S&P 500 indeks jätkab väikeste sammudega allapoole tiksumist, alanedes eile täiendavad -0,3%. Sellega on ära antud kogu Donald Trumpi eelmise nädala kõne järgne ralli, kuid langus on ühtlasi aidanud leevendada tugevalt üleostetud sentimenti.
Sarnaselt Ühendriikidele olid Euroopas eile suurema müügisurve all ravifirmade aktsiad tingituna USA presidendi lubadusest panna püsti uus süsteem, mis tooks antud turul kaasa suurema konkurentsi. Stoxx 600 lõpetas päeva -0,3% madalamal. Võidukamateks ettevõteteks osutusid Intertek Group +4.8%, Just Eat +4.6%, Travis Perkins +3.2%, Fingerprint Cards +3.2%, Subsea 7 +3.0%. Suurimat tagasilööki kogesid Aggreko -12.9%, Casino Guichard Perrachon -5.6%, Paddy Power Betfair -5.4%, BPER Banca -4.2%, Brenntag -3.9%.
Ühendriikide kaubavahetuse puudujääk paisus detsembri -44,3 miljardilt dollarilt jaanuaris -48,5 miljardile dollarile, osutudes ligi viie aasta suurimaks. Kõrgema puudujäägi taga oli impordi 2,3% kasv võrreldes detsembriga, samal ajal kui ekspordi kasv piirdus 0,6%ga (aastatagusega võrreldes oli kasv vastavalt 8,3% ning 7,4%). Atlanta FED korrigeeris USA esimese kvartali SKP ootust 1,8% pealt 1,3%le, kuid langetamise taga polnud jaanuari kaubavahetuse statistika, vaid eelneva nädala konjunktuuri baasi tagasihoidlikumaks muutunud ootused tarbimise ja investeeringute osas.
Aasia aktsiaturud liikusid öösel erisuunas, laskmata ennast mõjutada Hiina veebruari kaubanduse statistikast. Riigi eksport kahanes dollarites -1,3% võrreldes aastatagusega, jäädes alla analüütikute 14,0% ootusele, samal ajal kui import aga hüppas 38,1% ning osutus sellega prognoositud 20,0%st paremaks. Tagajärjena pöördus jaanuarikuu kaubavahetuse 54,3 miljardi dollari suurune ülejääk veebruaris -9,15 miljardi dollari suuruseks puudujäägiks, kuid väga järelduste tegemisega tõenäoliselt ei kiirustata, sest uue aasta püha liikumine kipuvad aastases võrdluses jaanuari ja veebruari numbreid moonutama.
Täna on tähelepanu pööratud USA ADP tööturu küsitlusele, mis pakub eelinfot reedese tööturu raporti kohta.
09.00 Saksamaa tööstustoodang (jaanuar)
10.00 Hispaania tööstustoodang (jaanuar)
14.00 USA hüpoteeklaenude taotlused
15.15 USA ADP tööturu küsitlus (veebruar)
17.00 USA hulgimüük ja varud (jaanuari lõplik)
17.30 USA toornafta varude raport (3. märts)
Twitteris jätkub riigiasjade ajamine.
Sources close to Admin. telling me that Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross @WilburRoss now opposes border adjustment tax (BAT). Very good news.
Pier 1 Imports (PIR)
Sources close to Admin. telling me that Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross @WilburRoss now opposes border adjustment tax (BAT). Very good news.
Pier 1 Imports (PIR)
Saksamaa tööstustoodang kasvas jaanuaris 2,8% võrreldes detsembriga, ületades analüütikute 2,7% ootust arvestades siia juurde veel positiivsemaks revideeritud detsembri muutust (-3,0% asemel -2,4%). Mullusega võrreldes püsis tööstustoodang samal tasemel (prog -0,6%).

Hispaania tööstustoodang suurenes jaanuaris MoM 0,3% vs oodatud 0,2% ning mullusega võrreldes kiirenes kasv 2,5%le (oodati 2,4%).

Twitteris jätkub riigiasjade ajamine.
Sources close to Admin. telling me that Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross @WilburRoss now opposes border adjustment tax (BAT). Very good news.
