Börsipäev 6. okt - Chironi õppetund

pullid valmis ... ja shorte pigistatakse

Standard & Poor's Equity Research reiterated its "hold" rating for Intel (INTC) but said the firm appears to be losing market share to rival Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). "Following recent comments by rival AMD, we believe Intel is recapturing market share in flash memory," it said. "However, we think Intel may be losing some share in its core microprocessor business, as AMD has gained traction with customers with its AMD64 processors."

Novartis ostab ülejäänud osaluse Chironist(CHIR) 40USD aktsia, eilne close 36.44
Novartis tegi ainult ettepaneku osta. Nagu näha, arvab turg, et hind on madalavõitu :)