Börsipäev 7. mai

GS downgreidis samas STI, mõlemad stockid ikka umbes samapalju üleval

Deflation? Paljude toiduainete varud (nt teravili) on maailmas tegelikult väga tagasihoidlikud ning häired tootmises võivad kaasa tuua väga suuri hinnaliikumisi. India saagi ikaldumine tõotab kaasa tuua suhkru uued hinnarekordid.

Euroopa Keskpanga intressimäära otsuse järgset pressikonverentsi saab kuulata siit.

Analüütikud jätkavad ettevõtete kiitmist - Briefing: Intel added to Focus List at Credit Suisse. Credit Suisse adds INTC to their U.S Focus List based on a recovery in corporate spending in 2H 2009 and/or 2010; and the stock tends to follow the directional move of gross profit margins which are poised to increase from the mid 40s in 1H 2009 to the high 40s in 2H09, driven by higher utilization rates and lower 32nm costs.
Initial claims 601K vs oodatud 635K.

Saksamaa DAX +1.40%

Prantsusmaa CAC 40 +1.80%

Inglismaa FTSE 100 +2.56%

Hispaania IBEX 35 +2.04%

Venemaa MICEX +5.14%

Poola WIG +1.35%

Aasia turud:

Jaapani Nikkei 225 +4.55%

Hong Kongi Hang Seng +2.28%

Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +0.19%

Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) -0.11%

Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq +0.77%

Tai Set 50 +0.81%

India Sensex 30 +1.37%

Momentum's Tightrope
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
5/7/2009 8:42 AM EDT

The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be.
-- Marcel Pagnol

The strong rally in banks continues this morning as we await the actual stress test results. I'm not sure there are any surprises yet to come, but the market is quite pleased with the results that have been leaked so far.

As it stands now, according to The Wall Street Journal, JPMorgan (JPM) , Goldman Sachs (GS) , MetLife (MET) , American Express (AXP) , Bank of New York (BK) and Capital One (COF) , won't be required to raise new capital, while Bank of America (BAC) , Wells Fargo (WFC) , GMAC, Citigroup (C) , Regions Financial (RF) and State Street (STT) will need to raise funds. We still don't know what the results are for six more banks, but the market reaction even to BAC, which must raise the most money, has been very positive.

The market has been quite frenzied over this bank news, and the question for us is whether we have now overshot and should get ready for some profit-taking or whether the increased clarity about the health of banks going to keep this momentum going. The atmosphere right now seems to be that the problems are addressed and we are on the road to recovery.

It is difficult not to feel a bit contrarian, like Doug Kass, about such exuberance, but the power of momentum has been clearly illustrated over the past couple of weeks. It just doesn't end suddenly -- there are too many folks who have been left out who want in and are provide underlying support. Institution fund managers tend to buy pullbacks rather than chase strength, and they are keeping the market from having any major dips.

Aside from the banks, we saw some extremely strong momentum in the energy and commodity sectors yesterday. The logic is that the economy is improving and therefore demand for oil, coal, steel and such will grow. With the way banks have been running and the overall increased in confidence, it is not surprising to see that theme develop.

Lately some very big moves have occurred in select small-caps. Momentum traders have been willing to chase some moves, and it has been paying off. We saw some profit-taking in some names yesterday but traders aren't backing off much. They have had a taste of some positive action and they are hungry for more.

So we continue to walk the tightrope of big momentum. We obviously are a bit frothy, especially given how the banks are jumping this morning, but the strong momentum and fear of being left out are causing tremendous frustration for those who are anxious for a pullback.

My approach here is to give this momentum great respect and play to the upside but to consistently take gains and look for some opportunities to put on hedges when we show some signs of cooling off.

We have a big open this morning, but it sure isn't easy to chase. I suspect we'll see some selling on the open but I wouldn't count on the bulls backing off too much for too long. They have the advantage and they are pressing hard.
Ülespoole avanevad:

