Börsipäev 22. november

Iirimaast sai nädalavahetusel teine eurotsooni riik, kes on rahvusvahelist finantsabi palunud. Kui Kreekale nõustusid EL ja IMF kevadel kolmeks aastaks laenama 110 miljardit eurot, siis Iirimaa summa jääb pisut väiksemaks (80-90mld eur) ning võimalik, et kõike seda ei lähegi tarvis, kuna suuresti tuli see vastu võtta kohaliku pangandussüsteemi stabiliseerimiseks ning võimaliku süsteemse riski levimise tõkestamiseks. Laenu täpsed tingimused pole veel lõplikult paika saadud ning läbirääkimised jätkuvad käesoleval nädalal.

Nüüd kui Iirimaa osas on määramatus kahanenud väheneb tõenäoliselt riskipreemia ka teiste Euroopa perifeeriariikide võlakirjaturgudel. Kuid väga võimalik, et väga kaua hinge tõmmata ei lasta ning tähelepanu liigub kohe järgmisele nõrgale lülile, Portugalile. Seda enam, et Reutersi nädalavahetuse artiklis tsiteeritud Portugali valitsuse opositsioonierakonna sõnul on riigi eelarvedefitsiit ja võlakoorem raporteeritust tegelikult oluliselt suuremad:

Pedro Passos Coelho told a meeting of his Social Democratic Party items like state-run companies' debts were not included in the overall public debt, which the government puts at 82 percent of gross domestic product this year.

He said that the "true" total public debt stood as high as 112 percent of GDP, while the budget deficit should be at 9.5 percent of GDP, far above the minority Socialist government's target of 7.3 percent for the end of the year.

Portugali valitsuse 10.a võlakirja yield reedese seisuga

Et rahvas ühendada, otsustas Abraham Lincoln 1863. aastal kuulutada novembrikuu viimase neljapäeva tänupühaks( Thanksgiving). Mõne päeva pärast on see püha jälle käes ning kogu Ameerika valmistub kalkunit sööma ja tänulik olema.

Siiani on tänupüha olnud nii öelda kaubandusvaba tsoon, aga ajad muutuvad ning kombed koos nendega. Tänasest Wall Street Journalist saab lugeda, et aina suurem arv poode on otsustanud võtta pühadest, mis võtta annab ning hoiavad oma poed ka neljapäeval ehk tänupühal avatud. Traditsiooniliselt on suureks shoppingu-päevaks kujunenud reede, mida tuntakse peamiselt musta reede ehk Black Friday nime all.

Jaekaubanduse ekspertide sõnul on kaupmeeste taoline otsus meeleheitlik katse majanduse aeglase taastumise taustal müüki natukenegi tagant torkida. Kaupmehed aga väidavad vastu, et nemad pakuvad oma klientidele lihtsalt võimalust teha sisseostud ära enne Black Friday`ga kaasnevat hullust.

Olulisi makrouudiseid täna tulemas ei ole. Kell 17.00 avalikustatakse vaid eurotsooni novembrikuu tarbijausalduse indeks, mis üldjuhul turgudele mõju ei avalda.
Euro jõudis varahommikul käia $1,3780 tasemel, toetades USA indeksite futuure, mis hetkel kauplevad 0,5% kuni 0,6% plusspoolel

Deutsche Bank on FedExi pikaajalise investeerimisideena kiitnud juba mõnda aega, uskudes et kasumi kasvu kiirenedes ja marginaalide paranedes võiksime aktsiat paari aasta pärast näha kaks korda kõrgemal hinnatasemel kauplemas. Ühtlasi usutakse, et riski/reward on soodne ka lühiajaliselt enne teise kvartali majandustulemusi, mis avaldatakse 16. detsembril.

We have raised our FQ2 continuing EPS estimate to $1.32/share, up from $1.23/share as we believe a combination of modestly better-than-expected volume growth, a solid pricing environment, and better operating leverage should drive upside to current Consensus EPS of $1.31/share. Our continuing FQ2 EPS estimate of $1.32/share is at the high-end of FDX's guidance of $1.15-1.35/share. FDX recently issued an upbeat holiday outlook with volumes expected to increase 11% y/y (with roughly half of the growth coming from FedEx SmartPost shipments).

