Börsip2ev 17.september

Eile öösel(01:26) teatas Iraak, et lubab ÜRO relvainspektorid tingimusteta riiki, aktsiaturg reageeris uudisele tugeva ralliga, futuurid on siiani p2ris korralikult üleval.

Kas aeg osta?
kui k2ive tuleb ka taha, siis vist kyll, eilne kauplemisaktiivsus oli igatahes naeruv22rne

Tere hommikut ka minu poolt,

Futuurid hüppasid nagu kurjast vaimust riivatud uudise peale, et Iraak kavatseb relvainspektorid riiki lasta.

JJC aga arvab:

Three percent? Two percent? What's it worth, this Iraq move? Can't be more than that because, of course, the pattern with Saddam is to let the inspectors in and then block them, starting the whole process all over again. Regime change is going to happen, and we know it, so what's the point, other than to stall? Go look at the videotape from September 1990 to December 1990 if you think I'm too cynical. We had a number of 2% rallies each time Iraq's deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz, the same bogus puppet we dealt with last time, said Iraq was willing to negotiate over Kuwait.

It's what made me question the notion of going back to the United Nations last week. Of course Saddam Hussein said yes to inspectors; it gives him more time to build stuff and hide it, which is why the "weapons inspector" ruse is so futile. So what do you do? I think you sell the rally -- maybe not the first trade, but certainly by midday. You have to do it, because we have been there before; it was right then and it will be right again. Why not sell the first trade?

Because so many hedge funds were not in position for this rally that you have to think there will be some panic among the ranks if the market comes in a little and the buyers will come back. That's when you unleash the powder. Or, to give you my old game plan, sell some at the opening in case I am wrong about the positioning of the hedge fund community, and then sell the rest of what you want to sell between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. ET.

Ärgem unustagem, et oleme siiski kukkuval turul, mida tõestab ilmekalt ka see graafik:

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mis toimub ma ei saa aru
sõda tulemas, mis muud
12:33 ET London paper reports Iraq offer was not unconditional : A report from the London Evening Standard claims that the Iraq offer of unconditional weapons inspections had conditions after all; the London ambassador for the Arab league (which brokered the deal) says that weapons inspectors can only visit military sites. If the Evening Standard report is true, this would be a familiar pattern for Saddam - make apparent concessions to reduce international pressure, but attach conditions which make the concessions meaningless.
helistasin sulle enne SUNW ostu asjus, kuidas sellega siis lõpuks oli, kas süsteemi viga vms? aktsia liikus peale orderit (phind 2.88) pikalt vahemikus alla piirhinna (oma tund aega silma järgi). miks seda orderit ikkagi ei teostatud, vahendeid oli ka nagu piisavalt?
kuidas siis ikkagi oli?