Pärast FEDi otsuse järgset 2,4% rallit (S&P 500) on turul tekkinud raskusi katalüsaatorite leidmisega, mis viiks aktsiaid kõrgemale, eriti olukorras, kus makrouudised kutsuvad uuesti spekuleerima intressimäära tõstmise üle. Dollar tugevnes marginaalselt euro suhtes (0,2%) ning S&P 500 vajus päeva lõpuks -0,6% punasesse.
Euroopas sulgus Stoxx 600 indeks 0,3% plusspoolel, saades tuge oodatust tugevamatest erasektori aktiivsusnäitajatest. Eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse PMI kerkis märtsis 0,9 punkti 51,9 punkti peale (oodati 51,5) ja teenindussektori PMI 0,6 punkti 54,3 punktile (oodati 53,9). Mõlema sektori ühine näitaja jõudis sellega kõrgeimale tasemele alates 2011.a maist. Deutsche Banki kohaselt viitab PMI indeks antud taseme juures majanduse 2% kasvule.
Ühendriikides viitas Markiti küsitlus samuti töötleva tööstuse aktiivsuse paranemisele, kui PMI indeks kerkis märtsis 0,2 punkti 55,3 punktini, lüües analüütikute 54,6punktist ootust. Uute majade müük kerkis veebruaris 7,8% võrreldes jaanuariga ning osutus üllatavalt tugevaks (oodati -3,5%) arvestades raskeid talveolusid Kirde-Ühendriikides ja kinnisvaralaenude taotluste langust. Mitmed analüüsimajad eeldasid, et andmeid võidakse tagantjärgi korrigeerida allapoole, kuid kui numbrid peavad paika, võib see pakkuda soodsat tuge uute eramute ehituses, mis nägi veebruaris tugevat aeglustumist.
Tänase börsipäeva majandusuudised toovad meieni Prantsusmaa ja Saksamaa ettevõtete kindlustunde indeksid. Ühendriikides on fookuses veebruarikuu kestvuskaupade tellimused.
09.45 Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks (märts)
11.00 Saksamaa ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks (märts)
12.30 FEDi Evans kõneleb majanduse ja rahapoliitika teemal
14.30 USA kestvuskaupade tellimused (veebruar)
19.00 Prantsusmaa töötute arvu muutus (veebruar)
Kraft Foods aktsia rallis järelkauplemise ajal +16,5% (@ $71,44), kuna väidetavalt on Brasiilia private equity ettevõte 3G Capital teinud USA toiduainetööstuse ettevõttele ülevõtmispakkumise. Väidetavalt ulatub 3G pakkumine üle $40 mld (vs Kraft Foodsi turuväärtus teisipäevase sulgemishinna ($61,33) juures oli $36 mld).

Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks oli märtsis 99 (oodati 100), mis märkis punktist langust võrreldes veebruari 100 punktiga (revideeriti 99 punkti pealt üles).

3G Capital teeb selliseid suuremaid asju kas Buffeti nõustamisel või lausa koos temaga, sedasi, et BRK käsi algul mängus ei paistaks niiöelda proxyna (viimati Heinz aga aastaülevaates lubas Buffet, et tulemas on veel ühiseid ülevõtte koos 3G-ga).
Lihtsalt kogu Krafti ülevõtt on Buffeti näpujälgi täis.
Lihtsalt kogu Krafti ülevõtt on Buffeti näpujälgi täis.
Saksamaa ettevõtete jooksva olukorra hinnangut kajastav indeks kerkis märtsis 0,7 punkti pealt 112,0 punktile (oodati 112,0) ning järgmise kuue kuu väljavaadet kajastav indeks 1,4 punkti 103,9 punktile (oodati 103,0), mis tõid üldise kindlustunde indeksi 106,8 punktilt 107,9 punktile (oodati 107,3).