Tänasest siis Leedu börsil toimuvad tehingud eurodes (arveldused samuti, kuid eelmise nädala tehingud arveldatakse veel littides). Lisaks on Balti börsidel tänasest mionimaalseks hinnsammuks 0,1 eurosenti. Pikemalt siin.

Alles teist korda sel aastal on USA ravimiamet andnud loa viia läbi kliinilised katsed embrüonaalsete ehk loote tüvirakkudega. Advanced Cell Technology teatas, et alustab katseid 12 patsiendiga, ravimaks progresseeruvat pimeduse vormi ehk Stargardti tõbe.

Tänane Reuters kirjutab, et katsed loote tüvirakkudega on tekitanud palju vaidlusi ning suure vastasseisu. Pooldajad ütlevad, et loote tüvirakkude kasutamine võib olla läbimurre meditsiinis ja anda võimaluse ravida selliseid haiguseid nagu Parkinsoni tõbi, alaealiste diabeet ja mitmeid teisi raskeid vigastusi. Vastased väidavad aga, et loote tüvirakkude kasutamine on ebaeetiline.

Vilniuse börs on täna igatahes täiesti koomas sellest shokist.
Kas leedukad pevad maksma konverteerimistasu? Ma arvan, et peavad.
Eurode ostmine ja müümine käib kommertskursi alusel. Samas on vast positiivne, et võimenduse kasutajate finantseerimiskulud vähenevad, kuna eurode intressimäär on madalam kui littide intressimäär.

Business Insider`i vahendusel võib lugeda, et oktoobris üritas FBI John Kinnucan`le, kes töötab analüütikuna, pakkuda kokkulepet, millest on raske keelduda. Teisisõnu ähvardas FBI Kinnucan`i arreteerida, kui too pole nõus kandma mikrofoni, et aidata üks SAC Capitali kaupleja vahele võtta. Vaatamata raskele valikule, otsustas Kinnucan pakkumisest siiski loobuda ning saatis hiljem kõigile oma klientidele ( teiste hulgas SAC, Jennison, Wellington,MSF, Citadel) laiali e-maili, kus kirjeldas ootamatut ettepanekut lähemalt.

Sellest võib järeldada, et USA valitsus on võtnud endale eesmärgiks lõpetada ühe edukaima ja kuulsaima hedge-fondi SAC Capitali tegevus, mida juhib legendaarne Steve Cohen, kellest pikemalt kirjutasin siin.

Baird analüüsimaja annab täna SanDisk Corp. (SNDK) „osta“ soovituse ja tõstab ka hinnasihti $42 pealt $56 peale.

2011 NAND supply/demand outlook likely balanced, with possible shortages in the second half, driven by strong tablet unit growth.
- We expect stable gross margin for Sandisk in 2011 as a result.

• We believe NAND flash pricing has bottomed near term, following a significant decline in spot pricing August through October.
• We expect NAND pricing to track well above seasonal in 4Q10 and 1Q11.
• We believe current NAND pricing could lead Apple to double NAND content in its second-generation iPad and possibly in the Verizon version of its iPhone.
- We expect second-generation iPad-related NAND shipments to begin late January.
- Verizon iPhone NAND build is currently ongoing, per our checks.
- These unseasonal new product builds suggest OEM inventory deleveraging is unlikely for 1Q.
• Net, SNDK shares appear well positioned to rebound from current levels, given our outlook for a significantly better-than-seasonal 1H11, and potential shortages for 2H11.
- Tablets will fuel SSD’s continued mainstream ramp into portable computing platforms in 2011, acting as a significant driver for NAND flash demand, in our view.

Juhiksin tähelepanu kahele Baird analüütikud argumendile: esiteks usuvad nad, et NAND flash hinnad on nüüdseks oma põhja saavutanud ja ning hetkehinnad võivad Apple`i viia NAND sisu kahekordistamiseni oma teise põlvkonna iPad-is ja võimalik ka iPhone-s (Verizoni versioon).

SNDK calli teeb natuke keeruliseks Baird analüüsimaja ise, sest nende soovitusi pole turg tihtipeale tõsiselt võtnud.
SNDK aktsia kaupleb hetkel üle 3% plusspoolel ja kuna turg on ka miinusesse vajumas, siis soovitaks ülemääraseid riske mitte võtta. Ise jääks kuni avanemiseni äraootavale seisukohale.

