August on toonud käibed Euroopa ja USA aktsiaturgudel allapoole ning muutnd päevad tavapärasest vaiksemaks. Ühendriikides lõpetasid indeksid sessiooni kerges miinuses (S&P 500 -0,2%), reageerides Atlanta FEDi presidendi kommentaaridele. Euroopas aga sulgus Stoxx 600 -0,2% kaotusega.
Atlanta FEDi presidendi Dennis Lockharti sõnul on Ühendriikide majandus valmis seisma silmitsi rahapoliitika normaliseerimisega ning seda lükkaks tema hinnangul edasi vaid majandusnäitajate märkimisväärne halvenemine. Tema kommentaaride põhjal ei saa siiski öelda, et Lockhart peab silmas just septembri istungit, sest samal ajal ei pea ta valeks ka veidi kauem intressimäära tõstmisega oodata, millest võib kokkuvõttes järeldada, et otsus sõltub jooksvatest majandusnäitajatest ehk kokkuvõttes ei tohtinuks turuosaliste jaoks WSJ intervjuust midagi väga uut selguda.
Aasias kauplesid aktsiaturud valdavalt positiivsel territooriumil, va Hiinas, kus Shanghai Composite andis pärast eilset 3,7% võitu protsendi jagu võrra järele. Seda vaatamata Caixini ja Markiti koostatud teenindussektori aktiivsusindeksile, mis viitas juulis aktiivsuse kasvu kiirenemisele (53,8 punkti vs 51,8 punkti juunis). Tegemist oli indeksi kõrgeima tasemega alates 2014.a augustist. Ülespoole liikus nii uute tellimuste indeks kui ka ettevõtete ootuste indeks. Aktiivsuse paranemine teenindussektoris on vastupidine sellele, mis toimub hetkel Hiina töötlevas tööstuses.
Tänase börsipäeva keskmes saavad olema Euroopa ja USA teenindussektori juulikuu aktiivsusindeksid. Reedese USA tööjõuraporti eel aitab aga ootuseid vajadusel korrigeerida ADP tööturu küsitlus, mis peaks analüütikute kohaselt näitama, et juulis loodi erasektoris kokku 215 tuhat töökohta ehk 22 tuhat vähem kui juunis. Majandustulemused avaldavad Euroopas teiste seas ING, Lundin Petroleum, Neste, Securitas, Standard Chartered, Societe Generale ja Unicredit. Ühendriikides raporteerivad teiste seas DISH Network, Polo Ralph Lauren, Priceline, Time Warner, 21st Century Fox, CBS, Keurig Green Mountain, Tesla Motors.
10.15 Hispaania teenindussektori PMI (juuli)
10.45 Itaalia teenindussektori PMI (juuli)
10.50 Prantsusmaa teenindussektori PMI (juuli lõplik)
10.55 Saksamaa teenindussektori PMI (juuli lõplik)
11.00 Itaalia tööstustoodang (juuni)
11.00 Eurotsooni teenindussektori PMI (juuli lõplik)
11.30 Suurbritannia teenindussektori PMI (juuli)
12.00 Eurotsooni jaemüük (juuni)
15.15 USA ADP tööturu küsitlus (juuli)
15.30 USA kaubandusbilanss (juuni)
16.45 USA Markiti koostatud teenindussektori PMI (juuli lõplik)
17.00 USA teenindussektori ISM (juuli)
Mõned tänased tulemused:
Lundin Petroleum 2Q Sales Miss Est., Cuts Production Guidance
• Lundin Petroleum 2Q revenue $157.8m vs est. $168.9m.
• 2Q Ebitda $106.5m vs est. $102.1m (7 ests.)
• 2Q production 28.9 mboepd vs 25.4 mboepd year earlier
• Says co. has “made good progress with the Edvard Grieg development project and we remain on track for first production by the end of 2015”
• Has revised 2015 production guidance to 32,000 barrels of oil equivalents per day “predominantly as a result of the Brynhild revised production forecast and the delay of the installation of Edvard Grieg topsides”
• NOTE: In 1Q report, Lundin forecast 2015 production of 41,000-51,000 boepd
• Co. “in strong health with a production base which will grow significantly, cost of operations which going forward will be below $10/barrel and with strong access to liquidity to withstand the current low oil price environment”
Hannover Re 2Q Net Income Misses; Raises 2015 Profit Outlook
• Hannover Re 2Q net income rises 19% y/y to EU252.2m; est. EU264.1m.