In reaction to strong earnings/guidance/same store sales: VICL +38.6% (Vical and U.S. Navy to expedite development of H1N1 pandemic influenza vaccine), KNDL +16.7%, PLCE +14.9%, SXCI +12.2%, LOCM +12.2%, AMPL +12.0%, BONT +10.1%, ANF +9.6%, UL +9.1%, ONNN +9.0%, UN +8.0%, SIG +7.4%, BJ +6.7%, TGT +5.5%, GM +5.4%, FLY +4.8%, GPS +4.5%, CENT +4.1%, PRU +4.0%, JCP +3.9%, TS +3.8%, WMT +3.6%, BKE +3.1%, GG +3.0%, LINE +2.6%, TI +2.4%, SUN +1.9%, COST +1.9%, CLRT +1.8% (light volume), , MSSR +1.2%... M&A news: NSHA +122.6% (to be acquired by Cenveo; the total consideration is valued at $6.88 per Nashua share)... Select financials showing strength: FITB +23.7% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Goldman- Reuters and upgraded to Outperform at Keefe Bruyette), GNW +18.1%, COF +17.0% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman- Reuters), BAC +15.5% (upgraded to Overweight at Morgan Stanley), AIG +14.1%, SNV +13.3%, LNC +12.4%, DFS +12.3%, SNV +11.9%, RF +10.1%, IRE +10.1%, HIG +8.9%, C +8.8%, STT +8.3%, ZION +6.8%, BK +6.7% (added to Conviction Buy list at Goldman- Reuters), WFC +5.7%, HBC +4.5%, MS +4.3%, CIT +4.2%, JPM +4.1%, AXP +3.4% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Goldman- Reuters), HBAN +2.9% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), GS +1.4%... Select metals/mining names trading higher: RTP +3.2% (upgraded to Overweight at Barclays), MT +2.8%, BHP +2.6%, AAUK +2.3%, BBL +1.3%... Other news: VNDA +778.7% (confirms FDA approves Vanda Pharmaceuticals' Fanapt for the treatment of schizophrenia; also upgraded to Buy at Natixis Bleichroeder), BLDP +14.4% (announces sale of fuel cell distributed power generation solution to FirstEnergy), CDNS +13.6% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), DDR +6.7% (announces new secured debt financings for $125 mln, Otto transaction scheduled to Close May 11), IPXL +6.1% (receives final FDA approval for generic depakote extended-release 250mg tablets), TS +3.8% (still checking), HGSI +3.3% (Human Genome Sciences and Novozymes announce amendment to albumin fusion license agreement), CVX +1.6% (confirms discovery offshore Republic of the Congo)... Analyst comments: ACAS +6.1% (upgraded to Market Perform at Keefe Bruyette), TER +6.1% (added to Conviction Buy list at Goldman- Reuters), ERIC +2.3% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill).

Allapoole avanevad:

In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance/same store sales: FOE -29.8%, DGIT -19.8%, EZCH -18.7%, HT -16.4%, BEE -16.1%, TBSI -14.8%, FTK -14.7%, CECO -14.5%, OCNW -13.7% (light volume), HOTT -13.5% (also removed from Top Picks List at Friedman Billings), MIC -12.2%, BBBB -10.4% (also downgraded to Outperform from Strong Buy at Raymond James and downgraded to Buy from Strong Buy at Davenport), IO -9.5%, ANSS -8.4%, NICE -7.9%, WEL -6.9%, SATC -6.0%, USU -5.1%, SYMC -4.8% (also downgraded by multiple analysts), SMSI -4.4% (also downgraded to Neutral at UBS), BCS -4.2%, EXPD -3.9%, MELI -3.7%, EGLE -2.4%, TSO -1.8% (also downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill), DIOD -1.5%, DTV -1.4%... Other news: LYG -13.2% (continues to fund itself well, CFO says; co still expects pretax loss for year - DJ), LCC -7.8% (concurrent offerings of 15.2 mln shares of common stock and $75 mln in convertible notes for total gross proceeds of $150 mln), DSX -4.7% (announces pricing of 6 mln shares of common stock offering at a price of $16.85), SWHC -3.7% (announces it has priced its offering of 5.5 mln common shares at $6.25/share), SPG -3.4% (announces it intends to conduct, subject to market and other conditions, an offering of 14,000,000 shares of common stock).

Tulemuste tabel nüüdseks eelturul numbrid teatanud ettevõtetega uuendatud. Link tabelile on siin.

Otsustasime enne stress-testi tulemusi sulgeda TBT. Lähemalt saab lugeda Pro alt, aga tänastelt tasemetelt ei tundunud riski-tulu suhe lühiajaliselt enam kõige parem.
USAl muutub enda defitsiiti finantseerimine odava rahaga üha keerulisemaks ning aja jooksul mõjub see majanduse taastumise kontekstis pidurina.

