Bolt börsile

Bolt on Eesti päriolu ning sõidujagamisteenusest välja kasvanud mobiilsusplatvorm, mis võimaldab inimestel sõita autoga, kasutada elektrirattaid, tarnida toitu, pakke jmt. Bolt opereerib hetkel rohkem kui sajas (100) linnas ja kolmekümnes (30) riigis, kuid on pidevalt laienemas.

Driver app:

Rider app:

Hiljuti läks börsile Bolti konkurent Lyft (loe börsile mineku prospekti siin) mis kaasas $2.4 bn USD ja üsna pea tuleb börsile ka teine peamine konkurent Uber kes plaanib kaasata ca $10 bn USD.

New York Timesile antud intervjuus teatab ettevõtte asutaja Markus Villig, et lähema viie aasta jooksul läheb ka Bolt börsile:

The company struggled until business in Africa began to grow. The continent now makes up about half of Bolt’s business. Today, Bolt operates in more than 100 cities and 30 countries. It opened in Sweden, Croatia and Finland in the past six months, and will soon be available in Russia. More than 25 million passengers have used Bolt to take a ride since it was rolled out.

Mr. Villig said raising money for Bolt had been difficult: He pulled together less than $5 million over the company’s first five years, while Uber has raised more than $24 billion. Then last year, investors including the carmaker Daimler and China’s Didi put $175 million into Bolt. It is now working on a new round of funding.

Bolt’s long-term success is far from assured. Like Uber and Lyft, it loses money. For every $10 it makes in fares, Bolt loses about $1 because of the cost of expanding to new markets and offering incentives to riders and drivers, Mr. Villig said.

But that is less than Uber and Lyft, he added. He said Bolt was on a pace to have more than $1 billion in total bookings this year and could break even if it slowed down its expansion plans. He hopes to take the company public in three to five years.

Bolt also is more frugal than Uber, Mr. Villig said. The company spends about half as much on an engineer who works in its offices in Estonia and Romania than it would in California, he calculated. The company also saves money by forgoing a large research department. Instead, it posts Facebook ads for drivers to help it decide which cities to open in. Bolt focuses on areas that get big responses.

The company keeps most support operations centralized in Estonia and hires just three to five employees in each country it operates. And Mr. Villig said he had no interest in spending on autonomous vehicles.

See on pärisasi. Mitte mingi tilulilu.
Mnjah, kui börsile minek, siis minnakse ilmselt juba ca 10b valuatsiooni pealt vb ka rohkem. Siis juba tõesti päris asi, kus turg toetab hinda. Kui TW läheb ka börsile, siis ikka juba suur asi Eestile kui 2 10b+ ettevõtet börsil kauplemas.
ÄP: Taxify Bolt lisas osakapitali üle 20 miljoni
Taxify suurendas osakapitali enam kui 21 miljoni euroni ning palkas globaalse finantsjuhi IPO kogemusega Spotifyst, kuid ettevõtte kaasasutaja Martin Villigu sõnul nad mõne aasta pärast börsile minekuks veel ettevalmistusi ei tee.

Taxify kaasasutaja Martin Villigu sõnul on osakapitali suurendamise taga töötajate arvu suur kasv. Kuna nüüd Bolti brändinime kasutav Taxify jagab töötajatele aktsiaoptsioone, on neil alates jaanuarist rohkem kui 500 000 osaku asemel osakuid üle 21 miljoni, et nad saaksid neid väljastada rohkem ja paindlikumalt.

Villigu sõnul on IPO kogemusega uue finantsjuhi lühiajaline perspektiiv ikkagi senisel kujul investoritelt kapitali kaasata. "Pikemas plaanis ilmselt üks võimalikke variante on IPO, aga kindlasti on ju ka teisi viise,“ rääkis Villig. Ta märkis, et kui ettevõte on piisavalt suur, saab tehinguid teha ka järelturul. "On fondid ja muud investorid, kes on huvitatud ka ettevõtte osaluse ostmisest. Näiteks on TransferWise juba võimaldanud töötajatele oma osaluse müümist. Nii et alati ei pea sellisteks lahendusteks ettevõte börsile minema, vaid seda saab tegelikult teha ka teiseste tehingutega.“

Millal võiks ees oodata järgmine investeeringute kaasamise ring, Villig ei kommenteerinud, kuid tõdes, et investoritega räägivad nad kogu aeg. "Järgmise paari aasta jooksul kaasame kindlasti veel investeeringuid, aga täpsemalt seda praegu kommenteerida ei saa.“

UBER on just vähendanud oma eeldatavat IPO hinna vahemikku. Varasemalt indikeeriti $48-$55, nüüd aga $45-$50.