Kraft ja Heinz liituvad, Berkshire ja 3G finantseerivad 10 miljardi dollariga 16,5 dollari suuruse dividendi Krafti aktsionäridele
Under the terms of the agreement, which has been unanimously approved by both Heinz and Kraft's Boards of Directors, Kraft shareholders will own a 49% stake in the combined company, and current Heinz shareholders will own 51% on a fully diluted basis. Kraft shareholders will receive stock in the combined company and a special cash dividend of $16.50 per share. The aggregate special dividend payment of approximately $10 billion is being fully funded by an equity contribution by Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital.
Under the terms of the agreement, which has been unanimously approved by both Heinz and Kraft's Boards of Directors, Kraft shareholders will own a 49% stake in the combined company, and current Heinz shareholders will own 51% on a fully diluted basis. Kraft shareholders will receive stock in the combined company and a special cash dividend of $16.50 per share. The aggregate special dividend payment of approximately $10 billion is being fully funded by an equity contribution by Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital.
Hiinas avati eelmisel nädalal 1,1 miljonit uut A-aktsiate väärtpaberikontot (valge, tuhandetes). Bloomberg ei näita ajalugu 2008.a kaugemale aga antud perioodil pole näitaja varem nõnda kõrge olnud. Oranžiga on tähistatud Shanghai Composite liikumine.

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: WSCI +9.2%, CYCC +6.3%, TRQ +5.5%, AMPH +2.4%, REX +2.4%, SONC +0.4%
M&A news: KFX +45.7% (Lexmark to acquire Kofax), KRFT +34.5% (Kraft Foods and H.J. Heinz Company merge to create The Kraft Heinz Company), FXCM +8.2% (announces intent to sell FXCM Japan to Rakuten Sec for $62 mln STMP +7.2% (to Acquire Endicia From Newell), LXK +7.1% (Lexmark to acquire Kofax)
Select solar stocks trading higher: RGSE +16.2%, ASTI +2.3%, JKS +2% (announced that it will supply 104 MW dc of PV solar panels for the Utah Red Hills Renewable Park project), SOL +1.3%, CSUN +1.1%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: RIG +2.9%, BP +1.5%, RDS.A +1.5%, SDRL +1.3%
Other news: ONCY +20.4% (announces the receipt of Orphan Drug Status from the European Medicines Agency for REOLYSIN to treat ovarian cancer), VBLT +19.7% (reports interim topline results from Phase 2 clinical trial of VB-111 to treat recurrent glioblastoma), NAVB +8.1% (announces that data from its Lymphoseek injection studies in melanoma, breast and oral cavity squamous cell cancers will be presented will be presented at the 68th Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology), MRNS +6.5% (receives FDA Orphan Drug Designation in PCDH19 female epilepsy), BLRX +5.3% (announces successful top-line results from the Phase 1 safety and efficacy study of its lead clinical candidate), RGLS +3.1% (receives Orphan Medicinal Product Designation from the European Commission for RG-012), CLDN +2.7% ( received Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA for Xpert Ebola, a molecular diagnostic test for Ebola Zaire Virus), AHS +2.5% (favorable commentary on Tuesday's Mad Money), WWAV +2.4% (in symp with KRFT), GIS +2% (in symp with KRFT), RIO +1.8% (in connection with TRQ news), MRK +1.6% (announced new $10 bln share repurchase program)
Analyst comments: GRPN +2.8% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Wunderlich), NTT +1.4% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays), URI +0.9% (initiated with a Outperform at Wells Fargo)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: APOL -17.8%, CBK -12.3%, YGE -6%, DXLG -4.8%, LNN -3.7%, DBVT -1.6%, SCS -0.9%
Other news: LPTN -25.1% (announces that its Phase 2a single-agent, open-label study of ASONEP did not meet the primary endpoint of statistically significant progression-free survival in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma), ENLK -9.4% (EnLink Midstream Partners announces secondary offering of 22.8 mln common units by a subsidiary of Devon Energy), NSM -7.2% (announces proposed public offering of 17.5 mln shares of common stock), NVAX -5.9% (announces proposed public offering of common stock), ORMP -1.8% (following 70%+ move higher yesterday), HTZ -1.8% (received Nasdaq notice on delayed 10-K filing, as expected), BIDU -1.1% (still checking)
