Janet Yelleni etteaste aitas puhuda viimastel päevadel motivatsiooni kaotanud USA aktsiaturgudele uuesti elujõudu sisse ning lükata aktsiaturu indeksid 2016.a uutele tippudele. USA keskpanga presidendi ettevaatlikud kommentaarid nõrgestasid dollarit euro suhtes 0,8% 1,1291 dollarile, mis toetas omakorda S&P 500 0,9% tõusu. Euroopas liikus Stoxx 600 indeks pärast neli päeva väldanud langust kõrgemale, sulgudes 0,5% plussis.
Suuremad liikumiste taga oli aktiivsem kauplemine, kui kokku vahetas eile USA aktsiaturgudel omanikku 7 miljardit aktsiat
Erinevalt kolleegidest, kes oma hiljutistes esinemistes ei välistanud võimalust tõsta intressimäära aprillis, juhtis Janet Yellen tähelepanu USA majandust ohustavale globaalsele majanduslikule ja finantsilisele ebakindlusele, mis õigustab intressimäära tõstmist väga aeglases tempos. Konkreetsemalt tõi ta välja Hiina majanduskasvu aeglustumise ning toorainete hinnalanguse ning kui need riskid püsivad, tuleb ohtu USA majandusele ennetada, jättes vajadusel intressimäära määratud perioodiks nulli lähedale või kasutades uuesti varade ostusid.
Yelleni sõnul on USA majandus saatnud tänavu erisuguseid signaale. Ühest küljest on tööturg, tarbimine ja kinnisvaraturg jäänud tugevaks, samas võitleb raskemate oludega töötlev tööstus ning tugeva dollari tõttu on pihta saanud eksport. Kuigi inflatsioon on jõudnud keskpanga sihitud 2% lähedale, ei ole kiirenenud hinnatõus tema arvates märk paranenud majandusaktiivsusest.
Kui enne Yelleni kõne oli turuosaliste arvates tõenäosus väike, et FOMC kavatseb aprillis intressimäära tõsta, siis pärast eilset esinemist muutus futuuride järgi ebatõenäolisemaks kergitamine ka juuni istungil. Ühtlasi on kasvanud veendumus, et FED kavatseb 2016.a piirduda vaid 25bp tõstmisega.
USA baasintressimäära tasemete tõenäosused FOMC juuni istungil
Majandusuudiseid jagub tänasesse päeva mõnevõrra vähem, kui peamise fookuse all peaks olema USA ADP tööturu küsitlus, mis aitab mõista, kui palju võis märtsis erasektor luua uusi töökohtasid.
11.00 Norra töötuse määr (jaanuar)
12.00 Eurotsooni tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (märtsi lõplik)
15.15 Saksamaa inflatsioon (märts)
15.15 USA ADP tööturu küsitlus (märts)
17.30 USA toornafta varude raport (25. märtsi seisuga)
20.00 FEDi Evans esineb
Täna avaldatud intervjuus EKP nõukogu liikme Benoît Cœuré'ga puudutatakse ka helikopteriraha teemat
Mario Draghi, in his last press conference, described the concept of “helicopter money” – the idea that the central bank could finance economic agents directly – as “very interesting”. Is that something the ECB is debating?
No. As an economist, of course I find the academic discussion exciting. It is good that academics force us to think outside the box. But as a policymaker, as interesting as it may be, helicopter money is not currently part of the discussion in the Governing Council. If we decided to get into that discussion, we would have to deal with many questions, such as: how exactly would it work in practice? How would “helicopter money” fit within our monetary policy? And finally and most importantly, how do we make sure it doesn’t cross the line between monetary and fiscal policy? To be honest, I don’t see how it could work without some kind of risk-sharing with governments, which could be practically and legally problematic. So whatever my own intellectual interest in helicopter money, as a Governing Council member I have a fair deal of skepticism and circumspection.
Mario Draghi, in his last press conference, described the concept of “helicopter money” – the idea that the central bank could finance economic agents directly – as “very interesting”. Is that something the ECB is debating?
No. As an economist, of course I find the academic discussion exciting. It is good that academics force us to think outside the box. But as a policymaker, as interesting as it may be, helicopter money is not currently part of the discussion in the Governing Council. If we decided to get into that discussion, we would have to deal with many questions, such as: how exactly would it work in practice? How would “helicopter money” fit within our monetary policy? And finally and most importantly, how do we make sure it doesn’t cross the line between monetary and fiscal policy? To be honest, I don’t see how it could work without some kind of risk-sharing with governments, which could be practically and legally problematic. So whatever my own intellectual interest in helicopter money, as a Governing Council member I have a fair deal of skepticism and circumspection.
USA ADP osutus üsna ootuspäraseks, mistõttu ei tohiks reedene tööturu raport suurt üllatust pakkuda (kuigi pole alati garanteeritud)
US ADP Employment Change Mar: 200K (est 195K; rev prev 205K from 214K)
US ADP Employment Change Mar: 200K (est 195K; rev prev 205K from 214K)
Värsket lugemist Bill Grossilt
Zeno’s Paradox
Zeno was an ancient Greek who posed the following conundrum: Imagine a walker heading towards a finish line 10 yards away but every step he took was half of the length of the step he took before. If so, even if he walked an infinite amount of steps he could never reach his destination. Mathematically correct but the real world resolution was that Zeno’s walker and everything else that we experience moves forward in full step integers as opposed to fractions. It was a mathematical twist only.
Zeno’s Paradox
Zeno was an ancient Greek who posed the following conundrum: Imagine a walker heading towards a finish line 10 yards away but every step he took was half of the length of the step he took before. If so, even if he walked an infinite amount of steps he could never reach his destination. Mathematically correct but the real world resolution was that Zeno’s walker and everything else that we experience moves forward in full step integers as opposed to fractions. It was a mathematical twist only.