Üksikud ettevõtted on ka aasta viimastel päevadel meelitamas ligi suuremat huvi, kuid üldiselt hoiab möödunud kuu keskmisest 40-50% madalam käive liikumisi turgudel üsna apaatsena. S&P 500 sulgus teisipäeval 0,2% plussis, andes osa sessiooni alguse võidust siiski ära. Euroopas kerkis Stoxx 600 0,1%, jõudes 1,5% kaugusele aasta alguse tasemest.
Positiivset meeleolu aitasid toetada USA majandusnäitajad eesotsas tarbijate kindlustunde indeksiga. Sarnaselt Michigani ülikooli koostatud indeksile peegeldas ka Conferece Boardi küsitlus tarbijate kindlustunde olulist paranemist detsembris, kerkides üldindeksi näol 4,3 punkti võrra 113,7 punktile (oodati langust 109,0 punktile), mis märgib kõrgeimat taset alates 2001.a.
Kogu tõus tulenes kõrgematest kuue kuu ootustest, mida kajastav indeks hüppas 94,4 punktilt 105,5 punktile, samal ajal kui kindlustunne jooksva olukorra osas alanes eelmisel kuul saavutatud üheksa kuu tipust 132 punktilt 126,1 punktile. Seejuures leidsid ameeriklased, et detsembris oli tööd mõnevõrra raskem leida (22,5% vs 21,2% novembris) ning allapoole liikus ka nende vastajate osakaal, kelle arvates oli töökohasid piisavalt (26,9% vs 27,8% novembris).
Nii Richmondi kui ka Dallase regionaalsed töötleva tööstuse küsitlused viitavad sektori tugevnevale kasvule. Richmond FEDi küsitluse järgi paranes piirkonna aktiivsusindeks nelja punkti võrra kaheksa punkti peale (oodati tõusu 5 punkti peale) ning Dallase oma kerkis 5,3 punkti 15,5 punktile (oodati 10,2). Mõlemal juhul viitasid küsitlused uute tellimuste suuremale sissevoolule (Richmondi uute tellimuste indeks kerkis 7 punktilt 12 punktile ning Dallas oma -1,4 punktilt 7,3 punktile), kuid tööhõive indeksid kujunesid pehmemaks (Richmondi oma alanes 5 punktilt -1 punktile ja Dallase oma 4,5 punktilt -2,9 punktile).
Majandusuudistest on täna laual Hispaania novembrikuu jaemüük, Itaalia tarbijate ning ettevõtete kindlustunde indeksid ning USA majade pooleliolevad müügitehingud, mis aitavad paremini mõista olemasolevate majade järgneva 1-2 kuu müüki.
10.00 Hispaania jaemüük (november)
11.00 Itaalia tarbijate ja töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete kindlustunde indeksid (detsember)
17.00 USA majade pooleliolevad müügitehingud (november)
Hispaania jaemüük kasvas novembris aastaga 3,3%, veidi kiiremini kui oodatud 3,1%

Doug Kass, keda üldiselt leiab rohkem karude poolelt, avaldas eile oma 2017.a võimalike üllatuste nimekirja.
Nõnda läks tal 2016.a üllatusi prognoosides:
Surprise No. 1: Terrorism upsets an already fragile global economy. -- VERY RIGHT
Surprise No. 2: Terrorism goes cyber (it appears to have even interfered to some degree with our presidential election). -- VERY RIGHT
Surprise No. 3: The mother of all flash crashes. -- WRONG
Surprise No. 4: Terrorism Hits Mideast Oil Infrastructure -- WRONG
Surprise No. 5: America Falls into Recession and Stocks Tank -- WRONG
Surprise No. 6: Stagflation emerges -- RIGHT
Surprise No. 7: The Fed is slow to raise rates -- VERY RIGHT (the consensus was for three to four hikes, so I consider one hike, in December, as a win)
Surprise No. 8: China and Russia's economies falter -- RIGHT
Surprise No. 9: The European Union begins to unravel -- VERY RIGHT
Surprise No. 10: It's Hillary vs. The Donald -- VERY RIGHT (This was my biggest and best Surprise)
Surprise No. 11: Housing and autos tank -- WRONG
Surprise No. 12: Warren Buffett stumbles (literally and figuratively) -- WRONG
Surprise No. 13: Goodbye FANG and NOSH, hello CRABBY -- RIGHT
Surprise No. 14: More unicorn dropouts -- RIGHT
Surprise No. 15: Individual situations
Apple's(AAPL) shares drop to $90 after two earnings shortfalls -- VERY RIGHT
After three years of overpromising and underdelivering, Douglas Oberhelman resigns as CEO of Caterpillar (CAT) -- VERY RIGHT
Despite a weakening economy (and against conventional wisdom), the high-yield bond sector is among 2016's top-performing asset classes-- VERY RIGHT
2016's best market sectors: Defense, banks and fertilizers-- MIXED OUTCOME