Pier 1 Imports (PIR)
Erko Rebane
S&P 500 indeks jätkab väikeste sammudega allapoole tiksumist, alanedes eile täiendavad -0,3%. Sellega on ära antud kogu Donald Trumpi eelmise nädala kõne järgne ralli, kuid langus on ühtlasi aidanud leevendada tugevalt üleostetud sentimenti.
eriti huvitav on, et hoolimata sellest 40p kukkumisest on vix endiselt 11,5 st mingit hirmu turul küll ei valitse. Normaalsetes oludes on selline kukkumine vix ikka tuntavalt kergitanud.
Twitteris jätkub riigiasjade ajamine.
Sources close to Admin. telling me that Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross @WilburRoss now opposes border adjustment tax (BAT). Very good news.
Pier 1 Imports (PIR)
Importija, väga suur kogus tuleb välismaalt, mingi 80-90%
pahurikErko Rebane
S&P 500 indeks jätkab väikeste sammudega allapoole tiksumist, alanedes eile täiendavad -0,3%. Sellega on ära antud kogu Donald Trumpi eelmise nädala kõne järgne ralli, kuid langus on ühtlasi aidanud leevendada tugevalt üleostetud sentimenti.
eriti huvitav on, et hoolimata sellest 40p kukkumisest on vix endiselt 11,5 st mingit hirmu turul küll ei valitse. Normaalsetes oludes on selline kukkumine vix ikka tuntavalt kergitanud.
S&P 500 puhul on sentiment RSI järgi alles napilt alla üleostetud piiri jõudnud ja pakun, et sellises kergelt eufoorilises keskkonnas aeglaste sammudega allapoole liikumine ei pane kedagi väga eesseisva kuu volatiilsuse pärast muretsema. Võib-olla kui S&P 500 päevased sulgumised hakkavad jääma üle -1%?
Morgan Stanley järeldab Hiina jaanuari ja veebruari kaubandusstatistikat koos vaadates, et nõudlus on paranenud nii riigi siseselt kui ka väliselt
To adjust for the seasonal volatility, we focus on the combined data for January and February, which shows exports growth accelerated to 4.0% YoY (vs. -6.2% YoY in Dec-16 and -5.2% YoY in 4Q16), suggesting continued improvement in external demand. Meanwhile, despite an unfavorable base effect, Jan-Feb combined imports growth rose to 26.4% (vs. 3.1% YoY in Dec-16 and 2.5% YoY in 4Q16), due to strong domestic demand and higher import prices (particularly prices of iron ore, crude oil, and copper).
To adjust for the seasonal volatility, we focus on the combined data for January and February, which shows exports growth accelerated to 4.0% YoY (vs. -6.2% YoY in Dec-16 and -5.2% YoY in 4Q16), suggesting continued improvement in external demand. Meanwhile, despite an unfavorable base effect, Jan-Feb combined imports growth rose to 26.4% (vs. 3.1% YoY in Dec-16 and 2.5% YoY in 4Q16), due to strong domestic demand and higher import prices (particularly prices of iron ore, crude oil, and copper).
Twitteris jätkub riigiasjade ajamine.
Sources close to Admin. telling me that Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross @WilburRoss now opposes border adjustment tax (BAT). Very good news.
Pier 1 Imports (PIR)
Importija, väga suur kogus tuleb välismaalt, mingi 80-90%
Nagu ka paljudel teistel retaileritel.
Sam Eisenstadti mudel, mis ennustas korrektselt näiteks viimase poole aasta tõusu, näeb järgmise kuue kuu pärast S&P 500 indeksit kauplemas praeguse taseme lähedal.