• 2Q operating profit rises 7.9% to EU360.4m vs EU334.1m
• Net premiums earned rise 23% to EU3.59b vs EU2.93b
• Gross premiums written rise 22% to EU4.19b vs EU3.44b
• 2Q P&C combined ratio 95.0% vs 1Q 95.7%
• 2Q ROE 12.5% vs 1Q 13.9%
• 2Q ebit margin 10% vs 12.5%
• Sees 2015 net income after tax ~EU950m; saw EU875m
• Reiterates target for div payout ratio of 35%-40% of IFRS net
Kuka 2Q Revenue Above Estimates, Raises 2015 Sales Forecast
• Kuka 2Q revenue EU757.6m vs EU727.7m est., 2Q Ebit EU40.3m vs EU48.6m est.
• 1H orders received rise 21.4%
• Says managed to win a number of important contracts in China in 2Q
• Increases 2015 sales forecast from ~EU2.8b to ~EU2.9b, aims for Ebit margin between 6.5%-7%
Braas Monier 2Q Sales Rise 6%, Net Loss Widens, Confirms Target
• 2Q sales EU334.9m vs EU315.3m.
• 2Q op Ebitda EU60.5m vs EU60.2m
• 2Q net loss EU10.5m vs loss EU8m
• Sees 2015 sales growth of at least mid-single-digit percentage figure
• Says currently in “active discussions” in a number of countries for bolt-on acquisitions
• Statement
Norma Group Sees 1H Growth in all 3 Regions, Confirms FY Outlook
• Norma Group 1H revenue rises 28.7% to EU454.3m with growth in all three regions EMEA, Americas, Asia-Pacific.
• 1H adj. Ebita up 28.9% to EU81.4m
• 2Q revenue EU232.9m, 2Q adj. net income EU23.6m.
• Confirms 2015 outlook
ING 2Q Net Income EU1.36b; Est. EU1.46b; Bank CET Ratio 11.3%
• ING 2Q underlying net rises 21% to EU1.12b, plans dividend 24c; matching BDVD forecast.
• Reiterates plan for 40% payout of underlying net
• Bank CET1 ratio 11.3%; Group CET1 ratio 12.3%
• 2Q underlying pretax rises 25% to EU1.6b
• Total underlying income rises 10.3% to EU4.17b
• CEO Ralph Hamers says in statement 2Q result “strong”
SocGen 2Q Net Income Beats Estimates; CET1 Ratio 10.4%
• SocGen 2Q net income EU1.35b; est. EU1.0b.
• 2Q net income rose from EU1.08b y/y
• CET1 ratio 10.4% vs 10.1% end-March
• Targets CET1 of ~11% by end-2016
• Leverage ratio 3.8% vs 3.7% end-March
• Targets leverage ratio 4%-4.5% by end-2016
• 2Q legal provisions EU200m
• FICC revenue drops 14.6% y/y to EU607m; Equities revenue rises 61% to EU799m
• Financing & Advisory revenue rises 25% to EU685m
• Group ROE after tax 11.2% vs 9.3%
Lundin Petroleum 2Q Sales Miss Est., Cuts Production Guidance
• Lundin Petroleum 2Q revenue $157.8m vs est. $168.9m.
• 2Q Ebitda $106.5m vs est. $102.1m (7 ests.)
• 2Q production 28.9 mboepd vs 25.4 mboepd year earlier
• Says co. has “made good progress with the Edvard Grieg development project and we remain on track for first production by the end of 2015”
• Has revised 2015 production guidance to 32,000 barrels of oil equivalents per day “predominantly as a result of the Brynhild revised production forecast and the delay of the installation of Edvard Grieg topsides”
• NOTE: In 1Q report, Lundin forecast 2015 production of 41,000-51,000 boepd
• Co. “in strong health with a production base which will grow significantly, cost of operations which going forward will be below $10/barrel and with strong access to liquidity to withstand the current low oil price environment”
Hannover Re 2Q Net Income Misses; Raises 2015 Profit Outlook
• Hannover Re 2Q net income rises 19% y/y to EU252.2m; est. EU264.1m.
