Börsipäev 1. veebruar

Erinevate meediakanalite kohaselt plaanivad opositsioonigrupid täna Kairos miljoni inimesega protesti ning sealsed arengud saavad seetõttu järgmise 24 tunni jooksul olema jätkuvalt globaalse tähelepanu alla. Ent vaatamata nafta rallile 92 dollari juurde õnnestus USA peamistel indeksitel eile osa reedest kaotusest tasa teha ning positiivne sentiment on jätkumas ka täna hommikul Aasias ning futuuride näol ka Euroopas ja USA-s.

Egiptuse sündmuste kõrval saab makrokalender olema täna võrdlemisi tihe. Kell 10.55 avaldatakse Saksamaa jaanuarikuu tööturustatistika, kell 11.00 eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse jaanuari lõplik PMI, kell 11.30 Suurbritannia töötleva tööstuse PMI, kell 12.00 euroala detsembri töötusemäär, kell 17.00 USA jaanuari ISM, detsembri ehituskulutuste muutus. Õhtu jooksul avalikustavad jaanuarikuu müügistatistika erinevad autotootjad, mille osas jälgitakse kindlasti ilmastikust tingitud mõjusid, et saada veidi aimu ka reedese töötururaporti kohta.

AlJazeera kanalid:
WWW: http://english.aljazeera.net/
Web blog: http://blogs.aljazeera.net/middle-east/2011/01/31/live-blog-feb-1-egypt-protests
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Siin otselink Al Jazeera´ Twitteri saidile "Egiptuse protestid": http://twitter.com/AJEnglish/egyptprotests
Kakao sulgus eile 2% kõrgemal tingituna kuupikkusest ekspordikeelust Elevandiluurannikul, mille kakao toodang moodustab 33% globaalsest toodangust. Antud tooraine on rallinud 20% alates presidendivalimistest, millega algas poliitiline vastasseis kahe kandidaadi vahel. ÜRO ning paljud teised riigid tunnustavad võitjana endist peaministrit, kuid alates 2000. aastast valitsenud president keeldub loovutamast võimu. Poliitlise kriisi tagajärjel jäeti eile tõenäoliselt maksmata 2,3 miljardi dollari suuruse võlakirja 29 miljoni dollarine kupongimakse, mis klassifitsserib riiki maksevõimetuks, olgugi septembri seisuga ulatus välisvaluutareservide maht 3,28 miljardi dollarini. Pikemalt saab lugeda siit. Elevandiluuranniku puhul poleks default esmakordne.
Kakao hind
Saksamaa töötusmäär langes jaanuaris 7,4% peale, kuigi oodati, et jääb püsima 7,5% peale.
PMI tootmisindeks tuli 60,5 vs oodatud 60,2 punkti.
Irish Independent kirjutab, et Iirimaa keskpanga arvates lämmatab valitsuse kärpekava ühes maksude tõstmisega käesoleval aastal riigi majanduskasvu, mis tõenäoliselt jääb 1% juurde (oktoobris prognoositi 2,4%).
On the jobs front it will be 2012 before there is any growth, with a slight rise in the unemployment rate this year to 13.7pc before a fall to 13.4pc the following year.
Eurotsooni PMI tootmisindeks 57,3 vs oodatud 56,9 punkti. Euros erilist reaktsiooni hetkel ei ole ja kaupleb $1,3713 tasemel (+0,15%).
Naelsterling on jätkamas eilset tõusu: GBPUSD +0,69% ja kaupleb 1,6121 juures, kus kaubeldi viimati 15. novembril.
UK PMI tootmisindeks 62,0 vs oodatud 58,0.
Eurozone Dec Unemployment Rate 10.0% vs revised 10.0% in Nov (prior 10.1%)
USA dollar tugeva surve all: dollari indeks -0,41% ja kaupleb 77,53 punkti juures (9. novembri tasemel).

