The Avengers on kokku korjamas korralikku kassatulu ning sellega tegemas tulusa sissejuhatuse suvistele seiklusfilmidele (The Dark Knight Rises ja The Amazin Spider-Man). Avengers on väljaspool USA jooksnud juba üle nädala ning 4.mail jõudis ka Põhja-Ameerikas kinolinale. Reedeseks kassatuluks kujunes 80,5 miljonit dollarit, mis on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 järel ajalooliselt teine kõige suurem ühe päeva piletitulu. Antud Harry Potteri film tõi nädalavahetuse peale kokku USAs 169 miljonit dollarit ning pakutakse, et Avengers jääb umbes sinna lähedale või isegi kõrgemale, mis tähendaks uut nädalavahetuse rekordit. Globaalselt pakutakse 12 päeva piletituluks 600 miljonit dollarit (filmi eelarve 220 miljonit dollarit).
Seiklusrohke suveperioodi üheks võitjaks võiks olla Kanada ettevõte IMAX, kes pakub kõrgema pildi- ja helikvaliteediga kinonaudingut ning on seetõttu võimeline küsima tarbijatelt ka krõbedamat piletihinda. Ettevõte lansseeris hiljuti brändikampaania, mille kaudu üritatakse promoda IMAXi kaudu saavutatavat paremat kinoelamust.
‘Avengers’ Has 2nd-Best Single-Day Gross of $80.5 Million
“Avengers” may best the last “Harry Potter” based on Friday receipts, even after the midnight showings only tallied $18.7 million. He said IMAX Corp. may have accounted for 8 percent of that total, with showings “virtually sold out” in all locations.
IMAXi aktsiagraafik
Avengers saavutas USAs uue nädalavahetuse piletitulu rekordi veidi üle 200 miljoni dollariga, mis ületas varasemalt Harry Potteri viimase filmi käes olnud rekordit rohkem kui 20%ga. Ka IMAXil läks edukalt
IMAX grossed $21.1+M worldwide this weekend for 3D superhero actioner Marvel’s The Avengers bringing its global IMAX cume to approximately $31.2M through Sunday night. IMAX Avengers brought in $6.1 mil internationally (which includes an amazing first day gross in China of $1.1M) on 174 digital-only locations. In North America IMAX had one big problem: it ran out of seats to sell. Avengers grossed $15+M domestically on 275 digital-only IMAX screens, which looks to be a virtual tie with the Harry Potter finale for the highest grossing opening weekend in IMAX’s history
IMAX grossed $21.1+M worldwide this weekend for 3D superhero actioner Marvel’s The Avengers bringing its global IMAX cume to approximately $31.2M through Sunday night. IMAX Avengers brought in $6.1 mil internationally (which includes an amazing first day gross in China of $1.1M) on 174 digital-only locations. In North America IMAX had one big problem: it ran out of seats to sell. Avengers grossed $15+M domestically on 275 digital-only IMAX screens, which looks to be a virtual tie with the Harry Potter finale for the highest grossing opening weekend in IMAX’s history
Kas IMAX toetab probleemideta 4K resolutsiooni? Kuidas on IMAX ja 3D tugi ühildatud?