NYT: Uber Said to Plan I.P.O. Price Range Valuing Company as High as $90 Billion
Uber plans to set a price range for its initial public offering that would value it at as much as $90 billion, a person with knowledge of the situation said on Thursday, in a sign of caution amid a flood of highly hyped tech offerings.
The world’s largest ride-hailing company, Uber plans to offer its shares to investors for $44 to $50 each, putting its total valuation between $80 billion and $90 billion, said this person, who was not authorized to speak publicly.
In that range, Uber would fall short of the $100 billion valuation that it would have reached based on earlier pricing it shared with some investors, though it would still be above the $76 billion it was appraised at in its most recent private fund-raising in August.

In a recent regulatory filing, Uber said it lost $1.8 billion in 2018 on revenue of $11.3 billion. It also noted that, although the company’s business is still expanding, that growth had slowed. Unlike Lyft, Uber has also begun secondary businesses providing freight shipment and food delivery, which the company said were growing more quickly than its core ride-hailing business.
One of Uber’s most significant costs is the money it spends to create self-driving cars — a long-term project the company hopes can help it pare the money is has to pay its drivers.
It spent $457 million on its development of autonomous vehicles during 2018, but industry watchers believes its program has fallen behind bigger rivals like Waymo, which is owned by Google’s parent company, Alphabet.

REUTERS: Uber to kick off investor road show with IPO terms on Friday
In addition to ride hailing, Uber’s business includes bike and scooter rentals, freight hauling, food delivery and an expensive self-driving car division.
The ride-hailing company has disclosed it has 91 million users, but growth is slowing and it may never make a profit. Uber in 2018 had $11.3 billion in revenue, up around 42 percent over 2017, but below the 106 percent growth the prior year.

Last week, Uber’s autonomous vehicle unit raised $1 billion privately from a consortium of investors, including top Uber shareholder SoftBank Group Corp, allowing it to transfer some of the substantial cost of developing self-driving cars onto outside investors and appease some Wall Street concerns over spending.

One advantage Uber will likely seek to play up to investors is that it is the largest player in many of the markets in which it operates. Analysts consider building scale crucial for Uber’s business model to become profitable.

Varasemalt NYT DEALBOOK: How Uber and Lyft Compare, in Four Charts
Mnjah, kui börsile minek, siis minnakse ilmselt juba ca 10b valuatsiooni pealt vb ka rohkem. Siis juba tõesti päris asi, kus turg toetab hinda. Kui TW läheb ka börsile, siis ikka juba suur asi Eestile kui 2 10b+ ettevõtet börsil kauplemas.

Miks peaks Eestile suur asi olema see, kui kaks $10bn ettevõtet kauplevad NYSE-l või NASDAQ-il? Milline oleks mõju Eestile?

Sest niipalju kui minu mulje on jäänud, siis Tallinna Börsil noteerimist eriti ei kaaluta.

Kuigi see on suur taktikaline ja strateegiline viga minumeelest.
Esiteks on hinna kujunemine börsil efektiivsem siis kui ettevõte on noteeritud võimalikult lähedal oma peakontorile või suurele töötajaskonna hulgale. Põhjuseks mitteformaalse info vaikne imbumine turule ja seetõttu hinnakujunemise efektiivsemaks muutumine pikemas perspektiivis.
Teiseks on startuppide reaalne faktiline mõju Eestile väike, kuigi jutt on sektoril suur. Faktiliselt töötab startuppides suhteliselt vähe inimesi, faktiliselt on ka saadav maksutulu suhteliselt vähene, kui võrdleme kogu agregaadi mahtu.

