Börsipäev 18. aprill

Wachovia upgrades Caterpillar (CAT 67.66) to Outperform from Market Perform, based on a lower probability of a US recession, reacceleration in earnings growth, and a decision to discount their ‘08E $6.40 instead of their ‘07E $5.30.

Montgomery resumes Digene (DIGE 45.30) with a Buy and sets a $55 tgt, as they believe that Digene's strong HPV sales and anticipated EPS leverage over the next several years, which they expect to result in a much higher GAAP EPS growth rate and higher free cash flow, warrant a premium multiple

Baird initiates Alliance Data Systems (ADS 65.69) with an Outperform and sets an $80 tgt, based on co's service offering that positions them to take advantage of the ongoing shift of advertising dollars away from mass media to more targeted and measurable marketing channels, expect cross-selling to be a major growth driver and believe the co is well positioned to be a dominant force in the retail sector through leveraging its unique access to customer purchase data through databases build and managed for private-label clients as well as from recently acquired Abacus.

Goldman downgrades IBM (IBM 97.12) to Neutral from Buy

Credit Suisse downgrades IBM (IBM 97.12) to Neutral from Outperform and cuts their tgt to $100 from $107 following earnings saying they believe the combination of concerns around soft US enterprise spending, execution issues in all 3 of its major segments, and the lack of material upside to consensus EPS ests for FY07 will weigh on the shares for the near future.

J.P Morgan upgrades Intel (INTC 20.98) to Overweight from Neutral

Citigroup kommenteerib Intelit (INTC): Reiterate Intel as Our Top Idea — Armed with an acute inflection in grossmargin, heading into seasonal strength while gaining share, and trading at just14x our 2008 EPS estimate (target multiple is 18x), Intel is well poised for priceappreciation. Noting that sentiment has been decidedly negative, and thatownership analysis suggests Intel is by no means over-owned, we reiterate Intelas our top idea. We look forward to Intel’s May 3rd Analyst Day as a forum forIntel to further drive home its margin inflection story. We raise our price targetto $27 from $26.

Täna hommikul järgmised tulemused:

JP Morgan (JPM) Chase beats by $0.21, ex items; announces $10 bln buyback (50.18 ) Reports Q1 (Mar) earnings of $1.23 per share, excluding an $0.11 gain, $0.21 better than the Reuters Estimates consensus of $1.02; revenues rose 24.6% year/year to $19.74 bln vs the $17.04 bln consensus. Co also announced that the board authorized a new $10 billion common stock repurchase program, replacing the prior $8 billion program that had approximately $850 million of remaining authorization.

Motorola (MOT) beats Reuters consensus by $0.01, in line with First Call, guides Q2 EPS below consensus (17.95 ) Reports Q1 (Mar) earnings of $0.02 per share, excluding non-recurring items, $0.01 better than the Reuters Estimates consensus of $0.01, in line with $0.02 First Call consensus; revenues fell 1.8% year/year to $9.43 bln vs the $9.25 bln consensus. Co reports gross margins of 26% vs 24.5% street expectation; MOT reports handset shipments of 45.4 mln units. Co issues downside guidance for Q2, sees EPS of $0.02-0.03 vs. $0.08 consensus.

Research In Motion (RIMM) eelturul 2% miinuses.

Massive system failure affecting Blackberry users. WNBC.com reports it has learned of a massive system failure affecting all blackberry users in the western hemisphere. Research In Motion said its infrastructure failed around 8 p.m. Tuesday and has been down ever since. E-mails are not being pushed to portable blackberry devices. Officials with RIMM said they are trying to reset the system and told NewsChannel 4 that they are concerned that the backlog of data, which will rush through when it comes back on line, could cause a bigger problem. When the error is corrected, RIMM officials said messages would be sent out in stages so the system does not crash. Officials said the problem would carry into the morning. For the moment, RIMM officials recommend all who depend on their blackberry as a major way of communication should make some back-up plans.
NFLX prelim $0.16 may not be comparable to $0.15 Reuters consensus; revs $305.3 mln vs $304.87 mln Reuters consensus

NFLX sees Q2 revs $303-309 mln vs $314.94 mln Reuters consensus

NFLX sees FY07 revs $1.21-1.26 bln vs $1.30 bln Reuters consensus

NFLX käibeprognoos on küll lahja. "Our first-quarter results were in line with our guidance, but at the low end of the range, reflecting the impact of increased competition," said Reed Hastings, Netflix co-founder and chief executive officer.
Motorola conference call praegu käimas ning aktsia on tasapisi kosuma hakanud. Hetkel räägitakse küll finantstulemustest ja aktsiate tagasiostuprogrammi suurendamisest.
NFLX eelturul 10% miinuses. Kui viimasel ajal mitmed analüüsimajad minetasid konkurentsiprobleemid, siis ilmselt seda teemat käsitletakse nüüdsest ka agaramalt.
AP näeb RIMM-i hinda juba alla 30$ :-))

Shares of Research In Motion Ltd., which owns the Blackberry system, were down 9 percent to $29.20 in premarket trading.
The BlackBerry system suffered a "massive system failure" after infrastructure failed at 8:00 p.m. EDT Tuesday, New York's WNBC NewsChannel4 reported on its Web site. A ZDNet blog also said the trouble began at 8:00 p.m.