Hetkel kasutatakse kahte 2K resolutsiooniga projektorit, kuid alates järgmisest aastast on neil uus koostööpartner Barco, kes varustab neid 4K masinatega. IMAXi brändi seostatakse mitte ainult parema 2D vaid ka 3D elamusega. 3D kohta leidsin IMAXi lehelt ühe tutvustava video
IMAX digital currently uses two 2K-resolution Christie projectors with Texas Instruments Digital Light Processing technology alongside parts of IMAX's proprietary technologies. The two 2K images are projected over each other, producing an image that is potentially brighter 2K digital cinema. On Feb 3rd, 2012, IMAX announced that it had selected Barco as the primary supplier of projectors for the next 7 years. [33] Originally, IMAX considered using two Sony 4K projectors
IMAX digital currently uses two 2K-resolution Christie projectors with Texas Instruments Digital Light Processing technology alongside parts of IMAX's proprietary technologies. The two 2K images are projected over each other, producing an image that is potentially brighter 2K digital cinema. On Feb 3rd, 2012, IMAX announced that it had selected Barco as the primary supplier of projectors for the next 7 years. [33] Originally, IMAX considered using two Sony 4K projectors
Nädavahetusel on esilinastumas üks selle aasta oodatuimaid filme, Batmani saaga viimane osa ning USAs piletite müügiga tegelev Fandango kirjutab, et müük on isegi hoogsam võrreldes Avengersiga. Kas äkki õnnestub ka Avatari rekordit lüüa, eks seda saab näha
Los Angeles, CA – July 19, 2012 –Fandango reports that “The Dark Knight Rises,” on the eve of its opening weekend, is outpacing the summer blockbuster “The Avengers” in ticket sales at the same point in the sales cycle. The final chapter of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy has sold out on Fandango more than 2,000 showtimes nationwide and it’s currently on track to become one of Fandango’s top-selling movies of all time.
"Thursday's ticket sales are incredibly strong, as film fans are flocking to Fandango to guarantee their seats for the film’s opening weekend,” says Rick Butler, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Fandango. “The IMAX showtimes are particular fast-sellers, as almost every one of our Thursday midnight IMAX showtimes have been sold out. The good news is that theater owners are continually posting new showtimes on Fandango to meet the fan demand, so tickets are still available.”
Los Angeles, CA – July 19, 2012 –Fandango reports that “The Dark Knight Rises,” on the eve of its opening weekend, is outpacing the summer blockbuster “The Avengers” in ticket sales at the same point in the sales cycle. The final chapter of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy has sold out on Fandango more than 2,000 showtimes nationwide and it’s currently on track to become one of Fandango’s top-selling movies of all time.
"Thursday's ticket sales are incredibly strong, as film fans are flocking to Fandango to guarantee their seats for the film’s opening weekend,” says Rick Butler, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Fandango. “The IMAX showtimes are particular fast-sellers, as almost every one of our Thursday midnight IMAX showtimes have been sold out. The good news is that theater owners are continually posting new showtimes on Fandango to meet the fan demand, so tickets are still available.”
hoogu on tõesti
hoogu on tõesti
Täna tõstis Susquehanna analüüsimaja IMAXi aktsia väljavaadet neutraalse pealt positiivse peale, hinnasiht jäeti $23 peale. See on muideks aktsiat katvate analüüsimajade ka üks madalamaid hinnasihte. Suurem osa erinevate analüüsimajade hinnasihte jääb $25 ja $30 vahele.
Muideks, on väga võimalik, et IMAX kino jõuab eestlastele otse koju kätte. Nimelt on kuulda olnud, et on võimalus, et kino Kosmosest saab ühel hetkel IMAX-kino. Link 19. septembri Postimehe artiklile.
Credit Suisse alustas kolmapäeval aktsia katmist "outperform" soovitusega, käies hinnasihiks välja $28.
Imax raporteeris täna oma kolmanda kvartali tulemused, teenides aktsia kohta 0,26 dollarit kasumit (oodati 0,21) ning kasvatades mullusega võrreldes käivet 19,6% 80,7 miljoni dollarini (oodati 76 miljonit USD). The Company continues to expect that approximately 110 new theatre systems (excluding digital upgrades) will be installed during the full year of 2012, which implies that approximately 46 new theatre systems (excluding digital upgrades) will be installed in the fourth quarter of 2012.
Lisan siia nimekirja filmidest, mida on plaanis veel käesoleval aastal näidata ning mis on juba ametlikult kokku lepitud ka järgmiseks aastaks.
