Gapping Up
Gapping up on strong earnings/guidance: ABIX +49%, CSPI +47%, ADBL +16%, SYKE +10% (also Raymond James upgrade), PCNTF +6.3%, EELN +6%, PRZ +5.3%, HANS +5%, CYBX +4.3%.... Other News: EMMS +20% (co says it may sell TV business, approves Dutch tender to purchase up to 20.2 mln shares), NUAN +55% (to be acquired by SSFT), VRTX +16% (Phase 1 data; target raised to $20 at CSFB), EXTR +6.7% (defeats Lucent's patent infringement claims), ENMC +5.3% (started with a Buy at Jefferies; tgt $8.50), JOBS +3% (bounces after 28% drop yesterday), DYN +2.6% (BofA upgrade).... Under $3: TEKC +27%, XOMA +15% (reports Q1).
Gapping Down
Gapping down on disappointing earnings/guidance: RTIX -31%, CDSS -21% (also Kaufman downgrade), FOSL -18%, ECST -16%, PCLN -9%, CAPA -9%, SONS -2.3% (also Legg Mason cuts to Sell)... Other News: SSFT -10%, ZEUS -3% (KeyBanc downgrade), XMSR -2.4%, AXS -5%, WMAR -4%.
Melinda Gates jätkab (DSCM) aktsiate ostmist. Huvitav, kas selle taga võib olla firma uus juht? ...või midagi muud. Eile teatas ta siis veel lisaks 151500 aktsia ostmisest $2.63 juurest. Tundub, et viimase aja tõusu taga ongi tema ostuorderid olnud ning kui need ära kaovad, võib hetkeks ka langus tulla.
Täna õhtul tulemustega Cisco Systems (CSCO), võib olla oluline sündmus kogu turule.
World Air Holdings (WLDA) kosub iga paevaga, tana ka hasti ennast naidanud.
Glamis(sümbol GLG) on alla müüdud, ainuke süü, et kullafirma Glamise sümbol näeb välja nagu hedgefondi GLG Partners nimi. Turul käivad jutud,et GLG Partnersil võib olla probleeme derivatiividega.
Jah, see mure hedge-fondide suhtes on ka yks peamisi põhjusi, miks myygisurve valitseb. GLG Partners lykkas kuuldused raskustest tagasi.
Kuid see GLG langus on naljakas tõesti, nagu BABY ja MAMA koos langemine oli mõni aeg tagasi.
Kuid see GLG langus on naljakas tõesti, nagu BABY ja MAMA koos langemine oli mõni aeg tagasi.
DNDN kogub ka tuure enne nädalavahetust, kui tuleb ehk uut ja huvitavat infi, spekulandid on panuseid tegemas
tiny võttis sõnad suust... :)
DNDN rohkem aasta lõpu mäng
CSCO tulemused head, kuid aktsia vaid vaevalised 10 senti plussis.
16:15 CSCO Cisco Systems beats by a penny (18.19 -0.02)
Reports Q3 (Apr) earnings of $0.23 per share, $0.01 better than the Reuters Estimates consensus of $0.22; revenues rose 10.1% year/year to $6.19 bln vs the $6.15 bln consensus. CSCO reports gross margin 66.8% vs 67% consensus. Inventory turns were 6.5, unchanged sequentially; days sales outstanding in accounts receivable at the end of Q3 were 33 days, compared with 28 days at the end of the Q4 Y04, and compared with 34 days at the end of Q2. "This quarter's results demonstrate that we have the right strategy in place to deliver profitable growth....Cisco is clearly delivering on its long-term financial priorities with revenue up 13 percent and pro forma operating profit up 18 percent year to date."
16:15 CSCO Cisco Systems beats by a penny (18.19 -0.02)
Reports Q3 (Apr) earnings of $0.23 per share, $0.01 better than the Reuters Estimates consensus of $0.22; revenues rose 10.1% year/year to $6.19 bln vs the $6.15 bln consensus. CSCO reports gross margin 66.8% vs 67% consensus. Inventory turns were 6.5, unchanged sequentially; days sales outstanding in accounts receivable at the end of Q3 were 33 days, compared with 28 days at the end of the Q4 Y04, and compared with 34 days at the end of Q2. "This quarter's results demonstrate that we have the right strategy in place to deliver profitable growth....Cisco is clearly delivering on its long-term financial priorities with revenue up 13 percent and pro forma operating profit up 18 percent year to date."
Wondering, kas peaks shortima here.