AUDUSD +0,96% (1,0068); EURUSD +0,53% (1,3765); GBPUSD +0,65% (1,6115); NZDUSD +0,36% (0,7757); USDCAD -0,34% (0,9974); USDCHF -0,37% (0,9404); USDJPY -0,57% (81,55).
India valitsus võib Research in Motion (RIMM)-le näidata punast tuld, kuna firma pole võimaldanud ligipääsu oma klientide kirjavahetusele.
Tänane Financial Times kirjutab, et RIM-i sõnul on see tehniliselt lihtsalt võimatu, aga India valitsust taoline seletus ei rahulda, sest nende sõnul on riigi julgoleku tagamise seisukohast ligipääs BlackBerry krüpteeritud sõnumitele lausa hädavajalik.
Kui India valitsusega kokkuleppele ei jõuta, siis on oht, et RIM kaotab võimaluse tegutseda India turul, kus firmal on ca 1 miljon kasutajat.
Orexigen: FDA Issues Complete Response to New Drug Application for Contrave
Firma pressiteade siin:

Streeti Adam Feuerstein on twitter:
"I repeat -- $OREX is done. FDA rejects Contrave and asks for a PRE-APPROVAL cardiovascular risk study. Worst case scenario."
Uudiste kohaselt võidakse Euroopa stabiilsusfondile (EFSF) anda õigus osta riikide võlakirju.
Positiivse reitingumuutusega on täna väljas Sterne Agee analüütikud ja sedapuhku Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) kohta.
Sterne Agee tõstab AMD reitingu „hoia“ pealt „osta“ peale koos $15 hinnasihiga.

We believe AMD has been on a streak of market share losses in the PC-server market culminating with the recent loss of the AMD CEO. We believe that should mark a cyclical fundamental bottom in market share.

Analüütikute sõnul on ettevõte viimaste aastate jooksul konstantselt PC serveriturul turuosa kaotanud ning kõige tipuks jäi firma ka oma CEO-st ilma. Analüütikute arvates on selleks korraks põhi saavutatud.

We believe AMD saw the perfect storm with 1) INTC SandyBridge Launch, 2) Delays with Llano, 3) Server Share loss, and 4) Top Management Moves. We therefore believe this should mark a bottom, and any improvement in any of the areas above should be upside.
Potential NB-Server Share gains: AMD has been on a long 4- year streak of market share loss to Intel (INTC – $21.46 – Buy) with Intel’s successful launch of Nehalem Xeon Servers and SandyBridge platforms. The 8-year chart shows AMD’s Notebook (NB) market share at 12-14% and Server Market Share at 5% both now at historical cyclical bottoms, especially in front of the launch of Llano-Bulldozer products. While AMD was expected to launch its Bulldozer-Llano late in 2010, AMD has lagged with delays. We believe that AMD should be able to introduce its Bulldozer and Llano platform in C2Q11 which will imply some share gains by YE2011, potentially with much better NB-Server gross margins closer to 50-65%.

AMD on Inteli Nehalem Xeon serverile ja SandyBridge platvormile aastaid turgu kaotanud ning nüüd firma uue Llano-Bulldozeri turule toomise ootuses ( pidi turule jõudma juba 2010. aasta lõpus), mis analüütikute prognooside kohaselt võiks juhtuda 2011. aasta teises kvartalis ning kõigi eelduste kohaselt ka võita tagasi turuosa.

Analüütikute arvates on AMD läbi teinud nüüdseks kõik halvad olukorrad turuosa vähenemisest kuni CEO kaotamisena välja ning igasugune positiivne uudis peaks aktsiahinnale toetavalt mõjuma. Eilne uudis Intelilt
(probleemid uue Cougar Point kiibiga) loovad teatavas mõttes antud call`le hea stardiraja ja lisaks sellele on $15 hinnasiht ka new street high.
Hetkel kaupleb aktsia eelturul $8,10 kandis ehk 3% plusspoolel.

Nagu Schlagbaumm juba kirjutas, siis OREX-i tõehetk jõudis täna mõningase hilinemisega ka kätte, kuid paraku ei saa firma öelda, et see otsus oli väärt ootamist. Ravimiamet Contravele heakskiitu ei andnud ning nõuab ühtlasi ka lisauuringuid ohutuse ehk südame-veresoonkonna riskide osas.
Adam Feuerstein on OREX-i olukorrast ka The.street veebilehel kiire ülevaate andnud.
OREX kaupleb hetkel $2,45 kandis ehk 73% miinuspoolel.

