Valuutaturg oli eile peamise tähelepanu all, kui Donald Trumpi kommentaarid liiga tugeva dollari kohta kukutasid viimast valuutakorvi suhtes -0,8% võrra, süvendades langust alates detsembri lõpust ligi -3%ni. Ja kuigi Briti peaminister ähvardas oma kõnes jalutada minema igasugusest vabakaubanduslikust kokkuleppest Euroopa Liiduga, mis pole nende jaoks hea, jäi uks läbirääkimisteks siiski lahti ning see lootus aitas naelal kallineda dollari suhtes 3% 1,2414 dollarile ning euro suhtes 2% 1,1588 eurole. Aktsiaturud kauplesid eile madalamal nii Euroopas (Stoxx 600 -0,2%) kui ka Ühendriikides (S&P 500 -0,3%).
Hiina valitsuse meetmed näivad viimaks kinnisvaraturu ülekuumenenud segmentidele mõju avaldavat, kui suurlinnades jätkus detsembris aastase hinnakasvu aeglustumine 25,0%le (novembris 26,8%). Hinnakasv püsis stabiilsena teise järgu linnades (14,4%) ning kiirenes mõnevõrra väiksemates linnades (5,2% vs 4,7% novembris), tänu millele jätkus keskmise hinna kasv 70s linnas 10,5% tempoga.
Tänane börsipäev jätkub uudistega Suurbritanniast, kus selguvad detsembri töötu abiraha taotlused ning kolme kuu keskmine töötuse määr novembri seisuga. Ühendriikides võtavad sõna mitmed FEDi esindajad, teiste seas ka Janet Yellen, kelle kõnes jälgitakse eelkõige viiteid, kuidas võib fiskaalstiimul mõjutada rahapoliitikat.
09.00 Saksamaa inflatsioon (detsembri lõplik)
11.30 Suurbritannia töötu abiraha taotlused (detsember) ja töötuse määr (november)
12.00 Eurotsooni inflatsioon (detsembri lõplik)
14.00 USA hüpoteeklaenude taotlused (13. jaanuar)
15.30 USA inflatsioon (detsember)
16.00 FEDi Williams esineb
16.15 USA tööstustoodang (detsember)
17.00 Kanada keskpanga intressimäära otsus
17.00 USA majade kindlustunde indeks (jaanuar)
18.00 FEDi Kashkari esineb
22.00 FEDi Janet Yellen esineb
Kuna USA presidendivalimiste järgselt on turud juba osa Trumpi stiimulist hindades peegeldamas, siis ühe riskina on õhku kerkinud võimalus, et ametisse vannutamisest saab sell the news sündmus. Ajalooliselt on aktsiaturud liikunud järgneva kuu jooksul pigem allapoole.
Bespoke: The first is that historically the S&P has been down more than it has been up in the first month following Inauguration Day. The median one month change has been –0.74% with positive returns 45.5% of the time. In the month following Inauguration Days in which the Republican challenger took over the White House, the S&P has fallen all four times for a median decline of 2.62%. Results get slightly better in the three months after Inauguration Days but not by much. The median three-month change for the S&P 500 after all Inauguration Days since 1928 has been +0.64% with positive returns only half the time. After the initial three month struggles, though, the S&P has done well when looking at performance for the entire first year on new Presidencies. However, as we’ve already noted in prior reports, the S&P has been down in year one all four times when a Republican challenger (like Trump) has replaced a Democratic President exiting office.
Bespoke: The first is that historically the S&P has been down more than it has been up in the first month following Inauguration Day. The median one month change has been –0.74% with positive returns 45.5% of the time. In the month following Inauguration Days in which the Republican challenger took over the White House, the S&P has fallen all four times for a median decline of 2.62%. Results get slightly better in the three months after Inauguration Days but not by much. The median three-month change for the S&P 500 after all Inauguration Days since 1928 has been +0.64% with positive returns only half the time. After the initial three month struggles, though, the S&P has done well when looking at performance for the entire first year on new Presidencies. However, as we’ve already noted in prior reports, the S&P has been down in year one all four times when a Republican challenger (like Trump) has replaced a Democratic President exiting office.
Suurbritannia töötu abiraha taotlused kukkusid detsembris -10,1 tuhande võrra oodatud 5,0K kasvu asemel. Kolme kuu keskmine töötuse määr püsis novembri lõpus 4,8% peal ning keskmise nädalapalga aastane kasv kiirenes boonuseid arvestamata 0,1pp võrra 2,7%le (oodati 2,6%).

