Currently the depreciation cost of Lithuanian Telecom is approximately LIT 85m per quarter. This number will fall by LIT 5-7m per quarter during the next few years. In 2004 depreciation costs will be some LIT 80m !! lower than in 2003, and in 2005 they will be LIT 80-100m (!!) lower than in 2004. EBITDA has stabilized around LIT 400m. Financial costs are approaching zero.
Thus if EBITDA will stay at about LIT 100m per quarter and if the current estimates by the company concerning future investments is correct, we will se Telekomas results increasing quarter by quarter during the next few years, approaching the current cash-flow of some LIT 300m per year (minus taxes). This would imply a profit level of some LIT 0,3-0,35 per share. HOWEVER, if the boost of the Lithuanian economy and increasing usage of Internet will even increase the EBITDA during the next few years, the profit per share may reach even higher. CONCLUSION: BUY, BUY and BUY!!