Sam Eisenstadt, a supreme forecaster, has bad news for stock investors
Sam Eisenstadt, a supreme forecaster, has bad news for stock investors
I don't think the market's cheap, but it's hard to go short with economic backdrop, says Appaloosa's David Tepper
ADP küsitlus viitab reedel oodatust tugevamale tööturu raportile
ADP Employment Change (Feb) 298K vs 187K Expected
ADP Employment Change (Feb) 298K vs 187K Expected

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
MFIN +35.1%, HH +31.7%, PRSS +19.2%, REXX +17.5%, BIOC +17.3%, EKSO +11.1%
AVAV +7.1%, YIN +7.1%, PLCE +6.8%, ZAGG +6.7%, SCMP +6.7%, CLNE +6.6%, HRB +6%
TLGT +3.8%, NCS +3.4%, REGI +2.8%, OPTT +2%, GTT +2%, AERI +1.8%, RIGL +1.5%
OA +1.4%, TISI +1%, CERS +0.8%, CBIO +0.7%
M&A news:
TSL +5.7% (still checking, potentially related to pending to "go private" soon)
RH +1.9% (UK Betaville blogger suggests Williams-Sonoma is 'stalking Restoration Hardware')
Select EU financial names showing strength:
ING +2%, CS +1.8%, DB +1.4%, LYG +1%
Other news:
PRKR +50.2% (continued strength following favorable patent ruling)
XTLB +14.4% (continued strength)
SHIP +12.6% (enters into a definitive agreement with one of its senior lenders for the early termination of a credit facility, which is expected to result into a material gain and equity accretion; the gain to the Company is estimated to be approximately $11.4 million after completion)
EXTR +7.4% ( to acquire Avaya's networking business for approximately $100 million )
NTLA +5.1% (presents updated data showing increased levels of genome editing efficiency in vivo and durability results with its CRISPR/Cas9 technology)
CLRB +4.5% (enters into a licensing agreement with the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation for intellectual property rights covering the method of use for CLR 131), TLGT +3.8% (receives approval of the Co's abbreviated new drug application from the FDA of Clobetasol Propionate Gel)
KERX +3.3% (FDA has accepted for review the supplemental New Drug Application for Auryxia)
OPK +2.8% (receives notification from the EC designating its oligonucleotide-based AntagoNAT)
FCSC +1.9% (Fibrocell Science entered into securities purchase agreement with existing investors for sale of $8.0 mln Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and accompanying warrants )
DKS +0.9% (slightly rebounding following yesterday's 9% decline, also several analysts defending stock this morning)
Analyst comments:
MIK +2.6% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
IPXL +2.2% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank)
MWA +1.6% (initiated with a Buy at Goldman)
SWKS +1% (initiated with a Outperform at Wells Fargo)
AVB +1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
GNE -14.7%, VRA -14.2%, EXPR -11.9%,
ALQA -11.5%, (also initiated a process of identifying strategic alternatives for the contract manufacturing business )
ARA -10.9%, HYGS -8.9%, PQ -8.7%, URBN -6.7%, BOJA -6.1%, CIEN -3.9%, BOBE -3.6%
RGNX -2.6%, (also announces that the first patient in a Phase I/II clinical trial of REGENXBIO's investigational gene therapy RGX-501 for the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia has been dosed)
KODK -2.5%, RRR -1.4%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower:
GFI -3.5%, SBGL -3.4%, AG -2.6%, HMY -2.3%, BHP -1.9%, AUY -0.8%, ABX -0.7%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness:
RIG -1.4%, RDS.A -1.2%, MRO -1%, BP -0.8%, TOT -0.8%
Other news:
HIIQ -15% (launches a secondary underwritten public offering of shares of its Class A common stock )
GEO -6.3% (prices its previously announced public offering of 6,000,000 shares at $41.75/share)
LADR -4.8% (prices 3 mln common stock offering by selling stockholders for gross proceeds of approx. $42 mln)
FOXF -4.2% (announces secondary offering of 5,108,718 shares by one of its existing stockholders)
LAND -3.9% (to sell approx. 1.4 mln shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering)
CAT -2.1% (NY Times report discussing allegations of tax fraud)
COTV -2% (prices offering of 8.42 mln shares of common stock, by certain stockholders at a $36.00 per share)
NVO -1.2% (Bloomberg details that Novo Nordisk (NVO) might miss its diabetics treatment targets)
Analyst comments:
GOLD -2.1% (downgraded to Underperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