30-yr goes off at a higher yield 4.288% against expected 4.190%
Olgu siis öeldud, et stress-testi tulemused tehakse teatavaks meie aja järgi südaöösel, seega turgude reaktsioon jääb homsesse. Kuulaks huviga veel viimaseid vandenõu- ja muidu teooriaid.

Igal juhul on selline tunne nagu mõnel investeerimishuvilisel Fedi intressimäärade otsust oodates - põnevus on suur, aga midagi teha ei oska. :) Aga ega polegi osata...
Peale nii pikka jahumist ei ole sellest no-stress-testist küll midagi huvitavat oodata.
My best guess: yawn.
Tuleb igav vaikne suunata loksumine homme.
Oodata on ikka huvitav, tulemused ise on igavad. :)
Mul kipub arvamus pigem Kassi poole, kes viitas finantssektori liiga tugevale rallile ning on mõnda nime pigem shortimas.
Stresstest oli midagi sellist nädal aega sampus tort ja küünlad(kõik tõusis ja mitte väheisegi prügi rallis). Kas pohmell või juuakse homme edasi? Pakun et reaalsus on ikka pohmell ja tugev miinuspäev homme. Eriti närvi ajab see et avalikustatakse keskööl jne aga nädal aega graafikud ja infokilde lekib või lekitatakse.
My guess - sell the news... nagu juba ütlesin. Ja soovitaks mu hommikust lõbusat videot vaadata - juba praegu kipuvad mõned turul 'toolita' jääma. Traditsioonilist päevalõpu tugevust pole tulnud.
Sell the news tundub liiga läbinähtav..

Tulemuste tabel õhtuste teatajate ja seniste aktsia reageeringutega uuendatud. Võrreldes kahe varasema nädalaga on koos kiiresti tõusnud aktsiaturuga kerkinud ka ootused ning aktsia reageeringute tulpa jõuab üha rohkem punast värvi.


Ten of 19 banks in stress tests must raise net new capital of $74.6 bln, u.s. regulators say - Reuters$455 BLN OF LOSSES FROM ACCRUAL LOAN PORTFOLIOS, MAINLY HOME MORTGAGE, CONSUMER LOANS. BANKS FACE 2-YEAR CUMULATIVE LOSSES OF 9.1 PCT OF TOTAL LOANS UNDER WORST SCENARIO.

Federal Reserve, OCC, and FDIC release results of the Supervisory Capital Assessment Program The results of a comprehensive, forward-looking assessment of the financial conditions of the nation's 19 largest bank holding companies (BHCs) by the federal bank supervisory agencies were released on Thursday. The exercise--conducted by the Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation--was conducted so that supervisors could determine the capital buffers sufficient for the 19 BHCs to withstand losses and sustain lending--even if the economic downturn is more severe than is currently anticipated. In a detailed summary of the results of the Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP), the supervisors identified the potential losses, resources available to absorb losses, and resulting capital buffer needed for the 19 participating BHCs. The SCAP is a complement to the Treasury's Capital Assistance Program (CAP), which makes capital available to financial institutions as a bridge to private capital in the future. Together, these programs play a critical role in ensuring that the U.S. banking sector will be in a position of strength.

17:01 Ten of 19 banks in stress tests must raise net new capital of $74.6 bln, u.s. regulators say - Reuters$455 BLN OF LOSSES FROM ACCRUAL LOAN PORTFOLIOS, MAINLY HOME MORTGAGE, CONSUMER LOANS. BANKS FACE 2-YEAR CUMULATIVE LOSSES OF 9.1 PCT OF TOTAL LOANS UNDER WORST SCENARIO

Link Föderaalreservi tervikdokumendile on siin.

Lisakapitali vajadused suuruses $74.6 miljardit jagunevad siis niimoodi:
Bank of America $33.9 mld
Wells Fargo $13.7 mld
GMAC $11.5 mld
Citigroup $5.5 mld
Regions $2.5 mld
Suntrust $2.2 mld
KeyCorp $1.8 mld
Morgan Stanley $1.8 mld
Fifth Third $1.1 mld
PNC $0.6 mld
AmEx $0.0 mld
BB&T $0.0 mld
BNYM $0.0 mld
Capital One $0.0 mld
Goldman Sachs $0.0 mld
JPMC $0.0 mld
MetLife $0.0 mld
State Street $0.0 mld
USB $0.0 mld