Huvitava tõigana võib välja tuua veel selle, et eile teatas kurikuulus SAC Capital OREX-s aktsiapositsiooni võtmisest.
SAC Capital reports 7.2% passive stake in Orexigen.
Härra Cohen täna hommikul ilmselt kõige paremas tujus pole.
Gapping UP
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: ICUI +15.2%, LFT +10.3%, KLIC +9.7%, SIMO +9%, BIDU +8.2%, ARRY +6.9% (light volume), LXK +6.2%, MTW +6.1%, AMSC +6.0%, ADM +4.1%, ARMH +3.8%, NVLS +3.4%, BIIB +3.1%, QGEN +3%, CAVM +2.7% (light volume), COV +2.6% (light volume), MCK +1.4%, IRF +1.3%, UPS +1.1%, GGG +0.8%.

Select financial related names showing strength: NBG 4.7%, IRE +3.4%, DB 2.5%, UBS 2.4%, UBS 2.4%, STD 2.1%, BCS +1.7%.

Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: BBL 2.6%, URG +2.2%, RIO 2.2%, PAL +2.1%, HL +1.9%, SLW +1.6%, NG +1.6%, FCX +1.5%, MT +1.0%, VALE 0.5%.

Select oil/gas related names showing strength: STO 3.7%, SDRL 2.6%, TOT 2.5%, E 2.4%, PTR +1.9%, SSN +1.5%, RDS.A 1.4%.

A few BIDU peers are getting boost in early trade: SINA +2.4%, DANG +1.6%, SOHU +1.1%.

Other news: TA +43.5% (announces amendments to lease agreements with Hospitality Properties Trust and settlement of litigation), ZIOP +20.1% (still checking), SI +2.2% (trading higher following IFNNY results), ONXX +2% (receives fast track designation for Carfilzomib; initiates rolling NDA submission for accelerated approval), UL +1.7% (still checking), ASML +1.7% (traded higher overseas following IFNNY results), FNFG +0.9% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), LVS +0.8% (Macau Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau reports January gross rev +66.4% YoY to record 18.88 bln patacas),.

Analyst comments: AMD +3.4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Sterne Agee), JMBA +2.3% (initiated with a Outperform at Wedbush), SIG +2.3% (initiated with an Overweight at JP Morgan), PSO +1.1% (upgraded to Hold from Sell at RBS ), VLO +0.7% (upgraded to Outperform from Perform at Oppenheimer), GOLD +0.7% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Goldman).
Täna on Oppenheimeri analüütikud väljas positiivse reitingumuutusega Valero (VLO) kohta.
Oppenhimer tõstab VLO reitingu „hoia“ pealt „osta“ peale koos $32 hinnasihiga.

We are upgrading VLO to Outperform with a price target of $32/share, which is 27% above yesterday's closing price. Our $32/share price target is 9.3x our 2012 earnings estimate. VLO shares are trading at a 20% discount to their peer average on P/E and P/CF based on 2011 consensus estimates. Industry fundamentals have improved as the global economic recovery continues to gain momentum with increasing petroleum demand, while closure of uneconomic refineries, widespread refinery operating problems, pipeline accidents and unscheduled downtime continue to constrain supply. We expect improving industry fundamentals to result in multiple expansion and boost the share price.

Analüütikute sõnul on sektori fundamentaalsed näitajad paranenud ning nõudlus nafta järele kasvamas samal ajal kui mittekasumlike rafineerimistehaste sulgemine, õnnetused ning plaanivälised tööseisakud on jätkuvalt pakkumist piiranud. Analüütikud ootavad koos sektori paranemisega ka tõusu aktsiahinnas.

Cost Savings. VLO has improved its portfolio through the sale of underperforming and non-core assets and investing in profitable growth projects, while reducing operating expenses by $225M in 2010, more than double the $100M cost-saving target it set earlier in the year.

Lisaks eelnevale on firma olulisel määral vähendanud ka oma kulusid ning 2010. Aastal vähendas ettevõtte oma tegevuskulusid $225 miljoni võrra, mis on kaks korda rohkem kui aasta alguses paika pandud $100 miljoni suurune eesmärk.

VLO puhul on ühest küljest tegemist üsna keskpärase call`ga, kuna Oppenhimer pole paraku kõige mõjukama sõnaga maja ning VLO näol pole tegemist väga hea kauplemisaktsiaga. Teisest küljest jällegi pakub Oppenhimer street high hinnasihti ning positiivse turuga võiks aktsia $26 taset ka näha.

