Reedese sessiooni esimeses pooles tundus hetkeks, et pärast kaheksat järjestikust languspäeva õnnestub viimaks punasest värvist pääseda, kuid presidendivalimistest tingitud määramatus ei lubanud siiski raha julgemalt tööle panna ning punkti pandi päevale siiski väikese langusega ( S&P 500 -0,2%). Euroopas sulgus Stoxx 600 -0,8% madalamal, tirides indeksit nädala lõikes -3,5% allapoole.
Uute töökohtade kasv jätkus Ühendriikides stabiilse tempoga, kerkides oktoobris 161 tuhande võrra pärast 191 tuhandet septembris (revideeriti 156 tuhande pealt kõrgemaks). Kuigi see jäi analüütikute oodatud 173 tuhandele alla, ületab number paljude FOMC liikmete jaoks piiri, mis annab rohelise tule intressimäära tõstmiseks. Ühtlasi viitavad viimaste kuude raportid, et osades tööstusharudes on tekkinud palgasurve, mis kergitas terves majanduses keskmise tunnitasu aastase kasvu 2,8%ni ehk kõrgeimale tasemele alates 2009.a juunist.
Nädal, mil peamist kõneaianet pakub USA presidendi valimine, algab võrdlemisi vaikselt, kui laual on Saksamaa tehaste septembri tellimused, Hispaania tööstustoodang ning eurotsooni jaemüük. Aasia börsid kauplesid korralikus plussis ning ka USA aktsiaindeksite futuurid viitavad avanemisele üle 1% kõrgemal tänu uudisele, et FBI silmis ei rikkunud Hillary Clinton seadust ka pärast täiendavate emailide uurimist.
09.00 Saksamaa tehaste tellimused (september)
10.00 Hispaania tööstustoodang (september)
12.00 Eurotsooni jaemüük (september)
17.00 USA tööturu tingimuste indeks (oktoober)
22.00 USA tarbijatele väljastatu krediit (september)
Saksamaa tehaste tellimused kahanesid septembris MoM -0,6% pärast 0,9% kasvu augustis (oodati +0,2%), jättes tellimuste aastaseks kasvuks 2,6% (oodati 3,5%).

Hispaania tööstustoodangu YoY kasv aeglustus septembris 1,6% pealt -1,4%le (oodati 2,5%) aga PMI indeksi järgi on oktoober toonud kaasa aktiivsuse kasvu uue kiirenemise

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
TGTX +34.3%, NILE +32.3%, LIVE +21.9%, LC +11.7%, ARQL +9.8%, WIN +8.8%, PGNX +7.2%, CC +7%, MEET +6.4%, ARLZ +6.3%, RACE +5.2%, ON +5%
ARIA +4.9%, RYAAY +4.8%, MGM +4.5%, HSBC +4.3%, ROK +3.4%, AUPH +3.3%, CTSH +3.1%, HZNP +3%, MGP +2%, LUV +1.5%, KOS +1%, BRK.B +1%
M&A news:
N +20.7% (Oracle (ORCL) announced that a majority of the unaffiliated shares of NetSuite (N) were validly tendered and the other conditions to the tender offer have been satisfied)
DTLK +17% (to be acquired by Insight Enterprises (NSIT) for $11.25 per share)
STV +7.8% (to sell all of its equity interest in Super TV to ChangxingBao LiRuiXin Technology for consideration of RMB 610 mln in cash)
WIN +3.6% (EarthLink and Windstream (WIN) merge in an all-stock transaction valued at approx. $1.1 bln), ELNK +1.1%
Select financial related names showing strength: DB +5.1%, CS +2.7%, SAN +2.3%, SAN +2.3%, BCS +1.7%, JPM +1.7%, BAC +1.6%, C +1.6%, .
Select metal producers trading higher: MTL +5.5%, PBR +4.1%, BBL +3.7%, CLF +3.4%, RIO +3.3%, BHP +3.1%, X +2.7%, FCX +2.6%, .
Select fan favorites showing strength with S&P up 1.5%: SCTY +2.8%, TSLA +2%, GOOG +1.8%, MA +1.7%, FB +1.4%, EBAY +1.3%, MSFT +1.3%, AAPL +1.2%, .
Energy names showing strength : CHK +2.6%, WLL +2.6%, SDRL +2%, XOM +1.3%, RDS.A +1.2%, .
