Börsipäev 31. august - SPR

Nafta punkti võrra allapoole tulnud, futuuride järgi tundub turg kerges plussis avanevat. Kui päev algab plussis, siis kujuneb päeva jooksul heaks indikaatoriks ka edasiseks - kui pluss käest antakse, on seis endiselt üsna karune, kui aga plussi suurendada suudetakse, hea võimalus põrke jätkumiseks.

LHV Chat viimastel päevadel väga aktiivne olnud, ootame kõiki chatti.

Tänane päevateema võib olla SPR - Strategic Petroleum Reserve, räägitakse, et USA võib kasutada neid reserve Katrinast põhjustatud tootmishäirete katmiseks.

See siis ka naftahinda langetanud.

Rev Shark:

Long Term, Preserve; Short Term, an Opportunity
8/31/2005 8:17 AM EDT

Good morning. Despite the bulls' last-ditch effort in the final hour of yesterday's session, stocks succumbed to the pressure of institutional selling. Volume came in sharply higher on both the Nasdaq and NYSE, marking the fifth distribution day in the Nasdaq and the fourth for the S&P 500 and its smaller sibling, the S&P 600. Leading stocks, as measured by those in the IBD 100, fared much better, actually finishing in the green.

But with attention focused down South, of great concern is the disturbance to oil supplies and refining capacity.

Oil and gas futures hit a new intraday high yesterday, and many energy-related stocks made the highlight reel. Some construction-related stocks also did well ahead of the rebuilding that will be taking place down on the Bayou (and elsewhere). Transports, retail, and insurance groups got hit the hardest as investors tried to get a handle on just how extensive Hurricane Katrina's impact will be.

For intermediate- to long-term investors, a defensive stance is the prudent one right now. A somewhat obvious point, but one that's often ignored, is that most stocks move in the direction of the market. Institutional investors drive the market, and when they turn into sellers, as they seem to be right now, it's safest to focus on preserving capital.

Short term, though, there might be a tradable move higher in the S&P -- at least, that's what I'm playing for. But this involves trading the index only, which means no company-specific risk. In addition to the S&P's oversold condition relative to bonds, technically the next stop of the 200-day moving average isn't too much lower.

The more nimble investor might also be able to profit by individual stock selection, focusing on the companies in leading industry groups, but it's wise to keep losses on a short leash.

This morning we come in to more images of the devastation in the Mississippi Delta area. Oil was back up above $70 earlier, but news that the White House will use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve sent crude lower. Stock futures are up slightly as traders make their way to work in this pre-holiday week.

This morning we'll see second-quarter GDP, personal consumption and Chicago purchasing managers reports. Anthony Santomero, president of the Philly Fed, will be speaking about the economy this afternoon. Crude oil and gas inventories will be hitting the tape around 10:30 a.m.

Buckle up -- it might be a slow trading day but there will certainly be opportunities.

Gary B. Smith:

Gapping Up

TRCA +22% (FDA approval for Increlex), SIRF +9.3% (chosen as supplier for Garmin), ARXT +7.3% (extends yesterday's 9% move; started with $35 tgt at RBC), TIF +7.3% (reports JulQ, guides higher), MEDI +7% (amends Synagis deal with Abbott; raises 2007 EPS forecast), CREAF +6.4% (accuses Apple of iPod patent breach), HOTT +6% (Citigroup upgrade), HXM +6% (Mad Money mention), SIGM +5.2% (reports JulQ), BSM +4% (extends yesterday's 60% move), CY +3.5% (Mad Money mention), RRGB +3.3% (Bear Stearns upgrade), SIMG +3.1%, BLDP +3% (extends yesterday's 16% move), IPII +2.2% (extends yesterday's 24% move), ALDN +1.8% (wins contract)... Stem cells trading higher: STEM +4.6% (receives manufacturing license), ASTM +4%.... Under $3: FMTI +20% (submits an Investigational NDA), SATC +10.5% (Ardour Capital upgrade; extends yesterday's 20% move).

Gapping Down

INSM -32% (competitor Tercica has secured an approval for Increlex), ADCT -6.1% (reports JulQ), ARRO -4.2% (lowers AugQ rev guidance), SNY -2.7% (reports JunQ), SMTC -2.6% (reports JulQ, guides lower; Global Crown Capital downgrade), NVLS -2.6% (mid-quarter update, disappointing guidance), NDAQ -2.5% (Instinet Group settles lawsuit, but it raises the price that NDAQ will pay by $1 mln -- Marketwatch).
Apollo laseb õhku välja. (apol)
Veel viimased head võimalused sisenemiseks enne otsustavat tõusu teispoole 80`t.

Dow 100 aasta chart (pluss P/E)

Apollo(apol) ujub täiega vastuvoolu, läheb vis kudema teine. Juba 78.17
Mina vaatasin koba peale aktsiat EPL ja mõtlesin "et mis pärast see küll nii järsult kukub". Siis vaatasin Yahoost Profilet:

Energy Partners Ltd.
201 St Charles Avenue
Suite 3400
New Orleans, LA 70170

Energy Partners, Ltd. engages in the oil and natural gas exploration and production focusing on the shallow to moderate depth waters of the Gulf of Mexico Shelf. The company had interests in 29 producing fields and 5 fields under development...

Ehitusfirmadel on muidugi nüüd mitme aasta jagu tööd ette müüdud ja matusefirmade aktsiad ka juba tõusevad ;)
Osta siis kui veri on tänavatel

LHV Chatis toodi ülaloleva Dow graafiku peale välja veel üks huvitavate graafikute grupp - kliki siin.

Deem seda 100 aasta graafikut tahaks endalegi seinale :)
ega see dow graafik nii hea polegi et kohe seinale panna.