Noteerimisega Tallinnas aga juhtuks järgmine:
* turg saab mitu üle $1bn turuväärtusega ettevõtet ja see aitaks Eesti/Baltikumi tõsta frontier markets jaotusest advanced markets jaotusse, mis tähendaks omakorda, et globaalsed fondid oleks sunnitud ostma kohalikke aktsiaid.
** kohalike aktsiate sundostud ja Eesti lülitamine advanced markets nimekirja tähendab kõrgema tähelepanu ja globaalsete investorite saabumist regiooni, mistõttu võiks valuatsioonid konvergeeruda muude globaalsete varadega (ehk pigem liikuda üles).
* peakontori/AGM asukoht tähendab pidevat välismeedia huvi ja see aitaks regiooni paremini müüa
** välismeedia ja välisinvestorite pidev huvi tähendab pidevat välismaalaste riiki sisse-välja voorimist, mis omakorda tähendab, et startuppidele olulistesse sihtkohtadesse lendamise eest ei pea enam maksumaksja peale maksma, nagu juhtus Londoni ja Estonian Airiga, vaid lennuühendused muutuvad rahavooliselt Nordicale positiivseks. Peale selle tiheneks lennuliikluse sagedus olemasolevate sõlmpunktide vahel ja avataks (palju) uusi sihtkohtasid uutesse sõlmpunktidesse.
*** välisinvestorite ja meedia suurem tähelepanu aitab regiooni meelitada suuremat rahapakkumist ja see parandab kohaliku scene kapitaliseeritust
* jne jne jne …

Kui need hüved saaks startupid endale claim´da, siis oleks valju jutu taustal müra põhjendatud. Vastasel korral on vali müra lihtsalt kohatu häiring (loe: negative externality).

Noteerimine mujal tunduks loogiline, aga samal ajal tähendaks see ka kohalike huvide vastaselt võõraste huvide hüvestamist, mis muudab relatiivselt kohalikul tasandil tegutsemise raskemaks.
Ja milline ratsionaalne mõte suudab, relatiivselt enda olukorra halvendamist, põhjendada?

Keerukamas keeles küsituna: miks peaks Eesti Vabariigi President (olles andnud vande tegutseda ainult Eesti huvide eest) teenetemärkide jagamisega stimuleerima positiivsete välismõjude sihilikku ja teadlikku eksternaliseerimist lokaalse agendi tavapärasest tegevusruumist eemale, tema jaoks kättesaamatusse kaugusse, mille tõttu realiseeruks kohalikule agendile pärssiv mõju, mille tulemuseks on kohalikust agendist sõltumatu kohaliku lähiagendi poolt tekkinud sõltumatu positiivse välismõju maksimaalses võimalikus määras ärakonsumeerimine, kohalikule agendile tugevalt pärsitud?
Nimelt, teenetemärke just selle eest jagataksegi, et ühe sõltumatu agendi tegutsemine tekitab tunnustamist väärivalt palju positiivseid välismõjusid, mille abil ülejäänud saavad oma elutegevust kergemini elavdada.
Eelnevasse +/- listi saab lisada ka liiga kuuma raha mis NYSE-l ja NASDAQ-il paratamatult alati kohal on: mõlema (UBER ja LYFT) aktsiad on praegu vee all.

ÄP-s on intervjuu Korelya Capitali juhi Fleur Pellerin´ga: Prantsuse ministrist Bolti omanikuks: börs oleks loomulik jätk
Q: Mis Te arvate, kuidas mõjutab Bolti see, et juhatuses on niivõrd erinevad investorid?
A: See on väga hea, et pundis on sakslased ja meie tõime Aasia raha. Ma arvan, et see on ettevõtte kasvu jaoks väga hea struktuur. Ilmselt peame mingis punktis leidma kas veel suuremaid fonde või teisi investoreid, et ettevõtet veelgi kasvatada.

Q: Mida Teie loodate, et Bolt saavutab?
A: Me tahame, et nad areneksid ja tugevdaksid end turgudel, kus nad on juba kohal. Meil on väga hea meel nende mitmekesistumise plaanide üle. Ma ei taha saladusi paljastada, nii et detailidesse ma ei lasku, aga märksõnad on konsolideerumine ja geograafiline paiknemine, jätkuv äriarendus ja mitmekesistumine. Neil on aastateks palju tegemist.

Q: Mida Te arvate Bolti toidu kojuveo plaanist?
A: See on väga hea plaan. See äri on väga suur, ja mitte ainult Euroopas, vaid arenevatel turgudel: Ladina-Ameerikas, Aafrikas, Lähis-Idas on suur potentsiaal. Ma arvan, et kogemus sõidujagamisfirmana ja kasutajabaas annab hea võimenduse. Võimalus võrrelda end Uberi ja Uber Eatsi kogemustega on ka hea. Kui neil õnnestub teha seda nii, nagu sõidujagamist, kaasates ja põletades vähem raha kui Uber, kes seda kõvasti teeb... Ma tõesti usaldan Bolti meeskonda, et nad suudavad arendada uued teenused välja väga tõhusal moel.

