Volvo (VOLVB)

Volvo on üks maailma suurimatest raskeveokite tootjatest. Firma müüs oma sõiduautode tootmisüksuse Fordile, et fokusseerida enam põhitegevusele. Lisaks tegeleb firma busside tootmisega ning tööstussüsteemide ning lennukimootorite valmistamisega. Volvo loodi 1927. aastal, nüüdseks on firmal üle 70 000 töötaja 25 riigis. Volvo Grupi 2001. aast kogumüük oli 181 miljonit Rootsi krooni. Müügist enam kui kaks kolmandikku moodustavad raskeveokid.

Ford ostis Volvo.
Natuke läheb teemasse ..

Üks väike kommentaar Volvo teemal
"BMW, the German carmaker, has declined to comment on market reports that earlier this year, it considered making a takeover bid for Volvo. A spokesperson for Ford Europe, the owner of Volvo, said that this was pure speculation and it was the company's policy neither to deny nor confirm market speculation.
An analyst familiar with BMW said it was unlikely to bid for Volvo or any other company before the results of chief executive officer Norbert Reithofer’s review are announced later this year.
Reithofer, who became BMW's CEO last July, has already told investors the company would consider several different options including both acquisitions and divestments, but was unlikely to make a move before BMW’s new strategy is published. This would most probably be in September, the analyst said.
Reports in both the UK and Swedish press stated that BMW considered a bid for Swedish rival Volvo. The analyst, however, said there was nothing new in the reports, which added BMW had requested a complete breakdown of Volvo’s financial position from a European investment bank.
Volvo’s owners, Ford, is thought to be exploring a sale of Volvo and would have made Volvo’s accounts available on request. Sector competitors and other potentially interested parties often use such opportunities to garner more information on their rivals, the analyst concluded."
Abesiki, Volvo sõiduautodetootmine kuulub ju Fordile? :) Ja see noteeritud Volvo toodab ainult veokeid. BMW märgiga veoautosid vist siiski näha ei saa :)
Samas BMW mootorid on väga võimsad, võib just olla sünergia Volvo veoautotootmisega.
M-seeria veoautod läheks Eesti jõmm-ärimeestele ilmselt päris hästi peale :)
Mõnus, paneks kallurile valuveljed alla ja tjuuniks uue sumbuti kaevurõngastest. Poole kastist topiks kõlareid täis ja väikese maki asemele saaks panna sellise jubeduse, millel hästi palju tulesid vilgub ja siis tootvale tööle.
Kui sama suunda jätkata, siis pigem USAs konkureerimaks igasuguste Ford F150 ja Dodge RAM je Toyota Tundra ja teiste sellistega :)
Sadulveok oleks ju ka igati tegijam aparaat, kui Hummer. Suurem, kallim, võimsam, kütust võtab rohkem ja veelgi kõrgemalt saab teistele ülalt alla vaadata. läikivaid jubinaid saab piiramatult külge kleepida ja magamiskoht alati kaasas.
Volvo entering logistical services
New Delhi May 11 Volvo Truck Corporation has decided to diversify its Indian operations and foray into freight forwarding, goods transport, warehousing, commission agency and allied services.

The $36-billion Swedish commercial vehicle giant's business in India is currently confined to truck and bus manufacturing through a facility at Yelachahalli, near Bangalore. The company also offers manufacturing-related services, such as hire purchase, lease financing and driver training.

But it is now looking beyond manufacturing to become a full-fledged logistics solutions provider.

"The Foreign Investment Promotion Board has approved Volvo's proposal to enter the logistics sector in the last week of April," sources told Business Line.

The company has, accordingly, been permitted to expand the scope of its business in India to cover "logistics, freight forwarding, carriers of goods by roads and water, transport, commission, clearing and forwarding agents, cargo agents, packers, warehousemen, storekeepers and allied services".

A Volvo spokesperson, when contacted, said that the proposed diversifications will "help us to increase the scope of our activity in India." Till now, "we were invoicing our logistical requirements from the Sweden-based parent company but now we would be able to do it through the Indian company."

The spokesperson added that the new activities would not be carried out through a separate company, but under a separate division of Volvo India Private Ltd.

jim ..ei mina tea seda, mis kellele Volvost kuulub:)

Mul õnnestus näha reedel kõige haigemat auto tuuningut vmv eales silma alla jäänud. Nimelt oli keegi kodanik oma Chrysler 300C-l tiba radiootivõret läikima löönud ning oli Chrysleri märgid Bentley märkide vastu vahetanud.
Postimees: Ford Motor võib Volvo maha müüa

Mida arvate tehingu teostumisest ja selle mõjust Volvo aktsiale ning firma tegevusele!
koto, ford saab maha müüa ainult Volvo SÕIDUAUTODE tootmise/brändi mis on midagi muud kui börsil noteeritud volvo veokate firma.
küsida võiks siis kuidas see mõjub Fordi aktsiale. kirjutab täna, et Ford siiski ei kavatse Volvot maha müüa ning on antud kuulujutte tõrjumas.
Volvo uus mudel Mercedese ja BMW kõrvale trügimiseks

2017 Volvo S90 - reveal film