USA aktsiaturud kõikusid eile positiivse ja negatiivse territooriumi vahel ning kuigi päeva alguses näis, et esmaspäevasest 2,6% kukkumisest mõnevõrra taastutakse, siis sessiooni teises pooles ilmnenud müügisurve tagajärjel lõpetas S&P 500 vaid 0,1% esmaspäevasest sulgumisest kõrgemal. Tugevust näitas viimaste päevade suurim kukkuja, tervishoiusektor, kuid sellest hoolimata langes Nasdaqi biotehnoloogia indeks 0,4%, mis tähendab, et kahe päevaga on antud näitaja kukkunud 6,7%.
Majandusuudised olid pigem positiivset sentimenti toetavad, kui USA tarbijausaldusindeks kerkis septembris eelneva kuu 101,3 punkti pealt 103 punktini, kuid analüütikud ootasid langust 96 punktini. Tegu on kõrgeima näiduga alates veebruarist ning peegeldab ilmselt tööjõuturu tugevust ning madalaid kütuse hindasid. Case-Shilleri 20 suurema linnapiirkonna majade hinnaindeks kasvas juulis aastatagusega võrreldes 5%, mis on sama näitaja nagu juunis ning ühtlasi vastas konsensuse ootusele.
Euroopas langes Stoxx Europe 600 indeks 0,7% ning kolmandas kvartalis on miinuseks kogunenud 11%. Kõige rohkem tõmbasid indeksit allapoole ravimitootjad, kui näiteks Novo Nordisk lõpetas päeva 3,4% madalamal ning Hikma Pharmaceuticals kukkus 8,1%. Esmaspäeval ligi 30% kukkunud Glencore’i aktsia sööstis eile põhjast 17% kõrgemale. Ettevõte teatas, et neil pole maksejõuetuse probleeme ning nende äri on jätkuvalt finantsiliselt stabiilne.
Tänase makrokalendri tähelepanu on Saksamaa tööjõuturul, Suurbritannia teise kvartali SKP muutusel, eurotsooni tarbijahinnaindeksil ning USA ADP tööturu raportil.
09:00 Saksamaa jaemüük (august)
10:55 Saksamaa töötute arvu muutus (september)
11:00 Itaalia töötuse määr (august)
11:30 Suurbritannia SKP (Q2, lõplik)
12:00 Eurotsooni tarbijahinnaindeksi muutus (september)
15:15 ADP tööturu raport (september)
16:45 Chicago PMI (september)
Saksamaa augusti jaemüük kasvas aastatagusega võrreldes 2,5%, mis märgib aeglustumist juuli 3,8% suurusest näitajast (revideeriti kõrgemaks 3,3% pealt) ning jääb alla ka analüütikute oodatud 3,1%-lisele kasvule. Käesoleva aasta esimese kaheksa kuuga on Saksamaa jaemüük kasvanud 2,8%.
2015. aasta aktsiaturgude langus on globaalselt aktsiate turuväärtust vähendanud 13 triljoni dollari võrra ehk $59,8 triljoni peale, mis on madalaim tase alates 2014. aasta veebruarist.

Saksamaa töötute arv suurenes septembris 2000 inimese võrra, kuigi oodati kahanemist 5000 võrra. Töötuse määr jäi püsima 6,4% peale, mis vastas ka ootustele.

Itaalia töötuse määr langes esimest korda alates 2013. aastast alla 12% piiri, olles augustis 11,9%. Analüütikud ootasid töötuse määra püsimist 12% tasemel.

Suurbritannia majandus kasvas teises kvartalis varasemalt väljakäidud 2,6% asemel 2,4%. Konsensus ootas, et muudatusi kasvumääras ei tehta.

Eurotsooni septembrikuu tarbijahinnaindeks jääb ootustele alla langedes aastatagusega võrreldes 0,1%, kuigi oodati indeksi samal tasemel püsimist.

Euroala töötuse määr valmistas augustis samuti pettumuse, kui varasem näit korrigeeriti 0,1 protsendipunkti võrra kõrgemale 11% peale ning samal tasemel püsis see ka augustis. Analüütikud prognoosisid töötuse määraks 10,9%.

