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Otsing finantsvaldkonnas andis tulemuseks 68 vastet
Leverage for the Environment: A Guide to the Private Financial Services Industry by John Ganzi, Frances Seymour, Sandy Buffett, and Navroz K. Dubash (frame and cookie-dependent page images at -
The Econometric Modelling of Financial Time Series (second edition, 1999) by Terence C. Mills (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
52 Simple Ways to Manage Your Money by Judith A. Martindale and Mary J. Moses (page images at -
Release from Debtor's Prison: Achieving Financial Freedom: A Proven Formula For Changing the Attitudes and Habits That Keep You In Debt by Margaret St. John (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
Following the Money: U.S. Finance in the World Economy by Anne Y. Kester (page images and partial HTML at NAP) -
Financial Sector Transformation: Lessons from Economies in Transition, ed. by Mario I. Blejer and Marko Skreb (frame- and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
Financial Integration in East Asia by Gordon De Brouwer (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
Building a Modern Financial System: The Indonesian Experience by David C. Cole and Betty F. Slade (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
The Future of Money in the Information Age, ed. by James A. Dorn (HTML at -
Money, Method, and the Market Process by Ludwig Von Mises, ed. by Margit Von Mises, contrib. by Richard M. Ebeling (HTML at -
The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig Von Mises, trans. by H. E. Batson (frame-dependent HTML at -
A Discourse Upon Coins by Bernardo Davanzati, trans. by John Toland (text at McMaster) -
Gold and Debt; An American Hand-Book of Finance by William Lyman Fawcett (page images at MOA) -
The Gold Standard and Related Regimes: Collected Essays by Michael D. Bordo (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
Currency Features for Visually Impaired People by National Research Council Committee on Currency Features Usable by the Visually Impaired (HTML at NAP) -
Counterfeit Deterrent Features for the Next-Generation Currency Design by National Research Council National Materials Advisory Board (page images at NAP) -
Salvation Through Inflation: The Economics of Social Credit by Gary North (PDF and JavaScript-dependent HTML at -
Direct Credits for Everybody by Alfred Lawson (HTML at -
"Cato" on Constitutional "Money" and Legal Tender (Charleston: Evans & Cogswell, 1862) by Thomas Jefferson Withers (HTML and TEI at UNC) -
A Critical Examination of Our Financial Policy During the Southern Rebellion by Simon Newcomb (page images at MOA) -
The A B C of Finance: or, The Money and Labor Questions Familiarly Explained to Common People, In Short and Easy Lessons by Simon Newcomb (page images at MOA) -
A Resource of War: The Credit of the Government Made Immediately Available by Elbridge Gerry Spaulding (page images at MOA) -
The Money Question: The Legal Tender Paper Monetary System of the United States by William A. Berkey (page images at MOA) -
"Greenbacks" by Observer (page images at MOA) -
An Essay on Money & Bullion by Thomas Joplin (text at McMaster) -
An Essay on Money and Bullion (London: Printed for B. Lintot, 1718) by J. Jocelyn (PDF at McMaster) -
Money and Trade Considered, With a Proposal for Supplying the Nation with Money by John Law (text at McMaster) -
Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money by John Locke (text at McMaster) -
Short Observations on a Printed Paper, Entitled "For Encouraging the Coining Silver Money in England, and After For Keeping it Here" by John Locke (text at McMaster) -
Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and the Raising the Value of Money by John Locke (text at McMaster) -
A Discourse of Coin and Coinage by Rice Vaughan (text at McMaster) -
Money Answers All Things by Jacob Vanderlint (text at McMaster) -
An Examination Into the Principles of Currency Involved in the Bank Charter Act of 1844 by John Elliott Cairnes (PDF at McMaster) -
An Inquiry Into the Currency Principle by Thomas Tooke (HTML at McMaster) - Inside Thatcher's Monetarist Revolution by Gordon Pepper
The High Price of Bullion by David Ricardo (text at McMaster) -
The Banks of New-York by J. S. Gibbons (page images at MOA) -
Cyberpayments and Money Laundering: Problems and Promise by Roger C. Molander, David A. Mussington, and Peter A. Wilson (PDF files at -
Savings for the Poor: The Hidden Benefits of Electronic Banking (1999) by Michael A. Stegman (page images at Brookings Press) -
Remarks on Currency and Banking, Having Reference to the Present Derangement of the Circulating Medium in the United States by Nathan Appleton (page images at MOA) -
The History of Banks, to Which is Added: A Demonstration of the Advantages and Necessity of Free Competition in the Business of Banking by Richard Hildreth (PDF at McMaster) -
Report to the New York Clearing House Association of a Committee upon Reforms in the Banking Business by New York Clearing House Association (page images at MOA) -
Taking a Stand on Banking by Helen P. Rogers (HTML at Wellington Publications) -
The Coming Battle by Martin Wetzel Walbert (HTML at - Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market by Walter Bagehot
The Rise of the London Money Market, 1640-1826 by W. R. Bisschop (PDF at McMaster) -
Historical Dictionary of the World Bank by Anne C. M. Salda (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Scarecrow Press) - Global Capital Flows: Should They Be Regulated? by Stephany Griffith-Jones, contrib. by James Tobin
Money and Markets in the Americas: New Challenges for Hemispheric Integration, ed. by James A. Dorn and Roberto Salinas-Leon (HTML at Fraser Institute) -
The Growth Company Guide to Investors, Deal Structures, and Legal Strategies by Clinton Richardson (HTML at -
The New Financial Capitalists: Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and the Creation of Corporate Value by George P. Baker and George David Smith (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
Creating Value Through Acquisitions, Demergers, Buyouts and Alliances: The Best of Long Range Planning, ed. by Bruce Lloyd (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
The Return Generating Models in Global Finance by Arun J. Prakash, Robert M. Bear, Krishnan Dandapani, Gauri L. Ghai, Therese E. Pactwa, and Ali M. Parhizgari (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
The Greatest Bull Market in History (1986) by Martin A. Armstrong (PDF files at -
Technical Analysis from A to Z by Steven B. Achelis (HTML at -
Globalization, Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, ed. by John H. Dunning (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
Innovation, Investment and the Diffusion of Technology in Europe: German Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Postwar Europe, ed. by Ray Barrell and Nigel Pain (frame and cookie-dependent page images at Electric Press) -
It's No Gamble: The Economic and Social Benefits of Stock Markets by Lewis D. Johnson and Bohumir Pazderka (HTML at Fraser Institute) -
Ten Years in Wall Street by William Worthington Fowler (page images at MOA) -
Foreign Participation in U.S. Research and Development: Asset or Liability?, ed. by Proctor P. Reid and Alan Schriesheim (page images at NAP) -
When Capitalists Collide: Business Conflict and the End of Empire in Egypt by Robert Vitalis (HTML at UC Press) -
Understanding Opportunities and Risks in Futures Trading (1986) by National Futures Association (text at -
The Cornucopia of Old, the Lottery Wheel of the New by Edward Clifton Wharton (page images at MOA) -
The Fallacy of Saving by John M. Robertson (Golden Gale archive format) -
The Agent's Manual of Life Assurance by Henry Clay Fish (page images at MOA) -
Employment and Health Benefits: A Connection At Risk, ed. by Marilyn J. Field and Harold T. Shapiro (page images at NAP) -
Health Insurance Among Children of Unemployed Parents by Jacob A. Klerman (PDF at -
Paying the Price: The Status and Role of Insurance Against Natural Disasters in the United States, ed. by Howard Kunreuther and Richard J. Roth (page images at NAP)