Börsipäev 19. oktoober

USA ettevõtete tulemuste hooaeg on alanud oodatust paremini, kui siiani raporteerinud firmadest on 81% ületanud analüütikute aktsiakasumi ootust, mis on kõrgem kui 70% viimase nelja kvartali jooksul. Sentimenti aitas eile lisaks toetada arvatust pehmemaks jäänud USA septembrikuu alusinflatsioon (2,2% vs prognoositud 2,3%), vähendades pisut intressimäära tõstmise tõenäosust detsembris. S&P 500 sulgus 0,6% kõrgemal, Euroopas kosus Stoxx 600 1,5%.

Öösel avaldatud Hiina kolmanda kvartali SKP muutus vastas analüütikute ootustele, säilitades aastatagusega võrreldes 6,7% kasvutempo. Septembri jaemüügi kasv kiirenes 0,1pp võrra 10,7%le (prognoositi 10,7%), kapitaliinvesteeringute üheksa kuu kasv kiirenes 0,1pp võrra 8,2%le (oodati 8,2%) ja tööstustoodangu kasv aeglustus -0,2pp võrra 6,1%, jäädes konsensuse 6,4% ootusele alla. Sarnaselt varasemalt avaldatud ekspordi näitajale võis ka tööstustoodangu puhul allajäämise tingida G20 tippkohtumise ajaks vähendatud tootmisaktiivsus. Üsna stabiilsele Hiina majanduse kasvule viitas ka Bloombergi mudel, mis kalkuleeris septembrikuu konjunktuuri baasil SKP kasvuks 7,11%, jäädes üsna lähedale augusti 7,16% kasvule.

Pöörates pilgud tänasele börsipäevale, siis esiplaanil saavad olema Suurbritannia septembri töötu abiraha taotlused ning Ühendriikides kinnisvaraturu septembrikuu esimesed näitajad. Ettevõtetest avaldavad oma majandustulemused teiste seas Abbott Labs, ASML, Halliburton, Morgan Stanley, U.S. Bancorp, American Express, eBay, Mattel.

11.30 Suurbritannia tööturu statistika (augusti, september)
15.30 USA alustatud elamuehitused ja väljastatud ehitusload (september)
15.45 FEDi Williams esineb
17.00 Kanada keskpanga intressimäära otsus
17.30 USA toornafta varude raport (14. oktoober)
20.30 FEDi Kaplan esineb
21.00 USA FEDi Beige Book

Suurbritannia töötu abiraha taotluste arv kasvas septembris oodatud 3,2 tuhande asemel 0,7 tuhat, kuigi tugev ülespoole revideerimine leidis aset augustis (2,4 tuhande asemel 7,1 tuhat), mis kolme kuu keskmist töötuse määra siiski ei mõjutanud (4,9%). Boonuseid arvestamata jäi nädalapalga keskmine kasv üsna stabiilseks 2,3%le (oodati 2,1%).
Morgan Stanley prelim Q3 $0.81 vs $0.63 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $8.9 bln vs $8.16 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate
Täna 29.a tagasi raputas globaalseid aktsiaturgusid paanika, mis kukutas Dow Jones indeksit päevaga -22,6%

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Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance
BANC +6.1%, APH +2.8%, HPE +2.5%, ASML +2.4%, STX +2.4%, ADTN +2.2%, YHOO +1.2%, HAL +0.9%, SVU +0.4%, ABT +0.4%
M&A news: GNC +5.7% (has met with a number of Chinese firms in recent weeks about a possible acquisition, according to the WSJ)