Other names:
VALE +4.9% (Moody's changes Vale's outlook to stable from negative)
TWLO +3.6% (favorable commentary on Friday's Mad Money)
EXEL +3.3% (presents encouraging data in Phase 3 studies of cobimetinib in combination with other therapies in melanoma)
CMG +2% (reports that activist Bill Ackman signed confidentiality agreement with the company)
AMZN +1.8% (favorable commentary on Friday's Mad Moneyg)
F +1.5% (reports sales in China increased 14% YoY)
Analyst comments:
BIIB +4% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at Piper Jaffray)
CGNX +3% (upgraded to Outperform at CLSA)
AA +1.8% (initiated with a Buy at Citigroup)
WM +1.0% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays)
Gapping down
Briefing note -- With S&P Futures trading ~1.4% higher, most stocks are trading higher with the market
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
CXRX -21.6%, EPAM -19%, PLUG -4.2%, IQNT -0.5%
Select gold/silver mining stocks trading lower with Gold and Silver Futures trading -1.3% and -1.0%, respectively:
MUX -6.8%, DRD -5.1%, HMY -4.1%, AG -4%, CDE -3.7%, AU -3.7%, SBGL -3.4%, ABX -2.9%, GFI -2.9%, SSRI -2.9%, HL -2.9%
GDX -2.7%, NEM -2.4%, SLW -2.3%, AEM -2.3%, AUY -2.2%, GOLD -1.9%, GLD -1.4%, SLV -1.3%
Analyst comments:
LB -0.5% (downgraded to Underperform from Hold at Jefferies)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
TGTX +34.3%, NILE +32.3%, LIVE +21.9%, LC +11.7%, ARQL +9.8%, WIN +8.8%, PGNX +7.2%, CC +7%, MEET +6.4%, ARLZ +6.3%, RACE +5.2%, ON +5%
ARIA +4.9%, RYAAY +4.8%, MGM +4.5%, HSBC +4.3%, ROK +3.4%, AUPH +3.3%, CTSH +3.1%, HZNP +3%, MGP +2%, LUV +1.5%, KOS +1%, BRK.B +1%
M&A news:
N +20.7% (Oracle (ORCL) announced that a majority of the unaffiliated shares of NetSuite (N) were validly tendered and the other conditions to the tender offer have been satisfied)
DTLK +17% (to be acquired by Insight Enterprises (NSIT) for $11.25 per share)
STV +7.8% (to sell all of its equity interest in Super TV to ChangxingBao LiRuiXin Technology for consideration of RMB 610 mln in cash)
WIN +3.6% (EarthLink and Windstream (WIN) merge in an all-stock transaction valued at approx. $1.1 bln), ELNK +1.1%
Select financial related names showing strength: DB +5.1%, CS +2.7%, SAN +2.3%, SAN +2.3%, BCS +1.7%, JPM +1.7%, BAC +1.6%, C +1.6%, .
Select metal producers trading higher: MTL +5.5%, PBR +4.1%, BBL +3.7%, CLF +3.4%, RIO +3.3%, BHP +3.1%, X +2.7%, FCX +2.6%, .
Select fan favorites showing strength with S&P up 1.5%: SCTY +2.8%, TSLA +2%, GOOG +1.8%, MA +1.7%, FB +1.4%, EBAY +1.3%, MSFT +1.3%, AAPL +1.2%, .
Energy names showing strength : CHK +2.6%, WLL +2.6%, SDRL +2%, XOM +1.3%, RDS.A +1.2%, .
Other names:
VALE +4.9% (Moody's changes Vale's outlook to stable from negative)
TWLO +3.6% (favorable commentary on Friday's Mad Money)
EXEL +3.3% (presents encouraging data in Phase 3 studies of cobimetinib in combination with other therapies in melanoma)
CMG +2% (reports that activist Bill Ackman signed confidentiality agreement with the company)
AMZN +1.8% (favorable commentary on Friday's Mad Moneyg)
F +1.5% (reports sales in China increased 14% YoY)
Analyst comments:
BIIB +4% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at Piper Jaffray)
CGNX +3% (upgraded to Outperform at CLSA)
AA +1.8% (initiated with a Buy at Citigroup)
WM +1.0% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays)
Gapping down
Briefing note -- With S&P Futures trading ~1.4% higher, most stocks are trading higher with the market
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
CXRX -21.6%, EPAM -19%, PLUG -4.2%, IQNT -0.5%
Select gold/silver mining stocks trading lower with Gold and Silver Futures trading -1.3% and -1.0%, respectively:
MUX -6.8%, DRD -5.1%, HMY -4.1%, AG -4%, CDE -3.7%, AU -3.7%, SBGL -3.4%, ABX -2.9%, GFI -2.9%, SSRI -2.9%, HL -2.9%
GDX -2.7%, NEM -2.4%, SLW -2.3%, AEM -2.3%, AUY -2.2%, GOLD -1.9%, GLD -1.4%, SLV -1.3%
Analyst comments:
LB -0.5% (downgraded to Underperform from Hold at Jefferies)