Börsipäev 8. detsember

Turud jätkasid neljandat järjestikust päeva üles rühkimist. S&P 500 ja Dow Jones püstitasid uued rekordid, kui indeksid sulgusid vastavalt 1,3% ja 1,6% plussis. Tõusust võtsid osa kõik peale tervishoiusektori, sest väidetavalt hirmutas turuosalisi Donald Trumpi väljaütlemine TIME ajakirjale, et ta soovib ravimihindasid langetada. Tõusutempost jäid natuke maha ka naftasektori aktsiad, kui musta kulla hind langes 2,3% alla $50/barrel taseme. EIA raport näitas toornaftavarude alanemist, kuid kütusevarude kasvu. Stoxx Europe 600 indeks tõusis päeva lõpuks 0,9% kõrgemale, ajendatuna taaskord pangandussektori aktsiatest.

Jaapani revideeritud majanduskasv valmistas negatiivse üllatuse, kui esialgselt raporteeritud 2,2% kasvust jäi alles 1,3%. Peamiseks põhjuseks oli kapitalikulutuste ning varude vähenemine.

Tänase päeva peamiseks makrosündmuseks on kahtlemata Euroopa Keskpanga istung, kust oodatakse varade osutprogrammi pikendamist, mis praeguse seisuga peaks lõppema järgmise aasta märtsis. Ühtlasi otsitakse vihjeid monteaarpoliitika karmistamise kohta. Mõned turuosalised näiteks ootavad tänaselt istungilt ostuprogrammi tähtaja pikendamist, kuid ühes kuus ostetavate varade mahu langust (hetkel €80 miljardit).

14:45 EKP intressiotsus
15:30 EKP pressikonverents
15:30 Esmaste töötu abiraha taotlejate arv

Hoolimata põhjadest taastunud naftahinnast teatas Chevron, et vähendab neljandat järjestikust aastat kapitalikulutusi. Eile avalikustas naftatootja, et järgmise aasta investeeringute eelarve on $19,8 miljardit, mida on 42% vähem kui 2015. aastal ning ca 15% vähem kui käesoleval aastal.
EKP jättis intressimäärad muutmata ning vähendab alates aprillist varade ostuprogrammi €60 miljardi peale, pikendades tähtaja detsembrini, vajadusel pikendatakse veelgi:

Marginal Lending facility remains at 0.25%
Main refinancing operations remains at 0.00%
Deposit facility remains at -0.40%

the Governing Council decided to continue its purchases under the asset purchase programme (APP) at the current monthly pace of €80 billion until the end of March 2017. From April 2017, the net asset purchases are intended to continue at a monthly pace of €60 billion until the end of December 2017, or beyond, if necessary, and in any case until the Governing Council sees a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation consistent with its inflation aim.
USA töötu abiraha taotlused oodatust kõrgemad:

Initial Claims 258K vs 255K Briefing.com consensus; Prior 268K
Continuing Claims 2.005 mln, Prior 2.084 mln
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance
: TLRD +22.6%, LULU +15.5%, NXEO +5.6%, HRB +5.2%, KLXI +4.4%, MEI +2.4%, CIEN +2.3%, EW +1.8%, COST +1.6%, GEF +1.5%, .

M&A news: TGI +5.2% (Gores Group to acquire Triumph Air Repair, the APU Overhaul Operations of Triumph Aviation Services -- Asia, and Triumph Engines ), .

Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: BBL +2.5%, BHP +2.3%, RIO +2%, MTL +1.9%, FCX +0.9%
Other news: VYGR +26.7% (announces 'positive' interim results from phase 1b trial of VY-AADC01 for advanced parkinson's disease ), CPRX +16.1% (provides update on its clinical trial for patients with congenital myasthenic syndromes), OREX +13.9% (executes a commercialization and distributorship agreement for Mysimba in the UK and Ireland; expects Mysimba to be available in the UK and Ireland in 2Q17), TNXP +11.9% (announces they presented new clinical results from sub-group analysis of phase 2 AtEase Study in Military-related posttraumatic stress disorder ), SPLP +11.6% (Steel Partners to acquire the remaining shares it does not own of Steel Excel), CTRV +9% (announces their Cyclophilin inhibitor CRV431 potently inhibits essential pathway in Hepatitis B ), PHMD +8.3% (continued strength), AVXL +7.5% (announces a 57-week update from its Phase 2a study in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease patients for ANAVEX 2-73; study met both primary & secondary endpoints), BDSI +5.9% (enters into an agreement with Endo Pharmaceuticals (ENDP) terminating their licensing of rights for BELBUCA (buprenorphine) buccal film; accretive in 2017), EARS +4.8% (continued strength), NWSA +2.7% (ACCC will not oppose News Corporation's proposed acquisition of APN's Australian Regional Media Division -- ARM ), UHS +2.4% (following late sell-off amid negative report highlighting its psychiatric facilities), CS +2.1% (still checking), GLW +1.3% ( authorizes new $4 bln share repurchase program)

Analyst comments: AMD +3.6% (upgraded to Buy from Underperform at BofA/Merrill), SCHW +0.7% (initiated with a Outperform at Keefe Bruyette), BABA +0.7% (resumed with a Overweight at Morgan Stanley), HES +0.6% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:

VNCE -14.3%, CMTL -11.8%, (also announces that its Board completed its previously announced assessment of capital needs and lowered the quarterly dividend to $0.10/share from $0.30/share)
VRNT -11%, UNFI -4.3%, MIND -3.8%, CASY -3.6%, SHLD -3.5%, OLLI -2.4%
Other news:
RGSE -34.9% (continued weakness)
OHRP -24.8% (prices registered public offering of an aggregate of 3,875,000 shares of common stock at a price of $2.00/share)
HZNP -17.2% (topline results from Phase 3 study of ACTIMMUNE in Friedreich's Ataxia; study did not meet its primary endpoint )
CODI -6.5% (prices 5.6 mln shares of common stock at 18.65 per share)
JCAP -6.1% (commences an underwritten public offering of $50 mln of shares of its common stock )
ECC -4.4% (commences 1.15 mln share common stock offering)
AJRD -4.1% (to offer $200 mln aggregate principal amount of convertible senior notes in a private placement )
APOL -2.8% (still checking)
NCT -3.5% (to not be a REIT beginning in 2017 )
BPMC -2.6% (prices 5 mln shares of common stock at $25.00 per share)
ATKR -2.1% (prices 8 mln share common stock offering by holders at $19/share)
Analyst comments:
CLR -1.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan)
