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Parameetrite menüü alt saad stiili muuta jaapani kuunaldeks - Chandelier ja lisada indikaatoreid
Erinevate ajavahemike vaatamiseks muuda graafiku paremas alumises nurgas journalier (päevane) hebdomadaire (nädalane) mensuel (kuine) graafik
siit leiad - http://www.boursorama.com/graphiques/graphique_histo.phtml?symbole=CLAU08
Parameetrite menüü alt saad stiili muuta jaapani kuunaldeks - Chandelier ja lisada indikaatoreid
Erinevate ajavahemike vaatamiseks muuda graafiku paremas alumises nurgas journalier (päevane) hebdomadaire (nädalane) mensuel (kuine) graafik
VIXist on viimasel ajal, nagu iga turu suurema languse ajal ikka, palju räägitud. Sedapuhku pole languse ajal VIX eriti tõusnud. Helene Meisler on RealMoney all päris hea seletuse välja pakkunud:
Okay, I finally have come up with a theory on the VIX and why it hasn't gotten jumpy. There is real selling going on.
While this may sound ridiculous to many, think of it like this: we've gotten so much in the way of redemptions in mutual funds that there has been real selling going on. Instead of buying protection against a downturn (ie. options) they are really selling. That's why volume has been high.
It's been a long time since we've had this much selling. The good news is that real selling ends up bullish in the long run. If you have sold, then there are no sellers above when we finally do rally.
Thus, the panic is in mutual fund liquidation.
Okay, I finally have come up with a theory on the VIX and why it hasn't gotten jumpy. There is real selling going on.
While this may sound ridiculous to many, think of it like this: we've gotten so much in the way of redemptions in mutual funds that there has been real selling going on. Instead of buying protection against a downturn (ie. options) they are really selling. That's why volume has been high.
It's been a long time since we've had this much selling. The good news is that real selling ends up bullish in the long run. If you have sold, then there are no sellers above when we finally do rally.
Thus, the panic is in mutual fund liquidation.