Täna kell 14.30 saame infot USA kinnisvaraturul veebruarikuus toimunu kohta. Väljastatud ehituslubade arvuks oodatakse aasta baasil 500 000 (jaanuaris oli 531 000) ning alustatud uute maja ehituste arvuks aasta baasil 450 000 (jaanuaris oli 466 000). Tootjahinnaindeksilt oodatakse 0.4%list näitu ning tuumikosalt 0.1%.
Hea uudis on see, et väga palju ei saa enam majaehituste arv langeda - juba mõnda aega ehitatakse alla potentsiaalse pikaajalise tarbimismahu, mis aitab vähendada tühjalt seisvate majade varusid.
MANNHEIM, Germany, March 17 (Reuters) - German analyst and investor sentiment on the outlook for Europe's biggest economy rose unexpectedly in March to its highest level in about a year-and-a-half, a leading survey showed on Tuesday. The Mannheim-based ZEW economic think tank's monthly poll of economic sentiment rose to -3.5 from -5.8 in February. It was the highest reading since August 2007, ZEW said. The index was based on a survey of 291 analysts and investors conducted between March 2 and March 16, the ZEW said. The consensus forecast in a Reuters poll of analysts last week was for the headline index to fall to -7.4 from the previous month
potentsiaalse pikaajalise tarbimismahu? Mis mõttes?
Tarbimist-ehitamist ei ole võimalik endises või aina suurenevas mahus jätkata, sest ressursside-maavarade hulk ei suurene. Vastupidi, mida rohkem on ressursse aegade jooksul kaevandatud, seda vähem on neid maapõues järgi ja loomulikult on tulevikus neid sealt aina raskem kätte saada. Tähelepanelik analüütik märkab, et planeedi ressursse tuleb jagada 6 miljardi mitte 60 inimese vahel. Inimese tahtmised ei ole selle planeedi võimalustega kooskõlas. Inimese tahe elamufond iga 25 aasta järel välja vahetada on oma lühinägelikkuses absurdne. Selleks puudub igasugune vajadus. Peame õppima pikaajaliselt mõtlema ja ehitama eluasemeid sajanditeks. Rikkaks saab ressurssidega kokkuhoidlikult ümber käies mitte neid pillates. Vähem rabelemist ja rohkem mõtestatud tegutsemist!
Täna on aga USA-s ja mujal maailmas niisugune kinnisvara üleujutus, et uusehitisteks puudub vajadus järgmise 25 aasta jooksul.
Jah, peame õppima ehitama eluasemeid sajanditeks...kuid ometi pole enamus elumaju Ameerikas sajanditeks ehitatud. Eks eestlased ole ju isegi näinud, kuidas neid papimaju seal üles lüüakse. Tahame seda või mitte, aga kui maja ära laguneb, tuleb see uue vastu vahetada...
Lisaks veel Eesti näide - ega Mustamägi, Lasnamägi Tallinnas või Annelinn Tartus ka sajandeid püsti ei püsi : )
martk, maakera rahvaarv kasvab ÜRO hinnangul praeguselt kuuelt miljardilt inimeselt 2030. aastaks 8,1 miljardile. Kõigile nendele 1,3 miljardile on elukoht juba praegu olemas? Näiteks USA rahvaarv kasvav samal perioodil ca 60 miljoni inimese võrra. Euroopas küll langeb paarikümne võrra.
Kinnisvara üleujutus lähimaks 25 aastaks ? Julge väide, tänapäevase ehituskvaliteedi juures. Pea pool sellest üleujutusest liigitub korrapärase kivihunniku nimetuse alla ja kantakse varem või hiljem lihtsalt maha ...
sahtel, Kõik 6 miljardit ei hakka kunagi omama isikliku autot, kaatrit ja korterit, rääkimata oma majast äärelinnas. Ruutmeetrite arv inimese kohta peab paratamatult vähenema. Teiseks, ei ole võimalik, et inimeste arv Maal kasvab vääramatult ja igavesti. Inimestel on kindlad vajadused ja Maal on piiratud ressursid nende vajaduste rahuldamiseks. Mina ei oska öelda täpset numbrit palju siia ära mahub, kuid see piir on kuskil olemas ja ma kaldun arvama, et mahutavuse lagi saavutatakse veel selle sajandil. Tänu ressursside rekordkiirele hävitamisele tuleb "majandusarengu" mootorid seisata tõenäoliselt ebameeldivalt järsku. Sest asjad, mida me tahame toodetakse asjade arvelt mida me vajame.
