Step 0: Citadel pays Robinhood for order flow. Citadel gets to see RH's orders a few milliseconds before they're filled. Citadel may choose to front-run some of those trades.
Step 1: RH's customers and WallStreetBets start manipulating $GME. This is happening in the open.
Officially, they're manipulating $GME (and $BB and $KOSS) because these low-value stocks are being very heavily shorted, and if something moves the value of the stock up (like, tens of thousands of retail investors acting in near unison), those short-sellers may be forced to sell
...to cover their borrowed shares. If most shares are held by retail investors who won't sell, the price will skyrocket (supply/demand) until someone does. The bear hedge funds and such will still have to buy to cover, which may cause a bit of a liquidity crisis for the funds.
The concept of "Screw the hedge fund vampires who exist only to destroy companies like Gamestop" is a big part of /r/WallStreetBets's messaging. It's a compelling message, and a decent secondary reason for this.
The primary reason to manipulate markets remains profit, though.
Step 2: HFTs buy shares ahead of Robinhood users.
Remember Citadel, the firm who can front-run robinhood trades, and got to see all of that RH data a little early because they paid for flow? Yeah. When do you think they started buying $GME in front of RH traders on momentum?
Because the volume of shares exchanged suggests that the HFT folks were all over this, all the way to $150. The message on WSB might be "lots of little guys screwing big Wall Street", but the truth is that the HFT robots were screwing everyone, while paying RobinHood a kickback.
Step 3: A hedge fund becomes insolvent. Today it was Melvin Capital Management. It very likely won't be the last.
Melvin immediately sells off a portion of itself, because it needs the influx of cash or it will vanish in a poof of smoke, vaporizing ~$15 Billion in the process.
Step 4: Who's the lead investor, picking up part of a usually successful fund at fire-sale prices?
Right. Citadel, probably with some of the cash they made by repeatedly profiting in the milliseconds before filling the trades that collapsed this fund.
WSJ News Exclusive | Citadel, Point72 to Invest $2.75 Billion Into Melvin Capital Management
Hedge fund Melvin Capital has been hit hard by a series of short bets to start the year, down nearly 30% for 2021 through Friday, people familiar with the firm said.
Step 5: Citadel still has access to RH order flows, is still allowed to front-run them and/or pocket the spread, and can use that and other information to determine the next over-leveraged fund that's going to get squeezed.
They might even be able to accelerate the squeeze.
So, the next time you discount the impact of "4chan with a bloomberg terminal", remember that they are not the only ones who stand to benefit from intentionally screwing exposed short-sellers.
The professionals are all too happy to amplify the efforts of the amateurs for profit.
Because if amateurs manipulate the market, uh, truthfully, then nobody loses their license.
"I (retail investor) bought because I hate Citron & hedge funds, and we're going to screw them for profit. Join us, but do your own due diligence. YOLO!" might just be legal. IANAL.
If a licensed broker/dealer did this, they'd lose their license, and probably go to jail. Martha Stewart did time for less.
But Citadel, by paying for order flow and sitting in the middle, gets to legally ride-along, printing money the whole way.
So, when you ask yourself, "who pays for no-commission trades, and why?" or "what's the harm of RobinHood's business model?", take a look at what happens behind the scenes, in the milliseconds after you press buy, but before you own those shares.
It's vampires all the way down.
WSB ja retail on see osa mis välja paistab, kuna teevad kõige suuremat kisa, aga samamoodi on sees ka näiteks Michael Burry fond, millele praeguseks kuulub juba üle 5% kõikidest aktsiatest.
Räägi veel, see on nii ilus. Aga täpsustuseks küsiks, mida mõtlesid "praeguseks" all?
Aprilli 2020 ikka?
Tõepoolest, kontrollisin ja mu andmed olid vananenud. Hetkel pole teada, palju Burry'l osalust on, viimaed andmed on päris Q3st. Lisaks unustasin discloseda, et mul oli sel hetkel samuti GME positsioon. Paraku ei pidanud närvikava vastu ja positsiooni hoidsin kokku ainult paar tundi, aga see teenistus on raskel ajal abiks ikka. Rohkem osaleda ei plaani, liiga närviline.

Ilmselt aktsiate pakkumine tulekul. Kapital digipöördeks.
Viimati kui detsembris fundamentaalidel kaubeldi:

Viimati kui detsembris fundamentaalidel kaubeldi:
ulme, et müüakse 2021 200 calle 53 ga, kasutage võimalust, kas keegi tõesti usub, et see firma maksab aasta päast 253 ?
WSB DD ütleb et ca 2k pigem.
Lets be fair, selle keisi puhul käib jutt puhtalt aktsia hinnast mitte ettevõtte väärtusest.
Lets be fair, selle keisi puhul käib jutt puhtalt aktsia hinnast mitte ettevõtte väärtusest.
Viimati kui detsembris fundamentaalidel kaubeldi:
ulme, et müüakse 2021 200 calle 53 ga, kasutage võimalust, kas keegi tõesti usub, et see firma maksab aasta päast 253 ?
Aga kui see maksab homme hommikul $253?
Viimati kui detsembris fundamentaalidel kaubeldi:
ulme, et müüakse 2021 200 calle 53 ga, kasutage võimalust, kas keegi tõesti usub, et see firma maksab aasta päast 253 ?
Aga kui see maksab homme hommikul $253?
ei maksa müüa calle kui sul ei ole raha ka 500 hinnaks, tead ise väga hästi ju
Eks me kõik ole kunagi rumalad olnud, mis siin salata, aga sind ma rumalaks ei pea :S
Kõik usuvad, et hind on liiast ja mull mingi hetk lõhkeb, aga kas keegi mingeid Putte rabab?
Kust reaalajas kõige paremini shortide osakaalu näeb? FINVIZ annab 260%. AH mingi 180$ kellal.
Elon Musk mainis siis ka Gamestop ja WSB ära. AH selle peale +25% hetkel. Ei tundu, et redditorid seda lahingut kaotamas oleks
Nüüd on Elon Musk ka teemas ära käinud, mis catalystid veel? :)
Gamestop võiks nüüd public offering teha, saavad vajalikku kapitali.
Gamestop võiks nüüd public offering teha, saavad vajalikku kapitali.
223$ hetkel afterpartil
No kui PS5 odavamaks läheks, miks mitte! Pakun, et homme käib 300 kandis ära
Paistab, et Burry on endiselt sees GME’s: “ 'Big Short' investor Michael Burry made a 1,500% gain on GameStop during its Reddit-fueled rally” https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/big-short-michael-burry-1500-percent-gain-gamestop-stake-2021-1-1030004676

Julge hundi kõht on calle täis?
If I put $GME on your radar, and you did well, I’m genuinely happy for you. However, what is going on now – there should be legal and regulatory repercussions. This is unnatural, insane, and dangerous. @SEC_Enforcement
— Cassandra (@michaeljburry) January 27, 2021
— Cassandra (@michaeljburry) January 27, 2021
"Praeguseks kuulub juba" ja "on endiselt sees" kannavad täiesti erinevaid tähendusi.
Muide, need mõlemad on valed, Burry ütles, et ta ei ole ei long ega short.
Muide, need mõlemad on valed, Burry ütles, et ta ei ole ei long ega short.
Kuskil oli kirjas, et ametlike paberite järgi Burry väljus juba enne seda wsb haipi.