Ilmselt see pauk ikka nii suur ei ole, et nüüd ettevõtet jalutuks lüüa. Aga paneb mõtlema küll meie connectivity sõltuvuse peale.
NFLX announced $100 mln buyback. Co sees FY07 subscribers of 7.3-7.8 mln, down from 8.0-8.4 mln.
Citigroup on täna laiaulatusliku downgrade’ide seeriaga väljas nafta teenindajate osas ning on 6-l ettevõttel soovituse alandamas ‘osta’ pealt ‘hoia’ peale. Põhjuseks viimase 3 kuu tugev ralli, mis on aktsiahinnad tõstnud nende seatud hinnasihtide lähedale. Downgrade’i said CAM, DRC, FTI, NOV, SLB ja SII.

Avamere puurijate osas ollakse aga veel jätkuvalt optimistlikud ning ‘osta’ soovitust hoitakse veel nii HAL, BJS, GRP, WFT, PTEN kui ka NBR peal. Citi top pickiks nende hulgast on Halliburton (HAL).
Score Is Tight at Halftime

By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
4/18/2007 8:38 AM EDT
Click here for more stories by Rev Shark

"Any time Detroit scores more than 100 points and holds the other team below 100 points they almost always win."
-- Doug Collins, former NBA basketball player and head coach

The score cards are in, and the first batch of major earnings reports are a mixed bag. While Intel (INTC - commentary - Cramer's Take - Rating) and JPMorgan (JPM - commentary - Cramer's Take - Rating) are strong, Yahoo! (YHOO - commentary - Cramer's Take - Rating) and IBM (IBM - commentary - Cramer's Take - Rating) are disappointing.

Overall the market seems to have had fairly low expectations and simply meeting estimates is apparently enough to hold us aloft for now. Even though the indices have been running hard for a couple of weeks, the "sell the news" reaction is rather mild; but it is still early and the real story won't be known until later.

The market has had tremendous momentum lately, and that does not tend to end easily. Those who have not participated to the degree they would like are anxious to jump on weakness and gain some exposure, and that keeps things running.

On the other hand, the market is becoming extended and is in need of a rest. Earnings often provide a good excuse for taking some profits, which is why the "sell the news" phenomenon occurs so often.

The market presents a particularly difficult predicament right now. The recent strength has made it increasingly difficult to find good entry points but the persistence of the buying makes not buying a questionable proposition. As I've often said, the market has a tendency to mover further than seems reasonable, which means we sometimes have to make unreasonable decisions if we want to profit.

The bulls remain in firm control and even though the economic negatives out there are painfully obvious, they don't matter until they matter. The market is obviously not worried about the laundry list of problems the bears keep pointing out, and therefore we shouldn't be anxious to anticipate when, and if, the market ever will care.

We have a soft open this morning as earnings are digested, but the standard operating procedure lately is to buy any and all weakness. The bears are incapable of pressing their bets because every time they try, they end up as short squeeze stew.

Overseas markets were a bit weak, with the exception of Japan. Oil is down and may be due for some profit-taking, and gold is holding steady. No positions.

Tänasel järelturul tulevad tulemustega Novellus(NLVS), Kraft Foods(KFT), eBay(EBAY), E*TRADE(ETFC) jpt.
Joel, huvitav, mis on Citi target PTEN-ile?
Ants, viimati alandas Citi PTEN hinnasihti $34-lt $31-le.
Iran begins making nuclear fuel in underground uranium enrichment plant, IAEA Paper - Reuters
Homme taas tihe tulemuste päev. Enne turgu teatavad oma majandustulemused Altria(MO), Merck(MRK), Nokia(NOK), Wyeth(WYE), Harley Davidson(HOG), Danaher(DHR) jpt.

MO-lt oodatakse EPSi 1.06; müügitulu 9.166 mld
MRK-lt oodatakse EPSi 0.84; müügitulu 5.4 mld
NOK-lt oodatakse EPSi 0.32; müügitulu 13.27 mld
WYE-lt oodatakse EPSi 0.87; müügitulu 5.21 mld
HOG-lt oodatakse EPSi 0.72; müügitulu 1.11 mld
DHRlt oodatakase EPSi 0.77; müügitulu 2.485 mld