Q: Kas Teile meeldiks, kui nad järgiksid Uberi eeskuju ja teeksid IPO?
A: Jah, ma arvan, et see on asjade loomulik käik. Mitte järgmisel aastal, mitte praegu, aga paari aasta pärast, kui kasv jätkub ja nad arendavad uusi teenuseid ja tooteid. Seda tuleb teha õigel ajal ja kasuks tuleb ka see, kui õppida Uberi ja Lyfti IPOst – analüüsida aasta-kahe pärast, kuidas nende IPOd õnnestusid. See oleks huvitav. Kiiret ei ole, aga see oleks loomulik jätk.

Q: Mis on Teie investeeringute strateegia?
A: Teiste fondidega võrreldes on meil väga tugev Aasia jalajälg. Meil on Aasias suur võrgustik, eriti Lõuna-Koreas ja Jaapanis. Me katsume teha kindlaks firmad, kes võiksid sellest kasu saada: kes võiks laiendada oma äri Aasias, otsida Aasia investoreid või Aasia tehnoloogiaid. Me püüame täita lünka Euroopa ja Aasia vahel. Katsume leida firmasid, kes võiksid kasu saada meie Aasia nurgast.
Millal see mull küll lõhkeb? -
Nüüd siis 2 Bolti sama asjaga tegelemas, e tõukekaid rentimas euroopas ja see Usain Bolti osalusega Bolt hakkab autosid ka sheerima vist varsti. Suht imelik olukord, vbl samas kasulik eestlaste Boltile. Või ühele uus nimi.
Nüüd siis 2 Bolti sama asjaga tegelemas, e tõukekaid rentimas euroopas ja see Usain Bolti osalusega Bolt hakkab autosid ka sheerima vist varsti. Suht imelik olukord, vbl samas kasulik eestlaste Boltile. Või ühele uus nimi.

Kas see mitte ei k2inud kuskilt meediast l2bi, et Usain Bolt ei tohi Bolti nime kasutada?
ja siis veel Bolt teeb Wolti ehk hakkab ka toitu koju tooma ...

aga ei ole teada kas Wolt ka Bolti teeb ehk taksoteenuste turule siseneb ...
Vabad on veel Dolt, Holt, Kolt, Molt, Nolt, Polt, Rolt, Solt ja Volt. Regage.
Taxify nime juurde püsima jäämine oleks olnud mõistlik. Google otsingust vahib terve plejaad igasuguseid Bolte vastu, üks ühesugune, teine teistugune.
Uber may offer courier services for retail business - CEO Khosrowshahi
Uber Technologies Inc (UBER.N) Chief Executive Officer Dara Khosrowshahi said on Wednesday the ride hailing company could extend its food delivery service to offer courier services for other retail businesses.

Speaking at a meeting before the Economic Club of New York, Khosrowshahi was talking about his time at the helm of the ride-sharing and food delivery company, a position he took on in 2017.

“We can extend that (food delivery) model to essentially every single local retailer, so that anything you want in New York City can be delivered to you, hopefully in under 30 minutes,” Khosrowshahi said, when asked about the future of Uber’s business.

Uber võib oma toidukulleri teenuse loogikat laieneda ükskõik millise jaekauba laialiveoks ja tarnida näiteks New Yorgis kliendile ükskõik millise kauba kätte 30 minuti jooksul.
BOLT laieneb Lõuna-Aafrikas...

Ride-hailing app Bolt expands SA operations to small towns
Estonia based ride-hailing app Bolt plans to double its service in SA to include at least 30 more cities and suburbs, the company said on Wednesday, as it steps up its challenge to Uber’s dominance.

The tech and transport company formerly known as Taxify has raised more than $200m (about R2.9bn) from investors since its launch in 2013.

Bolt said SA will be “a big recipient of this investment” as it intensifies its focus on the continent and Europe.

In SA Bolt and Uber have an estimated 25%-75% split of the ride-hailing market. Uber this year said it had reached 1-million app users.