• 2Q operating profit rises 7.9% to EU360.4m vs EU334.1m
• Net premiums earned rise 23% to EU3.59b vs EU2.93b
• Gross premiums written rise 22% to EU4.19b vs EU3.44b
• 2Q P&C combined ratio 95.0% vs 1Q 95.7%
• 2Q ROE 12.5% vs 1Q 13.9%
• 2Q ebit margin 10% vs 12.5%
• Sees 2015 net income after tax ~EU950m; saw EU875m
• Reiterates target for div payout ratio of 35%-40% of IFRS net
Kuka 2Q Revenue Above Estimates, Raises 2015 Sales Forecast
• Kuka 2Q revenue EU757.6m vs EU727.7m est., 2Q Ebit EU40.3m vs EU48.6m est.
• 1H orders received rise 21.4%
• Says managed to win a number of important contracts in China in 2Q
• Increases 2015 sales forecast from ~EU2.8b to ~EU2.9b, aims for Ebit margin between 6.5%-7%
Braas Monier 2Q Sales Rise 6%, Net Loss Widens, Confirms Target
• 2Q sales EU334.9m vs EU315.3m.
• 2Q op Ebitda EU60.5m vs EU60.2m
• 2Q net loss EU10.5m vs loss EU8m
• Sees 2015 sales growth of at least mid-single-digit percentage figure
• Says currently in “active discussions” in a number of countries for bolt-on acquisitions
• Statement
Norma Group Sees 1H Growth in all 3 Regions, Confirms FY Outlook
• Norma Group 1H revenue rises 28.7% to EU454.3m with growth in all three regions EMEA, Americas, Asia-Pacific.
• 1H adj. Ebita up 28.9% to EU81.4m
• 2Q revenue EU232.9m, 2Q adj. net income EU23.6m.
• Confirms 2015 outlook
ING 2Q Net Income EU1.36b; Est. EU1.46b; Bank CET Ratio 11.3%
• ING 2Q underlying net rises 21% to EU1.12b, plans dividend 24c; matching BDVD forecast.
• Reiterates plan for 40% payout of underlying net
• Bank CET1 ratio 11.3%; Group CET1 ratio 12.3%
• 2Q underlying pretax rises 25% to EU1.6b
• Total underlying income rises 10.3% to EU4.17b
• CEO Ralph Hamers says in statement 2Q result “strong”
SocGen 2Q Net Income Beats Estimates; CET1 Ratio 10.4%
• SocGen 2Q net income EU1.35b; est. EU1.0b.
• 2Q net income rose from EU1.08b y/y
• CET1 ratio 10.4% vs 10.1% end-March
• Targets CET1 of ~11% by end-2016
• Leverage ratio 3.8% vs 3.7% end-March
• Targets leverage ratio 4%-4.5% by end-2016
• 2Q legal provisions EU200m
• FICC revenue drops 14.6% y/y to EU607m; Equities revenue rises 61% to EU799m
• Financing & Advisory revenue rises 25% to EU685m
• Group ROE after tax 11.2% vs 9.3%
Hispaania teenindussektor on jätkamas oma tugevat kasvu, kui kuulikuu PMI kohaselt hüppas aktiivsus 56,1 punkti pealt 59,7 punkti peale, lüües sellega analüütikute 55,8punktist ootust ning märkides kõrgeimat taset viimase kolme kuu jooksul. Tänu sellele paranes ka töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori ühine PMI juulis 2,5 punkti 58,3 punktile vs oodatud 55,9 punkti.
Markit: “The Spanish service sector started the third quarter of the year as it ended the second, with
strong growth of business activity and quickening job creation. In fact, staff were taken on at the fastest pace in eight years. This was still insufficient to prevent a build-up of outstanding work, however, amid substantial inflows of new business which are also helping the pricing power of firms in the sector."
Markit: “The Spanish service sector started the third quarter of the year as it ended the second, with
strong growth of business activity and quickening job creation. In fact, staff were taken on at the fastest pace in eight years. This was still insufficient to prevent a build-up of outstanding work, however, amid substantial inflows of new business which are also helping the pricing power of firms in the sector."