2016's worst market sectors: Media, transports (particularly airlines and autos), electrical utilities, pharma/biotech and REITs-- RIGHT
Mall sales traffic collapses-- VERY RIGHT
The South Beach Housing Bubble starts a collapse in high-end real estate prices that extends to New York City, the Hamptons and Los Angeles, which fall by 15% on average. -- VERY RIGHT
Water grows more scarce and a new, powerful "Silicon Valley Northwest"-- VERY RIGHT
Sovereign-wealth funds, which are currently about twice the size of the hedge-fund industry, exit the markets and redeem from hedge funds-- VERY RIGHT
Several legendary hedge-hoggers, each with funds holding assets under management over $5 billion, close shop-- VERY RIGHT
Rigid drone restrictions and an Internet sales tax crater Amazon's AMZN shares-- WRONG
JPMorgan Chase(JPM) and Morgan Stanley (MS) merge-- WRONG
Goldman Sachs (GS) expands its money management business by acquiring T. Rowe Price (TROW) -- WRONG
Marissa Mayer is replaced at Yahoo (YHOO) -- WRONG
Nõnda läks tal 2016.a üllatusi prognoosides:
Surprise No. 1: Terrorism upsets an already fragile global economy. -- VERY RIGHT
Surprise No. 2: Terrorism goes cyber (it appears to have even interfered to some degree with our presidential election). -- VERY RIGHT
Surprise No. 3: The mother of all flash crashes. -- WRONG
Surprise No. 4: Terrorism Hits Mideast Oil Infrastructure -- WRONG
Surprise No. 5: America Falls into Recession and Stocks Tank -- WRONG
Surprise No. 6: Stagflation emerges -- RIGHT
Surprise No. 7: The Fed is slow to raise rates -- VERY RIGHT (the consensus was for three to four hikes, so I consider one hike, in December, as a win)
Surprise No. 8: China and Russia's economies falter -- RIGHT
Surprise No. 9: The European Union begins to unravel -- VERY RIGHT
Surprise No. 10: It's Hillary vs. The Donald -- VERY RIGHT (This was my biggest and best Surprise)
Surprise No. 11: Housing and autos tank -- WRONG
Surprise No. 12: Warren Buffett stumbles (literally and figuratively) -- WRONG
Surprise No. 13: Goodbye FANG and NOSH, hello CRABBY -- RIGHT
Surprise No. 14: More unicorn dropouts -- RIGHT
Surprise No. 15: Individual situations
Apple's(AAPL) shares drop to $90 after two earnings shortfalls -- VERY RIGHT
After three years of overpromising and underdelivering, Douglas Oberhelman resigns as CEO of Caterpillar (CAT) -- VERY RIGHT
Despite a weakening economy (and against conventional wisdom), the high-yield bond sector is among 2016's top-performing asset classes-- VERY RIGHT
2016's best market sectors: Defense, banks and fertilizers-- MIXED OUTCOME
2016's worst market sectors: Media, transports (particularly airlines and autos), electrical utilities, pharma/biotech and REITs-- RIGHT
Mall sales traffic collapses-- VERY RIGHT
The South Beach Housing Bubble starts a collapse in high-end real estate prices that extends to New York City, the Hamptons and Los Angeles, which fall by 15% on average. -- VERY RIGHT
Water grows more scarce and a new, powerful "Silicon Valley Northwest"-- VERY RIGHT
Sovereign-wealth funds, which are currently about twice the size of the hedge-fund industry, exit the markets and redeem from hedge funds-- VERY RIGHT
Several legendary hedge-hoggers, each with funds holding assets under management over $5 billion, close shop-- VERY RIGHT
Rigid drone restrictions and an Internet sales tax crater Amazon's AMZN shares-- WRONG
JPMorgan Chase(JPM) and Morgan Stanley (MS) merge-- WRONG
Goldman Sachs (GS) expands its money management business by acquiring T. Rowe Price (TROW) -- WRONG
Marissa Mayer is replaced at Yahoo (YHOO) -- WRONG
Itaalia tarbijate kindlustunde indeks kerkis detsembris 108,1 punktilt 111,1 punktile (oodati 107,5) ning töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks 102,2 punktilt 103,5 punktile (oodati 101,8).

Pooleliolevate müügitehingute järgi on USA olemasolevate majade müük nõrgenemas järgneval paaril kuul, kui võimalikeks mõjuteguriteks on intressimäärade tõus ning madalad varud
U.S. Pending Home Sales fall 2.5%, versus expected 0.5% gain
U.S. Pending Home Sales fall 2.5%, versus expected 0.5% gain