“Bolt’s focus on Europe and Africa sets us apart from our competitors, and the success of this strategy is clear, with SA now one of our top markets globally,” said Bolt CEO and co-founder Markus Villig.

The ride service operates in seven countries across the African continent and originally launched in Johannesburg before branching out to smaller cities.

“This expansion means that ride-hailing services are now available in the Free State, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape and North West for the first time,” Bolt said.

Uber operates in nine cities countrywide.

… ja Londonis avati just uus hub Chiswickis

Bolt prepared to work with fleets in UK roll-out plans as new London driver hub goes live
Bolt’s London driver hub is in Chiswick, west London, outside the Central London charging zones. Crucially, there are 50 parking spaces for drivers at the centre, which has meeting rooms, a reception desk and a lounge area. The space will also be used to host events and forums, as well as driver training.

Raciti said: “We consulted drivers during the planning stage, and the feedback we received suggested drivers wanted the hub located somewhere outside the London congestion zone, with good access to the M25, M4 and Heathrow, and easily accessible from a thoroughfare. Chiswick was the perfect location.”

Bolt started operations in June, after TfL granted it a 15-month probationary licence. Since then, passenger numbers have surged to more than 1.5 million in six months, five times the three-month figure.

The hub allows current and prospective drivers to meet members of Bolt’s customer service team in person. It is staffed by a driver liaison team that can answer questions and provide information directly to current and prospective drivers.

Bolt says it offers a better income stream for drivers as it charges 15% commission – a lower rate than the 25% charged by competitors. So far Bolt has signed up more than 30,000 drivers to its platform in London. Where customer discounts and promotions are used, Bolt compensates drivers for lost revenue.

6 kuuga 1,5 miljonit sõitjat ja 30 000 juhti (vs Uber 45 000).
Bolt võiks olla kasumis kui nad tahaks seda. Forsseeritud laienemis-taktika tõttu aga kasumile otseselt eksklusiivset tähelepanu ei pöörata.

CNBC intervjuu: European Uber rival Bolt says it’s seeing signs of profitability in most markets
Estonian ride-hailing firm Bolt is starting to break even in a majority of the countries it operates in, its CEO has told CNBC.

The company is now profitable — or close to being profitable — in two thirds of its markets, Markus Villig said in an interview Monday.

Founded in 2013 as Taxify and rebranded this year as Bolt, the start-up has racked up 25 million customers and 500,000 drivers in 35 countries across Europe and Africa.

It launched in London again in June following a botched attempt to do so without an operator’s license in 2017, and Villig says the firm has seen a lot of traction there with 1.5 million passengers and 30,000 drivers signed up to the platform.

By contrast, Uber — which was stripped of its license by the regulator last week — has about 3.5 million users and 45,000 drivers. The Silicon Valley giant, which first started operating in London in 2012, has said it intends to appeal the ban.

Like Uber, Bolt remains unprofitable. The group lost 61 million euros ($67 million) on revenues of about 80 million euros last year. But Villig said the company has managed to offer lower prices and takes less commission from drivers than Uber does as it’s the “most cost efficient ride-hailing company in the world.”

He added that achieving company-wide profitability “mainly comes down to the question of how quickly we want to expand.”

“London and most of these big markets require huge investment up front to attract enough drivers and customers to the platform,” he said. “If we were to stop expanding, we would break even next year.”
Bolt enters €50 million funding partnership with EU Investment Bank
Bolt is delighted to announce that we’ve entered into a €50 million quasi-equity facility agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Union’s long-term lending institution.

We plan to invest this funding into improving and expanding our ride-hailing technology and personalised mobility services, like food delivery. The funding will also enable us to move faster when it comes to serving more people across Europe.

What’s the European Investment Bank?
The European Investment Bank is the European Union’s nonprofit long-term lending institution. It’s a “policy-driven bank”, owned by the individual member states of the EU. The EIB primarily funds programmes that are focused on bringing about greater European integration and social cohesion.

We’re honoured to have agreed this long-term partnership agreement with the EIB, an official institution of the EU. We’re excited to use this funding to continue to improve the lives of millions of people all over the globe.

Why Bolt?
Back in 2013, Bolt started business in the very small Baltic State of Estonia, with a handful of young and talented individuals, each with a dream of making urban travel easier, faster and more reliable.