Täna on Jefferies& Company analüütikud väljas positiivse reitinguga Cirrus Logic (CRUS)-i kohta.

Jefferies tõstab CRUS-i reitingu „hoia“ pealt „osta“ peale ja hinnasihi $14 pealt $20 peale.

Cirrus Logic Cirrus Logic arendab suure täpsusega, analoog- ja segasignaaliga integraallülitusi laiale valikule heliseadmetele.
Analüütikud põhjendavad oma soovitus järgnevaga:

Cirrus not only designed into next round of Apple products but with higher ASPs. Our checks give us increased confidence that Cirrus has secured wins at Apple (AAPL, Buy) in the upcoming CDMA iPhone, iPad 2, iPhone 5 and iPod Touch (5th gen). More importantly, we believe Cirrus continues to integrate additional external components and features that allows for increasing ASPs while still bringing down Apple's Bill-of-Materials (BOM).

Analüütikud on aina enam veendunud, et CRUS on endale kindlustanud koha Apple`i uutes toodetes (iPad2, iPhone 5, iPod Touch) ja mis veelgi olulisem, analüütikute arvates jätkab CRUS mitmete lisaseadmete integreerimisega, mis omakorda lubab kõrgemat ASP-d ( average selling price) ja samal ajal endiselt pakkuda AAPL-le kulusid säästa.

Our checks suggest Cirrus potentially could integrate or bundle its audio DSP and/or Class-Damp capabilities with its audio chip for Apple's 2012 devices, which could increase the ASP by another $0.50 or more. It is obviously too early to call any design wins here, but we believe Cirrus continues to distance itself from the competition and will be hard to displace if it continues to deliver to its roadmap.

Analüütikud küll möönavad, et võib –olla natuke vara hõiskamiseks, aga siiski usuvad, et CRUS on edumaad konkurentide vahel aina suurendamas ja firma tooteid on keeruline teistega asendada.

Kes mäletab, siis septembri lõpus tegid CRUS-i aktsiad läbi korraliku kukkumise, kui spekuleeriti võimalusega, et CRUS jäetakse tarnijana iPhone5-st välja. Täna on Jefferies kinnitamas sisuliselt vastupidist.

Kauplemise seisukohast peaks positiivsele reitingule tuge kindlasti andma ka 16% -ne lühikeseksmüüjate osakaal.
Hetkel kaupleb aktsia ca 5% oma reedesest sulgumishinnast ülevalpool, $14,50 kandis. Kuigi see soovitus meeldib mulle märksa rohkem, kui SNDK-i oma, aga siingi mängib oma rolli täna turg. Sellelt tasemelt oleks positsioon soetada üpris riskantne ja pigem eelistaks jääda ootama, kas aktsia pakub paremat ostukohta.

siin ka natuke CRUS puudutatud. Samas meeldib mulle sellest artiklist SPPI

Eelmisel nädalal, reedesel järelturul teatas Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR), et teeb teatavad parandused oma majandusaruannetes ( 2007-2010).

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Discovers certain errors in financial statements from 2007-2010; will restate some financials
- Co will restate its previously issued financial statements for fiscal years 2007, 2008 and 2009 and the first three quarters of fiscal year 2010 (including the quarterly data for fiscal years 2009 and 2010 and its selected financial data for the relevant periods), due to errors identified in these financial statements.

- The estimated impact of these items for the restatement periods is expected to reduce cumulative net income by approximately $6.1 - $6.5 million and cumulative diluted income per share by approximately $0.04 - $0.05 per share.

Teadanne on seotud USA finantsjärelvalve ehk SEC uurimisega, mis algatati septembri lõpus, kuna kahtlustati, et firma on rikkunud oma majandusaruannete kokkupanemisel reegleid. Sellest ajast saadik on aktsia olnud turuosaliste poolt ka müügisurve all, kuid nüüd peaks selle teemaga selgus käes olema.

Seda meelt on täna ka Merrill Lynch`i analüütikud, kes tõstavad GMCR-i reitingut „müü“ pealt „osta“ peale ja hinnasihti $30 pealt $44 peale.

