USA aktsiaturud kerkisid eile protsendi jagu, kui oodatust kehvemad jaemüügi numbrid vähendasid turuosaliste silmis tõenäosust, et Fed järgmisel nädalal intressimäära tõstab. Olles eelneval viiel kauplemissessioonil kaotanud 3,4% oma väärtusest, tõusis Stoxx Europe 600 indeks 0,6%.
Inglismaa Keskpank jättis ühehäälselt intressimäärad ning varade ostuprogrammi mahu muutmata, kuid andis mõista, et vajadusel ollakse käesoleval aastal valmis veel intressimäärasid alandama. Keskpanga nõukogu prognooside kohaselt ootab UK majandus aasta teises pooles ees märkimisväärne aeglustumine, kuid siiani on mitmed näitajad osutunud paremaks kui oodatud. Keskpank ootab kolmanda kvartali majanduskasvuks 0,2-0,3%.
Pettumuse valmistas eile avaldatud USA jaemüük, mis langes oodatust rohkem, vähenedes võrreldes juuliga 0,3% (konsensuse ootus -0,1%). Kokku kulutasid tarbijad ühe kuuga $456 miljardit, mida on aastatagusega võrreldes 1,9% rohkem. Käesoleva aasta 8 kuuga on USA jaemüük kasvanud 2,9%. Lisaks vähenenud sõiduautode müügile langes jaemüük veel 12 kategooriast seitsmes. Oodatust kesisem jaemüügi raport võib kaasa tuua kolmanda kvartali SKP ootuste alandamise.
Tänane majanduskalender on üsna USA keskne:
15:30 USA tarbijahinnaindeksi muutus (august)
17:00 Michigani tarbijausaldusindeks (september, esialgne)
Eurotsooni tööjõukulud tõusid teises kvartalis 1% võrreldes aastatagusega. Palgad kasvasid 0,9%, mis on madalaim kasv alates 2010. aasta kolmandast kvartalist ja üsna märkimisväärne aeglustumine esimese kvartali 1,7% kasvutempo pealt.

USA tarbijahinnaindeksi muutus oodatust kõrgem. Võrreldes aastatagusega tõusis tarbijahindade tuumikosa 2,3%.
August Headline CPI M/M +0.2% vs +0.1% consensus
August Core CPI M/M +0.3% vs +0.2% consensus
August Headline CPI M/M +0.2% vs +0.1% consensus
August Core CPI M/M +0.3% vs +0.2% consensus
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
LPTH +14.1%, SANW +8.5%
M&A news:
DEPO +15.3% (higher on light volume on potential sale exploration, according to Reuters exclusive)
Other news:
NAVB +8.7% (confirms Lymphoseek received positive opinion in Europe for a new reduced Mass Vial )
SCOR +6.4% (determines that various prior financial statements should no longer be relied upon)
CAR +4.7% (to join the S&P MidCap 400)
AINV +3% (Apollo Investment expanded the stock repurchase program by $50 mln to $150 mln)
TWTR +3% (contintued strength)
OHGI +2.6% ( enters into securities purchase agreement, agrees to sell an aggregate of 198,413 shares of common stock at $0.63/share )
P +2.2% (Pandora Media and Warner Music Group announce direct licensing agreement)
Analyst comments:
GPRO +3% (initiated with a Buy at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: ORCL -2.7%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness following the DB news (see below):
RBS -5.8%, CS -5.6%, BCS -3.4%, SAN -2.9%, ING -2.4%, PUK -2%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness:
TOT -2.3%, CHK -1.8%, RIG -1.5%, XOM -1.4%, PBR -1.3%, BP -1.3%, RDS.A -1.1%, MRO -1.1%, SLB -1%
Other news:
NVAX -85.4% (Announces Topline RSV F Vaccine Data from Two Clinical Trials in Older Adults; Topline data from the Resolve™ Phase 3 trial did not meet pre-specified efficacy objectives)
CAPR -15.1% (to offer shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering; size not disclosed )
DB -8.8% (proposed $14 bln RMBS Settlement by DOJ)
MGT -7% (following investor presentation / call detailing goals for the next 3-6 months)
VIP -5.8% (offering of 142.5 mln ADSs, by selling shareholders, at $3.50 per ADS)
TVPT -3.6% ( announces underwritten public offering of 7,986,979 common shares by selling shareholders)
SNE -2.8% (still checking)
CALD -2.4% (prices offering of 5.1 mln shares of common stock at $18.25 per share)
SITO -2% (to offer and sell shares of common stock in an underwritten public offering)
NOK -2% (still checking)
AERI -1.7% (commences $50 mln common stock offering; files for share common stock shelf offering for an indeterminate amount)
SAP -1.4% (in sympathy with ORCL)
Analyst comments:
MKC -1.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
FOXA -1.2% (downgraded to Mkt Perform from Outperform at Bernstein)
C -0.9% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
LPTH +14.1%, SANW +8.5%
M&A news:
DEPO +15.3% (higher on light volume on potential sale exploration, according to Reuters exclusive)
Other news:
NAVB +8.7% (confirms Lymphoseek received positive opinion in Europe for a new reduced Mass Vial )
SCOR +6.4% (determines that various prior financial statements should no longer be relied upon)
CAR +4.7% (to join the S&P MidCap 400)
AINV +3% (Apollo Investment expanded the stock repurchase program by $50 mln to $150 mln)
TWTR +3% (contintued strength)
OHGI +2.6% ( enters into securities purchase agreement, agrees to sell an aggregate of 198,413 shares of common stock at $0.63/share )
P +2.2% (Pandora Media and Warner Music Group announce direct licensing agreement)
Analyst comments:
GPRO +3% (initiated with a Buy at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: ORCL -2.7%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness following the DB news (see below):
RBS -5.8%, CS -5.6%, BCS -3.4%, SAN -2.9%, ING -2.4%, PUK -2%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness:
TOT -2.3%, CHK -1.8%, RIG -1.5%, XOM -1.4%, PBR -1.3%, BP -1.3%, RDS.A -1.1%, MRO -1.1%, SLB -1%
Other news:
NVAX -85.4% (Announces Topline RSV F Vaccine Data from Two Clinical Trials in Older Adults; Topline data from the Resolve™ Phase 3 trial did not meet pre-specified efficacy objectives)
CAPR -15.1% (to offer shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering; size not disclosed )
DB -8.8% (proposed $14 bln RMBS Settlement by DOJ)
MGT -7% (following investor presentation / call detailing goals for the next 3-6 months)
VIP -5.8% (offering of 142.5 mln ADSs, by selling shareholders, at $3.50 per ADS)
TVPT -3.6% ( announces underwritten public offering of 7,986,979 common shares by selling shareholders)
SNE -2.8% (still checking)
CALD -2.4% (prices offering of 5.1 mln shares of common stock at $18.25 per share)
SITO -2% (to offer and sell shares of common stock in an underwritten public offering)
NOK -2% (still checking)
AERI -1.7% (commences $50 mln common stock offering; files for share common stock shelf offering for an indeterminate amount)
SAP -1.4% (in sympathy with ORCL)
Analyst comments:
MKC -1.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
FOXA -1.2% (downgraded to Mkt Perform from Outperform at Bernstein)
C -0.9% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
Massive wkly equity fund outflows -$14.4B combined ETF + mf as ETFs which normally are inflows reverse -$9B, esp energy & HY
Massive wkly equity fund outflows -$14.4B combined ETF + mf as ETFs which normally are inflows reverse -$9B, esp energy & HY