Today, one of Europe’s leading unicorn companies, Bolt operates one of the fastest-growing transportation platforms in Europe and Africa. With a presence in over 35 countries and in more than 150 cities, Bolt currently has the second-largest footprint of any ride-hailing company on the planet.

On the announcement of the funding, the EIB’s Vice President Alexander Stubb stated, “Bolt is a good example of European excellence in tech and innovation… The Bank is very happy to support the company in improving its services, as well as allowing it to branch out into new service fields. In other words, we’re fully on board!”
Exciting times ahead!

Bolt kaasas raha, seekord huvitaval kombel võlakirjade/quasi-equity formaadis.

Eeldan, et need on mingid konverteeritavad võlakirjad, sest vaevalt, et Boltil on soovi hakata nii vara normaalse ettevõtte kombel tegutsema, et äritegevuse rahavoogudega pidevalt mingeid traditsioonilisi võlakirjasid teenindada. Kui just ülejäänud aktsionärid börsile ei suru, siis jätkuvalt laienemise ja kasvu režiimil tööst võib pigem eeldada rahavoogude suunamist ainult laienemisse.
Bolt ja Tartu Ülikool arendavad isesõitva auto tehnoloogiat.
NYT: Lyft Said to Plan Restructuring and Job Cuts
The ride-hailing company has faced questions about whether it can make money.

Lyft plans to announce a corporate restructuring on Wednesday that will result in job cuts, according to two people with knowledge of the plans, as the ride-hailing company grapples with questions about whether it can make money.

The cope of the layoffs was unclear. Lyft plans to inform employees on Wednesday, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the details are confidential.

UBER vallandas eelmine aasta üle 1000 töötaja, WeWork 2400 töötajat, Oyo üle 2000 töötaja jne.
No mõtle kui tore, ELMO muutus Enefit VOLTiks:
Eesti Energia ja Elektrilevi poolt uuendatud elektriautode kiirlaadimisvõrk kannab senise ELMO asemel nime Enefit VOLT ning see alustab koos kuue uue mitmesüsteemse laadijaga tööd nädala pärast, ehk 11. veebruarist.

Võiks ju kohe Boltiks end brändida. Kahtlaselt sarnase muljega visuaalid.

Muudes uudistes:
* Bolt ja Ukraina teedeamet sõlmivad koostöömemorandumi: As noted in the report, the main area of interaction between Ukravtodor and Bolt will be educational projects that relate to road safety, clean waysides, a culture of behavior on the roads, as well as collecting data on the current state of the roads.
* Keenia nõuab digitaalsetelt taksofirmadelt registreerimist, samuti taksojuhtidelt:
Digital taxi owners will now be required to acquire three-year renewable licences to continue operations.

In the new rules announced on Tuesday by Transport CS James Macharia, digital hailing services including Uber, Bolt will not be operational without a valid operator licence issued by the authority.

All international digital taxi firms will have to pay an application and renewal fee of Sh500,000.

Drivers on other hand have to part with Sh500 for application and renewal of digital hauling badge.

Moreover, only firms that are legally recognised in Kenya and have a valid binding agreement between the operator and the vehicle owner are viable for a licence.

According to Macharia's directive, any person applying for a licence for a digital hailing service vehicle must have a tax compliance certificate from KRA, a standard form of contract between the driver and the owners of the vehicle and a certificate of registration as a body corporate.
Värv on sarnane roheline (peab olema just roheline?), logod erinevad. Nimo oleks võind Elmo jääda.
WSJ kribas kuidas SoftBank on jõudnud olukorda kus rahastab konkureerivaid firmasid, kes üksteist siis selle rahaga hävitada üritavad. Kasumeid ei paista, rahh põleb. Didi investeerinud ka Bolti.
"Uber is under siege in Latin America amid a bruising price war where its ostensible rivals are Rappi and China’s Didi Chuxing Technology Co. But here’s the twist. All the combatants have as their biggest owner the same tech investor, Japan’s SoftBank Group Corp., which has injected a total of $20 billion into the three. Startup investors typically don’t back competing companies. SoftBank, which runs the world’s largest venture-capital fund, has poured so much money into popular tech categories that it created a sort of circular firing squad in which SoftBank-backed companies use SoftBank cash to attack one another. The SoftBank-funded fight is “just bad business,” said Chris Sacca, founder of Lowercase Capital, an early investor in Uber. “When an investor infuses multiple direct competitors with money to spend in a race to the bottom, it’s just a waste.”