Euroopa mitmetes riikides juba aasta algusest käivitatud programmid, mille raames valitsused jagavad vana auto lammutusse andnud ja kütusesäästlikuma mudeli asemele ostunud tarbijale rahalist toetust, on lõpuks jõudmas ka Ühendriikidesse. Esindajatekoda kiitis eile heaks seaduse, mille raames antakse autoomanikule 3500 USD, kui uus masin sõidab vanaga võrreldes 4 miili rohkem ühe galloni kohta ja 4500 USD, kui 10 miili rohkem ühe galloni kohta. Programm kestab aasta ning läheb maksma hinnanguliselt 4 miljardit dollarit, asendates kokku miljon tänaval liiklevat kütuseõgijat ökonoomsemate neljarattaliste vastu. Saksamaal näiteks on programm andnud automüügile uue hingamise ning tõenäoliselt lükkab käigu siisse ka USA-s, kuid nii nagu Euroopaski, võivad põhilised kasusaajad olla odavamate ning loodusesõbralikemate autode valmistajad Aasiast.
Nagu juba traditsiooniks on saanud, siis USA börsikalender on täna selline:
15:30 - The Commence Department avaldab aprillikuu kaubandusbilansi. Märsis oli defitsiidiks $27.6 miljardit ning konsensus prognoosib defitsiidi tõusu $29.0 miljardile. Raporti mõju on turgudele suur.
17:30 - Toornafta varude raport (5. juuniga lõppenud nädala kohta). Mõju turgudele samuti suur.
21:00 - Rahandusministeeriumi eelarve ehk "Treasury Budget" raport. Konsensus prognoosib, et maikuus kasvas valitsuse eelarvedefitsiit $181.0 miljardile (varasemalt $165.9 miljardilt). Raport ei peaks suurt mõju turgudele avaldama.
21:00 - Föderaalreservi Beige Book ehk börsipäeva üks suuremaid sündmuseid. Mõju turgudele suur.
Fordi kastikas jääb endiselt enimmüüdud sõidukiks usas.
Toorainesektor staaritsemas täna nii Aasias kui Euroopas, kui nafta barrel armutult taas uusi tippe teeb. Euroopa indeksid ca 1.5% kõrgemal, Micex 2.5%.
Nafta hinnaliikumine alates 2008. novembrist
ja uus läbib 20 miles per gallon (US) equals 11.76 liters/100 km., siis ameeriklane saab voucheri 4500$, nice!
LHV, mõelge selle peale.
Soleil upgrades YHOO to Buy from Hold and raises their tgt to $20 from $12 as they believe all the bad economic news is already priced into the stock and the ad driven stocks should follow retails stocks in outperforming the broader market.
By Rev Shark Contributor
6/10/2009 8:28 AM EDT
'Tis not the eating, nor 'tis not the drinking that is to be blamed, but the excess.
-- John Selden
Flat action in the senior indices on Tuesday covered up some very strong action under the surface. Semiconductors led and energy and commodities were strong on a weaker dollar, but the momentum in a variety of small-caps was most impressive.
The benign market environment is giving traders increased confidence to aggressively pursue trades. The dips have been so shallow and the underlying support so strong that traders are no longer being shaken out like they were so often prior to the March low. Technical patterns are being embraced and not just treated as an opportunity for a quick flip.
Yes, some of the moves in some of these stocks smack of overzealous speculation, but that is a natural function of a market that is acting pretty well. The more important issue is when does complacency and confidence move to the point where buying power is depleted and the danger of a reversal increases? That is the guessing game that Wall Street loves to play, and it isn't an easy one.
As I've written very often, markets tend to trend in one direction much longer than you think is reasonable. That tendency is what can keep a market like this going. The folks who think the market should reverse soon are greeted with another strong day, and rather than become more convinced that a reversal is coming soon, they grow frustrated and worry about being left behind. So they chase something higher or jump in a minor pullback, and that keeps the trend going, causing more angst for those who think it's gone on too long ... and the cycle continues.
That is where we are right now, and with the quarter coming to an end in a few weeks, money managers are under tremendous pressure to perform. The stronger the market stays, the greater the pressure on the premature bears and underinvested bulls.
This morning indications are for a strong open. There isn't any major news driving things, just a continuation of the rather sanguine attitude about the economy and the belief that the worst is behind us.
Technically the S&P 500 is set up quite well, with a rather tight trading range over the past week or so. We've been hovering right below the next breakout level of 950, and current indications are we should break above that level at the open.
The sentiment surveys show that we have about twice as many bulls as bears right now, the most since December 2007. Confidence levels are high, momentum strong and technical action positive. The only negative is that it may be too much of a good thing.
Turule on täna positiivselt mõjunud finantssektori uudised TARP osas ning Home-Depot' (HD) majandusaasta prognoosi tõstmine. Alles mõne nädala eest kergitas prognoose ka HD konkurent Lowe's (LOW).