Key drivers behind our improved earnings and share price outlook: 1) Increased confidence in brewer growth as trade checks indicate strong merchandising support into the holidays; 2) K-Cups are getting a lift from expanded grocery distribution and the advertising support from Folgers; 3) Price increase could add $25-$50m (up to $0.20/share) of incremental gross profit dollars in FY11.
In addition, we believe the information disclosed in GMCR’s 8K filing on Friday night reduces questions regarding the SEC inquiry and accounting practices.

Ka Janney Capital Markets analüütikud on aktsia suhtes täna positiivselt meelestatud ning kinnitavad oma „osta“ soovitust ja tõstavad hinnasihi $40 pealt $50 peale.

We believe Friday’s announcement removes a huge cloud over the stock and will refocus investors on the fundamentals of the business. At $30/sh, the stock is trading at 25.6x our FY11 EPS estimate of $1.17, an attractive entry point in light of historical valuation parameters and expected growth rates. Assuming no multiple expansion from current levels, we believe the stock can reach $50/share (raised from $40/sh) in twelve months and reiterate our BUY rating.

Aktsia kaupleb eelturul juba ca 10% oma reedesest sulgumishinnast ülevalpool, mis tähendab seda, et antud uudist ja soovitusi tuleks täna võtta pigem informatiivse teabena, sest kauplemise seisukohast on riski/kasumi suhe juba oluliselt esimese kasuks kallutatud.

Gapping down

In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CTRN -1.4%.

Select financial related names showing weakness: IRE -18.4%, AIB -8.9%, NBG -5.0%, BBVA -4.3%, STD -3.7%, RBS -2.4%, LYG -2.3%, CS -2.1%, AEG -1.7%, UBS -1.6%, DB -1.5%, HBC -1.3%, UBS -1.3%.

Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: MT -2.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS), UEC -2.5%, BBL -1.6%, RIO -1.5%, BHP -1.1%, GOLD -0.9%, SCCO -0.9%.

Select oil/gas related names showing weakness: RDS.A -2.2%, REP -1.9%, BP -1.4%, STO -1.4%, TOT -1.1%, E -1.1%.

Other news: MEE -2.1% (Mine Safety and Health Administration puts 13 mines on notice for potential pattern of violations; downgraded to Mkt Perform at FBR Capital), .

Analyst comments: YGE -2.7% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Citigroup), MFC -2.2% (downgraded to Sell from Buy at Citigroup), ARMH -1.3% (initiated with a Sell at Societe Generale), MDT -0.9% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Lazard Capital), AEM -0.8% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse).

Gapping up

In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: TSN +2.9%, NEP +1.4%.

Select European drug names showing strength: AZN +1.4%, SNY +1.3%, NVS +1.1%, GSK +0.8%.

Other news: STV +12.1% (declares a special cash dividend of $2.00 per share), GMCR +10.7% (announces restatement of financials; internal investigation is nearly complete, and the co continues to cooperate fully with the SEC), MAGS +10.4% (thinly traded; awarded $21.4 mln Contract for a Comprehensive Security System ), CLDX +8.2% (reports positive results from Rindopepimut Phase 2 Brain Cancer Study), AMRC +5.8% and CLH +1.5% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), CTIC +3.1% (OPAXIO combined with Temozolomide and radiotherapy demonstrates high response rates with encouraging progression free survival in malignant brain cancer ), ALV +2.6% (still checking), LMT +1.0% (received a $3.5 bln contract), .

Analyst comments: CRUS +6.5% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Jefferies), AFFY +5.4% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at Piper Jaffray), SNDK +2.0% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Robert W. Baird).

Rev Shark: Swimming in a Sea of Troubles
11/22/2010 8:29 AM

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.
-- Frank A. Clark

Late last night, futures were indicating a strong open this morning, but things have cooled off considerably this morning. After denying that it needed help all last week, Ireland finally changed its tune. The initial response was positive, but after thinking it over a bit, the European markets decided that maybe needing a bailout really isn't a positive. In addition, there are now concerns that other weak economies, such as Portugal, will need help.

In Asia, China continues its efforts to cool inflation. Chinese markets sold off sharply after an increase in a stamp duty on real estate and hints that the bank reserve ratio will be increased again.

