Kuigi eilne mitteametlik eurogrupi miiting ei pidanukski lõppema otsusega Kreekat uue abipaketiga toetada, siis turuosalised vähemalt lootsid kuulda, et finantsministrid seisavad üksmeelselt selle poolt. Tegelikkuses puudus isegi selles osas konsensus, mistõttu on oht, et kokkuleppe saavutamine võib juuni lõpu asemel lükkuda juulisse. Euro on nende sõnumite peale kauplemas dollari vastu -0,4% madalamal ning USA indeksite futuurid pärast eilset positiivset päeva liikumas 0,4% punases.
Arengud Kreeka osas jäävad tõenäoliselt domineerima sentimenti, kuigi ka tänasel Ecofin kohtumisel laenupaketi täpsemate detailide avalikustamist ei oodata. Selle kõrval võiks makrost teatud huvi pakkuda Suurbritannia maikuu töötuabiraha taotlused (kell 11.30), eurotsooni aprilli tööstustoodangu muutus (kell 12.00), USA maikuu tarbijahinnaindeks (kl 15.30), Empire state töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (kell 15.30) ja mai tööstustoodang (kell 16.15).
Täna peaks sümboli P all kauplemist alustama internetiraadio ettevõte Pandora, mille märkimishinnaks kujunes $16, mis teeb ettevõtte väärtuseks ca $2.5 miljardit. Eelmisel nädalal prognoosis Pandora IPO hinnavahemikuks $10-$12. Kokku müüakse pakkumise käigus 14.68 miljonit aktsiat. Pandoral oli aprilli seisuga enam kui 90 miljonit kasutajat, kusjuures enamus nendest kasutab internetiraadio teenust tasuta. 87% müügituludest tuli 31. jaanuaril lõppenud majandusaastal reklaamist. Ettevõte käive oli $137.8 miljonit ning kahjum $1.76 miljonit. Aprillis lõppenud kvartalis suurenesid müügitulud enam kui kaks korda, ulatudes $51 miljonini ning kahjumiks oli $6.75 miljonit vs $3 miljoni suurune kahjum aasta tagasi. Pandora sõnul tegutsetakse ka käesoleval majandusaastal kahjumis. Pandora suurimaks kuluartikliks on muusikalitsentside ostmine, mis moodustab ca 50% käibest. (link)
Täna on müügisurve all Prantsusmaa pangad, sest Moody’s Investors Service ütles, et võib langetada Kreeka võlakriisi tõttu BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole ja Societe Generale kreediidireitngut. Bank of International Settlementsi andmetel on Prantsusmaa pankadel kõige rohkem Kreeka võlga ehk $56.7 miljardit, Saksamaa vastav näitaja on $33.97 miljardit. Kõik kolm panka on varasemalt öelnud, et tulevad Kreeka võlakirjadest saadava potentsiaalse kahjumiga toime. BNP Paribas kauples 1.9% madalamal, Credit Agricole ja Societe Generale langesid vastavalt 1.5% ja 1.7%. (link)
Business Insider on järjestanud Euroopa Liidu riigid, kus maksustatakse ettevõtte tulusid kõige kõrgemalt ja toonud välja kümme kõige kõrgema maksumääraga riiki, kuhu paraku kuulub ka Eesti.
Suurbritannia maikuu töötuabiraha taotlejate arv kasvas 19,6K võrra vs oodatud 6,5K. Eelmise kuu näit korrigeeriti 12,4K pealt üles 16,9K peale. Claimant töötusmäär jäi vastavalt ootustele püsima 4,6% peale. GBPUSD kaupleb 0,3% madalamal $1,6320 taseme juures.
Nelli, mis seal viriseda? Meie oma peaminister ju ütles, et me oleme teel põhjamaise heaoluriigi suunas! :-D
Eurotsooni aprillikuu tööstustoodang +0,2% vs oodatud -0,2% (M/M) ja 5,2% vs oodatud 4,8% (Y/Y). Euro on praeguseks hetkeks andnud ära kogu kahepäevase tõusu ja kaupleb 0,7% madalamal $1,4335 juures.
