5% (to replace SWKS in the S&P MidCap 400), NBG +1.5% (still checking), SGYP +1.3% (OrbiMedCapital discloses 13.57% passive stake in 13G filing)
Analyst comments:SVU +2.1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank), RDN +2% (initiated with a Buy at BTIG Research), ARRS +1% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays ), GG +0.8% (upgraded to Hold from Underperform at Jefferies), NVDA +0.6% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill)
USA väikefirmade kindlustunde indeks paranes veebruaris 0,1 punkti 98,0 punktile oodatud 98,9 punkti asemel