BT -1.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
MFIN +35.1%, HH +31.7%, PRSS +19.2%, REXX +17.5%, BIOC +17.3%, EKSO +11.1%
AVAV +7.1%, YIN +7.1%, PLCE +6.8%, ZAGG +6.7%, SCMP +6.7%, CLNE +6.6%, HRB +6%
TLGT +3.8%, NCS +3.4%, REGI +2.8%, OPTT +2%, GTT +2%, AERI +1.8%, RIGL +1.5%
OA +1.4%, TISI +1%, CERS +0.8%, CBIO +0.7%
M&A news:
TSL +5.7% (still checking, potentially related to pending to "go private" soon)
RH +1.9% (UK Betaville blogger suggests Williams-Sonoma is 'stalking Restoration Hardware')
Select EU financial names showing strength:
ING +2%, CS +1.8%, DB +1.4%, LYG +1%
Other news:
PRKR +50.2% (continued strength following favorable patent ruling)
XTLB +14.4% (continued strength)
SHIP +12.6% (enters into a definitive agreement with one of its senior lenders for the early termination of a credit facility, which is expected to result into a material gain and equity accretion; the gain to the Company is estimated to be approximately $11.4 million after completion)
EXTR +7.4% ( to acquire Avaya's networking business for approximately $100 million )
NTLA +5.1% (presents updated data showing increased levels of genome editing efficiency in vivo and durability results with its CRISPR/Cas9 technology)
CLRB +4.5% (enters into a licensing agreement with the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation for intellectual property rights covering the method of use for CLR 131), TLGT +3.8% (receives approval of the Co's abbreviated new drug application from the FDA of Clobetasol Propionate Gel)
KERX +3.3% (FDA has accepted for review the supplemental New Drug Application for Auryxia)
OPK +2.8% (receives notification from the EC designating its oligonucleotide-based AntagoNAT)
FCSC +1.9% (Fibrocell Science entered into securities purchase agreement with existing investors for sale of $8.0 mln Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and accompanying warrants )
DKS +0.9% (slightly rebounding following yesterday's 9% decline, also several analysts defending stock this morning)
Analyst comments:
MIK +2.6% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
IPXL +2.2% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank)
MWA +1.6% (initiated with a Buy at Goldman)
SWKS +1% (initiated with a Outperform at Wells Fargo)
AVB +1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
GNE -14.7%, VRA -14.2%, EXPR -11.9%,
ALQA -11.5%, (also initiated a process of identifying strategic alternatives for the contract manufacturing business )
ARA -10.9%, HYGS -8.9%, PQ -8.7%, URBN -6.7%, BOJA -6.1%, CIEN -3.9%, BOBE -3.6%
RGNX -2.6%, (also announces that the first patient in a Phase I/II clinical trial of REGENXBIO's investigational gene therapy RGX-501 for the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia has been dosed)
KODK -2.5%, RRR -1.4%
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower:
GFI -3.5%, SBGL -3.4%, AG -2.6%, HMY -2.3%, BHP -1.9%, AUY -0.8%, ABX -0.7%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness:
RIG -1.4%, RDS.A -1.2%, MRO -1%, BP -0.8%, TOT -0.8%
Other news:
HIIQ -15% (launches a secondary underwritten public offering of shares of its Class A common stock )
GEO -6.3% (prices its previously announced public offering of 6,000,000 shares at $41.75/share)
LADR -4.8% (prices 3 mln common stock offering by selling stockholders for gross proceeds of approx. $42 mln)
FOXF -4.2% (announces secondary offering of 5,108,718 shares by one of its existing stockholders)
LAND -3.9% (to sell approx. 1.4 mln shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering)
CAT -2.1% (NY Times report discussing allegations of tax fraud)
COTV -2% (prices offering of 8.42 mln shares of common stock, by certain stockholders at a $36.00 per share)
NVO -1.2% (Bloomberg details that Novo Nordisk (NVO) might miss its diabetics treatment targets)
Analyst comments:
GOLD -2.1% (downgraded to Underperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
BT -1.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
Twitteris jätkub riigiasjade ajamine.
Sources close to Admin. telling me that Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross @WilburRoss now opposes border adjustment tax (BAT). Very good news.
Pier 1 Imports (PIR)
Importija, väga suur kogus tuleb välismaalt, mingi 80-90%
Nagu ka paljudel teistel retaileritel.