Gapping Down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: IBNK -22.7% (thinly traded), ENR -14.8%, ZOOG -12.1%, (ticking lower, thinly traded), PRXL -5.2%, RTEC -5.1%, FSC -4% (also commences 10 mln share common stock offering), PCL -3.9% (also downgraded to Sell from Neutral at UBS), BP -2.3%, HOLX -1.4%, PRGO -1%, DGX -0.6% (also announces offering of common stock by the Co's largest stockholder of 15.4 mln shares).

Other news: OREX -73.2% (FDA issues Complete Response to New Drug Application for Contrave for the management of obesity; requests pre-approval trial for cardiovascular events), VVUS -7.3% (following OREX news), PRGX -5.3% (files $100 mln mixed securities shelf offering; co also files to sell 3,440,974 shares of common stock for shareholders), TTM -4.2% (reported Jan sales), HOV -3.2% (announces commencement of registered underwritten public offerings of Class A Common Stock, tangible equity units and senior unsecured notes), CCME -2.7% (continued weakness from yesterday's 17% decline), MEA -1.8% (files to sell 782,763 shares of common stock for shareholders), VTR -1.7% (agrees to Sell 5,563,000 Shares of Common Stock).

Analyst comments: SNI -2.8% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman), HK -1.4% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Lazard Capi

Wait and See
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
2/1/2011 8:55 AM EST

To understand is to perceive patterns.
-- Isaiah Berlin

I mentioned yesterday the market has a strong pattern of gapping up on the first day of a new month. In fact, more than60% of the gains during 2010 were produced in that manner. Sometimes when a phenomenon like that becomes widely known, market players will anticipate and cause the move to occur earlier and earlier until it no longer occurs. That obviously was not the case this time.

This gap-up phenomenon is occurring just as the market is undergoing an oversold bounce following a slam down on Friday. So will this first-day-of-the-month strength propel us to another quick and easy "V"-shaped recovery in the market? Since the low in March 2009, we have consistently killed any developing downtrends with very aggressive recoveries. Low-volume, straight-up bounces are not what technicians normally expect, but they seem to be the rule and not the exception over the last two years.

We have to watch for this bounce to fizzle. The first-day-of-the-month phenomenon suggests that we aren't going to immediately reverse this strong open -- we have normally gone on to further gains after the gap-up open on the first day of a new month.

Maintain your objectivity and don't be drawn into believing that just because we have a big bounce on the first day of the new month, it's going to be clear sailing going forward. I'm sure many bulls will be celebrating today and talking about how the Egyptian unrest was just a minor setback that should have no real impact on the market. It may turn out that way, but we don't want to be too quick to embrace that idea just because we are gapping up this morning.

One of the challenges of a market that acts this way is that we end up with a lot of stocks that broke down and are now bouncing on low volume. Normally that is a good setup for some shorts, but in this market that has been a terrible strategy. More often than not, low-volume bounces have tended to gain momentum and to keep running even as they hit overhead resistance. To play those sorts of patterns takes some confidence, and you have to be sure to manage the trade closely just in case the low-volume bounce actually does fizzle out in more typical fashion.

We'll see how well this first-of-the-month pattern of gapping up holds. I wouldn't be in a big rush to fade this strength. We'll see what individual stocks develop once we open, but my watch list is pretty thin.
USA indeksite futuurid hetkel liikumas päeva tippude juures, 0,5-0,7% plussis. EUR/USD +0,50% @ 1,3760, kuld +0,22% @ 1336,3 USD, nafta -0,25% @ 91,96 USD.

Euroopa turud:
Saksamaa DAX +0,94%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 +0,86%
Suurbritannia FTSE100 +1,07%
Hispaania IBEX 35 +0,93%
Rootsi OMX 30 -0,17%
Venemaa MICEX +1,33%
Poola WIG +0,63%

Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 +0,36%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng +0,15%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodu) +0,30%
Hiina Shanghai B (välis) +0,04%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq +0,60%
Austraalia S&P/ASX 200 -0,04%
Tai Set 50 -0,37%
India Sensex 30 -1,67%