Karumõmm, ega ma ei virisegi, Business Insideri loos oli väike rahulolematuse noot sees. :)
Doug Kassi soovitus tänaseks kauplemispäevaks:
The quality and character of the market rally yesterday was poor. Stay conservative and oppurtunistic.
The quality and character of the market rally yesterday was poor. Stay conservative and oppurtunistic.
Eilses börsipäevas sai mainitud Sino-Foresti (SNOFF) 1Q11 tulemusi - Seekingalpha'st saab lugeda, kuidas Muddy Waters on Sino-Foresti tulemusi kommenteerides ettevaatlikumaks muutunud.
S&P langetas Hiina kinnisvarasektori "stable" pealt "negative" peale. Reitinguagentuur viitas analüüsis krediidi tingimuste karmistumisele ning müügi aeglustumisele. Mäletatavasti tegi sama käigu juba aprillikuus Moody's. Samas teatas S&P, et mitme Hiina arendaja krediidireitingut võidakse 6-12 kuu jooksul langetada. Probleemid Hiina kinnisvarasektoris ei ole aga investoritele suur üllatus ehk suurt reaktsiooni uudisele ilmselt ei järgne.
Sino Foresti aktsia on tänaseks pärast Muddy Watersi raportit langenud ca 83%. Kuigi analüütikud näevad tõsist vaeva, et kõiki "süüdistusi" analüüsida ning neid ettevõtte väärtuse hindamisel arvesse võtta, siis paraku Sino Foresti võlakirjade omanikele on olukord veelgi ebaselgem. Hea ülevaate teemast täna kirjutanud FT Tilt (vaja on registreerida).
Ettevõte on väljastanud viis tavalist ja konventeeritavat võlakirja - ühe võlakirja abil tõsteti vähemalt $350 miljonit kapitali (välja arvatud üks võlakiri), mis on viimaste nädalate jooksul kaubelnud suure diskontoga. 31. märtsi seisuga oli Sino Foresti rahapositsiooniks $1.09 miljardit (vähemalt väidetavalt), mis oleks piisav summa augustis aeguva $600 miljonilise võla kustutamiseks. Kuna rahapositsiooni suurus on nii mõnegi analüütiku poolt tõsise kahtluse alla seatud, siis võlakirja õiglase väärtuse hindamine on leebelt öeldes õudusunenägu. Nomura kirjutab 7. juunil väljastatud raportis, et kuna Sino Forest kulutas Q1 jooksul $165 miljonit raha, siis trendi jätkudes võib lähiajal tekkida ettevõttel makseraskus (praeguses olukorras on ka võlakirjade väljastamine sisuliselt välistatud). Sino Foresti rahapositsioon väljaspool Hiinat on ca $697 miljonit, kuid võlakohustuste suuruseks $2.1 miljardit. Kui arvestada kõige positiivsema stsenaariumiga, siis võivad investorid Nomura sõnul oodata $0.53 iga laenatud dollari kohta. Samas, kui ettevõtte istandused on väärt vaid 10% raporteeritust (Muddy Waters), siis võivad investorid iga laenatud dollarist tagasi saada ca $0.23.
Sino Foresti võlakirjad (FT Tilt, Bloomberg)
Ettevõte on väljastanud viis tavalist ja konventeeritavat võlakirja - ühe võlakirja abil tõsteti vähemalt $350 miljonit kapitali (välja arvatud üks võlakiri), mis on viimaste nädalate jooksul kaubelnud suure diskontoga. 31. märtsi seisuga oli Sino Foresti rahapositsiooniks $1.09 miljardit (vähemalt väidetavalt), mis oleks piisav summa augustis aeguva $600 miljonilise võla kustutamiseks. Kuna rahapositsiooni suurus on nii mõnegi analüütiku poolt tõsise kahtluse alla seatud, siis võlakirja õiglase väärtuse hindamine on leebelt öeldes õudusunenägu. Nomura kirjutab 7. juunil väljastatud raportis, et kuna Sino Forest kulutas Q1 jooksul $165 miljonit raha, siis trendi jätkudes võib lähiajal tekkida ettevõttel makseraskus (praeguses olukorras on ka võlakirjade väljastamine sisuliselt välistatud). Sino Foresti rahapositsioon väljaspool Hiinat on ca $697 miljonit, kuid võlakohustuste suuruseks $2.1 miljardit. Kui arvestada kõige positiivsema stsenaariumiga, siis võivad investorid Nomura sõnul oodata $0.53 iga laenatud dollari kohta. Samas, kui ettevõtte istandused on väärt vaid 10% raporteeritust (Muddy Waters), siis võivad investorid iga laenatud dollarist tagasi saada ca $0.23.
