Ühendriikide aktsiaturud olid reedel kurseerimas positiivse sulgumise suunas, enne kui meediasse paisati uudis täiendavast tõendusmaterjalist, mida FBI on hakanud uurima seoses Hillary Clintoni eraserveri kasutamisega. Kasvanud poliitiline määramatus vedas S&P 500 reedel 0,3% plussist -0,3% miinusese, loovutades nädala jooksul oma tasemest -0,7%. Stoxx 600 kaotas reedel -0,3%, liikudes sessiooni põhjadest siiski kõrgemale.
Ühendriikide majanduse kvartaalne annualiseeritud kasv kiirenes kolmandas kvartalis 2,9% peale pärast 1,3% kasvu esimesel poolaastal, kuid detailsem vaade nõnda roosiline polnud, sest kiirenemisele aitasid kaasa varude positiivne efekt ning netoekspordi suurem panus, mille jätkumist ei loeta jätkusuutlikuks. Seevastu majanduse kõige olulisem komponent ehk tarbimine aeglustus pärast teise kvartali ebatavaliselt suurt 4,3% hüpet tagasi 2,1% peale ning aeglaseks peaks kodumaise nõudluse kasv jääma Morgan Stanley hinnangul ka aasta lõpus, mistõttu prognoosib viimane USA majanduse neljanda kvartali SKP kvartaalseks annualiseeritud kasvuks 1,6%. 21. oktoobri seisuga jäi selle lähedale ka NY FEDi Q4 SKP ootus (1,4%).
Käesolev nädal kujuneb majandussündmuste ja -uudiste osas üsna tähtsaks, kui esiplaanil saab olema ennekõike FOMC istung kolmapäeval, mille raames jäetakse analüütikute konsensuse arvates intressimäär senisele tasemele, kuid jätkuvalt hinnatakse tõenäoliseks tõstmise võimalust detsembris. Viimase osas aitab ootusi paika seada USA oktoobrikuu tööturu raport, mis peaks näitama uute töökohtade loomise kasvu paranemist 156 tuhandelt 175 tuhandele. Uus nädal juhatakse aga sisse eurotsooni kolmanda kvartali SKP ning inflatsiooninäitajatega euroalas ning Ühendriikides.
09.00 Saksamaa jaemüük (september)
10.00 Hispaania jaemüük (september)
12.00 eurotsooni inflatsioon (oktoobri esialgne)
12.00 eurotsooni kolmanda kvartali SKP
14.30 USA isiklikud kulutused ja sissetulekud (september)
14.30 USA inflatsioon PCE mõõdiku järgi (september)
15.45 USA Chicago töötleva tööstuse PMI (oktoober)
16.30 USA Dallas FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (oktoober)
Jätame selle siia: "Bärsipäev 31. oktoober" :-) Mõnikord on näpuvead lahedad.
Hispaania jaemüügi aastane kasv aeglustus septembris 3,3% pealt 3,2%le, jäädes üsna lähedale konsensuse ootusele (3,3%)

Saksamaa jaemüük kukkus aga septembris MoM -1,4% pärast -0,3% langust augustis, kuigi analüütikud prognoosisid 0,2% taastumist. Mullusega võrreldes aeglustus kasv 0,4%le (oodati 1,5%).

Saksamaa jaemüük kukkus aga septembris MoM -1,4% pärast -0,3% langust augustis, kuigi analüütikud prognoosisid 0,2% taastumist. Mullusega võrreldes aeglustus kasv 0,4%le (oodati 1,5%).

Jätame selle siia: "Bärsipäev 31. oktoober" :-) Mõnikord on näpuvead lahedad.
Tänud. Märsipäev on ka korra kunagi läbi käinud, vaatame mida tulevik võiks veel pakkuda :)
euroala alusinflatsioon püsis oktoobris kolmandat kuud järjest 0,8% peal

euroala SKP kavas kolmandas kvartalis ootuspärased 0,3% ning mulluse baasil 1,6%

euroala SKP kavas kolmandas kvartalis ootuspärased 0,3% ning mulluse baasil 1,6%

Morgan Stanley kohaselt on Euroopas siiani kolmanda kvartali tulemuste hooaeg olnud tugev, kui mitte nii hea nagu teises kvartalis. Kasumid on püsimas eelmise aasta tasemel, ilma finantssektorita näidatakse 5% kasvu.