To add to the upside obstacles, there is an article in the Financial Times this morning that looks to be a plant by the Fed. The article warns the Fed will cut its growth predictions and will increase its forecast for unemployment tomorrow when it releases the minutes of its November meeting, which is when we learned about "QE 2." Growth projections for 2011 are being cut to between 3% and 3.5% from a range of 3.5% to 4.2%, and unemployment predications are being increased to 8% at the end of 2012 compared to a range of 7.1% to 7.5% that was predicted back in June.

So we have a full plate of negatives this morning, plus a strengthening dollar, which is taking some of the steam out of the action. The bulls pulled off a nice finish on Friday and were poised technically for a move back over the key 1200 level of the S&P 500. The oversold bounce that kicked in on Thursday looked to be gaining strength on Friday, especially late in the day, as some of the big-cap technology stocks strengthened.

It's been tough to decide how much we want to trust this market to bounce back after a couple weeks of poor action. We did a good job of holding up on Friday and with the 1200 overhead poised to fall as we head into the positive seasonality around Thanksgiving, I've been willing to give the bulls further room to run. Trusting "V"-shaped bounces is very difficult, but it has worked consistently since the bottom in March 2009.

So far the poor overseas action isn't affecting us too much this morning. We look to be opening flat, and we all know how the buyers like to jump in on Monday morning. The news flow is obviously not very good, but one of the ironies of that is that it helps ensure that the Fed is going to continue its quantitative easing program. Even President Obama was making some supportive comments about the Fed's policy after widespread unhappiness at the recent G-20 meeting.

Technically the bulls are in pretty good shape to push higher. There are a fair number of favorable setups to be found, and the dip-buyers were showing renewed signs of life on Friday. It is going to take some effort to overcome the negative news flow, but there are no signs of panic early.

My game plan is to remain flexible and opportunistic but to keep time frames short. It wouldn't take much for this market to roll over again, so I'll keep stops tight. But I was impressed with the action we saw on Friday, so I'll give the bulls some room to prove themselves further.

USA indeksite futuurid indikeerimas avanemist -0,4% kuni -0,5% punases

Euroopa turud:

Saksamaa DAX -0,14%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -0,62%
Suurbritannia FTSE100 -0,90%
Hispaania IBEX 35 -2,29%
Rootsi OMX 30 -0,45%
Venemaa MICEX -0,14%
Poola WIG -0,18%

Aasia turud:

Jaapani Nikkei 225 +0,93%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng -0,35%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) -0,15%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +0,82%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -0,21%
Austraalia S&P/ASX 200 +0,31%
Tai Set 50 +1,24%
India Sensex 30 +1,90%

Apple avaldas täna oma uue operatsioonisüsteemi iOS 4.2, millel on 100 erinevat omadust. Muuhulgas toob see kasutajateni kauaoodatud multi-tasking funktsiooni.

The update brings users the long-awaited multi-tasking and app folder enhancements to the tablet. Other enhancements include major mail improvements, Game Center integration, and Safari enhancements. The additions of AirPlay and AirPrint allow the iPad user to leverage a Wi-Fi network with certain connected printer and the new Apple TV for an integrated user experience that iPad early adopters have been waiting for.

"iOS 4.2 makes the iPad a completely new product, just in time for the holiday season," said Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO. "Once again, the iPad with iOS 4.2 will define the target that other tablets will aspire to, but very few, if any, will ever be able to hit."

TechCrunch teatas reedel, et riskikapitalistid müüsid osa oma osalusest Facebookist hinna eest, mis teeks kogu ettevõtte väärtuseks $35 miljardit. Seega oleks Facebooki näol tegu suurema ettevõttega kui Hess, Sara Lee ja Time Warner. Müüjaks oli Accel Partners, kes 2005. aastal investeeris ettevõttesse $12.7 miljonit, saades sellega 10%lise osaluse. Accel müüs tõenäoliselt natuke vähem kui 20% oma osalusest ca $500 miljoni eest. (link)

$35 bln 2-yr Note Auction Results: 0.520% (Expected 0.539%); Bid/Cover 3.70x (Prior 3.43x, 10-auction avg 3.25x); Indirect Bidders 38.3% (Prior 40.0%, 10-auction avg 38.1%)