BBBB --- Blackboard

ei oma hetkel positsiooni kuid arvan et teeb aasta jooksul 30-40% Hetkel 27.8900

Blackboard is a leading provider of enterprise software and services to the education industry. The Company’s product line consists of five software applications bundled in two suites, the Blackboard Academic Suite ™ and the Blackboard Commerce Suite ™. Blackboard’s clients include colleges, universities, schools and other education providers, as well as textbook publishers and student-focused merchants that serve education providers and their students. Blackboard is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with offices and staff in North America, Europe and Asia.

Miks education, minu arust saab see ühendriikides kriitikat praegu ?
Bb ja WebCT planeerivad ühinemist. Bb tarkvara minuteada Eestis ei kasutata, küll aga WebCT oma. Kui need kaks ühinevad siis tekib juhtiv kommerts distantskoolitustarkvara tootja. Muidugi sama funktsionaalsusega open-source tarkvara on ka saadaval.
Kasutan ise igapäevaselt Blackboardi oma college's. Info jookseb ilusti ja kõik vajalik on siiamaani olemas olnud.

Egert sinu küsimusest ei saa kahjuks aru. Miks education?