Börsipäev 19. märts

Uus nädal algab makro poolel suhteliselt vaikselt, kui peamise tähelepanu all võiks täna olla Kreeka CDSide oksjon, mille käigus otsustatakse, kui suur saab olema lõplik väljamakstav kindlustussumma. Kreeka võla CDSide netomaht on 3.2 miljardit dollarit ja kogumaht kordades suurem, kuid kuna väljamaksmise kohustusega on turul lastud juba harjuda mõnda aega, siis tohiks sündmusel väga mõju olla.

Nädal toob veel kaheksa FEDi liikme kõned, sealhulgas ka Bernanke, kellelt loodetakse kuulda vishjeid majandusolukorra paranemise ja võimaliku inflatsioonisurve tekkimise kohta. USAst kuuleme mitmetel päevadel veel kinnisvarastatistikat, Euroopa poolel on aga üsna olulised märtsikuu töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI näitajad (neljapäev), mille osas ootab konsensus kerget paranemist. Suurbritannias aga esitab rahandusminister kolmapäeval parlamendile 2012 eelarve, kuid fiskaalselt drastilisi ettepanekuid selle raames ei oodata.

Apple on täna kindlasti huviorbiidis, kuna Eesti aja järgi kell 15.00 peetakse konverentsikõne, kus teemaks ligi 100 miljardi dollarini küündiv vaba raha ja likviidsete vahendite hulk bilansis.

USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel 0,1% plusspoolel. Veidi kõrgemal on alustamas ka Euroopa.

Apple'i puhul siis arvatakse, et ettevõte teatab spetsiaalsel konverentsikõnel dividendist. Hetkel on Apple ja Google ainukesed kaks üle $100 miljardilise turuväärtusega tehnoloogia ettevõttet, mis dividendi ei maksa.

Pikem artikkel tänasest Apple'i konverentsikõnest on siin.
Goldman Sachs on veendunud, et QE3 on endiselt laual ja seda järgmistel põhjustel:
1. The improvement might not last.

2. Even if the improvement does last, faster growth would be desirable to push down the unemployment rate more quickly.

Fed officials believe that the level of economic activity and employment is still far below potential. This means a large number of individuals are involuntarily unemployed, which not only causes hardship in the near term but may also translate into higher structural unemployment in the long term…This creates an incentive to find policies that speed up the return to full employment.

3. Not easing might be equivalent to tightening.

At a minimum, the bond market currently discounts some probability of QE3. This has kept financial conditions easier than they otherwise would have been, which has presumably supported economic activity. A decision not to ratify expectations of QE3 could therefore result in a tightening of financial conditions.”

Lühidalt öeldes usuvad Goldman Sachsi analüütikud, et vaatamata majandusnäitajate hiljutisele tugevusele on õhus endiselt liiga palju küsimärke. Kiirelt kallinenud naftahind ja Euroopa võlakriisi jätk on majanduskasvule tõsiseks takistuseks.

Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: WPCS -9.8% (thinly traded), PURE -8.6% (light volume and thinly traded).

M&A related: MHS -3.4% and ESRX -1.9% (Express Scrips bid for MHS to be delayed by possible lawsuits, according to reports ),PBY -0.6% (Pep Boys announced that the "go-shop" period set forth in the previously announced merger agreement has expired; Pep Boys will become a privately held company and its stock will no longer trade on the New York).

Select financial related names showing weakness: IRE -3.4%, CS -1.6%, BCS -1.5%, IBN -1.5%, DB -1.1%, ING -1%.

Other news: FRO -5% (still checking), CHMT -4.5% (Chemtura Urethanes expands European production capacity for Adiprene / Vibrathane Polyurethane Prepolymers), LXU -3.1% (Industries reports on unplanned maintenance at its Pryor Chemical facility), DNKN -2.2% (announced secondary offering of 22 mln shares of common stock) CLNE -1.4% (announced it signs strategic partnership with Saddle Creek Corp. to develop natural gas fueling stations at Saddle Creek 3PL locations nationwide).

Analyst comments: S -4.2% (Sprint downgraded to Underperform from Market Perform at Bernstein), ACI -2.8% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman), AIXG -2.5% (Hearing downgraded to Underweight from Neutral at HSBC), EBAY -2.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup).
Gapping up
M&A news: ABVT +16.9% (Abovenet to be acquired by Zayo Group for $84.00/share), ADGF +7.3% (Adams Golf to be acquired by Adidas unit Taylor Golf for 10.80 per share), UPS +2% (UPS reach agreement on a recommended all-cash offer of EUR9.50 per ordinary share for TNT Express; also upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JPMorgan), FLDR (Flanders Corporation agrees to be acquired by Insight Equity for $4.40/share in cash).

Other news: CRESY +9.6% (still checking), DWRE +7% (light volume, recent IPO), DPZ +5.7% (completes recapitalization; declares $3 per share special dividend), AAPL +2.6% (will host a conference call to announce the outcome of the Company's discussions concerning its cash balance at 9:00 AM Eastern Time Today), DSCO +1.8% (modestly rebounding on light volume), UNH +1.7% (Dept of Defense confirms that UNH receives $20.5 bln contract), BRCM +1.2% (Broadcom granted permanent injunction against Emulex (ELX) in patent infringement suit), AKS +0.9% (following positive mention in Barron's), TGT +0.6% (completes $10 billion share repurchase program).

Analyst comments: STLD +2% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS), E +0.8% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), PCX +0.3% (upgraded to Neutral from Sell at Goldman).
Olgem ausad, laual on tegelikult ka QE4-QE8, LTRO II (with a vengeance) ning veel üht-teist, mis aitavad võlga lahustada ;-)
Apple'i kvartaalseks dividendiks tuleb siis praegu $2.65, mis teeb dividendimääraks ca 1.8% aastas. Lisaks ostetakse kolme aasta jooksul $10 miljardi eest aktsiad tagasi.
Apple on Conference Call- Notes it had a 'record' weekend for the iPad but will provide no other color