Börsipäev 21. august

Ehitajad rallivad täna tõusvas joones päris korralikult, XHB juba jõudnud +1.22% tõusu $18.27 tasemele. Finantssektor on samuti kosunud päeva põhjadest, kuid toornafta futuurid püsivad üle +5% tõusus, $121.45 barrel tasemel. Kas turg jõuab siit veel kosuda?
FRE ja FNM on stabiliseerunud, mis annab finantsile tuge.

(LEH) Lehman Brothers sheds two top executives - Dealbreaker

Dealbreaker reports two top executives are leaving Lehman Brothers. Rich McKinney, who was the head of American securitized products business for Lehman, and Ted Janulis, the head of the mortgage capital division, plan to leave the co, sources with knowledge of the matter said. Both men worked for divisions closely tied to some of the most precarious sectors of the credit markets. The market in structured products has severely contracted as underlying mortgages have begun to default at unprecedented rates and banks have written-down billions in losses... The departures will likely be read by short-sellers and critics as another sign that Lehman is set to announce huge write-downs and another quarter of losses when it wraps up its third quarter. The departure of Janulis may indicate that Lehman is close to a deal to sell parts of its investment management division, a business that Janulis helped build for the co.

(MER) Merrill Lynch settles auctoion rate claims with Massachusetts-- Bloomberg
Still working on a national settlement; to start auction rate buybacks in October.
Ja finants tegi väikse jõnksu ülespoole.
ES futuurid jõudnud positiivsele poolele, SPY kõigub samuti nulli ümber, nafta jätkuvalt $121.02 +4.72%, kas turg jõuab üles minna?? Suurimat nõrkust ilmutab täna eilsele sarnaselt tehnoloogiasektor. Ehitajad on oma tugevuse säilitanud ja teevad üha uusi tippe, kas võiks oodata päevalõpuks indeksitelt tõusu või müüakse põrmu?
Ja ralli võib alata: Ladenburg Thalmann tõstis Lehman Brothersi (LEH) soovituse osta peale, kuna arvavad et ettevõtte ülevõtmine mõne suurema poolt on lähiajal tulemas.
Hetkel ralli veel üsna kahvatu, LEH käis hetkeks nullis, kuid langes kohe tagasi. Pullid võitlevad täna üsna korralikult S&P 500 tiirleb juba ümber eilsete sulgemistasemete, YM futuur ka juba +0.1% tõusus käinud ning Nasdaq liigub samuti ülespoole, kuigi väga visalt.

Penen siia (LEH) Lehman Brothers-i reitingu tõstmise kokkuvõtte: Upgrade details

As mentioned at 13:16, Ladenburg Thalmann upgraded LEH to Buy from Neutral and cut its tgt to $20 from $23. Firm says the heightened market fears concerning the outlook for the co suggests that the stock will sell at a lower multiple to book value. Firm says investors are convinced that that this co cannot survive or that it will be forced into taking huge losses that will devastate book value. Based on this view they have pushed the stock down to a value that is approx 48% of tangible book value and 37% of stated book value. If one assumes that the Neuberger Berman subsidiary is worth somewhere between $9 to $13 bln, the rest of the co is being valued at less than zero. A valuation of this nature would only make sense if the co were to go out of business and then still owe money to its creditors, which of course could not happen. In fact, it is thought that mgmt believes that the tangible book value is correct. Based upon this belief it is possible that negotiations to sell a portion of the co to outsiders broke down because mgmt was demanding to paid book value or a premium to book value.

FRE ja FNM käitumine on mõistetamatu. Saadi aru, et viimased päevad oli ülereageerimine?

Kahju, et päeva alguses call'id võtmata jäid.
Turg päris ilusti ülespoole liikunud ning ka tehnoloogia futuurid on jõudnud nulli, kas rallitakse edasi ja suudetakse tasemeid hoida?