Täna tuleb uudisterohke päev, seega turgudel liikumiseks põhjuseid küllaga. Alustuseks oodatakse Q1 esmast SKP numbrit, mille puhul loodetakse näha 0.5% suurust kasvu. Õhtul meie aja järgi kell 21.15 avaldatakse FOMCi intressimäärade otsus, kus tänasest eeldatavast langetamisest saab tähtsamaks toon, kuidas nähakse tulevikku. Laialt on levinud arvamus, et krediidikriisi põhi on tehtud, usaldus hakkab taastuma ning määrade langetamisseerial on mõneks ajaks kriips peal.
Lisaks siia väikse artikkli GDP kohta ning juhiks tähelepanu viimasele lausele.
Gross domestic product probably increased at a 0.3% annualized rate in the quarter after a 0.6% gain in the fourth quarter, according to a survey of economists conducted by MarketWatch. That's awfully slow, but is it compatible with a recession?
While some people use the old rule of thumb that a recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, the actual working definition is a bit more nuanced.
According to the economic historians at the non-profit National Bureau of Economic Research, a recession is defined as "a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months."
It turns out that you can have a recession without two consecutive declines in GDP (we did it in 2001). Indeed, if the $160 billion in fiscal stimulus has the desired impact on the second quarter, the economy may be on track for the first recession in U.S. history without any quarterly decline in growth.
How can that be? Perhaps because GDP is a pretty crude measurement of economic well-being. It measures the output of the economy, but not some of the things that matter most, such as jobs, income and wealth.
GDP is a quarterly accounting gimmick that may not be an accurate reflection of the economic reality. It includes inventory stockpiling and export growth, things that don't really increase the living standards of Americans.
For the first quarter, almost all the expected growth in the economy should come from inventory growth and exports, with very little (or no) increase in either the amount of money individuals or companies earned, or in the things American households and businesses bought. We made a little bit more stuff, but it went into warehouses and onto ships, not into our homes and workplaces.
Final sales to the domestic private-sector probably fell at a 1.3% annual rate in the quarter, according to Goldman Sachs economist Seamus Smyth. That would be the first decline since 1991 and would be a far better assessment of the economy's health than the 0.3% growth in GDP.
The economic historians who judge whether we've been in a recession use a variety of indicators, including GDP, but also job growth, income growth, industrial output and total sales by businesses.
By all of those measures except GDP, the current data show a recession is probably in progress. (Nothing is set in stone yet, because those numbers could be revised significantly.)
The average person judges a recession mainly on one criteria: Is anyone hiring? If jobs are plentiful, then the economy is doing OK. If jobs are scarce, the economy is poor. By that standard, the economy is struggling, with payrolls down by a total of 232,000 in the past three months. On Friday the Labor Department is expected to report another 80,000 jobs were lost in April.
For individuals, incomes are the other major factor in assessing the economy's strength. After-tax incomes adjusted for inflation have been stagnant since September, even as the population has grown. The pie is being sliced thinner.
On the business side, inflation-adjusted sales have fallen at a 5.2% annual pace in the past three months and are essentially unchanged from six months ago.
Industrial output has also stalled over the past six months, even with the weaker dollar boosting exports.
If GDP does show a small positive number in Wednesday's report, no doubt many people will cheer that the economy has therefore avoided a recession. But that's not what the other economic numbers show
Neste Oil (NES1V) on jäänud peale kesiseid tulemusi tugeva müügisurve ohvriks.
Kasum kukkus 1 kvartalis 158 miljoni eur-i pealt 119 miljoni eur-i peale vs konsensuse ootused 162 miljonit eur-i. Kasumi kahanemise põhjuseks halvenev majanduskeskkond ja nõrk USD.
Aktsia on kukkunud 21 eur pealt 18.80 eur peale ning JP Morgan kärpis hinnasihti 26.5 eur pealt 23 eur peale.
Briti tarbijausaldusindeks langes aprillis 5 punkti -24 punktini, mis on 1992 aasta novembri tasemel, seega pea 16 aasta madalaimal tasemel.
"With the news dominated by stories of recession, the credit crunch, housing market falls, and future petrol and food price increases, it will take more than a quarter-point reduction in interest rates to alleviate the current gloomy mood of the U.K. consumer," said Rachael Joy of GfK NOP's consumer confidence team, referring to the Bank of England's decision earlier this month to cut its key interest rate to 5%.
Artikkel küll eilne, kuid seletab hästi DUG idee ühte nurgakivi: Fed could burst oil's bubble.
Kuigi tuleb möönda, et päris sellist stsenaariumi me lühikese ajaga ei oota: "If [the dollar] strengthens 10%, there is a good bet that [oil] prices will fall by $ 40"
PS Kas mitte commodity aktsiate ostmiseks kõige kehvem aeg polevat siis, kui valuatsioonid on kõige madalamad?
Eurotsooni aprilli inflatsioon üllatas positiivselt, kui Reuters ootas 3.4% siis tegelik muutus 3.3% vs märtsi 3.6%.
Töötusmäär jäi samale tasemele 7.1% ning tarbijausaldus indeks jäi -12 punkti peale, kuigi oodate kerget halvenemist -13 punkti peale. Tootjaususaldus indeks siiski valmistas väikse peattumuse, kui langes -2 punktile oodatud -1 punkti asemel vs 0 märtsis.
Rääkides commodityaktsiate tasemetest, siis mulle meenub eelmine aasta, kui sai esimest korda ostetud Quadrat. Ettevõte lajatas letti kvartalitulemuseks EPSi 1,34 ja ma ostsin seda kusagilt kaheksa ringist:) Ütleme, et töötas päris hästi:) ja seda ka langevate toorainetehindade järgul. Madalatelt kordajatelt ostmine on halb siis, kui tooraine hind peaks langema, aga enne tuleks veenduda, et nad ikka alla lähevad.
Aga enamasti need kes räägivad mullist, räägivad, et US on vbla surutises pluss spekulatiivne raha. USA nõudlus on maksimaalselt veerand võrrandi ühest poolest ja teha järeldusi ühe kaheksandiku vajaliku info pealt on igasuguste kriteeriumite järgi kergelt... Seda enam, et USA roll praeguses rallis on üldse enam kui kaheldav, mõne tooraine puhul langes USA tarbimine kümnendi algusest kogu tee. Seega USA tarbimise langus ei tähenda automaatselt hinna langust vaid võib tähendada ükskõik mida. On ka ennustusi (ja mitte mingisuguseid kaheksandajärgulisi puusalt tulistamisi), mis ütlevad, et ka USA tarbimise olulisel vähenemisel oleks tulemuseks mõne konkreetse tooraine hinna kahekordistumine tulevikus.
piltlikult öeldes ... kui alguses ostis tooraineid ainult Jim Rogers ja veidi hiljem lisandus käputäis hedgefonde, siis täna on juba isegi pensionifondide raha toorainetesse liikumas, rääkimata privaatpanganduse portfellidest jne. ... ehk täna on toorainetesse kui varaklassi liikunud raha hulk hüppeliselt kasvanud