Sino Foresti võlakirjad (FT Tilt, Bloomberg)

Lisan siia viitega ka veidi tänast statistikat, mis on viinud ES futuuri eelturul -1,0% jagu punasesse
June Empire Manufacturing -7.8 vs 10.0 Briefing.com consensus; May 11.9
May Core CPI M/M +0.3% vs +0.1% Briefing.com consensus
May CPI M/M +0.2% vs +0.1% Briefing.com consensus
June Empire Manufacturing -7.8 vs 10.0 Briefing.com consensus; May 11.9
May Core CPI M/M +0.3% vs +0.1% Briefing.com consensus
May CPI M/M +0.2% vs +0.1% Briefing.com consensus
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: KFY +4.5% (ticking higher), CLC +2.7%.
M&A news: DST +5.2% (light volume; move attributed to M&A speculation).
A few rare earth names are ticking higher following REE news: REE +8.1% (reports upgrade and significant increase of rare-earth mineral resources at Bear Lodge), AVL +2.3%, MCP +1.5%.
Other news: CNTF +9.2% (announced it will launch a new mobile social media solution in China called "17Talk", along with "17Store", through its subsidiary TechFaith Software China, a joint venture co with QUALCOMM), MY +6.7% (gains access to rare earth resources, further integrates upstream supply chain).
Analyst comments: FIG +4.6% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: KFY +4.5% (ticking higher), CLC +2.7%.
M&A news: DST +5.2% (light volume; move attributed to M&A speculation).
A few rare earth names are ticking higher following REE news: REE +8.1% (reports upgrade and significant increase of rare-earth mineral resources at Bear Lodge), AVL +2.3%, MCP +1.5%.
Other news: CNTF +9.2% (announced it will launch a new mobile social media solution in China called "17Talk", along with "17Store", through its subsidiary TechFaith Software China, a joint venture co with QUALCOMM), MY +6.7% (gains access to rare earth resources, further integrates upstream supply chain).
Analyst comments: FIG +4.6% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse).
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CPST -8.2%, MCZ -7.2%, OI -6.7%, SMG -4.9%.
Select financial related names showing weakness: NBG -4.6%, STD -2.5%, BCS -2.4%, BBVA -2.2%, HBC -2%, CS -1.6%, DB -1.4%, UBS -1%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: SDRL -2.5%, E -2.3%, TOT -1.9%, STO -1.8%, BP -1.3%, RDS.A -1.2%.
Other news: AVEO -8.3% (commenced an underwritten public offering of shares of its common stock), RITT -7.3% (modestly pulling back from yesterday's 5+ point surge higher), BBEP -5.8% (Quicksilver Resources announces commencement of public offering for 7 mln units of Breitburn Energy Partners L.P.), ADLR -4.6% (announces agreement to acquire full ownership of ENTEREG), NOK -4.2% (still checking for anything specific), SPWRA -2.8% (following TOT tender offer expiration), CCL -2.2% (still checking), ATPG -1.7% (announces public offering of $150 mln convertible perpetual preferred stock), QGEN -0.8% (makes proposal to fully acquire Ipsogen; expected to be slightly dilutive to adjusted EPS in 2012, but accretive to adjusted EPS beginning in 2013).
Analyst comments: MYGN -9.1% (downgraded to Hold at Auriga), SOL -2.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Macquarie).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CPST -8.2%, MCZ -7.2%, OI -6.7%, SMG -4.9%.