Analyst comments: DSKY -3.3% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan), TSLA -2.1% (downgraded to Underperform from Outperform at Credit Agricole), OA -1.5% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Wells Fargo), DRH -1.5% (downgraded to Reduce at Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey), HST -1.5% (downgraded to Reduce at Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey), HT -1.5% (downgraded to Reduce at Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey), BCS -1.4% (downgraded to Hold at Investec), FINL -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at B. Riley ), ASML -0.5% (downgraded to Hold at Santander)
Allikas: Briefing.com
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: WSCI +9.2%, CYCC +6.3%, TRQ +5.5%, AMPH +2.4%, REX +2.4%, SONC +0.4%
M&A news: KFX +45.7% (Lexmark to acquire Kofax), KRFT +34.5% (Kraft Foods and H.J. Heinz Company merge to create The Kraft Heinz Company), FXCM +8.2% (announces intent to sell FXCM Japan to Rakuten Sec for $62 mln STMP +7.2% (to Acquire Endicia From Newell), LXK +7.1% (Lexmark to acquire Kofax)
Select solar stocks trading higher: RGSE +16.2%, ASTI +2.3%, JKS +2% (announced that it will supply 104 MW dc of PV solar panels for the Utah Red Hills Renewable Park project), SOL +1.3%, CSUN +1.1%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: RIG +2.9%, BP +1.5%, RDS.A +1.5%, SDRL +1.3%
Other news: ONCY +20.4% (announces the receipt of Orphan Drug Status from the European Medicines Agency for REOLYSIN to treat ovarian cancer), VBLT +19.7% (reports interim topline results from Phase 2 clinical trial of VB-111 to treat recurrent glioblastoma), NAVB +8.1% (announces that data from its Lymphoseek injection studies in melanoma, breast and oral cavity squamous cell cancers will be presented will be presented at the 68th Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology), MRNS +6.5% (receives FDA Orphan Drug Designation in PCDH19 female epilepsy), BLRX +5.3% (announces successful top-line results from the Phase 1 safety and efficacy study of its lead clinical candidate), RGLS +3.1% (receives Orphan Medicinal Product Designation from the European Commission for RG-012), CLDN +2.7% ( received Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA for Xpert Ebola, a molecular diagnostic test for Ebola Zaire Virus), AHS +2.5% (favorable commentary on Tuesday's Mad Money), WWAV +2.4% (in symp with KRFT), GIS +2% (in symp with KRFT), RIO +1.8% (in connection with TRQ news), MRK +1.6% (announced new $10 bln share repurchase program)
Analyst comments: GRPN +2.8% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Wunderlich), NTT +1.4% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays), URI +0.9% (initiated with a Outperform at Wells Fargo)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: APOL -17.8%, CBK -12.3%, YGE -6%, DXLG -4.8%, LNN -3.7%, DBVT -1.6%, SCS -0.9%
Other news: LPTN -25.1% (announces that its Phase 2a single-agent, open-label study of ASONEP did not meet the primary endpoint of statistically significant progression-free survival in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma), ENLK -9.4% (EnLink Midstream Partners announces secondary offering of 22.8 mln common units by a subsidiary of Devon Energy), NSM -7.2% (announces proposed public offering of 17.5 mln shares of common stock), NVAX -5.9% (announces proposed public offering of common stock), ORMP -1.8% (following 70%+ move higher yesterday), HTZ -1.8% (received Nasdaq notice on delayed 10-K filing, as expected), BIDU -1.1% (still checking)
Analyst comments: DSKY -3.3% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan), TSLA -2.1% (downgraded to Underperform from Outperform at Credit Agricole), OA -1.5% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Wells Fargo), DRH -1.5% (downgraded to Reduce at Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey), HST -1.5% (downgraded to Reduce at Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey), HT -1.5% (downgraded to Reduce at Sun Trust Rbsn Humphrey), BCS -1.4% (downgraded to Hold at Investec), FINL -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at B. Riley ), ASML -0.5% (downgraded to Hold at Santander)
Allikas: Briefing.com
USA kestvuskaupade tellimused kahanesid veebruaris MoM -1,4% vs oodatud 0,2% (jaanuar revideeriti 2,8% pealt 2,0% peale). Kaitse- ja lennutööstust välja jättes kahanesid tellimused -1,4% MoM vs oodatud 0,3% (jaanuar revideeriti 0,6% pealt -0,1% peale).
