Inteli tulemused mõeldi siiski meeldivaks, kuigi ettevõtte kasum jäi oodatust madalamaks ja alandati ka järgmise kv. prognoose.
Ilmselt oodati veelgi hullemat, seda näitab ka aktsia suhteliselt madal hinnatase. Kuid tänane optimism on siiski ebaratsionaalne - PC-sektori tervis on ikka väga vilets ja kasvunumbreid näidata väga keeruline. QQQ on eelturul 3% plussis, Intel 5%.
Kuid tänane päev väga oluline, kui terve päev suudetakse ostusurvet hoida, näitaks see lühiajalise langustrendi murdmist. Kui karud haaravad päeva lõpuks ohjad on langustrend endiselt jõus.
RevShark kirjutab'is:
The move straight back up to Nasdaq 5000 obviously starts this morning. We are going to the moon! Get on board the train! There is no stopping this market! Load up now or you will regret it! Or maybe not.
We have some decent earnings reports out there, the technology sector has had pretty good relative strength recently, we are oversold and the shorts have lots of positions to cover so there is some basis for optimism. However, euphoria over a mediocre report from Intel (INTC:Nasdaq) is generally not the sort of thing that causes sustained buying. We are being driven more by a lack of bad news rather than an abundance of good news.
Keep your eye on how fast an initial pullback is bought after the flurry at the open. Are buyers anxiously waiting on the sidelines for slightly better prices or are they staying away completely?
If you are coming into the day with some positions that are gapping up, take some partial profits. If you are coming into the day flat, don't get anxious and chase the open. Stay patient and see how things shape up after the initial excitement wears off.
The move straight back up to Nasdaq 5000 obviously starts this morning. We are going to the moon! Get on board the train! There is no stopping this market! Load up now or you will regret it! Or maybe not.
We have some decent earnings reports out there, the technology sector has had pretty good relative strength recently, we are oversold and the shorts have lots of positions to cover so there is some basis for optimism. However, euphoria over a mediocre report from Intel (INTC:Nasdaq) is generally not the sort of thing that causes sustained buying. We are being driven more by a lack of bad news rather than an abundance of good news.
Keep your eye on how fast an initial pullback is bought after the flurry at the open. Are buyers anxiously waiting on the sidelines for slightly better prices or are they staying away completely?
If you are coming into the day with some positions that are gapping up, take some partial profits. If you are coming into the day flat, don't get anxious and chase the open. Stay patient and see how things shape up after the initial excitement wears off.
...loodetavalt on karud kuumuse eest varjus...ja sinna nad jäägugi!
Dow Jones 6 minutiga +200 punkti kõrgemal eilsest sulgemistasemest.WOW!
Päeva alguse ostusurve on ära vajunud, kuid ka karud on hetkel ettevaatlikud.
Dow Jonesi rõhub Honeywell (HON, -4%), ettevõte teatas, et aasta lõikes ei suudeta kasumiprognoose täita. Uus EPS on $2.25-$2.30 oodati $2.34.
Lisaks on võimas müügisurve Tyco (TYC, -18%) aktsias, aktsia kukkus korraks ka alla 10 USD. Põhjuseks Goldmani negatiivsed kommentaarid (SEC uurib jätkuvalt ettevõtet) ja kuulujutt, et müüki paisati 10 mln. aktsia suurune blokk.
Dow Jonesi rõhub Honeywell (HON, -4%), ettevõte teatas, et aasta lõikes ei suudeta kasumiprognoose täita. Uus EPS on $2.25-$2.30 oodati $2.34.
Lisaks on võimas müügisurve Tyco (TYC, -18%) aktsias, aktsia kukkus korraks ka alla 10 USD. Põhjuseks Goldmani negatiivsed kommentaarid (SEC uurib jätkuvalt ettevõtet) ja kuulujutt, et müüki paisati 10 mln. aktsia suurune blokk.
karud on üles ärgand
Indeksid langesid hetkeks miinusesse ja seejärel kogusid taas jõudu, Dow põrkas põhjast ligemale 100 punkti. Üheks põhjuseks on ringlev kuulujutt, et Osama bin Laden on siiski surnud.
Käive on nii Nasdaqil kui NYSE-l väga korralik. NAZ liigub 2.4 mlrd. aktsia graafikus.
Käive on nii Nasdaqil kui NYSE-l väga korralik. NAZ liigub 2.4 mlrd. aktsia graafikus.