Films to run throughout the remainder of 2012 include:
Paranormal Activity 4: The IMAX Experience (Paramount Pictures, October 2012);
Tai Chi Hero: An IMAX 3D Experience (Huayi Brothers, October 2012, Asia only);
Cloud Atlas: The IMAX Experience (WB, October 2012);
Skyfall: The IMAX Experience (Sony, November 2012);
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2: The IMAX Experience (Lionsgate, November 2012, UK and select international markets only)
Back to 1942: The IMAX Experience (Huayi Brothers, November 2012, Asia only);
CZ12: The IMAX Experience (JCE Entertainment Ltd., Huayi Brothers & Emperor Motion Pictures, December 2012, Asia only); and
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: An IMAX 3D Experience (WB, December 2012).
2013 DMR Films Announced to Date:
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters: An IMAX 3D Experience (Paramount, January 2013);
Jack the Giant Killer: An IMAX 3D Experience (WB, March 2013);
Oblivion: The IMAX Experience (Universal, April 2013);
Star Trek: Into Darkness: An IMAX 3D Experience (Paramount, May 2013);
Man of Steel: The IMAX Experience (WB, June 2013);
Gravity: An IMAX 3D Experience (WB, September 2013);
Stalingrad: An IMAX 3D Experience (AR Films, October 2013, Russia and the CIS only);
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: The IMAX Experience (Lionsgate, November 2013);
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug: An IMAX 3D Experience (WB, December 2013); and
Dhoom 3: The IMAX Experience (Yash Raj Films, 2013, India only).
Lisan siia nimekirja filmidest, mida on plaanis veel käesoleval aastal näidata ning mis on juba ametlikult kokku lepitud ka järgmiseks aastaks.
Films to run throughout the remainder of 2012 include:
Paranormal Activity 4: The IMAX Experience (Paramount Pictures, October 2012);
Tai Chi Hero: An IMAX 3D Experience (Huayi Brothers, October 2012, Asia only);
Cloud Atlas: The IMAX Experience (WB, October 2012);
Skyfall: The IMAX Experience (Sony, November 2012);
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2: The IMAX Experience (Lionsgate, November 2012, UK and select international markets only)
Back to 1942: The IMAX Experience (Huayi Brothers, November 2012, Asia only);
CZ12: The IMAX Experience (JCE Entertainment Ltd., Huayi Brothers & Emperor Motion Pictures, December 2012, Asia only); and
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: An IMAX 3D Experience (WB, December 2012).
2013 DMR Films Announced to Date:
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters: An IMAX 3D Experience (Paramount, January 2013);
Jack the Giant Killer: An IMAX 3D Experience (WB, March 2013);
Oblivion: The IMAX Experience (Universal, April 2013);
Star Trek: Into Darkness: An IMAX 3D Experience (Paramount, May 2013);
Man of Steel: The IMAX Experience (WB, June 2013);
Gravity: An IMAX 3D Experience (WB, September 2013);
Stalingrad: An IMAX 3D Experience (AR Films, October 2013, Russia and the CIS only);
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: The IMAX Experience (Lionsgate, November 2013);
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug: An IMAX 3D Experience (WB, December 2013); and
Dhoom 3: The IMAX Experience (Yash Raj Films, 2013, India only).
2012 plaanitakse siis installeeida 110 kinosüsteemi, 2013. aasta veel täiendavalt 110 kuni 125. Kiire kasvufaas seega jätkub. Seejuures on suudetud luua hajutatud tulubaas, mis tähendab stabiilsemaid tulusid ja kasumeid. Kolmandik tuludest tuleb IMAXi kinosüsteemide/tehnika müümisest, kolmandik tuleb kinode opereerimisest/ühiste kinode piletimüügi tulusosast ja viimane kolmandik filmide ümberkonverteerimisest IMAXi formaati ja IMAXi formaadis filmimisest.