3G Capital teeb selliseid suuremaid asju kas Buffeti nõustamisel või lausa koos temaga, sedasi, et BRK käsi algul mängus ei paistaks niiöelda proxyna (viimati Heinz aga aastaülevaates lubas Buffet, et tulemas on veel ühiseid ülevõtte koos 3G-ga).
Lihtsalt kogu Krafti ülevõtt on Buffeti näpujälgi täis.
Just, sellest räägiti juba mõnda aega tagasi.
BCS-i rubla call on üsna huvitav:
The ruble has recently trended higher notwithstanding generally softer Brent, triggering speculation the currency may have de-linked from crude. Ruble dynamics, to the contrary, are also still a function of crude price trends – hence, recent ruble strength could be a short-term phenomenon.
-Strengthening trend started last week, despite crude weakness this does not imply de-linkage
-We attribute ruble strength of past 1-2 weeks to multiple factors with ST-MT positives outweighing LT negative fundamentals
-At $55/bbl Brent, Rb56.8/USD rate is an overshoot
-Ruble will correct to fair value once tax payment period ends in 2 days
-Fair value = Rb58-59/$ at current price of Brent ($55/bbl)
The ruble has recently trended higher notwithstanding generally softer Brent, triggering speculation the currency may have de-linked from crude. Ruble dynamics, to the contrary, are also still a function of crude price trends – hence, recent ruble strength could be a short-term phenomenon.
-Strengthening trend started last week, despite crude weakness this does not imply de-linkage
-We attribute ruble strength of past 1-2 weeks to multiple factors with ST-MT positives outweighing LT negative fundamentals
-At $55/bbl Brent, Rb56.8/USD rate is an overshoot
-Ruble will correct to fair value once tax payment period ends in 2 days
-Fair value = Rb58-59/$ at current price of Brent ($55/bbl)
Buffet ju tõmbas tänaseni venima jäänud pulliturgu käima 2008 GE diiliga
Oleks sümboolne kui vanahärra tänase Heinz/Kraft diiliga pullituru sama pidulikult ka lõpetaks.
Milline ajastus !
Oleks sümboolne kui vanahärra tänase Heinz/Kraft diiliga pullituru sama pidulikult ka lõpetaks.
Milline ajastus !
Turul on kombeks valmistada pettumust suurimale võimalikule hulgale osalistest ehk tavaliselt lõppeb pulliturg siis kui viimane karu on ennast pulliks ristinud ja vastupidi. Seega musta luigeta võib seda lõppu veel oodata aga mine sa tea.
No hr. Viisemann vaevalt end pulliks laseb ristida.vabatahtlikult.
vb olla siis kui S&500 tagasi tuhande piiri alla jõudnud, kes teab.
Aga no kui isegi korrektsioonist keegi eriti enam ei räägi, rääkimata millegist suuremast, siis võib ju lühike täitsa olla!
vb olla siis kui S&500 tagasi tuhande piiri alla jõudnud, kes teab.
Aga no kui isegi korrektsioonist keegi eriti enam ei räägi, rääkimata millegist suuremast, siis võib ju lühike täitsa olla!