Select metals/mining stocks trading higher:
SBGL +3.9%, KGC +3.2%, AG +3%, AUY +2.1%, ABX +2%, SLW +2%, NEM +1.8%, GDX +1.7%, HMY +1.5%, SSRI +1.4%, GOLD +1.3%, MT +1.1%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength:
EPE +3.8%, WLL +2.8%, SDLP +2.3%, SDRL +2.2%, CHK +1.7%, PBR +1.3%
Other news:
CERU +94.1% (enters into a strategic collaboration with Novartis (NVS); enters $20 million common stock purchase agreement and a registration rights agreement w/ Aspire Capital; Aspire purchased 800K shares of common stock for $1.25/share)
MRNS +22.3% (announces that its Phase 1 dose-escalation study ganaxolone intravenous achieved dose levels targeted for efficacy in patients with status epilepticus and other indications)
RLJE +9.3% (thinly traded; AMC Networks shows 79.8% active stake)
OMER +3.7% (announces 'positive' results from a Phase 2 clinical trial evaluating the effects of a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma agonist in patients with cocaine use disorder)
STLD +1.3% (Steel Dynamics authorized share repurchase program of up to $450 mln of common stock)
TMH +1.4% (following late move higher on Reuters report that Blackstone is top bidder)
BLDP +1.4% (light volume; announced the commissioning and deployment of 10 fuel cell-powered buses in the City of Yunfu, in the Province of Guangdong, China)
Analyst comments:
AMRN +7.7% (initiated with a Buy at Citigroup)
IAG +2.2% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Canaccord Genuity)
OAS +2.2% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at Piper Jaffray)
CANF +2% (resumed with a Buy at ROTH Capital)
STO +1.4% (upgraded to Reduce from Sell at Handelsbanken)
BCS +1.2% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Investec)
TWTR +0.7% (upgraded to Hold from Sell at Loop Capital)

Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
VDSI -19.2%, (offers light prelim Q3 results, lowers FY16 guidance), CREE -11.5%, VIVO -11.5%, (sees FY16 and FY17 EPS and revenue below consensus), MANH -8%
ACHC -7.1%, (signs definitive agreement for sale of U.K. facilities in fulfillment of previously announced undertakings to the CMA; issues downside Q3 prelim results)
INTC -4.6%, UFPI -3.6%, ISRG -1.6%, RAI -0.6%, IBKR -0.5%, HA -0.5%
M&A news:
RAD -4.8% (NY Post discusses that Kroger (KR) might push away from deal to purchase stores from Walgreens (WBA) and Rite Aid (RAD) in order for them to complete merger)
Select semi-conductor names showing weakness following NVDA and CREE earnings:
MU -0.9%, AMD -0.6%, QCOM -0.5%, TXN -0.5%
Other news:
IMPV -18.8% (seeing headlines that the company's sales process may have stalled over disagreements on price)
MNTR -13.2% (after 60% move higher on Tuesday)
SNSS -6.9% ( intends to offer and sell shares of its common stock and Series C Convertible Preferred Stock in underwritten public offerings)
PBYI -4.7% (commences underwritten public offering of $150 mln of shares of its common stock)
NKTR -3.6% (prices offering of 13 mln shares of common stock at $13.50 per share)
ASND -3.3% (announces about a 6.32 mln share underwritten public offering of American Depository Shares priced at $19.00/ADS for net proceeds of about $112 mln), ADI -1.9% (lower with tech names - Linear Tech also released its Q1 results)
LKSD -1.6% (light volume- announces a strategic agreement that expands its relationship with The United Methodist Publishing House; will provide book fulfillment and distribution services for UMPH)
Analyst comments:
NCLH -1% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at SunTrust)

USA alustatud elamuehituste arv (kollane) oli oodatust kesisem septembris, kuid ehituslubade arv (valge), mis pole nõnda volatiilne näitaja, viitab paranevale aktiivsusele

US Housing Starts Sep: 1.047M (est. 1.175M, rev prev. 1.150M from 1.142M),
Housing Starts (MoM) Sep: -9.0% (est. 2.90%, prev. -5.80%)

US Building Permits Sep: 1.165M (est. 1.165M, prev. 1.152M),
Building Permits (MoM) Sep: 6.3% (est. 1.10%, prev. 0.70%)