USA alusinflatsioon püsis septembris ootuspäraselt 1,7% peal, isiklikud kulutused kasvasid septembris MoM 0,5% (oodati 0,4%, kuid august revideeriti 0,0% pealt -0,1% peale) ning isiklik sissetulek 0,3% (oodati 0,4%)

Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
ZBH -9%, CTL -7.7%, BSFT -5.1%, DM -3.3%, UCP -2.5%, ROP -1.7%, LL -1.2%, IROQ -0.9%, CAH -0.7%
Other news:
MEMP -40.4% (confirms plans to suspend quarterly cash distributions and initiates process to explore strategic alternatives)
GRVY -2.1% (modestly pulling back following Friday's strength post earnings)
PGNX -1.8% (receives notification of a Paragraph IV certification for certain patents for RELISTOR)
MOMO -0.5% (Chief Technology Officer Zhiwei Li resigns for personal reasons effective November 1)
Analyst comments:
NKE -1.9% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at BofA/Merrill )
NVO -1.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup )
XOM -0.9% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman; removed from Conviction Buy List)
ABBV -0.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse)
HD -0.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray)
LOW -0.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray)
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
CVEO +16.1%, L +6%, ITUB +4.5%, ERJ +3.5%, HMC +3.4%, CHKP +3.1%, WMB +2.5%,
INCR +1.8%, EW +0.9%, SO +0.8%, CNHI +0.5%, DO +0.5%
M&A news:
TMH +15.6% (to be acquired by Blackstone (BX) for $43.50 per share in cash, or approximately $6.1 bln; deal includes a 40-day go-shop period)
BHI +7.9% (General Electric and Baker Hughes (BHI) confirm deal to combine GE's oil and gas business with Baker Hughes)
LVLT +7% (to be acquired by CenturyLink (CTL) for $66.50/share)
SXCP +2.1% (receives proposal from SunCoke Energy (SXC) to acquire all of co's common units not it doesn't already own at an implied purchase price of $17.80)
GE +1.1% (General Electric and Baker Hughes (BHI) confirm deal to combine GE's oil and gas business with Baker Hughes)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: BBL +1.6%, BHP +1.2%, VALE +0.9%, RIO +0.8%, ABX +0.5%, AG +0.5%, .
Other news:
CPRX +17.3% (receives an SPA from the FDA for second phase 3 clinical trial evaluating firdapse for the treatment of LEMS)
OMER +5.1% (requests fast track designation from the FDA for the development of OMS721 for the treatment of Berger's disease)
VAL +4% (Valspar and Sherwin-Williams (SHW) respond to 'unfounded' market rumors, say they continue to cooperate fully with the FTC staff)
SWHC +2.1% (expands the company's existing revolving line of credit)
SCTY +2.1% (Elon Musk revealed Solar roof plus Powerwall 2.0)
Analyst comments:
WM +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
DE +1% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Robert W. Baird)
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
ZBH -9%, CTL -7.7%, BSFT -5.1%, DM -3.3%, UCP -2.5%, ROP -1.7%, LL -1.2%, IROQ -0.9%, CAH -0.7%
Other news:
MEMP -40.4% (confirms plans to suspend quarterly cash distributions and initiates process to explore strategic alternatives)
GRVY -2.1% (modestly pulling back following Friday's strength post earnings)
PGNX -1.8% (receives notification of a Paragraph IV certification for certain patents for RELISTOR)
MOMO -0.5% (Chief Technology Officer Zhiwei Li resigns for personal reasons effective November 1)
Analyst comments:
NKE -1.9% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at BofA/Merrill )
NVO -1.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup )
XOM -0.9% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman; removed from Conviction Buy List)
ABBV -0.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse)
HD -0.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray)
LOW -0.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray)
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
CVEO +16.1%, L +6%, ITUB +4.5%, ERJ +3.5%, HMC +3.4%, CHKP +3.1%, WMB +2.5%,
INCR +1.8%, EW +0.9%, SO +0.8%, CNHI +0.5%, DO +0.5%
M&A news:
TMH +15.6% (to be acquired by Blackstone (BX) for $43.50 per share in cash, or approximately $6.1 bln; deal includes a 40-day go-shop period)
BHI +7.9% (General Electric and Baker Hughes (BHI) confirm deal to combine GE's oil and gas business with Baker Hughes)
LVLT +7% (to be acquired by CenturyLink (CTL) for $66.50/share)
SXCP +2.1% (receives proposal from SunCoke Energy (SXC) to acquire all of co's common units not it doesn't already own at an implied purchase price of $17.80)
GE +1.1% (General Electric and Baker Hughes (BHI) confirm deal to combine GE's oil and gas business with Baker Hughes)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: BBL +1.6%, BHP +1.2%, VALE +0.9%, RIO +0.8%, ABX +0.5%, AG +0.5%, .
Other news:
CPRX +17.3% (receives an SPA from the FDA for second phase 3 clinical trial evaluating firdapse for the treatment of LEMS)
OMER +5.1% (requests fast track designation from the FDA for the development of OMS721 for the treatment of Berger's disease)
VAL +4% (Valspar and Sherwin-Williams (SHW) respond to 'unfounded' market rumors, say they continue to cooperate fully with the FTC staff)
SWHC +2.1% (expands the company's existing revolving line of credit)
SCTY +2.1% (Elon Musk revealed Solar roof plus Powerwall 2.0)
Analyst comments:
WM +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
DE +1% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Robert W. Baird)
Chicago töötleva tööstuse PMI nõnda positiivset pilti ei kinnita nagu Markiti ülldindeks
US Chicago PMI Oct: 50.6 (est 54; prev 54.2)
US Chicago PMI Oct: 50.6 (est 54; prev 54.2)