Eurotsooni detsembri alusinflatsioon kinnitati 0,9% peal, finantsturu pikaajaline inflatsiooniootus jääb ca 1a kõrgeima taseme lähedale (oranž)

Goldman Sachs prelim Q4 $5.08 vs $4.80 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $8.17 bln vs $7.80 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate
Citigroup prelim Q4 $1.14 vs $1.12 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $17.012 bln vs $17.26 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate
Citigroup prelim Q4 $1.14 vs $1.12 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $17.012 bln vs $17.26 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate
USA inflatsioon kiirenes kütust ja toitu arvestamata detsembris 0,1pp võrra 2,2%le (oodati 2,2%). Oranžiga on tähistatud alusinflatsioon PCE mõõdiku järgi, mida jälgib FED ning see jäi novembri seisuga jätkuvalt alla sihitud 2%

USA tööstustoodang kasvas detsembris oodatust rohkem, millele aitas kaasa elektri ja maagaasi toodangu suurenemine. Töötleva tööstuse toodangu 0,2% kasv jäi 0,4% prognoosile alla.
US Manufacturing Production (MoM) Dec: 0.20% (est 0.40%; prev -0.10%)
US Industrial Production (MoM) Dec: 0.80% (est 0.60%; rev prev -0.70%)
US Manufacturing Production (MoM) Dec: 0.20% (est 0.40%; prev -0.10%)
US Industrial Production (MoM) Dec: 0.80% (est 0.60%; rev prev -0.70%)
Kanada keskpank jättis intressimäära ootuspäraselt 0,5% peale, nendib et globaalse majanduse väljavaate osas pole määramatus kahanenud
The Bank of Canada today announced that it is maintaining its target for the overnight rate at 1/2 per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 3/4 per cent and the deposit rate is 1/4 per cent.
Uncertainty about the global outlook is undiminished, particularly with respect to policies in the United States. The Bank has made initial assumptions about prospective tax policies only, resulting in a modest upward revision to its US growth outlook. Overall, the global economy is strengthening largely as expected and prices of some commodities, including oil, have risen. The rapid back-up in global bond yields, partly reflecting market anticipation of US fiscal expansion, has pulled up Canadian yields relative to the OctoberMonetary Policy Report(MPR).
The Bank of Canada today announced that it is maintaining its target for the overnight rate at 1/2 per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 3/4 per cent and the deposit rate is 1/4 per cent.
Uncertainty about the global outlook is undiminished, particularly with respect to policies in the United States. The Bank has made initial assumptions about prospective tax policies only, resulting in a modest upward revision to its US growth outlook. Overall, the global economy is strengthening largely as expected and prices of some commodities, including oil, have risen. The rapid back-up in global bond yields, partly reflecting market anticipation of US fiscal expansion, has pulled up Canadian yields relative to the OctoberMonetary Policy Report(MPR).
Netflix Q4 Domestic Net Additions 1.93 mln vs 1.45 mln guidance; Q1 guidance is for mln, expectations were for ~1.70 mln; Q3 adds was 0.37 mln
Netflix prelim Q4 $0.15 vs $0.13 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $2.48 bln vs $2.47 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate
Netflix sees Q1 EPS $0.37 vs $0.17 Capital IQ Consensus
NFLX-lt tugev kvartal, aktsia järelkauplemisel +8,5%, @144,6
Netflix prelim Q4 $0.15 vs $0.13 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $2.48 bln vs $2.47 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate
Netflix sees Q1 EPS $0.37 vs $0.17 Capital IQ Consensus
NFLX-lt tugev kvartal, aktsia järelkauplemisel +8,5%, @144,6