Kuhu panna lisanduvad miljardid inimesed? Väga lihtne! Tuleb olemasoleva elamispinnaga hakkama saada. Või kui on liiga kitsas, et lapsi kasvatada, siis ei kasvata. Igal juhul jäävad loodusseadused peale. Kui meid on liiga tihedalt, siis toimib "tugevamad jäävad ellu" seadus.
Kinnisvara üleujutus lähimaks 25 aastaks ? Julge väide, tänapäevase ehituskvaliteedi juures. Pea pool sellest üleujutusest liigitub korrapärase kivihunniku nimetuse alla ja kantakse varem või hiljem lihtsalt maha ...
crom, Väga hea. Ehituskvaliteet on vilets? - nõus. Vahetame viimase 100 aasta jooksul ehitatud elamufondi välja? Väga hea! Ehitame 20 miljardit uut kodu! Vabandage väga, millest? Kust te materjalid saate? Kas nende kätte saamine maapõuest on läinud 100 aasta jooksul lihtsamaks? Kelle tagaõue me üles kaevame, et sinna kaevandus rajada?
Starts were projected to fall to a 450,000 annual pace, according to the median forecast of 71 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. Estimates ranged from 400,000 to 500,000. January's starts were revised up to 477,000 from a previously estimated 466,000. Permits, a sign of future construction, increased 3 percent to a 547,000 annual pace. They were forecast to drop to a 500,000 annual rate, according to the survey median.
Ma nii globaalset ja pikka vaadet ei vaatleks. Ütleks ainult, et viimaste sajandite põhal on inimesed olnud leidlikud ning Malthuse teooria ei ole praktikas paika pidanud..
Mõtlesin pigem seda, et suur osa sellest kraamist mis eluasemeturul sundmüükitest tekib, jääbki realiseerimata ja muutub prahiks.. Inimesed, kui võimalik eelistavad osta uuemat, kvaliteetsemat ja säästlikumat eluaset. Ning see kraam peab alles tulema turule. Vana renoveerimine keskonnasäästlikuks eluasemeks on võimalik ainult teatud piirides..
Onus on the Buyers By Rev Shark RealMoney.com Contributor 3/17/2009 8:53 AM EDT
The loftier the building the deeper the foundation must be. -- Thomas a Kempis
After a rally lasting four days, the market paused slightly on Monday. The mood was quite upbeat at midday with banks leading to the upside once again, but a late pullback in financials and energy coupled with a slow day for technology stocks stopped the winning streak.
While many market players root for the market to go straight up without a rest, that is not the healthiest course of action. A strong market needs to build a strong foundation, which means a series of pullbacks along the way that shake out short-term flippers and weak holders and allows accumulation by bigger money.
It is the process of forming a good base that helps healthy charts to develop. While a good rally is a necessary first step along the way, it is just a first step. The nature of a meaningful market turn is that there is underlying support on pullbacks following first strong rally. It is the buyers who have the confidence to step up when profit-taking and pullbacks set in that determine the health of this market.
Our present market is in the very early stages of trying to develop a meaningful turn. We had the good rally out of very gloomy circumstances, but that is really nothing more than a classic oversold bounce. When things become too negative, we rebound, but many of the people who caught that trade have no interest in sticking around for long. There are also going to be folks who are happy to escape slightly reduced losses, and shorts who are anxious to re-enter positions.
There are a lot of obstacles to rallies when we have suffered a downtrend as ugly as the one we've seen so far this year. We can't trust the upside easily, and that is why we need the buyers to show us that they have some resolve and are going to provide the underlying support that is a foundation to a better market.