"We believe IMAX has become a story of growth and operating leverage, and our pipeline for future theatre deals remains robust. Our view is that we have reached a point of critical mass where our portfolio approach to our film slate combined with our global network expansion is driving scalability in the business."
IMAXi kinovõrgustik ulatub nüüdsest 689 kinosaalini ning tellimusi on 285 täiendava süsteemi ülesseadmiseks.
The total IMAX® theatre network consisted of 689 systems at the end of the quarter, of which 556 were in commercial multiplexes. There were 285 theatre systems in backlog as of Sept. 30, 2012, compared to 280 theatre systems in backlog as of June 30, 2012 and 295 systems in backlog as of Sept. 30, 2011.
"We believe IMAX has become a story of growth and operating leverage, and our pipeline for future theatre deals remains robust. Our view is that we have reached a point of critical mass where our portfolio approach to our film slate combined with our global network expansion is driving scalability in the business."
IMAXi kinovõrgustik ulatub nüüdsest 689 kinosaalini ning tellimusi on 285 täiendava süsteemi ülesseadmiseks.
The total IMAX® theatre network consisted of 689 systems at the end of the quarter, of which 556 were in commercial multiplexes. There were 285 theatre systems in backlog as of Sept. 30, 2012, compared to 280 theatre systems in backlog as of June 30, 2012 and 295 systems in backlog as of Sept. 30, 2011.
Aktsia on esimese poole tunni kauplemise järel tulemuste peale ca +5% kuni +6%. Arvestades ikkagi näidatud korralikke numbreid ja head backlogi, on selline tugev reaktsioon minu arvates ka õigustatud.
Viimase kolme kuu jooksul müügisurve all olnud Imaxi tulemused kujunesid prognoositust paremaks
Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of $0.44 per share, excluding non-recurring items, $0.10 better than the Capital IQ Consensus Estimate of $0.34; revenues rose 35.7% year/year to $105 mln vs the $93.54 mln consensus.
"The strong fourth quarter drove over 90% growth in our EBITDA compared to the same period last year, resulting in margin expansion and strong operating leverage for the full year. Overall, 2013 was a very exciting and productive year at IMAX as we effectively streamlined costs, expanded the network, signed a record number of deals and continued to execute on the film front."
Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of $0.44 per share, excluding non-recurring items, $0.10 better than the Capital IQ Consensus Estimate of $0.34; revenues rose 35.7% year/year to $105 mln vs the $93.54 mln consensus.
"The strong fourth quarter drove over 90% growth in our EBITDA compared to the same period last year, resulting in margin expansion and strong operating leverage for the full year. Overall, 2013 was a very exciting and productive year at IMAX as we effectively streamlined costs, expanded the network, signed a record number of deals and continued to execute on the film front."
Avatar lõi kassatulus enda liiga ning tundub, et Star Wars on üle pika aja esimene film, mis võiks sinna küündida. Via WSJ
Most movies would be lucky to open to $50 million. Four weeks before its debut, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has more than that in the bank. The record-breaking advance ticket sales, confirmed by several people with knowledge of the numbers, are just one sign that Walt Disney Co.’s new movie set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away could become the highest-grossing release of all time. On Fandango, “The Force Awakens” has already sold more tickets than any other movie before its release, the Comcast Corp. unit said. IMAX Corp., whose digital and large-format screens account for about one-third of sales for the new “Star Wars” film, has doubled its prior pre-sales record of about $9 million, a spokesman said.
Most movies would be lucky to open to $50 million. Four weeks before its debut, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” has more than that in the bank. The record-breaking advance ticket sales, confirmed by several people with knowledge of the numbers, are just one sign that Walt Disney Co.’s new movie set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away could become the highest-grossing release of all time. On Fandango, “The Force Awakens” has already sold more tickets than any other movie before its release, the Comcast Corp. unit said. IMAX Corp., whose digital and large-format screens account for about one-third of sales for the new “Star Wars” film, has doubled its prior pre-sales record of about $9 million, a spokesman said.