Select financial related names showing weakness: NBG -4.6%, STD -2.5%, BCS -2.4%, BBVA -2.2%, HBC -2%, CS -1.6%, DB -1.4%, UBS -1%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: SDRL -2.5%, E -2.3%, TOT -1.9%, STO -1.8%, BP -1.3%, RDS.A -1.2%.
Other news: AVEO -8.3% (commenced an underwritten public offering of shares of its common stock), RITT -7.3% (modestly pulling back from yesterday's 5+ point surge higher), BBEP -5.8% (Quicksilver Resources announces commencement of public offering for 7 mln units of Breitburn Energy Partners L.P.), ADLR -4.6% (announces agreement to acquire full ownership of ENTEREG), NOK -4.2% (still checking for anything specific), SPWRA -2.8% (following TOT tender offer expiration), CCL -2.2% (still checking), ATPG -1.7% (announces public offering of $150 mln convertible perpetual preferred stock), QGEN -0.8% (makes proposal to fully acquire Ipsogen; expected to be slightly dilutive to adjusted EPS in 2012, but accretive to adjusted EPS beginning in 2013).
Analyst comments: MYGN -9.1% (downgraded to Hold at Auriga), SOL -2.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Macquarie).
Failed Bounces
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
6/15/2011 8:39 AM EDT
I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
Since the top on May 1, the market has suffered four failed bounces. One bounce lasted four days, two of the bounces lasted two days and the bounce this past Thursday lasted just one day.
Yesterday we started our fifth bounce within this downtrend -- can we trust this one to last for long? Early indications this morning aren't providing much optimism. We are gapping down rather aggressively primarily due to a weaker euro, which is being caused by downgrades of French banks with exposure to Greek debt.
While many are anxiously looking for more upside, there was nothing particularly special about yesterday's bounce. We were technically oversold, sentiment had become quite gloomy and conditions were ripe for some sort of relief. Although we had a pretty good point gain and breadth was very strong, volume was light and there were just a lot of reflexive rebounds in broken stocks. There was no big rush by institutional buyers to put cash to work. It was just very routine action after some very steady selling pressure.
One interesting thing about the action yesterday was that there seemed to be a greater number of folks proclaiming that we have now made a lasting bottom. That is probably because they are just tired of this six-week-long correction and think that it is reasonable and sensible that it come to an end at this point. There really is nothing out there right now to suggest that we have made a lasting low, other than hope that it is so. The downtrend is still fully intact, and that needs to be respected.
While it definitely is possible that yesterday's bounce will gain some further traction, the percentages favor the view that this is going to be just another failed bounce within a downtrend. The fact that we are gapping down this morning and are already under yesterday's opening levels sure isn't helping the situation.
It is natural to feel a sense of relief when the market finally bounces after a long downtrend, as it did yesterday, but too many market players are too quick to sound the "all clear" when that happens. They end up finding themselves trapped when the bounce fails, and that just makes the downtrend worse as they look for a way to escape. Market bottoms usually require some back-and-forth action. It is rare that we bounce and just go straight back up, although that was a consistent pattern the past couple years.
At this point we have to maintain a high level of skepticism about the market's ability to bounce further. I thought we might be able to run for another day or two, but the problems in Europe are turning us back quickly. Market players are going to give up out of disgust and dismay if the market can't manage more upside than this, and if we don't find some support pretty quickly this morning, they are going to head for the exits again.
We'll see if there are any dip-buyers around after we open, but this early action suggests that stuck longs are already anxious to cut their exposure. Be very careful out there.
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
6/15/2011 8:39 AM EDT
I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
Since the top on May 1, the market has suffered four failed bounces. One bounce lasted four days, two of the bounces lasted two days and the bounce this past Thursday lasted just one day.
Yesterday we started our fifth bounce within this downtrend -- can we trust this one to last for long? Early indications this morning aren't providing much optimism. We are gapping down rather aggressively primarily due to a weaker euro, which is being caused by downgrades of French banks with exposure to Greek debt.
While many are anxiously looking for more upside, there was nothing particularly special about yesterday's bounce. We were technically oversold, sentiment had become quite gloomy and conditions were ripe for some sort of relief. Although we had a pretty good point gain and breadth was very strong, volume was light and there were just a lot of reflexive rebounds in broken stocks. There was no big rush by institutional buyers to put cash to work. It was just very routine action after some very steady selling pressure.
