Täna sulgub USA börs tavapärasest varem – kell 20.00 Eesti aja järgi. Homme tähistatakse Ameerika Ühendriikides 4. juuli Iseseisvuspäeva ja siis on turud sootuks suletud.
Makroandmetest avaldatakse täna ‘kulutused ehitusele’ (construction spending) ja ISM indeks. Mõlemad andmed avaldatakse kell 17.00 Eesti aja järgi. ISM indeks näitab tootmise aktiivsust(national manufacturing activity) ja sellele pööravad investorid ka tähelepanu. Oodatakse 55.0 punktilist näitu, mis oleks kõrgem eelmise kuu 54.4 punktist. Number üle 50 väljendab kasvu.
Airbusi tegevdirektor Gustav Humbert astus nädalavahetusel oma postilt tagasi. Humbert põhjendas oma tagasiastumist ettevõtte poolt hiljuti teatatud A380 tootmise ja kohaleviimise hilinemisega.
EADS(European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co.), kellele kuulub ligi 80% Airbusist teatas, et asendab EADSi kaas-tegevdirektori(co-Chief Executive) Noel Forgeardi Prantsusmaa raudtee ettevõtte juhi Louis Gallois’iga. Noel Forgeardi on süüdistatud 2-korruselise hiidlennuki A380ga seotud hilinemistes ja ka segastes aktsiatehingutes. Samuti võib lisada siia disaini probleemid A350ga.
Ja lõpetuseks väike copy-paste Briefingust:
N. Korea says U.S attack would bring ‘Nuclear War’ according to the A.P; A.P cites N.Korea’s state-run media for message to U.S- Bloomberg
Trading on the Half-Day
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
7/3/2006 8:59 AM EDT
"I know I am but summer to your heart, and not the full four seasons of the year."
-- Edna St. Vincent Millay
Quite often these abbreviated half days of holiday trading can produce some excellent trading. Institutional investors are happy to escape their offices, and the aggressive momentum traders are left unattended to push stocks around as they please. There is little news flow, and analysts are not issuing reports, so traders are left to their own devices. Generally the bias is to the upside in this type of trading, but because it is thin, it can be very volatile and dangerous if you aren't careful.
The most important thing to remember on a day like this is to not read anything significant into it. It is just a very brief summer fling without adult supervision, and what looks like a good idea today may turn out to be a very questionable decision on Wednesday when we return to more normal trading.
In fact, unless your time frame is very short, it probably is a good idea to not even bother with this action. You aren't going to miss out on good longer-term entry points if you don't participate today. You might find a trade, but this is not a great day for making investment decisions.
So make sure you are clear about what you are doing today. Don't confuse a holiday party for a longer-term commitment, and definitely make sure you don't overindulge.
We have a slightly positive open. Overseas markets were mostly positive, but trading was slow. Wal-Mart (WMT - commentary - Cramer's Take) issued slightly soft sales forecasts. Be careful out there.
At the time of publication, De Porre had no positions in stocks mentioned, although holdings can change at any time.
ISM Index 53.8 vs 55.0 consensus