Euroala töötuse määr valmistas augustis samuti pettumuse, kui varasem näit korrigeeriti 0,1 protsendipunkti võrra kõrgemale 11% peale ning samal tasemel püsis see ka augustis. Analüütikud prognoosisid töötuse määraks 10,9%.
Glencore’i aktsia jätkab teist päeva kerkimist, kaubeldes täna 10% plussis, pärast eilset 17%-list tõusu. Kuigi ettevõte kinnitas eile, et maksejõuetuse probleeme ei ole, on Bloombergi analüütikud arvutanud, et Glencore peab järgmiseks maikuuks refinantseerima ca veerandi oma võlakirjadest ja krediidiliinidest. Analüütikute sõnul on võimalik, et mõnede laenude puhul võib Glencore välja rääkida laenude tähtaegade pikendused, kuid arvestades, et osa ettevõtte võlast kaupleb kõrge riskiga võla staatuses, siis tõenäoliselt tuleb uus võlg juba märksa kallimate hindade juures.

Olid ajad... Täna, 34 aastat tagasi emiteeris USA valitsus 20 aastaseid võlakirju intressiga 15,78%, mis on kõigi aegade kõrgeim tase USA valitsuse võlakirjade puhul. Inflatsioon oli siis 11%.
1981: Uncle Sam issues new 20-year Treasury bonds at a 15.78% yield, an all-time record-high interest rate for any U.S. government issue. Analysts say they expect that yields will have to go higher to attract stronger demand. Yields promptly begin going down, and keep going down for the next twelve years.
1981: Uncle Sam issues new 20-year Treasury bonds at a 15.78% yield, an all-time record-high interest rate for any U.S. government issue. Analysts say they expect that yields will have to go higher to attract stronger demand. Yields promptly begin going down, and keep going down for the next twelve years.
ADP tööturu küsitluse tulemused vastavad ootustele:
September ADP Employment Change 200K vs 200K consensus
September ADP Employment Change 200K vs 200K consensus