One interesting thing about the action yesterday was that there seemed to be a greater number of folks proclaiming that we have now made a lasting bottom. That is probably because they are just tired of this six-week-long correction and think that it is reasonable and sensible that it come to an end at this point. There really is nothing out there right now to suggest that we have made a lasting low, other than hope that it is so. The downtrend is still fully intact, and that needs to be respected.
While it definitely is possible that yesterday's bounce will gain some further traction, the percentages favor the view that this is going to be just another failed bounce within a downtrend. The fact that we are gapping down this morning and are already under yesterday's opening levels sure isn't helping the situation.
It is natural to feel a sense of relief when the market finally bounces after a long downtrend, as it did yesterday, but too many market players are too quick to sound the "all clear" when that happens. They end up finding themselves trapped when the bounce fails, and that just makes the downtrend worse as they look for a way to escape. Market bottoms usually require some back-and-forth action. It is rare that we bounce and just go straight back up, although that was a consistent pattern the past couple years.
At this point we have to maintain a high level of skepticism about the market's ability to bounce further. I thought we might be able to run for another day or two, but the problems in Europe are turning us back quickly. Market players are going to give up out of disgust and dismay if the market can't manage more upside than this, and if we don't find some support pretty quickly this morning, they are going to head for the exits again.
We'll see if there are any dip-buyers around after we open, but this early action suggests that stuck longs are already anxious to cut their exposure. Be very careful out there.
May Industrial Production +0.1% vs +0.2% Briefing.com consensus; April revised to 0.0% from 0.0%
May Capacity Utilization 76.7% vs 77.0% Briefing.com consensus; April revised to 76.7% from 76.9%
May Capacity Utilization 76.7% vs 77.0% Briefing.com consensus; April revised to 76.7% from 76.9%
Pandora (P) hetkel kauplemas ca 43% plussis ehk $23 piirimail (IPO $16).

Jim Cramer: "...but Pandora is the kind of potential red-flag deal that makes me nervous, because we have managed to take out some of the froth of this market in the 7% pullback. It doesn't need more froth now."

Jim Cramer: "...but Pandora is the kind of potential red-flag deal that makes me nervous, because we have managed to take out some of the froth of this market in the 7% pullback. It doesn't need more froth now."
Võibolla on turuosalised ajendatud sellest:
Pandora initiated with a Buy at Maxim
Maxim is forecasting Pandora users to increase 52% year-over-year to 44M in FY12 and 26% to 55M in FY13. Target $23. They forecast listener hours to increase 100% year-over-year to 7.6B hours in FY12 and 45% to 11B in FY13. They expect FY12 revenue to grow 91% to $263M and FY13 by 56% to $410M. Price target is $23
Pandora initiated with a Buy at Maxim
Maxim is forecasting Pandora users to increase 52% year-over-year to 44M in FY12 and 26% to 55M in FY13. Target $23. They forecast listener hours to increase 100% year-over-year to 7.6B hours in FY12 and 45% to 11B in FY13. They expect FY12 revenue to grow 91% to $263M and FY13 by 56% to $410M. Price target is $23
jaan71, omaltpoolt lisan ühe katkendi.
"When asked if they'll be able to say P is profitable 5 years from now, P CEO on CNBC says they're not putting any time frame on any of the financial milestones."
Maxim Group jäi oma optimistliku prognoosiga ka mulle silma. Tulude ja kasumi prognoosimine on vägagi loominguline tegevus, kui ettevõte ise ka ei tea, mida järgmised 5 aastat tuua võivad.
"When asked if they'll be able to say P is profitable 5 years from now, P CEO on CNBC says they're not putting any time frame on any of the financial milestones."
Maxim Group jäi oma optimistliku prognoosiga ka mulle silma. Tulude ja kasumi prognoosimine on vägagi loominguline tegevus, kui ettevõte ise ka ei tea, mida järgmised 5 aastat tuua võivad.