Prantsusmaa teenindussektori PMI oli juulis 52,0, sama mis esialgne (juunis 54,1)
Saksamaa teenindussektori PMI oli juulis 53,8, 0,1 parem kui esialgne (juunis 53,8)
Itaalia teenindussektori PMI oli juulis 52,0, punkti jagu nõrgem kui oodati (juunis 53,4)
Kogu eurotsooni teenindussektori juuli PMI revideeriti 0,2 punkti kõrgemaks 54,0 punkti peale
Markit: “The eurozone economy showed reassuring resilience in the face of the Greek debt crisis in July. Despite a record deterioration in Greek business conditions amid extended bank closures, the overall pace of economic growth across the region barely slowed from June’s four-year high.
“Based on the recent survey data, Euro area GDP looks set to have risen by 0.4% in the second quarter, with the same rate of growth evident at the start of the third quarter. Even faster growth could soon be achieved providing the Greek situation remains under control.
Eurotsooni teenindussektori PMI

Saksamaa teenindussektori PMI oli juulis 53,8, 0,1 parem kui esialgne (juunis 53,8)
Itaalia teenindussektori PMI oli juulis 52,0, punkti jagu nõrgem kui oodati (juunis 53,4)
Kogu eurotsooni teenindussektori juuli PMI revideeriti 0,2 punkti kõrgemaks 54,0 punkti peale
Markit: “The eurozone economy showed reassuring resilience in the face of the Greek debt crisis in July. Despite a record deterioration in Greek business conditions amid extended bank closures, the overall pace of economic growth across the region barely slowed from June’s four-year high.
“Based on the recent survey data, Euro area GDP looks set to have risen by 0.4% in the second quarter, with the same rate of growth evident at the start of the third quarter. Even faster growth could soon be achieved providing the Greek situation remains under control.
Eurotsooni teenindussektori PMI

Itaalia tööstustoodang osutus juunis oodatust nõrgemaks, kahanedes MoM -1,1% vs prognoositud -0,3%. Aastatagusega võrreldes aeglustus kasv 3,1% pealt -0,3% peale (oodati 1,4%).

Eurotsooni jaemüük osutus juunis oodatust nõrgemaks, kui prognoositud -0,2% languse asemel kahanes müük MoM -0,6%. Mullusega võrreldes oli kasv 1,2% vs prognoostud 2,0% ja 2,6% mais.

ADP tööturu küsitlus viitab võimalusele, et reedene number võib tulla samuti pehmem aga need kaks näitajat pole alati kõige paremas kooskõlas olnud
USD ADP Employment Change (JUL): 185K actual vs 215K estimate, 237K prior.
USD ADP Employment Change (JUL): 185K actual vs 215K estimate, 237K prior.
USA teenindussektori aktiivsus oli juulis üllatavalt tugev, kerkides ISM indeksi näol 56,0 punkti pealt 60,3 punktini ehk kõrgeimale tasemele alates 2005.a (oodati 56,2). Erinevalt ADPst toetab ISMi tööhõive indeks tugevamat reedest tõõjuraportit.
• Business activity rose to 64.9 vs 61.5 prior month
• New orders rose to 63.8 vs 58.3
• Employment rose to 59.6 vs 52.7
• Supplier deliveries rose to 53.0 vs 52
• Inventory change rose to 57.0 vs 55
• Prices paid rose to 53.7 vs 53.0
• Backlog of orders rose to 54.0 vs 50.5
• New export orders rose to 56.5 vs 52.0
• Imports rose to 50.5 vs 48.0
• Inventory sentiment fell to 63.5 vs 65.0
• Business activity rose to 64.9 vs 61.5 prior month
• New orders rose to 63.8 vs 58.3
• Employment rose to 59.6 vs 52.7
• Supplier deliveries rose to 53.0 vs 52
• Inventory change rose to 57.0 vs 55
• Prices paid rose to 53.7 vs 53.0
• Backlog of orders rose to 54.0 vs 50.5
• New export orders rose to 56.5 vs 52.0
• Imports rose to 50.5 vs 48.0
• Inventory sentiment fell to 63.5 vs 65.0