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: COST +0.9%
M&A news: EZCH +13.8% (Mellanox to acquire EZCH (halted) for $25.50/share in cash; sees deal accretive to non-GAAP EPS on day one), WDC +10.3% (announces a $3.775 bln equity investment by Unisplendour; agrees to purchase Western Digital common stock at $92.50/share), AMCN +9% (enters into definitive merger agreement for going private transaction for $6.00 per American depositary share), PSEM +6.5% (Montage Technology Group has proposed to acquire PSEM for $18.50/share in cash, representing a competing bid to DIOD's prior $17.00 per share)
Select biotech/pharma related names showing strength: NYMX +5.1%, CTIC +5%, ARIA +4.4%, SHPG +4%, MYL +3.3%, NVS +3.1%, ICPT +2.8%, SNY +2.8%, GSK +2.1%, BMY +1.4%
Select EU stocks trading higher: CCL +3.4%, ALU +3.4%, AV +3.4%, NOK +3.3%, AEG +3%, UN +2.9%, ALV +2.8%, DEO +2.8%, ING +2.2%
Select energy names showing strength: PBR +8.2%, SD +3.8%, STO +2.8%, BP +2.3%
Other news: MDWD +25.8% (awarded a contract valued at up to $112 million), CMLS +17.4% (appoints new CEO), NVAX +7.3% (Announces Positive Top-Line Data From RSV F Vaccine Phase 1 Clinical Trial), RENT +7.2% (Rentrak will merge into a wholly-owned subsidiary of comScore in stock-for-stock merger; each share of Rentrak will be converted into the right to receive 1.15 shares of comScore), AAP +6.6% (Starboard Value takes a 3.7% stake, has met with mangement, believes shares could top $360, according to the WSJ), OXGN +6.4% (announced plans for the further advancement of its lead investigational drug, CA4P), RL +6.2% (President of Old Navy leaves Gap for Ralph Lauren), SCOR +6.1% (Rentrak will merge into a wholly-owned subsidiary of comScore in stock-for-stock merger; each share of Rentrak will be converted into the right to receive 1.15 shares of comScore), NRF +6.1% (authorizes the repurchase of up to $500 million of its outstanding common stock), BVXV +5.9% (receives regulatory clearance from the Hungarian Regulatory Authority and the Central Ethics Committee in Budapest to initiate a Phase IIb clinical trial for its Universal Flu Vaccine), STX +5.9% (in sympathy with WDC), FCAU +5.3% (CNBC reporting co's Ferrari offering likely to launch by Friday), SFUN +4.5% (still checking), SUNE +4.2% (cont strength), JKS +4% (announces a settlement in its securities class action), TAC +3.8% (announced elimination of 239 positions, primarily at its corporate head office in Calgary; expected to result in an additional cost-savings of ~$25 mln), CLVS +3.7% (announces FDA has accepted co's NDA for rociletinib and has granted it a priority review status with a PDUFA date of March 30, 2016; EMA has accepted co's MAA), UA +2.9% (still checking), F +2.7% (autonames rebounding in overseas trade), TSLA +2.4% (launches Model X SUV -- 'estimated delivery for new reservations is the latter half of 2016'), VOD +2.2% (Vodafone PLC and TPG Telecom Limited announced two commercial agreements, valued at more than $1 billion), TRIL +2.2% (announces update on CD47 program; completed the manufacture of clinical-grade drug product), TRAK +1.7% (DoJ announced it will require Cox Automotive to divest DealerTrak's automobile dealership full-featured inventory management solution (IMS) business in order for Cox to acquire Dealertrack)
Analyst comments: ESPR +5.8% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Chardan Capital Markets), VRX +4.6% (initiated with a Buy at BofA/Merrill), HSBC +1.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CUDA -24.9%, EXXI -5.5%, ATU -3.2%, DMND -2.6%
Other news: DCI -8.6% (files to delay its 10-K citing ongoing investigation and potential financial statement misstatements), GPS -6.2% (President of Old Navy left co to become CEO of Ralph Lauren), USAT -4.3% (filed to delay Form 10-K following identification of deficiencies in both the design and operating effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting), SRPT -3.9% (announces USPTO Decision in Patent Interference Case with BioMarin (BMRN)), NBG -2.3% (cont vol in the stock)
Analyst comments: GPC -1.1% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: COST +0.9%
M&A news: EZCH +13.8% (Mellanox to acquire EZCH (halted) for $25.50/share in cash; sees deal accretive to non-GAAP EPS on day one), WDC +10.3% (announces a $3.775 bln equity investment by Unisplendour; agrees to purchase Western Digital common stock at $92.50/share), AMCN +9% (enters into definitive merger agreement for going private transaction for $6.00 per American depositary share), PSEM +6.5% (Montage Technology Group has proposed to acquire PSEM for $18.50/share in cash, representing a competing bid to DIOD's prior $17.00 per share)