A lot of folks are anxious to celebrate the end of the bear market or at least a very good bounce, and who can blame them after the pain we've been through in this market? However, it is important to stay objective and not let our hopes influence our view of what is happening. A better market is going to be a process that takes some time, and this one is still in the very early stages. ----------------------------- Ülespoole avanevad:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SBLK +30.9%, APP +10.4% (light volume), FDS +9.1%, HOGS +4.7%, LCC +3.6% (says March revenue looks better than Jan, Feb - DJ), FRPT +3.5%, CRYP +3.4% (light volume)... Select European financial names showing strength: LYG +4.7%, UBS +4.0%, CS +3.9%, HBC +2.0% (raised to Neutral from Sell by Goldman Sachs- Reuters), DB +1.0%... Select drybulk shipping names ticking higher following SBLK results: EXM +3.8%, DRYS +2.4%... Other news: SFI +23.5% (announced that it has completed a new secured term loan facility and restructuring of its existing unsecured revolving credit facilities), CLNE +8.5% (still checking), CEPH +5.4% (announces "positive results" from a Phase Two study of NUVIGIL in bipolar depression), NU +1.6% (prices 16.5 mln common shares at $20.20/share)... Analyst comments: MCK +2.1% (upgraded to Buy at Citigroup), HD +2.0% (upgraded to Buy at Jefferies), CSCO +1.6% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman- Reuters), SNY +1.5% (initiated with Outperform at Credit Suisse), BBY +1.4% (upgraded to Buy at Jefferies), PAAS +1.1% (light volume; upgraded to Outperform from Sector Perform at CIBC Wrld Mkts).
Allapoole avanevad:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: TXCO -40.7%, ENER -18.6% (says third quarter and full fiscal year 2009 guidance is no longer applicable; also downgraded to Neutral at Merriman, downgraded to Hold at Jefferies and downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Raymond James), SINA -8.3%, NUE -7.7%, EGY -3.1% (light volume)... Select solar names trading lower following ENER commentary: FSLR -3.9%, SPWRA -3.5%... Select iron/steel names trading lower following NUE guidance: AKS -5.7%, X -4.9% , STLD -2.9%... Select metals/mining names showing weakness: MT -4.1% (Not retained any banks to organize rights issue - DJ), RTP -3.4% (says downturn to have material impact on results - DJ), GFI -1.6%, GG -1.5%, HMY -1.4%, GLD -1.1%... Select oil/gas names trading lower: E -2.2%, RDS.A -1.5%, TOT -1.5%... Other news: AA -11.4% (announces a series of operational and financial actions to significantly improve the Company's cost structure and liquidity), WYNN -4.3% (announced that it is commencing a public offering of 7,000,000 shares of its common stock), PAA -3.6% (priced an underwritten public offering of 5 mln common units representing limited partner interests at $36.90 per common unit), DAI -3.4% (still checking), BCS -3.0% (Barclays' price of independence; hard to see iShares fetching as much as 5 bln pounds - Times of London), SOHU -2.6% (Sohu.com to initiate game IPO - JLM Pacific Epoch), AXP -1.9% (FBR expects shares to trade lower following continued deterioration in Trust data), SBUX -1.5% (to present recession strategy - WSJ)... Analyst comments: CA -2.7% (downgraded to Sector Perform at RBC), MS -2.3% (downgraded to Underperform from Buy at BofA/Merrill), GS -1.2% (downgraded to Market Perform at Keefe Bruyette).
Miks ma praegu näen siis sellist infot: Borrower European Community Guarantor The 27 member states Issue Amount 2.0 billion euro Maturity Date November 7, 2014 Coupon 3.25 pct Issue price 99.911 Reoffer price 99.911 Spread 35 basis points Underlying Govt bond Over Mid-swaps,equivalent to 82.4 bp over the 4.25 pct July 2014 DBR Payment Date March 26, 2009 Lead Manager(s) Credit Suisse, HSBC & JPMorgan Ratings Aaa (Moody's), AAA (S&P), AAA (Fitch)
äkki parem formaat ------------------ Borrower: European Community Guarantor: The 27 member states Issue Amount: 2.0 billion euro Maturity Date: November 7, 2014 Coupon: 3.25 pct Issue price: 99.911 Reoffer price: 99.911 Spread: 35 basis points Underlying Govt bond: Over Mid-swaps,equivalent to 82.4 bp over the 4.25 pct July 2014 DBR Payment Date: March 26, 2009 Lead Manager(s): Credit Suisse, HSBC & JPMorgan Ratings: Aaa (Moody's), AAA (S&P), AAA (Fitch)