Börsipäev 6. detsember

Prudential raises their Activision (ATVI 17.59) tgt to $21 from $18, based on a 20-store check that indicates strong initial demand for the co's holiday titles

Friedman, Billings downgrades First Marblehead (FMD 53.50) to Underperform from Market Perform and $43 tgt, as they believe shares are vulnerable to a correction, as they face a higher level of risk in terms of pricing pressure, contract renewals, and questions regarding its residuals

Citigroup downgrades Blockbuster (BBI 5.44) to Hold from Buy

Friedman, Billings raises their Microsoft (MSFT 29.13) tgt to $35 from $32, based on Vista's release and an upcoming strong supporting cast of products

JP Morgan reiterates Overweight rating on Phase Forward (NASDAQ:PFWD). Firm continues to believe that Phase Forward will benefit from the increasing utilization of electronic data capture and other technologies by pharmaceutical manufacturers and biotech companies. In their view, PFWD's 3Q06 results demonstrated continued top-line momentum and margin improvement as more trials are conducted with the company's InForm product

BofA initiates Knight Capital (NITE 18.08) with a Buy and a $24 tgt

Credit Suisse upgrades Barners and Noble (BKS 40.14) to Outperform from Underperform to relfect factors including relative valuation and likelihood of an LBO event. The firm says that this stock appears to be one of the best positioned LBO type candidates in their universe at this time, combining consistent cash flow with relatively cheap valuation

Goldman downgrades Novellus (NVLS 34.53) to Sell from Neutral

CNI Canadian Natl Rail downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Merrill

BNI Burl Nrth Santa Fe downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Merrill

TSCM TheStreet.com initiated with a Buy at First Albany

ZLC Zale coverage resumed with a Sell at Merrill

kui tõsiselt võetav see Friedman, Billings (FMD downgrade) on ?
Nende track firma katmise osas just super ei ole, arvestades, et viimasel poolaastal on nende reiting suhteliselt kõikuv olnud ja kordagi ei ole nad aktsiat soovitada osanud (minu mäletamist mööda) selle tõusu peale - erilist enesekindlust see ei anna. Hinnasurvega sektoris ma päris kursis ei ole, kuid pikemaajaliselt suhteliselt positiivselt meelestatud siiski. Korrektsioon, mille nad välja pakuvad peale sellist tõusu, ei oleks muidugi üllatus.
FMD short on korralike downgradide peale suhteliselt hea võimalus
liikumine toimub mitme tunni jooksul ja mitme $ võrra

probleemne on possu võtmine, kuna Nyse liigutab pidavalt hinda eest ära
heh, FMD on spliti teinud

Euronext received a second boost to its hopes of a merger with the New York Stock Exchange by winning support from influential proxy voting firm Institutional Shareholder Services, a day after European regulators indicated they will allow the deal to go ahead.

Nüüd jääb oodata kuidas Nasdaq käitub LSE suhtes.

WSJ kirjutab täna EL majandusest ja eriti Saksamaa toibumisest

The winners from higher investment in German industry include services providers with customers in the booming manufacturing sector. Frankfurt-based Commerzbank AG has recovered from years of heavy losses, bad loans and asset writedowns. After losing €2.3 billion ($3.06 billion) in 2003, it posted net profit of €1.2 billion in the first nine months of this year, and is even hiring 700 new customer advisers after laying off more than 7,000 employees in recent years.

Sharki tänane tsitaat on minu arust geniaalne - 'Hoidu kannatliku inimese viha eest'. Kajastab seda lähenemist, et kui lõpuks turg hakkab nõrkust näitama, siis kannatlikult kõrvalvaatajana tegevust jälginud karud on valmis kogu vihaga aktsiaid lühikeseks müüma.

Bears, Be Patient and Ready to Strike

By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
12/6/2006 8:40 AM EST
Click here for more stories by Rev Shark

"Beware the fury of the patient man."

--John Dryden

One of the more difficult aspects of trading to master is the ability to stay patient and calm and then act swiftly, decisively and with fury when the time is right. The big problem that many traders have isn't that they have incorrect market theories but that their timing is off. They are either too impatient and establish a trade too quickly or don't act aggressively enough when the time is right.

Right now, many bears are having a particularly difficult time being patient while they hope and pray for a market top. There is a great inclination among the pessimists to want to force a short-side trade because this market action is so obviously foolish and sure to end badly.

There are lots of compelling bearish arguments, but if you aren't patient and don't wait for the technical conditions to align, it is going to cause you some real pain to press. The bear who will be the big winner is the one who can stay calm and patient and let the bulls have their run. Eventually the time will be ripe to press the short side, and that is when it is time to unleash the fury.

Right now the bulls are in control of this market. Yes, things look a bit tired, we have some complacency, and we are technically extended, but that doesn't mean that we are going to suddenly fall apart and go straight down. There are a lot of factors are work that are going to continue to hold the market up, so we need to give the benefit of doubt to the bulls.

At some point the market will roll over and we will have to deal with a downtrend once again, but trying to anticipate it is an impossible task. Stay patient and watchful and have a plan ready so you an act with fury when the time is right.

We have a quiet start this morning with a slightly negative tone. Gold and oil are trading down, overseas markets were mixed, and there isn't much news flow to drive things.
speedy mis splitist sa räägid?

Futuurid olid eelturul negatiivsed ning täna avaneb turg miinuses. Vaatame DJIA graafikut. Näeme, et on võimalik, et novembri keskel tehtud kõigi aegade kõrgeim tase ei pruugi olla enam kättesaadav. Kuigi esmaspäeval tehti korraliku käibega tõusupäev, on CMF siiski kahanev, mis tähendab, et tõus ei ole ehk täie tervise juures - languspäevade käive on suurem kui tõusupäevade oma. Bollingeri ülaservast madalam tipp on üldjuhul negatiivseks signaaliks ning trendi pöördemoment. Indikaatorid on juba samuti mõnda aega indeksiga vastassuunas liikunud ning ma ei väsi seda kordamast. Igatahes on DOWl nii tipp mida vallutada kui põhi, millest läbi kukkuda. Tehnilise pildi järgi hindaksin viimast võimalust suuremaks kui esimest.

Täna paistis silma üks DJIA 30 komponent AXP, mida võiks mõnda aega jälgida. Näeme, et aktsia on mitmeid kordi üritanud testida 60 dollari taset, kuid ei ole seda ületatud. Üldiselt peetakse horisontaaljoont diagonaalsest tugevamaks. Kui seda koos vastassuunas liikuvate indikaatoritega tõlgendada, siis võiks oodata mõne ajapärast allapoole murdumist. Kui nii, siis toetust näeks kusagil 50 päeva libiseva keskmise juures.

reioinvest, mis selle FMD hinnaga siis on?
ma ei süvenenud eriti, kuid hind on ca 2/3 eilsest
3 for 2 split oli jah
sorry speedy, ongi nii, vaatasin ise valesti
Märkimisväärne oli AAPL ja XOM käitumine, mis lõpetasid päeva arvestatavas miinuses. XOMiga äärmiselt sarnane näeb välja CVX.