Select biotech/pharma related names showing strength: NYMX +5.1%, CTIC +5%, ARIA +4.4%, SHPG +4%, MYL +3.3%, NVS +3.1%, ICPT +2.8%, SNY +2.8%, GSK +2.1%, BMY +1.4%
Select EU stocks trading higher: CCL +3.4%, ALU +3.4%, AV +3.4%, NOK +3.3%, AEG +3%, UN +2.9%, ALV +2.8%, DEO +2.8%, ING +2.2%
Select energy names showing strength: PBR +8.2%, SD +3.8%, STO +2.8%, BP +2.3%
Other news: MDWD +25.8% (awarded a contract valued at up to $112 million), CMLS +17.4% (appoints new CEO), NVAX +7.3% (Announces Positive Top-Line Data From RSV F Vaccine Phase 1 Clinical Trial), RENT +7.2% (Rentrak will merge into a wholly-owned subsidiary of comScore in stock-for-stock merger; each share of Rentrak will be converted into the right to receive 1.15 shares of comScore), AAP +6.6% (Starboard Value takes a 3.7% stake, has met with mangement, believes shares could top $360, according to the WSJ), OXGN +6.4% (announced plans for the further advancement of its lead investigational drug, CA4P), RL +6.2% (President of Old Navy leaves Gap for Ralph Lauren), SCOR +6.1% (Rentrak will merge into a wholly-owned subsidiary of comScore in stock-for-stock merger; each share of Rentrak will be converted into the right to receive 1.15 shares of comScore), NRF +6.1% (authorizes the repurchase of up to $500 million of its outstanding common stock), BVXV +5.9% (receives regulatory clearance from the Hungarian Regulatory Authority and the Central Ethics Committee in Budapest to initiate a Phase IIb clinical trial for its Universal Flu Vaccine), STX +5.9% (in sympathy with WDC), FCAU +5.3% (CNBC reporting co's Ferrari offering likely to launch by Friday), SFUN +4.5% (still checking), SUNE +4.2% (cont strength), JKS +4% (announces a settlement in its securities class action), TAC +3.8% (announced elimination of 239 positions, primarily at its corporate head office in Calgary; expected to result in an additional cost-savings of ~$25 mln), CLVS +3.7% (announces FDA has accepted co's NDA for rociletinib and has granted it a priority review status with a PDUFA date of March 30, 2016; EMA has accepted co's MAA), UA +2.9% (still checking), F +2.7% (autonames rebounding in overseas trade), TSLA +2.4% (launches Model X SUV -- 'estimated delivery for new reservations is the latter half of 2016'), VOD +2.2% (Vodafone PLC and TPG Telecom Limited announced two commercial agreements, valued at more than $1 billion), TRIL +2.2% (announces update on CD47 program; completed the manufacture of clinical-grade drug product), TRAK +1.7% (DoJ announced it will require Cox Automotive to divest DealerTrak's automobile dealership full-featured inventory management solution (IMS) business in order for Cox to acquire Dealertrack)
Analyst comments: ESPR +5.8% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Chardan Capital Markets), VRX +4.6% (initiated with a Buy at BofA/Merrill), HSBC +1.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CUDA -24.9%, EXXI -5.5%, ATU -3.2%, DMND -2.6%
Other news: DCI -8.6% (files to delay its 10-K citing ongoing investigation and potential financial statement misstatements), GPS -6.2% (President of Old Navy left co to become CEO of Ralph Lauren), USAT -4.3% (filed to delay Form 10-K following identification of deficiencies in both the design and operating effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial reporting), SRPT -3.9% (announces USPTO Decision in Patent Interference Case with BioMarin (BMRN)), NBG -2.3% (cont vol in the stock)
Analyst comments: GPC -1.1% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
Septembrikuu Chicago PMI langes augusti 54,4 punkti pealt 48,7 punktile, viidates majandusaktiivsuse langusele. Analüütikud olid oodanud näitaja langust 52,9 punktile.
September Chicago PMI 48.7 vs 52.9 consensus; August 54.4
September Chicago PMI 48.7 vs 52.9 consensus; August 54.4
USA suurima hulgikaupade müüja, Costco Wholesale (-0,08% @ $143,60), neljanda kvartali puhaskasum kasvas 10% Y/Y ehk $767 mln peale ($1,73 aktsia kohta), ületades konsensuse $1,66 suurust EPSi ootust. Ettevõtte käive kasvas lõppenud kvartalis +0,7% Y/Y ehk $35,8 mld peale (sh liikmetasu kasvas +2,2% Y/Y ehk $785 mln peale) ning tulemus vastas konsensuse ootusele. Ettevõtte brutokasumi marginaal paranes lõppenud kvartalis 11,1% peale aastataguse 10,7% pealt. Arvestamata kütuse hinna ja valuutakursside liikumist, kasvas Costco võrreldavate poodide müük kvartalis 6% (kuid neid arvestades vähenes -1%; müük vähenes teist järjestikust kvartalit). Kvartali lõpus oli Costcol 686 poodi.